Newspaper Page Text
Opinions expressed by writers on this page are their
own and not necessarily those of The Georgia Post
CODE OF ETHICS: Seek Truth & Report It - Minimize Harm -
Act Independently - Be Accountable.
Where the press is free and every man able to read, all is
safe. - Thomas Jefferson
You Can Write
A Letter
Editor, The Georgia Post:
An open letter to Abby Ad
ams: Reference your column,
”No Disrespect Meant, But,” of
January 31. You stated your case
eleoquenty. You have no need to
apologize to anyone.
As an adjunct, an open letter
to those of you who objected
to her column of the previous
week. Get over it. It was on
the Viewpoints Page. If your
opinion differs from that of
Ms. Adams, write a letter to die
editor. And if it appears in die
paper, know diat you will have
stated your case and will have
earned die respect of most read
ers, including me, for having
done so.
RPD Says
Thank You
Robert L. Lehane
Editor, The Georgia Post:
The Roberta Police Depart
ment would like to diank die
following businesses and
individuals for dieir generous
contributions to die DARE Pro
gram. Widiout diese donations,
tiie program would not have
been possible.
Bob Cabe
C & H Hardware
Rana’s Package Store
Rana’s Valero
Ray Smith
Melvin Blasingame
Best Deals on Furniture
Roberta Drugs
Roberta Auto Sales
Tommy Hortman Denture
Cabinetry by Evans
Baker Value
MRS Automotive
AUM Food Mart
Terry Spivey
Hudson’s BBQ
Kiwanis Club
Carter’s Propane
Kathleen Cook
Melinda Home
Georgia Power
R Jacobs Insurance
Crawford Comity Farm Bureau
Turner’s Wings
How Much Is
Too Much?
Wes Griffis
Editor, The Georgia Post:
To those of you tiiat ask, who
needs a so-called assault weapon
or a 30 round magazine? Or
tiiink a pistol or hunting rifle
is sufficient to defend against
How much is too much when
it comes to defending yourself
or your family? Would you
rather have 20 rounds too many?
Or have one round too few?
Do you tiiink someone with
intentions of doing you harm
is going to stand still while you
look down a barrel and take aim
so you can shoot diem? Or do
you tiiink you are John Wayne
or Dirty Harry and can stand
calmly in die face of fire and not
waste a shot or two? Or do you
just believe it will never happen
to you and tiierefore it couldn’t
possibly happen to anyone else?
The reason people need 30
round magazines is because tiiey
can’t get 50. A hunting rifle is
just diat, for hunting, not self-
defense, and pistols, though tiiey
can be effective, are limited in
bodi range and capacity.
So while you may draw a line
on die defense of you and your
family, why would you insist
others tow tiiat same line?
Harvey Smchidt
A Pledge For
Editor, The Georgia Post:
If a candidate for die next
presidential election, whether
Democrat or Republican, has the
courage to take die following
pledge, I am certain he or she
would be elected in a landslide
and tiiis country could once
again become die United States
of America.
20/4 Pledge
I hereby pledge diat witiiin
my first four years as president,
I will:
* Reduce die size of die federal
government by 20 percent.
* Reduce die national debt by
20 percent.
* Reduce homicides by 20
* Raise die employment rate by
20 percent.
If diis pledge is not fulfilled
by die end of my first term, I
will not be a candidate for a
second term.
We know diese goals are
obtainable, but only by a person
willing to risk his political future
to reach diem. Hope you tiiink
tiiis is worthy of an answer.
~ Quotable Quote ~
Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are
rude to you - not because they are nice, but because
you are. ~.Author Unknown
Groundhogs Differ On Predictions
It seems Punxsutawney
Phil from Philadelphia and
General Beauregard Lee of
Atlanta, contradicted each
other on whether or not to
expect more weeks of win
ter or an early spring. While
these two are the most fa
mous ones, other places also
have their weather predictors
as well and if you count them
all, they all are in contradic
tion with some agreeing with
Phil, others with Beauregard.
