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Thursday, March 21,2013
The Doctrine Of Hell
Deformation of the gospel of
Christ occurs when the Bibli
cal doctrine of hell is neglected
and shunned from teaching by
those trying to instruct man
kind in the truth of the Scrip
tures. The Bible says, “For the
Son of Man is come to save
that which was lost.” (Matt.
18:11, King James Version).
Jesus knew better than any
other about that from which
man needed to be saved. He
warned of hell as a real place
of permanent pain and punish
ment in Mark 9:43-48,
“If your hand causes you
to sin, cut if off. It is better for
you to enter into life maimed,
rather than having two hands,
to go to hell, into the fire that
shall never be quenched;
where Their worm does not die
And the fire is not quenched.
And if your foot causes you to
sin, cut if off. It is better for
you to enter life lame, rather
than having two feet, to be cast
into hell, into the fire that shall
never be quenched— where
Their worm does not die And
the Fire is not quenched. And
if your eye causes you to sin,
pluck it out. It is better for
you to enter the kingdom of
God with one eye, rather than
having two eyes, to be cast into
hell fire— where Their worm
does not die And the fire is not
The definition of hell given
on pg. 297 in Cruden’s Com
plete Concordance reads, “The
word is generally used in the
Old Testament to translate the
Hebrew word Sheol, which
really means simply the place
of the dead, without reference
to happiness or the reverse, see
Gen. 37:35; 42:38; I Sam. 2:6;
Job 14:13. In other passages
there is an idea of punishment.
The American Revision retains
the Hebrew word in all places.
In the New Testament the word
hell is used to translate two
words, (1) Hades, generally
meaning the same as Sheol, the
place of the dead, Acts 2:21; I
Cor. 15:55; Rev 20:13, (2) Ge
henna, the place of retribution
for evil deeds.” In the New
Testament the Greek word
Gehenna is translated “hell”
nine times — Matt. 5:22, 29,
30; Matt. 10:28; Luke 12:5;
Matt 18:9; Mark 9:47; Matt.
The Biblical description of
hell is a place of fire (Matt.
25:41), an everlasting fire
(Matt. 25:41), a lake of fire
and brimstone (Rev. 19:20,
and a lake of fire (Rev. 20:14.
Even so, in Matt. 25:30 it is de
scribed as “the outer darkness,
where there will be weeping
and gnashing of teeth.” The
Bible also refers to hell as a
place of eternal destruction
(I Thess. 1:9) and everlasting
punishment (Matt. 25:46).
Men should hear Christ and
heed His warning in Luke
12:4-5, “And I say to you, My
friends, do not be afraid of
those who kill the body, and af
ter that have no more that they
can do. But I will show you
whom you should fear; Fear
Him who, after He has killed,
has power to cast into hell; yes,
I say to you, fear Him!”
The question is, “who is
going to hell?” Satan and his
angels will be cast into hell
along with those not judged
righteous, for Jesus Himself
said in Matt. 25:41, “Then He
will also say to those on the
left hand, Depart from Me,
you cursed, into the everlast
ing fire prepared for the devil
and his angels:” John wrote in
Rev. 20:10, “The devil, who
deceived them, was cast into
the lake of fire and brimstone
where the beast and the false
prophet are, And they will
be tormented day and night
forever and ever.”
Yes, the Lord is preparing
two places of eternal abode,
heaven and hell, one is in the
presence of the Father and the
Son forever and the other into
the everlasting fire prepared
for the devil and his angels. We
are not doing our friends and
our families any favor when
we fail to teach about hell.
Yes, God is good! Yes, God is
love! But yes, God is also a
Bible Say About...
James Earnhardt
Evangelist Church of
jealous God! He commands
that we love and obey Him,
“You shall love the Lord your
God with all your heart, with
all your soul, and with all your
mind.” (Matt 22:37) and “If
you love Me, keep My com
mandments.” (John 14:15).
