The Georgia post. (Knoxville, Crawford County, Ga.) 19??-current, March 28, 2013, Image 14

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Thursday, March 28,2013
Is Heaven For Real ?
The question often comes to
the mind of many people - Is
Heaven Real? The answer is
a resounding YES! No, I have
never been there, nor have I ever
seen heaven. I have, however,
studied the Bible sufficiently
to come to the knowledge that
heaven duly is REAL! As we
read the Bible to study God’s
message to us, we begin to leam
that heaven is described in 1
Kings 8:30 as being the dwell
ing place of God, “And may
You hear the supplication of
Your servant and of Your people
Israel, when they pray toward
this place. Hear in heaven Your
dwelling place; and when You
hear, forgive.” Jesus spoke of
God being in heaven when He
gave an example of how to pray
to the disciples in Matthew 6:9,
“In this maimer, therefore, pray:
Our Father in heaven, Hallowed
be Your name...” Jesus assures
us that as our prayers go up
to God that He is in heaven to
receive them. From this we can
be assured that heaven is as real
as God is real, notice Hebrews
11:6, “But without faith it is
impossible to please Him, for he
who comes to God must believe
that He is, and that He is a
rewarder of those who diligently
seek Him.”
The Bible makes it abun
dantly clear that God cre
ated heaven. For example, the
psalmist declared in Psalm 19:1,
“The heavens, declare the glory
of God; And the firmament
shows His handiwork.” Notice
the psalmist said “heavens”
which is plural. The plural here
is in agreement with the Hebrew
people’s belief of three heavens,
which is referred to by Paul
in 2 Cor. 12:2, “I know a man
in Christ who fourteen years
ago - whether in the body I do
not know, or whether out of the
body I do not know, God knows
- such a one was caught up to
the third heaven.” The Hebrews
believed the heavens consisted
of the heaven or sky you can
see, the heaven or space you
cannot see, and the third heaven
which is the dwelling place of
God. This is what Paul had in
mind when he spoke of “being
caught up to the third heaven”.
Then in 2 Cor. 2:4, Paul Huffier
describes the place he was
caught up to as “paradise”. In
other words, Paul had been
transported to heaven fourteen
years earlier. The apostle John,
by his own admission in Rev.
1:10 & 11 a was privileged to be
hold the glory of heaven, “I was
in the Spirit on the Lord’s Day,
and I heard behind me a loud
voice, as of a trumpet, saying,
I am the Alpha and the Omega,
the First and the Last....” In
chapters 21 and 22 of Revela
tion John shared his remarkable
experience with us. Heaven is
really REAL! Heaven has been
created by God for His glory!
The Bible describes a man
who came to the earth and lived
among men. He gave His life
for us on the cross. He was bur
ied and God brought Him forth
triumphantly from the grave
on the third day. In Hebrews
4:14 the writer described His
ascension as “Seeing then that
we have a great High Priest who
has passed through the heavens;
Jesus the son of God, let us
hold fast our confession.” In
other words, Jesus “entered into
heaven itself’ (Heb. 9:24). To
day Jesus is seated “at the right
hand of the Majesty (God) on
high.” (Heb. 1:3). He is living
in heaven right now “to make
intercession” to God for us.”
(Heb. 7:25).
Jesus left His apostles with
this promise recorded in John
14:1-6, “Let not your heart be
troubled; you believe in God,
believe also in Me. In My
Father’s house are many man
sions; if it were not so, I would
have told you. I go to prepare a
place for you. And if I go and
prepare a place for you, I will
come again and receive you to
Myself; that where I am, there
you may be also. And where I
go you know and the way you
Another reason for the evi
dence of heaven is that of death.
There is more to this life than
just living and dying - there is
life beyond this existence. In
Hebrews 9:27 it is recorded,
“And as it is appointed for men
Bible Say About...
James Earnhardt
Evangelist Church of
to die once, but after this the
judgment.” Job pondered “If a
man dies, shall he live again?
All the days of my hard service
I will wait, Till my change
comes.” (Job 14:14). It would
appear that Job answered Inis
own question a bit later in Job
19:25-26, “For I know that my
Redeemer lives, And He shall
stand at last on the earth; And
after my skin is destroyed, this
I know, that in my flesh I shall
see God,” As sure as a death
may come to us in this life, an
afterlife, including heaven or
hell exists. Death is not the last
word for those “who die in the
Lord”, (Rev. 14:13). By loving
God and obeying the gospel of
Christ, we have the promise of
living in heaven forever.
