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Aging = Oxidation
& Oxidation = Aging
Exactly What We Deserve
Wow! This has been a
tough column to write. My
thoughts have been kind of
strewn all over the place
with regards to this most
Holy Week of the Jewish
and Christian calendar. It’s
been a kind of stream of
consciousness thing so I
warn you that topics may
suddenly become something
I’ve noticed advertise
ments using the “get what
you deserve,” “you deserve”
whatever it is. The entire
point of this holiest time
for those of Christian faith
is that we are undeserv
ing of anything. Else there
would have been no reason
for Christ Jesus to point
of the year. Nope I hope I
never get what I deserve. I
know unequivocally that I
am deserving of absolutely
nothing. Every single mo
ment of my life is by the
grace of God, His love and
His righteousness.
We just don’t seem to get
the hang of it. Being sinless,
I mean. One of our Sunday
Lenten readings deals with
the woman about to be
stoned for adultery. I sure
would like to know what
Jesus wrote in the sand. He
said, “Let he who is without
sin throw the first stone.”
No one could launch a
stone. I imagine each of the
people walking away did so
thinking about their sins, not
that woman’s. That thought
led to a favorite song by the
Staple Singers on the same
topic—Just Be Careful of
the Stones That You Throw.
There’s not enough
room here for the lyrics.
They’re worth looking up,
though; really, I guarantee
it. Anyway, I’ll summarize
the song for you. A woman
goes to another’s woman’s
house, hangs off the fence
and begins to gossip about a
disreputable woman coming
down the street. She assures
her neighbor that the woman
knows better than to talk to
her or her daughter.
As she’s making that
statement a car nearly kills
her daughter who had been
pushed out of the way. You
know what comes next. It
was the disreputable woman
who saved the gossip’s
daughter. When the gossip
asks who saved her child
she learns her child had
been spared because “that
woman” gave her life to do
The refrain of the song is
this: The tongue can accuse
and carry bad news. Gossip
is cheap and it’s low. So un
less you make no mistakes
in your life, just be careful
of the stones that you throw.
There is another instance of
this human failing of ours
to judge others so harshly is
illustrated the instruction of
Matthew 7:5. Take the plank
out of your own eye before
looking at the splinter in
another’s eye. Now there’s a
visual for you.
It’s this type of bird’s eye
view of our human race that
makes remembering God’s
salvation of us, His crea
tures, exciting. You might be
wondering why I’m excited
over all of the various ways
we miss the mark. It’s the
Of This & That
Trenesia Y. Stubbs
hope. It’s the thankfulness.
It’s the surety. It’s recogniz
ing His righteousness, our
unworthiness and His salva
tion of us.
Our elder brothers in faith,
the Jewish people, are cel
ebrating Passover, which be
gan on Tuesday, March 26.
During Passover, the Seder
meal recalls and memorial
izes the particulars of God’s
deliverance of His Chosen
People them from Egyptian
slavery. Death passed over
their houses because of the
blood of the lamb placed on
their doorways.
Christian salvation like
wise requires the blood of
a Lamb—Christ Jesus. His
Father (and ours) sacrifices
His only begotten Son on
the Cross; for us. For us.
That is truly a love that truly
surpasses understanding.
So, yeah, I find it funny
that so much of our culture
assures us that we deserve
this and that. I’m pretty cer
tain I deserve nothing and
am thankful for everything.
May your Passover and
Easter be blessed.
If you can figure out how
to slow down the oxidation
process in your body, “you
can slow down the aging
process”. Though we need
food to sustain life, metabo
lism of these calories into
energy, creates oxidation,
along with exposure to other
things such as environmen
tal toxins, food toxins, etc.
Our body works like an
energy factory and if we
don’t help it to release its
smoke, “the toxins will build
up and cause problems”.
Water, sweat, antioxidants
from fruits and vegetables,
and our waste elimination
system are like our smoke
stack that helps us release
and cleanse out these toxins
that cause aging and dis
ease. If our car gets a deep
scratch, what happens if
not taken care of is “oxida
tion” or as we see “rusting”.
In our body, however, this
rusting can be translated to
“inflammation which is the
source that almost all chronic
disease gets its energy from.”
It’s sort of like a clump of
rust that continues to draw
energy to itself and the rust
ing area gets bigger until a
medical specialist is able to
diagnose it as whatever it has
prevailed itself as, (whether
heart disease, cancer, diabe
tes, loss of vision premature
aging of the skin, etc).
When these toxins build
up in our body, they form
free radicals that cause
oxidative damage to our
eyes, skin, muscle, fat,
vital organs, etc. “Drinking
adequate water every day
along with a good diet that
includes a variety of fruits
and vegetables (they are
the best source for anti
oxidants), along with sweat
One of liberals’ favorite Al-
inskyite defense mechanisms
is to ridicule the opposition if
confronted with some irrefut
able argument against some
hallowed left-wing delusion.
Such is the tactic employed
whenever a thinking person
walks into the room and points
out this big ‘ol gay elephant:
Once the government pretends
that some vague combination
of “love” and “consent” are
all that a “marriage” requires,
then other “arbitrary” and
“discriminatory” parameters
beyond a binary male-female
prerequisite must also go poof.