Checking their records, it
seems General Lee has been
wrong just once and that was
when everyone got it wrong
and we had a snow storm.
Phil did not see his shadow
which is supposed to mean
an early spring. Lee saw his
shadow which means six
more weeks of winter. With
the crazy weather we are hav
ing lately, they both could be
right about their perspective
areas. In the south we have
had winter storms as late as
March and that is nothing
new. Those of us raised in
the south, know the weather
can be unpredictable at best.
I would love for Phil to
be right as I am not a cold
weather person and never
have been either. I do not like
to wear heavy coats or to put
on layers of clothing to keep
warm. I love the spring and
would be happy living where
it is spring like weather year
round. My hubby, on the
other hand, likes the cold.
But given his reputation, I
will have to say General Lee
is most likely right. Even the
National Weather Service
commended Beau for his
prediction accuracy. Beau
retired in 1998 and Beaure
gard has continued the fam
ily legacy.
Oh, for the life of a ground
hog. Beauregard lives a life
of luxury and only works on
February 2nd each year when
he is burdened with predict
ing the weather for the next
six weeks.
Never mind the weather
predictions, I can not believe
we are already in Febru
ary. February the month of
love, Heart Health and Black
History also has Fincoln’s
birthday (12th which is also
Mardi Gras) and President’s
Day (18th). Ash Wednesday
is the 13th and Washington’s
birthday (22nd).
There are also other obser
vances with which you might
not be so familiar. These in
clude Dump Your Significant
Jerk Week which is week be
fore Valentine’s for a reason;
Jello Week (10-16); Interna
tional Friendship Week (4-8);
National Pancake WEek (10-
16); Random Acts of Kind
ness Week (10-16); National
Justice ofAnimals Week (17-
23); Texas Cowboy Poetry
Week (22-24) and National
Secondhand Wardrobe Week
(begins 24th).
There are some special
days as well like Ice Cream
for Breakfast Day, which by
the way, was also on Ground
hog Day (2nd). February 7th
is Wave All Your Fingers at
Your Neighbor’s Day which
we do every day in the South.
February 8th is Faugh and
Get Rich Day. National Stop
Bullying Day is February 9th
and whether you know it or
not, bullying happens right
here in Crawford County.
That day is also Read in the
Bathtub Day. Get our your
white shirts as Feb. 11th is
White Shirt Day, along with
Clean Out Your Computer
Day. If you believe in extra-
Kindness Is The Best Answer
Sometimes things that hap
pen around you warm your
heart to the goodness in man
kind. Sometimes you find
yourself to be part of that
warmth and feel great know
ing that maybe, just maybe,
you made a difference in
someone’s life.
I believe wholly and fully
in helping someone when you
can. Whether it be with some
loose change in my pocket
thrown into the Salvation
Army bucket at Christmas
time or a dollar given to some
one down on their luck, I try
my best to help where I can.
I’ve had two incidents lately
to help and one showed me
the goodness of the people in
my community.
The first incident was on a
Saturday at the Warner Robins
Walmart. My husband has al
ways warned me about people
asking for money in the park
ing lot and tells me to try to
stay away from the swindlers
who ask for money to buy gas
for the family (who are usually
nowhere around to be seen) to
get back home. I usually shrug
my shoulders and tell them the
truth, which is usually I’m too
broke to give anything.
This time was different.
A group of guys were sitting
on the grassy part of the curb
as I was leaving the parking
lot. They had with them four
beautiful dogs, all apparently
as well taken care of as they
could be in this situation.
My hubby says this was the
hook that dragged me in, but
I stopped anyway digging into
my pocket for the only change
I had, one dollar bill.