All Bible quotes are from the
New King James Version unless
otherwise noted. For questions
or comments please contact
James Earnhardt at 478-825-
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Sequestration Orchestration
March the First arrived right
on time, with the "beltway
boys” bellowing out the news
that Armageddon was call
ing the next play. They would
have you think that ’’Millie had
a meltdown”, and that most
would be in a soup line before
the next frost melted! It would
make little difference which
symbol, analogy, or hyperbolic
illustration I chose to present,
in explanation of the fiscal an
tics which have become law in
the past few days—for I could
not possibly be anymore ’’out
to lunch” than they who rule
the ’’roost and rooster”.
The very personality who
introduced the idea of’’seques
tration” really did not anticipate
such a chorus would be ’’put
to music”~and now spends
precious hours ’’cursing the
course” which has taken place!
The GOP called the bluff of the
”big chair” (even with liabili
ties); with pride building at the
reduction (of sorts) of the”far
flung field” surrounding the
ultra liberal persuasion! Many
will insist that sequestration
was not the smartest idea-and
it may not be—but it has the
Chief Executive scrambling for
answers to questions that have
yet to be posed.
I consider myself blessed
that I live far enough away
from the ’’oval Team”, to
escape their influence upon my
daily pursuits, and the machin
ery which I operate-in my
house and on the road!! If the
same professional traits were
expended in the field or factory,
that is carried forth continu
ally in our Nation’s Capitol—
progress would be noticeably
absent! And as the new rules
are beginning to ’’rock the
boat”, all orchestration of the
sequestration is as confused as
”a termite in a yo-yo”.
We are now hearing that
The ’G’ Factor
Daniel W. Gatlyn,
USN Ret., Minister/
Readiness of the Military
must be minimized—White
Hours tours put on hold—
Scholarships trimmed—coffee
weakened-construction on
nine bridges suspended (I jest-
but barely)—and vacations for
the President is reduced from
twenty four annually to twenty
three! No one really believes
that programs have been
seriously damaged; but scare
tactics are in the air by sun up
each morning. All this has
done one thing-changed the
question of News Credibility
from ’’perhaps” to ’’don’t bet
your lunch”!
Obviously the new rules
have confused all citizens to
the extent that they really don’t
know whether to ’’fish, cut bait,
or settle on chitlins”!
The process for determining
who qualifies for what—lies
somewhere between 0-Care
and O-kay; with fine tuning
set in place by MSNBC, as
negotiated through the ’’Fac
tor Force”! What that really
means is that, the voice with
the most to lose at any given
moment, sets the policy for
the ’’work day agenda”! Do
strap yourself in, for the
lid may fly off on the next
change of course!
Brown Is New FVSU Dean
Fort Valley State University’s largest college is
now under new direction and leadership. This
week, Dr. Canter Brown Jr., executive vice presi
dent and interim vice president for academic af
fairs, announced that Dr. Victor M. D. Brown will
be the dean for the College of Arts and Sciences.
Brown will formerly assume the leadership role on
April 15,2013. Brown, who is a Jamaican native,
earned his doctoral degree in biochemistry from
the University of the West Indies. FVSU’s new
dean also graduated with a master’s in business administration from
Emory University and a certificate in molecular plant pathology and
tissue culture from Wye College, University of London. He served
as a post-doctoral research associate at St. Jude Children’s Research
Hospital. The new dean is looking forward to working with the
university and continuing setting a benchmark for excellence within
the college.
Crimestoppers is a program designed to solve crimes with the
help of concerned citizens. This effective program asks that
community members fight crime by supplying leads and in
formation which may assist in bringing criminals face to face
with justice. It is anonymously done.
Mario Maurice Solomon:
B/M DOB 12-12-92
Age 20 601 170 lbs.
Wanted by the Houston
County Sheriff’s Office for
Violation of Probation.
erold Martyn Miller:
W/M DOB 10-10-76
Age 36 508 185 lbs.
Wanted by the Bibb County
Sheriff’s Office for Violation
of Probation.
Jessie Emerson Connell:
W/M DOB 11-24-81
Age 31 508 200
Wanted by the Bibb County
Sheriff’s Office for Violation
of Probation.
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Martavius Taquan Kinder:
B/M DOB 08-06-91
Age 21 508 160 lbs.
Wanted by the Jones County
Sheriff’s Office for Violation
of Probation.
Rachel Rebekah Davis:
B/F DOB 04-15-80
Age 32 504 180 lbs.
Wanted by the Macon
Police Department for
Identity Fraud.
Ralfeale Lowe:
B/M DOB 10-23-80
Age 32 508 200 lbs.
Wanted by the Bibb County
Sheriff’s Office for Violation of