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Thursday, April 4,2013
The Worship Of God
God is high and holy and
He is worthy of our praise and
adoration. The essence of our
desire to worship is expressed
in Psalm 42:1 & 2, “As the deer
pants for the water brooks, So
pants my soul for You, O God.
My soul thirsts for God, for the
living God. When shall I come
and appear before God?” For
our worship to be acceptable
to Him requires more than our
“desire” to worship. The first
prerequisite for our worship to
be acceptable to God is that we
must be in the Lord’s church,
in Acts 2:47 we read, ’’And the
Lord added to the church daily
those who were being saved.”
The Bible has been provided
to us by God to instruct man in
his every need. From no other
source can we leam satisfacto
rily about matters of the sacred
and divine or the answers to
life’s greatest questions.
One question posed to Jesus,
as he paused to rest near Sychar
at Jacob’s well, by the Sa
maritan woman was about the
proper place to worship.(John
4:19-20). “Jesus said to her,
‘Woman, believe Me, the hour
is coming when you will neither
on this mountain, nor in Jeru
salem, worship the Father. You
worship what you do not know;
we know what we worship, for
salvation is of the Jews. But
the hour is coming, and now is,
when the hue worshipers will
worship the Father in spirit and
truth; for the Father is seeking
such to worship Him. God is
Spirit and those who worship
Him must worship in spirit
and truth.’” (John 4:21-24)
The place we worship is not
important but our relationship
with God and the attitude of our
heart and soul is paramount to
us rendering acceptable worship
to Him.
God is a spirit! No one has
seen God at any time. A spirit
is invisible and does not have
flesh and bones (Luke 24:39).
God is eternal, “the same yes
terday, today and forever” (Heb.
13:8), and because of this we
can trust in Him. God neither
needs nor requires a “local”
dwelling place or temple to
which we must center our wor
ship. Paul says in Acts 17:24 &
25, “God, who made the world
and everything in it, since He is
Lord of heaven and earth, does
not dwell in temples made with
hands. Nor is He worshiped
with men’s hands, as though
He needed anything, since He
gives to all life, breath, and all
Man is incurably religious.
He is born with a feeling of
helplessness and spends his
life seeking a helper. Jeremiah
expressed this need in the words
found in Jer. 10:23, “O Lord, I
know the way of man is not in
himself; It is not in man who
walks to direct his own steps.”
When men do not know or will
not acknowledge God’s direc
tions for acceptable worship,
they grope in darkness trying
to find some way to placate
the wrath of God in their own
In different periods of Bible
history (Patriarchal, Mosaic,
and New Testament) we can
see examples of hue worship
following God’s directions and
the necessity of being a “hue
worshiper” of God. What hap
pens when man fails to follow
God’s instructions? Review the
stories of Cain and Abel (Gen.
4:-23; Heb. 11:4); Nadab and
Abihu(Lev. 10:1-3); andAnan-
Bible Say About...
James Earnhardt
Evangelist Church of
ias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-14).
The worship of the Almighty
and Holy God of Heaven is a
most holy and awesome experi
ence, and is not something to be
tampered with, nor carelessly
entered into!
Since true worship to God
consists of acts of adoration
offered by the worshiper, the
only way one can know God
will accept the worship we send
forth is to follow without devia
tion His directions. Yes, if we
would worship God “in spirit
and truth”, in this matter of holi
ness, we must respond in a way
that corresponds to His likeness.
Considering this “let us have
grace, by which we may serve
God acceptably with reverence
and godly fear.” (He. 12:28b)
All Bible quotes are from the
New King James Version unless
otherwise noted.
For questions or comments
please contact James Earnhardt
at 478-825-7517.
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Emergency Planning
Other than spiritual vision,
nothing gives you more peace
and assurance of a "balanced
tomorrow” than Timely Plan
ning! This is especially true
when tragedy strikes; or the in
evitable facts of life enter your
agenda unannounced! I have
been sounding the alarm in this
arena for many years now-
-and have recently become
recipient of my own advice. I
can tell you, that it is encourag
ing to recognize that all bases
have been covered, as pertains
to twilight years, and prepara
tion for the most unexpected
There is never a good time
to say ’’goodbye” to family
members; especially a spouse
who has been part of the equa
tion for decades. But such is
hfe-and sooner or later—there
is a parting of ways-as those
that have been so close, take
their turn in exiting this life!
The cause of demise is only
a minor part of what must be
accomplished-and generally,
the brevity of time takes prior
ity. These measures call for the
unscrambling of affairs such
as Wills, Living Wills, Estate
settlements, Life Insurance,
Financial obligations, living ar
rangements, dictates of travel,
and various emergency details.
I have recently been cen
terfold, in the passing of a my
mate of over fifty years. After
this length of’’togetherness”,
a host of things are taken
for granted. Some of those
’’things” are insignificant-
while there are others that
require a vigilant mind, and
determined spirit. The planning
for end of life decisions can
be invaluable. Such things as
funeral expense, service details,
and internment. Property settle
ments, car titles, Safety Depos
its, Insurance papers, Power of
Attorney, Real Estate Deeds,
Stocks and Bonds—each with
Daniel W. Gatlyn,
USN Ret., Minister/
specific aims and goals—all
should be reviewed monthly as
one grows older—for calamity
or death seldom makes firm an
nouncement of schedule. Less
than a month after my personal
loss, most strategic or pressing
needs have been met, or nego
tiated successfully. No debate-
that gives peace of mind!
To make all this a much
easier task, one should plan as
early as possible-even if those
blueprints change occasionally,
or in the last minute details.
At least a base is in place for
moving forward systematically,
for family and business affairs.
There exists fear and skepti
cism with many-erroneously
scripting trouble-or simply
falling victim to carelessness.
Projecting tentative (or pos
sible) needs, or aspirations,
can only bring a sense of relief.
Most families can prepare
necessary documents; but do
make sure of authentication
as applicable. If is become
absolutely necessary to procure
an attorney (or legal advice);
then by all means do so! It will
prevent misery at a later date.
Store all important documents
in a safe place-with keys and
authorization extended to nec
essary parties. Then rest easy
as time passes by!
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Crimestoppers is a program designed to solve crimes with the
help of concerned citizens. This effective program asks that
community members fight crime by supplying leads and in
formation which may assist in bringing criminals face to face
with justice. It is anonymously done.
Ariel Vontrell Williams:
B/F DOB 09-18-84
Age 28 505 155 lbs.
Wanted by the Milledgeville
Police Department for
Armed Robbery.
Cureke Emil Sirmans:
B/M DOB 11-01-90
Age 22 507 157 lbs.
Wanted by the Houston
County Sheriff’s Office for
Possession of Cocaine with
Damaacio Quantay Collins:
B/M DOB 11-07-76
Age 36 507 160 lbs.
Wanted by the Macon Police
Department for Identity
Dudley Hughes Shannon:
W/M DOB 07-13-57
Age 55 510 210
Wanted by the Jones County
Sheriff’s Office for Violation
of Probation.
Ernest Otto Wiseman:
W/M DOB 03-04-77
Age 35 509 150 lbs.
Wanted by the Houston
County Sheriff’s Office for
Violation of Probation.
Shameek Dukes Collier:
B/M DOB 09-23-85
Age 27 510 125 lbs.
Wanted by the Bibb County
Sheriff’s Office for Violation of