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The Color Of Fitness
Happy Birthday
Mr. Rogers!
Wednesday, March 20th was
Mr. Rogers’birthday. I’ll just
bet you knew who I meant even
though there must be count
less Mr. Rogers out there. Mr.
Fred Rogers would have been
85 years old were we fortunate
enough to have him still with
us. My research of this Ameri
can icon revealed to me that
among all of the many things he
was, the man was a genius.
By all who knew him, Fred
Rogers was described as both
a gentle man and a gentleman.
I’ve heard some describe Mr.
Rogers as creepy. I don’t know
what their deal is. I think what
Fred Rogers accomplished is
unparalleled. I happen to think
that purple dinosaur, Barney,
is evil and many a parent has
agreed with me—but I digress.
“Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood”
was completely developed by
Fred Rogers; who also wrote its
beloved songs such as “Tomor
row,” “It’s Such a Good Feel
ing,” and “The Weekend Song.”
He wrote and executively
produced 895 episodes of “Mr.
Rogers’ Neighborhood” which
premiered on February 19, 1968
and ran until August 31, 2001.
Three hundred and five of the
895 episodes are still aired as
reruns today.
Mr. Rogers never did com
mercial promotions of any kind,
and, in fact, called Burger King
to task for using an actor to
impersonate him in one of their
commercials. The Burger King
Corporation apologized and
pulled the commercial.
Johnny Carson did a parody
skit on “The Tonight Show,”
’’Mister Rambo’s Neighbor
hood”. When Fred Rogers
complained, Carson publicly
apologized. Eddie Murphy
parodied Mr. Rogers on ’’Sat
urday Night Live” in the 1980s
with his ’’Mister Robinson’s
Neighborhood.” Rogers found
Murphy’s parody funny and
I was unsurprised to leam
that the steadfastness demon
strated on his show was mir
rored by marriage of 50+ years
to Joanne Rogers, his college
sweetheart. Most of the com
fortable sweaters Mr. Rogers
donned at the beginning of each
episode were made for him by
his mother; one of which is
on display at the Smithsonian
Institute Museum of American
History in Washington, D.C.—a
gift from Mister Rogers in
He believed that children
were thoughtful people who
deserved programming as good
as anything produced for adults
on television. Rogers covered
a broad range of topics over
the years—the death of his pet
goldfish, competition, divorce,
and war. Rogers returned to the
topic of anger regularly and
focused on peaceful ways of
dealing with angry feelings.
Though PBS listed the show
as appropriate for all ages,
preschoolers ages 2 through 5
were the target audience. Mr.
Rogers wrote down the things
he wanted to encourage in his
audience: self-esteem, self-
control, imagination, creativ
ity, curiosity, appreciation of
diversity, cooperation, tolerance
for waiting, and persistence.
Boy, oh boy! Those are the
very things our children should
be soaked in today. I don’t
have a preschooler. Parents, are
there any shows with the same
character building goals on tap
for little people today? I really,
really hope so.
The episodes of Mister Rog
ers ’ Neighborhood consisted
of Rogers speaking directly to
the viewer about various issues,
taking the viewer on tours of
factories, demonstrating experi
ments, crafts, and music, and
interacting with his friends.
Rogers also made a point to be
himself on camera and said,
’’One of the greatest gifts you
Of This & That
Trenesia Y. Stubbs
can give anybody is the gift of
your honest self. I also believe
that kids can spot a phony a
mile away.”
Mr. Rogers told his viewers,
’’You always make each day a
special day. You know how: By
just your being you/yourself.
There’s only one person in the
(whole) world that’s like you,
and that’s you. And people can
like you just/exactly the way
you are.”
“We have to remember to
whom the airwaves belong, and
we must put as great an em
phasis on the nurturing of the
human personality as we can.”
”1 believe that those of us who
are the producers and purveyors
of television — or video games
or newspapers or any mass me
dia — I believe that we are the
servants of this nation,” Fred
Rogers (from your lips to board
rooms throughout the industry,
Mr. Rogers.).
