The Georgia post. (Knoxville, Crawford County, Ga.) 19??-current, April 04, 2013, Image 8
WHO, WHAT, WHERE ' „ ot Wnc SERVICES UKE US a INI facebook ] www.facebook. com/FlintCable lintCable TELEVISION 847-3101 DUCK’S WELDING LLC Tim Duckworth Home: 478-836-2810 S.LINC : 1*90*767 Cell: 478-955-0415 *Fabrication *Repair * Custom Trailers *Aluminum * Mobile 747 Bentley Rd., Knoxville, GA 31050 Hamrick's Barber Shop Barber cuts for men, children and women. Come in and see us at 8239 Eisenhower - The “Big Yellow Building” in Lizella Bill Hamrick & Michelle Bryant 478-935-2397 Hours - 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. TRI-SPORT Towing and Carrier “Crawford County’s oldest” ^Office 836-3029 *Cell 954-5937 Professional towing and recovery -Roll-back and Heavy Duty Southside Mini Storage Non-flammable steel & concrete Fenced, lighted, 24 hour video security 208 South Dugger Avenue (beside Big Chic) Reynolds Insurance 9 Winston Street Reynolds, Georgia 31076 Independent Agent Heath Holly Phone: 847-2877 Fax: 847-2950 “Friendly personal sendee and best insurance value ’ Dent Rental Property alp Commercial & Residential Properties Gentle Landings Air Park Call 836-4433 or 960-6864 Commercial properties on the square 'We&t&wity StecPiicat, 'Jnco-ifro-ietfecC George Westberry Residential, Commercial, Industrial 540 Flint River Estates Rd., Roberta, Georgia 31078 Office: (478) 960-1384 Cell: (478) 951-7860 (George) I BUY LAND Don't Lose Your Property To the Bank! SELL IT Call John at 361-726-7101 or email SAI.ON 4.-9 Cu-r> * Cu/tW * frtil fttmMt Styles * Wktofl ftr/m * SErdrjj/iJnens * fVd(iurt' Cahr Correction Fivkiiional Up CALL FOk APPOINTMENTS ■ MK4N5 WELCOME (478) 825-3736 1030 PEACH PKVVY. 5TE 2 * fort VALLEY- 77*# to tkhtk stout the pm# orstiotksr special occasion? /■( -C* ,+*■ K/ Ut' . ** m 11171C Service • Repairs • Installations Commercial & Residential Licensed & Insured 3206 N. Lizella Rd. #5 Lizella, GA 31052 Mike Weeks Mark McCranie State Farm Agent BOBBY HARTLEY 38 Wright Avenue, Roberta, GA 31078 Downtown on the Square Phone 478-836-5494 Fax 478-836-5495 Providing Insurance & Financial Services Crossword Puzzle THEME: Finish The Lyrics ACROSS 1. Indian instrument in "Norwegian Wood" 6. Lab eggs 9. *"l want my baby " 13. *Mack the 14. Type of test for women 15. Bridal veil fabric 16. Of sour taste 17. Pitcher's stat 18. Bone-chilling 19. *Tm the wonderer, yeah, the wonderer, I roam " 21.*"Leanonme...l'llhelpyou 23. Hit the slopes 24. *"l read the today oh boy" 25. It makes a guitar louder 28. Small ornamental case 30. *"Hey, I just met you... but here's my " 35. Like beef with little fat 37. Aphrodite's son 39. Artillery burst 40. Doing nothing 41. Puzzle combining pictures and letters 43. Hula feast 44. Opinions from Barbara, Elisabeth and Joy 46. *" no mountain high enough" 47. Danson and Seth MacFarlane's stuffed animal 48. Like a smell or taste of soil 50. *Now you're just somebody that I to know" 52. *"l the bad moon rising" 53.500 sheets 55. Surfer's turf 57. ^''Killing me softly with " 61.*"l'm puttin'on my " 64. Bye to Edith Piaf 65. Frigid 67. Impulses 69. Rubber- boots 70. And not 71. High-pitched laugh sound 72. Walk, as through mud 73. Goo Dolls 74. Brewer's staple DOWN 1. Reggae precursor 2. Ancient Peruvian 3. Bleacher feature 4. Rounded hairdos 5. Chastise 6. Popular newspaper page 7. Variable, abbr. 8. Quickly or rapidly 9. Dutch settler in South Africa 10. Breezy 11 .The Muse of history 12. Razor-sharp 15. Sometimes denoted as a "v" 20. Fertilizer ingredient 22. Barley bristle 24. Nb on Mendeleev's table 25. *"l will survive... I know I'll stay 26. The press 27. A whiter shade of pale? 29. Carbamide 31. Scotch ingredient 32. *"Lady sings the " 33. Some do this with taxes 34. Awaken 36. Former Speaker of the House 38. Phoenix'team 42. Dictation taker 45. Corpse's garb 49. Asian capital 51. *"l didn't shoot no " 54. *'Tm sitting here, doing nothing but " 56. *"You and me and the devil makes " 57. Door fastener 58. "White Wedding" singer 59. Fodder holder 60. Start of something big? 61. Apprentice 62. Turkish honorific 63. Found in a caddie's pocket 66. Dove's sound 68. Part of tennis match mnm Longarm Machine Quiltin • Quilt top Finishing • Binding • Custom Orders Group Classes i-3097 McLeroy Concrete Construction •Hauling & Trucking •Concrete •Landscaping •Tractor Work ^Grading WE HAUL & SPREAD CONCRETE •Dirt *Sand 'Driveways •Top Soil *Patios •Shale Rock ‘Gravel ‘Slabs Free Estimates! Residential & Commercial ‘Sidewalks Ben McLeroy 478-825-5841 Nextel: 155-150137*1 • Cell 678-207-7080 RETAIL RoBeRta 6ruqs, Inc, L 478~836~3«5'1‘? 5, On The Corner, Downtown Square Sobby Bel m Dog Kennels Western Auto — True Value 60years established experience hardware business serving Crawford County Sporting Goods —Appliances Located Dugger Avenue — Chuck Starnes and Obie Starnes 836-3395 Accepting Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Discover RED BARN m ™ SEED & FEED “ ™ 58/ HWV 80 EAST. ROBERTA Nutrena - Godfrey’s - Mid South Pet, Livestock, Fish and Wildlife Feed & Supplies Garden - Pest Control - Hunting Supplies Propane Refills 478-836-9768 RESTAURANTS IN ST RUOT ION The Korean Martial Arts Academy 88 East Agency, Downtown Roberta Karate for Little Dragons (5&6 y/o), Children, Youth & Adults; sign-up for fitness & self-defense classes. UPSON DUI & Defensive Driving CLASSES EVERY WEEK 309 E. Main St. • Thoinaston • 706-647-0042 Office Hours Mon. - Fri. 1 0:30 a.m. - 5p.m. Cert. #10068 478-719-2800 CALL 478- 836-3195 TO HAVE YOUR BUSINESS LISTED HERE!