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Thursday, February 7,2013
The Warning Of Apostasy
The word “apostasy” im
plies a repudiation of that
which was formerly pro
fessed, or a total desertion of
the faith! It further implies
that the faith which was de
serted had been fully estab
lished and that the apostasy
in question was simply the
repudiation or abandonment
of that faith or the principles
upon which it rested.
One has only to read the
Bible, as a matter of history,
in order to see that apostasies
have been the common lot of
the human race. Even Adam
and Eve, soon after the begin
ning of time in Genesis were
led astray and set the way for
future generations of people
to be tempted beyond what
they could resist. The fact
that more than half a mil
lion people fell from God’s
grace and as a result died in
the wilderness during the
forty years wandering under
Moses’ leadership should be
ample proof that it is possible
for people to fall from God’s
grace (Heb. 3:12-19).
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The warning, “lest anyone
fall according to the same ex
ample of disobedience,” giv
en in Heb. 4:11b should cause
us to realize it is possible to
fall from God’s grace! Some
teach today that one cannot
fall from God’s grace, but is
this truly what God teaches
us through the inspired apos
tles in His holy word, the Bi
ble? Paul, the great man of
God that he was, knew that he
could be rejected of God be
cause he said in 1 Cor. 9:27,
“But I discipline my body
and bring it into subjection,
lest, when I have preached
to others I myself should be
come disqualified.” He cited
the example of God’s people
under the Old Covenant who
were saved from the bond
age of slavery in Egypt (Ex.
14:30), but who did not enter
the promised land because of
their idolatry, immorality, and
unbelief (1 Cor. 10:1-12)...
’’now all these things hap
pened to them as examples;
and they were written for
our admonition... therefore
let him who thinks he stands
take heed lest he fall.” Paul
was fully aware of the dan
gers of God’s people falling
away from Him; therefore he
cited this Old Testament ex
ample in 1 Corinthians 10
In the church at Laodicea
we have an example of apos
tasy in the New Testament,
which, if not corrected, would
cause all those connected
with it to be lost forever (Rev.
3:14-22). They were children
of God and He was chasten
ing them, for this is how God
treats His children (Heb.
12:7-11). Because they were
lukewarm God said He would
spit them out (or vomit them)
unless they repented. Jesus
said in Luke 13:3-5, “I tell
you, no: but unless you repent
you will all likewise perish.
Or those eighteen on whom
the tower in Siloam fell and
killed them, do you think that
they were worse sinners than
all other men who dwelt in
Jerusalem? I tell you, no; but
unless you repent you will all
likewise perish.” So if these
children of God did not re
pent, their fate was to perish.
Christians today need to
heed the warnings provided
by God, “therefore let him
who thinks he stands take
heed lest he fall”. This is ad
dressed to children of God
who should be careful to be
honest, upright and faithful
in their worship of God but
do not think it worthwhile to
be careful about the doctrine
they practice or that is prac
ticed by others. Many seem
to think moral goodness is
James Earnhardt
Evangelist Church of
enough for their salvation re
gardless of how many false
doctrines they believe and
teach, however in Matthew
7:21-23 Jesus said, “Not ev
eryone who says to Me, Lord,
Lord, shall enter the king
dom of heaven, but he who
does the will of My Father
in heaven. Many will say to
Me in that day, Lord, Lord,
have we not prophesied in
Your name, cast out demons
in Your name, and done many
wonders in Your name? And
then I will declare to them, I
never knew you; depart from
Me, you who practice law
lessness!” God does not lie,
heed His warnings!
Bible quotations are from
the New King James Version
unless otherwise stated For
questions or comments please
contact James Earnhardt at
Such a title may be prema
ture, timely, or greatly tardy-
-but does imply an ending to
a dastardly deed by terrorists;
and an irrevocable error by
the ’’home team”! Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton was
interviewed on January 22;
and hammered (somewhat)
by both the Senatorial Com
mittee, and the House For
eign Relations Committee; as
to exactly ’’what went down”
at Benghazi. Anticipated gen
eral questions were put forth;
but as expected, an extensive
inquiry was distinctly miss
Since we, as a nation, are still
extremely troubled by the loss
of four patriotic Americans;
the superficial hearing was a
disappointment for most citi
zens—for critical information
is still being ’’shelved”!
This inquiry by Legisla
tive Investigators, and the
obvious result; may well put
the fundamental quagmire to
rest. An interagency investi
gation was held weeks ago,
where a handful of ’’State Of
ficials” were determined to
have been professionally neg
ligent, and relieved of specif
ic portfolios-and transferred
within the Department. The
present hearings will only be
extended by some very deter
mined voices in governmen
tal leadership; which means
that our Senior Executives
have essentially been given
a ’’pass”! It is tragic, that a
number of deficits are fairly
obvious. Numerous items of
critical information is still
sorely needed; such as solid
reasons why there existed
only minimal protection for
our Ambassador (and assis
tants/guards); a breakdown
in Intelligence data; an appar
ent negligence in imperative
communications; a lack of
coordination with peripheral
Departments, overall Nation
al Leadership—and last, but
not least; reasons why there
was no Military response.
Daniel W. Gatlyn,
USN Ret., Minister/
There have been multiple
(and inconsistent) voices to
speak concerning the inabili
ties of our Military Forces to
adequately respond.
To be sure, in our demand
ing world , there exists many
intolerable circumstances—
but to insist that we could not
mount a ’’respectable retalia
tion” within twelve hours, is
clearly ’’off the charts”; for
our fastest war planes can now
reach the farthermost point
on the globe, from any loca
tion; within the twelve hour
frame. Such failure would
point to inadequate planning
and timely preparation!
To press the point, most
models of armed aircraft
within the past twenty years,
can easily exceed 1,500 MPH;
and deliver a meaningful pay
load with pin point accuracy!
All regimented minds are dis
tinctly aware of this. Cruise
missiles, Smart Bombs, and
other sophisticated weapon
are also part of our arsenal. If
in fact, we could not respond
in kind; the ’’short changed”
planning and logistical dimen
sions would be laid at the feet
of the Commander in Chief,
and/or Military Commanders.
We are eons removed from
the sinking of Lusitania, and
the tragedy of Pearl Harbor-
-and supposedly have been
enlightened on prevention!
Someone ’’dropped the ball”!
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Demetrius Monterrell
B/M DOB 12-11-75
Age 37 508 165 lbs.
Wanted by the Bibb
County Sheriffs Office for
Armed Robbery.
Joseph Walter Pagan:
W/M DOB 07-22-73
Age 39 510 150 lbs.
Wanted by the Baldwin
County Sheriffs Office for
Armed Robbery.
Joseph Lee Pagan:
W/M DOB 02-17-95
Age 17 511 142 lbs.
Wanted by the Baldwin
County Sheriffs Office for
Armed Robbery.
Willie Lee Royal:
B/M DOB 04-21-58
Age 54 507 175 lbs.
Wanted by the Macon Police
Department for Kidnapping
Family Violence.
Diana Gaberilla Kennedy:
B/F DOB 04-25-74
Age 38 501 160 lbs.
Wanted by the Bibb
County Sheriffs Office for
Armed Robbery.
Kimberly Patrice Powell:
B/F DOB 08-27-84
Age 28 505 135 lbs.
Wanted by the Macon
Police Department for
Terroristic Threats.