The Georgia post. (Knoxville, Crawford County, Ga.) 19??-current, April 04, 2013, Image 6
| (sSy&r $ PAGE 6 - THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 2013 Who Am I In The Bible ? A gentleman in Philadelphia offered $1000 to anyone who could devise a Bible puzzle he could not solve. A lady in California responded by composing the following Biblical puzzle. The Philadelphia man failed to solve the puzzle, so he paid the money as promised. The answer to the puzzle is one word. It appears four times in the King James Version of the Bible. The puzzle will be fun to try to solve, so give it a try. To verify your answer, see note at end. Who am I? Adam, God made out of dust, But thought it best to make me first. So I was made before men, To answer God’s most holy plan. A living being I became And Adam gave me my name. I from his presence then withdrew, And more of Adam I never knew. I did my Maker’s law obey, Nor ever went from it astray. Thousands of miles I go in fear, But seldom on earth appear. For purpose wise which God did see, He put a living soul in me. A soul from me did God claim, And took from me the soul again. So when from me the soul had fled, I was the same as when first made. And without hands, or feet, or soul, I travel on from pole to pole. I labor hard by day, by night, to fallen men I give great light. Thousands of people young and old, Will by my death great light behold. No right or wrong can I conceive, The Scripture I cannot believe. Although my name therein is found, They are to me an empty sound. No fear of death doth trouble me, Billy Powell Columnist Real happiness I'll never see, To heaven I shall never go, or to Hell below. Now when these lines you slowly read, Go search your Bible with ail speed, For that my name is written there, I do honestly to you declare. Note: Answer can be found in the following passages of the King James Version of Bible: Matthew 12:40, Genesis 1:21, Ezekiel 32:2, and Job 7:12. I’ve Got Easter On My Mind I am not one to boast, at least not about myself unless someone is listening, but I do give some time to exercising the little gray cells in my mind. Many people, no names given, spend most of their time yapping while people like me spend their time napping. While napping, I am also exercising my mind. Some people exercise their mind by doing crossword puzzles. I tried this but every once in a while I’11 think of the right word and then that word makes me think of something else and that makes me think of something else altogether and pretty soon I’m off on one of my little mind trips. One thing about these little mind trips of mine, they do not cost very much and when I come to, I am quite refreshed. One danger about my little mind trips is that sometimes I am not alone when I am tripping out. This can be quite dangerous to my health. Last week, for example, I was driving across town and happened to engage in one of my little mind trips. It must have been a good one because I was thoroughly enj oying my trip and then I began to hear in the background a variety of words that did not seem connected nor did they make sense. These words did not have anything whatsoever to do with the little trip I was on at the time. Then the words started to fall into some kind of an order. Are... You... Listening... To... What... I’m... Saying? At first, they did not seem connected and to be truthful it rather upset me because these words were interrupting a very nice mind trip I was on at the time. I hate it when I am interrupted by such nonsense. For some reason I happened to glance over to my right and was shocked to discover that the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage was sitting in the passenger seat. At first, I thought I was hallucinating. However, she was looking back at me! I stared at her for a minute and then demanded, “What are you doing in my car?” She gave me one of those looks indicating I was in serious trouble. Then it dawned on me. We were going across town to go shopping. For some reason I had tuned everything out and slipped into a wonderful mind trip. Well, for the rest of the trip I was listening to a voice but that voice was not in my head; it was in my ears. Both of them. I had to leave my little mind trip for another occasion when I was by myself. I must confess that when I get on one of those mind trips of mine I lose sense of everything around me. I have a very active mind; of course, my wife says I have a very active imagination. I am not sure the difference, and I am not about to ask her, either. Some mysteries in life should be just that. A mystery. One mind trip that I get on to about this time a year is Easter. Lately I have had Easter on my mind. I know the word “Easter,” is not a very politically correct word today. But then I am not running for politics, in fact, I am running away from politics as much as possible. I like the word Easter. In some places, they are changing the Easter Bunny to the Spring Bunny and the Easter Egg Hunt to the Spring Egg Hunt. This is supposed to be more PC tolerable. After all, it is important that we should be PC in everything we do. Those people who object to the word “Easter,” I wonder if they really know where it came from. To some the Easter Bunny has some kind of a religious connotation. Personally, I never discovered what denomination the Easter Bunny is a member of. Where does the Easter Bunny attend church? The First Church of the Easter Egg Hunt? It has become a popular thing not to tolerate religion in our country. Well, let me correct that. We tolerate all religions except Christianity. It is too bad the people who cannot tolerate Christianity are unable to read. I think it is sad this generation is not able to read anymore, because Out to Pastor Rev. James L. Snyder or if they were, they might read some of the history of this country and discover it was founded on Christian principles. Imagine that! I can understand why people are confused about Easter with the Easter Bunny and the Easter Egg. Most are confused about how the Easter Bunny can lay Easter Eggs. They are only familiar with Bugs Bunny and everybody knows he cannot lay an egg. So, where do these mysterious Easter Eggs come from? Laying all that nonsense aside, and that is all it is, Easter has some very wonderful memories for