Newspaper Page Text
March 28,2013
5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m.
Hunt Elementary School,
Kay Road Elementary and Byron Elementary
Registration Packets may be obtained prior to Roundup from any elementary
school in the county or will be available at the local preschools and daycares in
Peach County beginning March 19,2013. Parent coordinators will register
students on site at local day cares and other sites on March 19 th , March 21 st , and
March 26 th .
On Site Registration
THE BMS’s Got Tal
ent show is an annual
event that broadcasts
the talent of the students
of Byron Middle School.
They show off their sing
ing, dancing, acting and
even modeling skills!
Many students partici
pated and the talent was
great! The results are:
1st Place/ Fan Favorite:
Coby Bagley; 2nd Place
Tie: Keelie Armstron
& Cacey Reason and
Leia Williams & Mag
gie Lettice; 3rd Place
Mimi Jewell Campbell;
Judge’s Choice: Bre-
anna Story; Director’s
Choice: Robin Fochler
March 19,2013 Location: Stepping Stones, Graylan Dr. Time: 7:00-8:15 am
Stepping Stones, White Rd 2:30-5:30
Pittman’s Pre-k-Fort Valley 7:00-8:00 am
A Brighter Choice- Fort Valley 8:30-9:30
March 21,2013 Location: Byron Head Start Time: 7:30-9:00 am
Agape Way 2:30-5:00
Fort Valley Head Start 7:00-9:00 am
Tabor Heights Community Center 10 am-12 noon
March 26,2013 Location: Puzzle House Time: 7:00-8:30 am
Byron Meth Preschool 11:00-12:30
Stepping Stone, Graylan Dr. 3:00-6:00
Little People Learning Cen 2-4:30 pm
Special thanks go to the
city of Byron for allow
ing the students to use
the Byron Municipal
Byron Lions Off To A Great Start In 2013
To begin the year 2013, the
Byron Lions Club inducted
a new member, presented
a Mardi Gras Bunko night,
hosted the Peace Poster win
ners and another Lions Club,
presented an award to an
outstanding Lion, and to two
very young friends of Lions.
Members of the club also
participated in Lions state
and district activities.
A Potluck dinner was held
on January 3, 2013 at the
Byron Depot. Special guests
at this meeting were Mad
eline and Emily Magnus,
granddaughters of Lion Pat
Filler. The girls collected
quarters to fill folders for
Leader Dogs for the Blind.
Club President Gaylene
Geyman presented the girls
with miniature dog statues;
trophies for their outstanding
effort. The girls had col
lected $55. After they had
received their awards, they
went right back to work,
collecting more money for
Leader Dogs. They collected
approximately $65 at the
meeting. After the awards
presentation, Past District
Governor Steve Humphry
inducted new member Leslie
Weber. Leslie was sponsored
by Lion Lee Brown. After
her induction, Lion Leslie
received her new member
kit and Lions pins. Lion Lee
received her sponsorship
On February 2, 2013, the
club sponsored Mardi Gras
Bunko night at the Peach
Valley Winery. Proceeds
from this event will go to
White Cane and other Lions
Charities. White Cane is
a program of the Georgia
Lions Lighthouse and money
collected is used to help pay
for eye surgeries for people
Lee Brown sponsoring
Leslie Weber.
who are uninsured and who
are unable to pay for their
own. Some members of the
club attended a banquet at
Centerville benefiting the
Camp for the Blind on Feb
ruary 2nd.
The February dinner
meeting was another potluck
affair at the Byron Depot on
February 7th. Guests were
this year’s peace poster win
ners and the Macon Rutland
Lions Club. Lion Frany
Washko received an award
for her many years of out
standing service as treasurer
of the Byron Lions Club.
The Lion Frank Dowd, Pres-
Fran Washko getting
treasurer’s award from
President Geyman.
ident of the Macon Rutland
Lions Club and Zone Chair
for eight clubs, including the
Byron Lions Club, delivered
an informative and inspira
tional presentation.
Lions of Georgia will re
duce the number of districts
from 6 to 4 on July 1, 2013.
After the change, the Byron
Lions Club will become
part of the newly designated
District “O”.. Eleven mem
bers of the Byron Lions
Club attended a joint district
convention in Cordele on
February 15th and 16th, for
those clubs who will become
District “O”. The Cordele
Lions Club hosted the event,
which began with a “Pirate’s
lunch” on Friday, February
15th on Saturday, a cabinet
meeting and election of offi
cers was held for the upcom
ing District O. On Saturday
evening, we had a banquet
and entertainment from the
Cordele club. Special guest
at this event was Inter
national Director Harvey
Whitley from Monroe, North
Submitted by Gaylene
The ICU Ministry provides hope
to others in need. Handmade
bags are delivered to area hos
pital waiting rooms with toiletry
items, magazines, etc. for the
family. Items for bags are always
needed. If you are interested in
volunteering or donating supplies
call Para at 214-5560. Icukits. or icukits@gmail.
com. ICU Survival Kits Ministry.
Come out and help assemble
bags, meets every second and
fourth Thursday at the Byron
p.m.. Next meeting date will be
March 28th.