Thank you, Fred Rogers.
Thank you for being a good
neighbor for 33 years and
helping generations leam about
themselves, their world and
how to get along in it.
ficials to redefine what they
mean by transparency. It is
obvious most elected officials
merely mean that they comply
with existing law.
That is a bit like saying some
one is a great driver because
they never go over the posted
speed limit.
Think about democracy.
Think about freedom. Think
about what it means to be self-
All the business of govern
ment is the public’s business
— period.
We are not “against” public
officials. We are “for” the
Whether all public business
should be open to the public
and all public records should
be available to the public
should not even be a debate.
Just because questionable
open meetings laws in Georgia
allow certain things to take
place in executive sessions
does not mean they should.
Local officials need to change
their practices and state legisla
tors need to change the law.
We are getting into the time
of year, where many have
wedding plans on the agenda
and for most of us along with
that comes the desire to look
the best we can for those wed
ding pictures that will freeze
us in time! These are a few
shape up tips for the count
down to your special day!
Diet: It is very important
to eat a wide variety of colors
in our diet if we want that
healthy glow and it can be
pretty easy if we simply sur
round ourselves with a rain
bow of colors (these colors
are different nutrients) in our
fruit and vegetable selections.
This blend of colors is what
gives us a healthy glow on
the outside and it also reflects
what is going on inside! (By
the way, skittles don’t do the
same thing!)
Taking in plenty of fruits
and vegetables during this
time also helps our body get
rid of the toxins which have
built up throughout our body
in a safe manner. Try to keep
intake at about 75% vegeta
bles and 25% fruits, “especial
ly for weight loss. Also, fruits
in the morning help assist in
the daily detox time period
after waking, “so fruits in the
morning and vegetables for
lunch and dinner.”
Making sure you have
good sources of protein helps
insure muscle recovery from
strenuous workouts and
keeping good fats/oils in your
diet help keep things running
smoothly and helps keep skin
lustrous. When we lose too
much of the subcutaneous fat
lax open meetings legisla
tion in the United States and
local governments in our state
hide behind the allowance for
executive session as a matter
of course.
In fact, some local govern
ing bodies go into executive
session almost every time they
meet, when in other states,
local governments meeting
behind closed doors almost
never happens.
It is time for a change. It is
past time for wholesale change
in our Open Meetings Act.
Until that day comes, our
county commissioners, city
council members, boards of
education and all local officials
need to take the high road and
go above and beyond the mere
letter of the law. Stop hiding
all personnel matters. These
public employees work for
all of us. They have chosen to
take public jobs. If public em
ployees are doing something
they should not be doing we
have every right to know every
Stop hiding all legal matters.
make our skin look old.
Tricking your body into
burning fat: When you drop
your food/caloric intake re
ally low for one or two days,
it forces your body to seek
alternative fuel and it simply
opens the trap doors on your
fat cells and lets energy out.
The problem with doing this
for too long comes in when
you hit about the third day
and your body thinks you
don’t have an adequate supply
of food to supply all your
muscular energy needs, “so it
simply starts burning off some
muscle so it can slow your
metabolism down. So don’t
do real low calorie for more
then two days and if you go
for a complete fast or Inter
mittent Fasting (IF) go for
only 18-24 hours. When you
have your up-calorie day, your
body will send the calories
straight to your muscle, vital
organs etc and if you eat in
excess of your needs, “only
then will it restock your fat
cells.” I like this for the speed
of dropping weight without a
lot of muscle loss.
The Shape Up: Muscle
tones, shapes and builds by
first being broke down from
exertion it’s not used to. When
it recovers, “it builds back
stronger, more toned, shaped
and capable to handle the
new stress that you have been
putting this particular set of
muscles under!” This is your
opportunity to sculpt the areas
upi wamt sculpted. If done
with consistency, (along with
“increasing the resistance or
the number of repetitions), it
government, they are suing our
public institutions and we have
every right to know why and
what is being done about it.