It behooves each of us
to study and rightly divide
God’s word that we, each of
us, might be prepared and
ready for that great day when
Christ shall “all the nations
will be gathered before him
and he will separate them
from one another” .. .’’And
they will go away into eternal
punishment, but the righteous
into eternal life.” (Matthew
All Bible quotes are from
the New King James Version
unless otherwise noted.
For questions or comments
please contact James Earn
hardt at 478-825-7517.
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I Can Speak Of Love
It is never easy saying
’’farewell” to a mate-espe-
cially after Fifty Eight Years
of Marriage-but such has
been my lot is recent days!
The sun was shining bright on
August 10,1954, as Claudine
and I exchanged vows in West
Macon. It has been a journey
beyond our fondest dreams!
Oh, there have been hardships,
Military separations months
on end, economic reversals
(and more)—but there has also
been successes, victories, and
celebrations that defy descrip
tion, as we spent Twenty Years
with the U.S. Navy; and a total
of Fifty Years in Ministry. The
most significant (and enjoy
able) portions were character
ized by our constant love and
devotion to one another! Oh
yes, I can speak of love; very
profoundly and proudly-for
such has been relevant on a
daily basis!
I can speak of Love; for I
have been recipient of this
’’grace” from the heavens!
I have been showered with
it’s beauty and fragrance!
I have sensed it value and it’s
virtue from a constant page!
I have felt the touch and ten
ure of charity at it’s very best!
I can speak of love, for I
have foimd, and lost, and found
Daniel W. Gatlyn,
USN Ret., Minister/
again, that special one!
I have been cleansed by the
purity of its presence!
I have experienced the splen
dor of a devoted marvel!
I have known the best of
both Heaven and earths fair
I can speak of love, for such
has been bestowed with tender
ness upon my brow!
I have been honored by lov
ing hands and hearts!
I have sensed the majesty of
God’s miraculous voice and
I have stood in awe, at the
sublimity of an undiminished
power and presence!
Oh yes, I can speak of Love-
-the ultimate of a joyful source
and Strength!
PCHS Engine Builders Team held a demonstration in
Atlanta at the Georgia State Capitol in February to
promote career and technical education. The 2012 Hot
Rodders of Tomorrow SkillsUSA Georgia State Cham
pions and instructor Johnny Rickerson, performed dem
onstrations for state senators and representatives and
various tour groups. They were also recognized on the
House Floor and treated to a visit to Dr. John Barge’s
office. Gov. Nathan Deal and Rep. Robert L. Dickey, III
stopped by to chat with the team. Billy Tolbert, Hunter
Willis, Devan Smith, Wesley Tribble and Tyler Mossman
disassembled and reassembled a 350 Chevy engine in
19 minutes. This year’s competition will be held at the
Georgia International Congress Center near the airport
on Camp Creek Pkwy. March 21-22.
Crimestoppers is a program designed to solve crimes with the
help of concerned citizens. This effective program asks that
community members fight crime by supplying leads and in
formation which may assist in bringing criminals face to face
with justice. It is anonymously done.
Bruce Edward Langston Jr.:
W/M DOB 06-01-65
Age 47 600 175 lbs.
Wanted by the Bibb County
Sheriff’s Office for Violation
of Probation.
Michael Pierre Girdner:
B/M DOB 03-16-83
Age 30 500 195 lbs.
Wanted by the Houston
County Sheriff’s Office for
Violation of Probation.
Michael Sherod Johnson:
B/M DOB 04-12-82
Age 30 510 140 lbs.
Wanted by the State Board
of Pardons and Paroles for
Parole Violation.
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Steven Gary Wade:
W/M DOB 11-28-64
Age 48 506 140
Wanted by the Bibb County
Sheriff’s Office for Violation
of Probation.
Turquell S. Cone:
B/M DOB 08-01-85
Age 27 505 155 lbs.
Wanted by the Bibb County
Sheriff’s Office for Violation
of Probation.
Vickie Earline Greene:
B/F DOB 03-23-64
Age 48 506 150 lbs.
Wanted by the Jones County
Sheriff’s Office for Violation of