That is to say, if the Court
magically divines some con
stitutional right to “same-sex
marriage,” then full “marriage
equality” necessarily demands
that polygamous, incestuous
and any other equally aberrant
nuptial cocktail be likewise
It’s a “no-brainer,” right?
To that end, I’m very con
cerned with the Supreme
Court’s recent history of
radically redefining that which
cannot be redefined. Though
examples abound, I’m thinking
specifically, as concerns the
topic at hand, of the Court’s
2003 holding in Lawrence v.
In Lawrence, the liberal
majority, for the first time in
history, radically redefined
male-on-male sodomy - hith
erto classified “a crime against
nature” - as a “constitutional
In his characteristically bril
liant dissent, Justice Antonin
Scalia voiced my concerns
better than I can: “State laws
against bigamy, same-sex mar
riage, adult incest, prostitution,
masturbation, adultery, forni
cation, bestiality and obscenity
are likewise sustainable only in
light of Bowers’ validation of
laws based on moral choices,”
he wrote. “Every single one of
these laws is called into ques
tion by today’s decision.”
So, if the high court removes
one natural marriage param
eter for one special-interest
group, then “equal protection
under the law” requires that
it remove all natural marriage
parameters for all special-
interest groups.
Liberty Counsel made these
very points in a friend-of-
the-court brief filed with the
Supreme Court: “Ultimately,
there is no principled basis
for recognizing a legality of
same-sex marriage without
simultaneously providing a
basis for the legality of con
sensual polygamy or certain
adult incestuous relationships,”
noted the brief. “In fact, every
argument for same-sex mar
riage is an argument for them
as well.”
Another brief filed by 18 state
attorneys general voiced simi
lar concerns: “Once the natural
limits that inhere in the rela
tionship between a man and a
woman can no longer sustain
the definition of marriage, the
conclusion that follows is that
any grouping of adults would
have an equal claim to mar
riage,” they wrote.
The brief further observed the
self-evident “no-brainer” that
legitimate marriage is “opti
mal for children and society at
It’s all very simple. If
anything is marriage, then
everything is marriage. And if
everything is marriage, then
nothing is marriage at all.
‘“Marriage equality’ becomes
‘marriage elasticity,’ with the
ultimate goal of ‘marriage
I sincerely hope that the
honorable and learned men
and women who sit upon the
highest bench in the land can
recognize that all of these San
Francisco-style social-engi
neering games are a deceptive
means to a destructive end.
And it’s not the emotional
ist end they’ve dolled-up and
dished out. The left’s fierce
push for “gay marriage” has
nothing to do with “marriage
equality” and everything to do
with “marriage extinction.”
Or, as Ms. Gessen candidly
put it: “[Ijt’s a no-brainer that
the institution of marriage
should not exist.”
I just pray that at least five
justices still think it should.
Matt Barber (@jmattbarber on
Twitter) is an attorney concentrat
ing in constitutional law.
Crawford County will be accepting sealed bids for the purchase of:
(1) Hyster Lo Boy Trailer
25 ton
New Pump, Hydraulic Ramps
Bids must be received on April 8th, 2012 no later than 4:00 p.m. All
bids shall be received at the Crawford County Administration office
located at 1011 Hwy 34In. Roberta, Georgia 31078.
Crawford County has set reserves in the amount of $5,000.00.
Item can be viewed Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the County
Shop located at 10 Hortman Mill Road, Roberta, Ga 31078
Properties offered “as is” with no warranty.
For any additional information please call 478.836.3782.
and proper waste elimina
tion”, will help you fight the
oxidation/aging process.
Try this natural
cleanse: Eat only fruits, veg
etables, nuts, and beans for
5-7 days along with 1/2 your
bodyweight in oz of water.
Example: 200 lbs would be
75 oz of water. Try to eat
fruits in the morning since
they are great for assisting
the body with the natural
detox time period of the day.
Also take in a healthy oil,
(like olive oil on salads, and
fish oil caps), this will assist
Your Health
by Wade Yoder
Master Trainer & Fitness
Nutrition Specialist
m waste removal and keep
energy levels steady
Premature aging and
disease is an accumulation
of oxidation that simply
builds up enough to become
a diagnosable problem.
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The Development Authority of
Crawford County will be taking bids
on the Grass cutting for:
1011 Hwy 341 N for the
2013 season.
All bids must be submitted by hand or
postmarked by April 2nd. The con
tract will be awarded on April 4th. The
winning bid must present proof of Li
ability and Worker’s Comp before the
cutting begins.
A description of the cut can be picked
up @ the Commissioner’s office.
The Development Authority of
Crawford County will be taking bids
on the Grass cutting for:
The property owned by the
Development Authority in the
Industrial Park for the 2013 season
All bids must be submitted by hand or
postmarked by April 2nd. The con
tract will be awarded on April 4th. The
winning bid must present proof of Li
ability and Worker’s Comp before the
cutting begins.
A description of the cut can be picked
up @ the Commissioner’s office.