Stop hiding real estate
transactions. You are spend
ing the public’s money. These
purchases are massive and ac
count for a very high percent
age of how taxpayers dollars
are being used. We have every
right to be privy to those dis
Government is not private
enterprise, and you are not the
board of directors of a pri
vately held company. You are
public servants, so serve the
Be transparent.
Be amenable.
Be accountable.
Be open.
Let the sun shine in.
Oh, and, Happy Simshine
Jim Zachary is the editor of the
Clayton News Daily, Jonesboro,
and the Henry Daily Herald,
McDonough, is an award-winning
journalist and editorial writer and
has been a strong advocate for
openness in local government.
in a short amount of time!
Keep your routine simple
and stick with exercises that
get multiple muscles, such as,
the Bench Press or Pushups
for chest and back of arms
(triceps) -Rowing exercises
(such as Cable Row or Bent
Row with dumbbells) for the
back and front of arms (bi
ceps) - and Squats or Lunges
for legs. Picking one exercise
from the above gets most of
the major muscle groups and
each group gets to rest while
you’re working on the next
one in the circuit. This keeps
the heart rate up which will
trigger the process that bums
fat for energy. If you do not
have time for the above and
need something very effective
to do at home, you can do an
exercise that gets most of your
muscles with a single move
Take a set of dumbbells,
spread your feet, drop into a
lull squat touching dumbbells
at floor beside your ankles,
come back up rapidly pressing
dumbbells up overhead, do
a few warmup reps and then
do a minimum of 2-3 sets
to exhaustion. Do this every
Your Health
by Wade Yoder
Master Trainer & Fitness
Nutrition Specialist
other day and consider this
your sculpting day, the next
day simply do some cardio
such as rapid pace walking for
about 30 minutes. “Remem
ber that the speed “the reps
and routine are executed,” not
only increase intensity for ton
ing purposes but it also speeds
fat loss!
There is something about
a person that has a healthy
look coming out through their
skin and eyes that exudes an
energetic magnetism that is
sexy and attractive to your
spouse even if at a larger size.
So whatever the size is that
we feel is right for us, “attain
ing this without inner health
will strike down the appeal of
a reduced size.”
“I hope God blesses you
with a happy marriage and a
lifetime of health & fitness!”
Crawford County will be accepting sealed bids for the purchase of:
(1) Hyster Lo Boy Trailer
25 ton
New Pump, Hydraulic Ramps
Bids must be received on April 8th, 2012 no later than 4:00 p.m. All
bids shall be received at the Crawford County Administration office
located at 1011 Hwy 34In. Roberta, Georgia 31078.
Crawford County has set reserves in the amount of $5,000.00.
Item can be viewed Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the County
Shop located at 10 Hortman Mill Road, Roberta, Ga 31078
Properties offered “as is” with no warranty.
For any additional information please call 478.836.3782.
Got Membership?
Membership in the Roberta-
Crawford County Chamber of
Commerce offers you a
gateway to the community,
special recognition, an
on-line presence through
the web and Facebook and
Join Today!
Call 4T8-836-3825
The Development Authority of
Crawford County will be taking bids
on the Grass cutting for:
1011 Hwy 341 N for the
2013 season.
All bids must be submitted by hand or
postmarked by April 2nd. The con
tract will be awarded on April 4th. The
winning bid must present proof of Li
ability and Worker’s Comp before the
cutting begins.
A description of the cut can be picked
up @ the Commissioner’s office.
The Development Authority of
Crawford County will be taking bids
on the Grass cutting for:
The property owned by the
Development Authority in the
Industrial Park for the 2013 season
All bids must be submitted by hand or
postmarked by April 2nd. The con
tract will be awarded on April 4th. The
winning bid must present proof of Li
ability and Worker’s Comp before the
cutting begins.
A description of the cut can be picked
up @ the Commissioner’s office.
that is under the skin, “it can can really make a difference
It is time for our elected of- Georgia has some of the most If someone has sued local