Toddler Tales at Byron Public
Library, Wednesdays 11 a.m.
18 months to 3 years. Wacky
Wednesday every first Wed. of
the the month for 4-7 years old.
‘All children 4 years and younger
must be accompanied by a care
giver, who must remain with the
child during their visit. Byron Pub
lic Library 105 Church St. Byron,
GA 31008 478-956-2200.
Free ABE and GED classes ev
ery Tuesday and Thursday, 8:30
a.m. -12:30 p.m. and 5:30-8:30
p.m., on Wednesday from 8:30-
11:30 a.m. at the Adult Educa
tion Center, 200 Moseley Road,
Byron. Orientation is on Monday
from 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. For
more information call 478-956-
The Comforting Quilters pro
vide quilts to those in hospice and
others in need. The CQ meets
the third Saturday of each month
at 200 E. Heritage St., downtown
Byron, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. For more
information contact Julie at 478-
978-0842 or comfortingquilters@
The Compassionate Friends
of Middle Georgia, Supporting
Family After a Child Dies, local
chapter meets the 4th Thursday
of each month at Byron United
Methodist Church at 7:00 p.m.
For information call Chapter
Leader Karla Chidester (478)
Re-Enactment of the Living
Last Supper ”ls It I?” March
28, 7 p.m. Byron United Method
ist Church, Christian Fellowship
Center, Main & W. Heritage
Blvd. Communion will be offered
at the end of the re-enactment.
Community Sunrise Service,
Vinson Valley Campground,
Hwy. 41 N., Byron, 7 a.m. -
March 31st, Baxter Hurley, Pas
tor, UMC bringing the message.
Bring a lawn chair or blanket.
Refreshments following service.
Ed Grisamore’s Writing Your
Autobiography” course, April
4,11,18 & 25, Fort Valley United
Methodist Ch4-6 p.m. urch.
Please register ahead of time.
Cost is $75 per person.You can
take a check to the FVUMC of
fice or mail to FVUMC, P. O. Box
1258, Fort Valley, GA, 31030.
Easter Egg Hunt, downtown,
Jailhouse Alley Park, March
30th, 11 a.m.. Easter Bunny on
hand to take pictures. After hunt
grab a sack lunch for your child.
For more information contact Tif
fany Peavy at 478-956-2409.
Visit Georgia Bob’s and sup
port our schools. Tell them you
represent the school PCHS night
is first Tuesday of each month.
BES night is the first Thursday
of every month. BMS night is
the second Thursday of every
Art Classes are offered at
The Byron Welcome Center
on Tuesdays and Saturdays
each month. Whether you’re
a beginner or advanced artist
there is something for you. Call
the Welcome Center at 478-956-
2409 for more information on
class times and pricing.
A Light In The Darkness Wom
en’s Conference, Saturday, April
Depot. Times are from 8 a.m. - 2
954-4592 or visit nas-
Dr. David Marshall, D.C.
Is Now In Perry at
Patterson Chiropractic Center
Dr. David Marshall,
Conveniently located off Thompson Road
(1-75 exit 138) on Hwy. 41
(Easy access from Byron, Perry, Centerville &
Warner Robins)
Most insurance and
Medicare gladly accepted.
Mastercard & Visa Accepted
Call Today For Aia, A'p'poliA/tw^iA/t
6, 2013, Byron Municipal Com
plex. Registration at 8:30 a.m.
Conference 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Light breakfast and sack lunmch
provided. Tickets are $25 and
can be purchased at Byron Buzz/
Georgia Post office or by calling
478-542-4187. Speakers include
Nancy Gibbs, Bobbie Evans and
the Heavenly Queens of Com
edy, Chef Audrey and Jill Elliott
and others. Will also include spe
cial music by Tammie Klimma,
Paul Carreker and others.
Eighth Annual Yee Haw at By
ron United Methodist Church
Fellowship Center. Featuring
the church’s own Lulu, Grampa
Jones, Minnie Pearl, Junior and
many more of your favorites.
Special Guests Galore!!! Satur
day, April 13, 7 p.m. Cost is $10
per person. No reserved seating.
Nursery Available. Call 478-956-
5717 for tickets.
- Al-Anon meets Mondays, 11
a.m. at old Byron School. For
information call 956-5637.
-PC Board of Education meets
first Tuesday of each month
at 7 p.m.; Study session last
Tuesday of month, 6 p.m.
PC Tax Assessors meet first
Thursday of each month, 6 p.m.
-Byron Lions Club, first and
third Thursday, 7 p.m.
-Byron City Council, second
Monday, 6 p.m.
-PC Commission, second
Tuesday, 6 p.m.
-PC Development Authority,
third Thursday, 8 a.m.
-PC Water & Sewage Author
ity, third Monday, 6 p.m.
-Byron Rotary Club, every
Wednesday, 8 a.m., Masonic
Lodge Hall.
-Byron Tax Office, Tuesday &
Thursday, 8:30-4:30 p.m. Byron
Municipal Complex
News Dealine Friday at 5 p.m.
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