As I pulled up to the messy
gentleman holding the sign
saying “Broke and Ugly! Can
you help?” I rolled down my
passenger window and held
out the meager dollar with a
sheepish smile. I told the man
that I was sorry that it was all
I had. The man took the dollar
with a huge grin and told me
how much they appreciated
my kindness. One of his com
rades yelled to me to “have a
beautiful day” and the man at
the window complimented my
smile and told me to “keep on
I know not every person
begging for money really
needs it and I don’t give mon
ey to people who are smoking
or drinking. Most of the time
those people will take your
money and run to the nearest
liquor store to buy more of
their habit. As I told my hus
band about this group of guys,
something just told me to stop
and give.
The next incident came at
work. I set out on foot from
the office just to walk up to
the gas station up the road for
some lunch. On the side of
the road leaned against a sign
was an older gentleman sitting
there with his dog. Yes, there’s
that hook again, but this time
I got to stop and talk with him
for a moment.
He told me he had been
walking for two days, making
his way from Macon to Ro
berta in those two long days
with his little dog. He stated
that he was tired and just
wanted to rest. I told him good
luck and continued to walk to
my destination. As I walked I
couldn’t help but glance back
at the man and his dog and
feel I needed to do something
once again. I found myself us
ing my brother’s lunch money
(that I was supposed to use to
buy his lunch and mine with)
to buy a biscuit, pack of crack
ers and Sprite along with my
brother’s lunch.
That afternoon I would go
hungry but what happened
next filled my soul with hap
piness and assurance that I
had picked one of the best
places to live in Georgia. As
I stopped to talk to the man
again and give him what was
supposed to be my lunch a
vehicle pulled up and Mrs.
Brenda Carroll hopped out
carrying a dish of dog food,
Beggin’ strips and a bone for
the man’s dog.
I left him feeling good
Pay at a Time
Victoria ’’Vicky” Simmons
terrestrials, February 12 is
Extraterrestrial Culture Day
and Visitor Day as well as
Paul Bunyan Day and Safety
Pup Day.
For all those unhappy with
your name, February 13th is
Get a Different Name Day.
Valentine’s Day on Feb. 14th
is also Race Relations Day,
Quirky Alone Day and World
Marriage Day.
February 15th is National
Gum Drop Day while the
17th is My Way Day. The
18th is Cow Milked While
Flying In An Airplane Day
which I totally do not get.
The 19th is Chocolate Mint
Day and Single Tasking Day.
Feb. 22nd is World Thinking
Day and if you can’t get into
that one it is also National
Margarita Day. The 23rd is
International Sword Swal
lowers Day and Open That
Bottle Night. The 26th is Per
sonal Chef Day. For Pete’s
Sake Day and Spay Day
USA. There are others but I
will stop while I am ponder
ing why days were named
for some of these things.
Wishing you a joyful week
and blessings to you. Re
member to be a blessing to
others along the way.
From Moo To You
Abigail ”Abby” Adams
about the people m this town.
As the day wore on he still
sat beside that sign with his
little dog. I was beginning to
think he might end up spend
ing the night there when a ve
hicle pulled up and a gentle
man hopped out, spoke to the
man and proceeded to load his
things into the back of his ve
As the vehicle, with man
and dog, inside drove away my
heart filled with joy to know
that because of the kindness
of people he would no lon
ger have to continue to walk
on his journey to where ever
he was going. Instead God
had sent him to the friendliest
town in Georgia!
In a world of hate, war,
prejudice and crime it can
only take a little kindness to
change someone’s day, week,
or maybe even their lives.
Next time you see someone
down on their luck and you
don’t know what to do, re
member kindness is always
the best answer!
published every week by Crawford Publishing,
Our Staff
Floyd Buford - President
Victoria ’Vicky” Simmons - GM/Publisher
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Carey Lee - Sports Photography
Trenesia Y. Stubbs, Charles Cook,
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Yoder, Dan Gatlyn, James Earnhardt Robert Tharpe, Rev.
James Snyder, Spencer Price - Contributing Columnists
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