me. Say what they will, nothing they say can undermine the wonderful thoughts I have about Easter. I like what the apostle Paul says, “For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4 KJV). The songwriter was right when he said, “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.” (©Mfuarjj Dorothy “Judy” Collins Aultman Roberta, GA- Dorothy “Judy” Collins Aultman, 73, passed away on Tuesday, March 19, 2013. Funeral services and a celebration of her life was held on Saturday, March 23, 2013 at Musella Baptist Church, in Musella, GA. Burial was at Glen Haven Memorial Gardens with the Rev. Joe McDaniel officiating. Flowers are accepted or donations may be made to Musella Baptist Church, Musella, GA or to the American Cancer Society, Macon, GA. Judy was bom in Lake Wales, FL to the late Clifton and Marie D. Waters. She was preceded in death by her brother, Lamar Waters. Mrs. Aultman attended Musella Baptist Church. Judy enjoyed cooking and fishing and most of all spending time with her family. She was a devoted and loving wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother and sister. She is survived by her husband, Charles W. Aultman of Roberta, son, Cary A (Wendy) Collins of Byron, daughters, Patricia (Ricky) Walker of Roberta, Lynn (Danny) McGahee of Roberta, grandchildren, Tabatha Carlson, Colby Collins, Jennifer Brown, Erica McGahee O’Neal, and Heather Collins, nine great grandchildren, sister Gwen Foster of Lake Wales, FL, two brothers Franklin Waters and Olin Waters, both of Lake Wales, FL, and several nieces and nephews. Visit to express condolences. Macon Memorial Park Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. Tli a vi k Vow The family of Dorothy "Judy" Collins Aultman would like to thank all those who have offered prayers and condolences in this time of grief. Your kindness has been greatly appreciated. The fAmilvj of Aviltm^n Fear Not Fear of failure, fear of man, fear of rejection are some of the strongest tools satan uses to hinder us from making progress. But no matter what kind of fear the enemy sends against us, the important thing is to overcome it. When we are faced with fear, we must not give in to it. We must not run from it. We must learn to face our fears, stand our ground and know that we are more than conquerors. (Rom 8:37). We fear what people will think about us if we fail. If we step out and fail, some people may hear about it but realize they have a skeleton in their closet. It is better to try something and fail than to try nothing and succeed. For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Fear of people can hinder everything we try to do. Let me ask you a question? Why fear people who can do no eternal harm? Instead we ought to fear God who can turn the harm intended by others into good when we trust Him. To overcome fear, we must think more about God’s Weekly Devotion By Angie Carr Columnist love for us. I John 4:18 says, “Perfect love casteth out fear.” We have to make up our minds, we will not fear and approach life with boldness, determining that fear will not rule our life. Fear will torment us if we don’t take control of it. When we fear, we are not operating in faith, which is the only way to truly please God. Fear will prevent us from going forward with whatever we need to do. We don’t need to fear difficult things, new things, challenging things or even unpleasant things. We can face life with a confident attitude, knowing that where God guides, He provides. He gives us grace one day at a time. In times of fear and uncertainties, it is calming to know that Christ is always with us. Be blessed! Church Happenings Prayer Line, Tuesdays and Thursdays, Christ Abundant Life Ministries, S. Dugger Ave., Roberta. Call 478- 836-3912. Concert. The Cleghoms from Kathleen, GA will be singing at 6:00 p.m. April 28th. Love offering accepted. For more info call 478-935-8163. Word of God Tabernacle invites you to join them for the following weekly services: Sunday Prayer at 9:00 a.m., Sunday School at 10:00 a.m., Sunday Service at 11:00 a.m.; Monday Prayer at 9:00 a.m.; Wednesday Prayer at 9:00 a.m., Wednesday Bible Study at 7:00 p.m.; Friday Prayer at 9:00 a.m. Everyone is invited. Pastor Frank Martin, Sr. Springhill Baptist Church is providing free Tutoring Service every Monday at 5:30-6:30p.m. 71, Springhill Church Rd., Roberta. Marriage Restored weekend is scheduled for April 12-14, 2013 in Macon, GA. Marriage Restored is a weekend program for couples who have experienced marriage- threatening circumstances and it is a weekend of hope for couples in crisis. All faiths are welcome. For more info visit the website at www. Pineview Baptist Church will be celebrating their church anniversary the 1st Sunday in April (4/7/13) at 11:30 a.m. Victory Baptist Church is holding a BBQ plate sale to raise money for their youth group to go to summer camp. Plates are $8 and will be delivered to you on Friday, April 12 between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Includes BBQ, bread, chips, stew, slaw, and dessert. Give them a call at 478- 825-7495 or email vbcfv@ Open Bible Tabernacle Baptist Church: Gospel Pleasant Grove Church: Invites all area churches and organizations to their pastor, wife and daughter’s 14th anniversary celebration. This event kicks off on Saturday, April 6th with a formal ball to be held at the Crawford County High School 7-10 p.m. Tickets are $15 for an individual and $25 for couples. Climax Sunday April 14, 2013 at 11:00 a.m. Our speaker for this great occasion will be Rev. Lonnie Fletcher pastor of Orange Grove Baptist Church, Culloden, GA. Anyone who would like to purchase tickets to the Ball please contact Darlene Webb at 478-836-4739 or 478-391- 2637. St. James Church will be celebrating their annual women’s day the second Sunday of April (4-14-13). Speaker will be Eavngelist Azlen Hicks. Deadline for Church Happenings: Friday 5 p.m. McLeighton Funeral Service view obituaries at www.mcleightonfuneralservice.coin 375 S. Dugger Avenue Roberta, Georgia 478-836-3336 David & Donna McLeighton - owners ’Our Family Serving Your Family Granite • Marble • Bronze • Coping • Monument Cleaning • Sandblasting ”Serving all Middle Georgia cemeteries 33 Kade E. Rooks P. O. Box 1711, Fort Valley, GA 31030 *478-825-2424 or 478-951-1571 *Fax: 478-825-3794