The Georgia post. (Knoxville, Crawford County, Ga.) 19??-current, May 30, 2013, Image 1

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    Relay for Life
Friday, May 31
David Bailey Park
6-9 p.m.
>un valley Orations
Annual <$ummer Tun <$fiouuf
Saturday, {June 8,3>013,
starting at 8 a.m. at
<§un cilley <Arafeins In cfiize/lci,
Thursday, May 30,2013
2 Sections, 16 Pages
Z&& UoLce* off Ctcuuffo&sL County bince, 7927 f f?l&o beZuiruf rpyix>/i & ^Peac/t, Co. J
Marlisa Monther won first place in the JugFest Student art contest with her
clay model of historic church. Her first place win garnered her $100 as well.
County Approve Special
Exception For Machine Shop
After a lengthy discussion
between Commissioner Paul
Chapman and Sam Odom,
the Crawford County Board
of Commissioners granted
a special exception request
for a machine shop on Greer
Road last week. The P&Z
board had already recom
mended approval. Wendy
Johnson was the applicant
for the Special Excep
tions. Zoning Officer, Frank
Miller, told the board that
all work would be contained
within an existing building
on the property and stated
there was no opposition to
the request. The request was
approved unanimously.
Ken Statham requested
that the county place on the
November ballot the ques
tion of whether the citizens
of the unincorporated areas
of the county wanted an al
cohol pouring, Statham said
that he serves beer and wine
in his business (Watering
Hole), however, he cannot
serve liquor He advised the
county of the approximate
amount of tax revenue that
they are losing from sales
tax. He also stated that
Crawford County was a
“brown bag” county, mean
ing a person could bring in
their bottle and drink it with
no revenue to the county.
Commissioner Dean Fripp
said that he has not heard
from any of the citizens in
the county requesting this.
Statham’s business is in the
county, however, he lives in
Bibb County. Statham then
stated “you mean you will
not approve it”. Fripp said
that he would have to hear
from citizens wanting this
question of the ballot. Com
missioner Chapman said that
he was opposed to the Sun
day Alcohol sales but voted
to put it on the ballot to let
the voters decide. Statham
thanked the board for their
Betty Benjamin and
Joann Weaver questioned
the board about the condi
tion of Lawson Merritt
Road. Benjamin said that it
had been scraped and shell
applied but the next rain
washed it out. There used
to be a sewer pipe under the
road that would carry the
water off. She presented a
picture showing water stain
ing on the side of the road.
County Manager Pat Kelly
presented his log on work
that had been done over the
past year. After much discus
sion of what could be done
and what could not be done,
Kelly was asked to see if
the pipe was still there and,
if so, have it cleaned out as
long as it was on the right of
way. County Attorney David
Mincey III, stated that the
county was immune from
any liability associated with
damages to vehicles that
was allegedly caused by the
public roads.
Under Old Business, Com
missioner John Thomas
brought up the issue of secu
rity for the tax officer. Kelly
then gave the estimates on
renovation of the Paul Cov-
erdell Room and locating the
office there. Due to the cash
taken in and the “rowdiness”
of some people, they felt
the officer at the front door
would be available in case of
any trouble. Commissioner
Frank Hollis stated when
they received the grant for
the courthouse he was chair
man and read the grant. It
stated that the room be dedi
cated to Senator Coverdell
and that it would be a “com
munity room” and available
to the public. Fripp stated
he was concerned for the
safety of the employees
and that the office needed
security while in operation.
A citizen in attendance, Mr.
Suggs, was concerned that
if the room was converted,
other boards would have to
meet in another location and
such location would not be
secured. He asked the board
to consider that fact when
making a decision. Mincey
was instructed to research
the grant and see the word
ing and if it is restricted
to see if a waiver could be
obtained. Matter was tabled
pending these questions,
Kelly asked the commis
sioners to let him know if
there were any changes to
the 2014 LMIG Road List.
Chapman asked that they get
prices on sealing the cracks
before they were paved. Kel-
See COUNTY, Page 10
RPD Offers A Citizen
Ride-Along Program
If you are interested in while performing their duties.
observing members of the
Roberta Police Department
perform their duties, the de
partment does have a citizen
ride-along program. To do
so, however, you must sign a
Hold Harmless Agreement.
Participants must be 18 years
of age unless they are a mem
ber of the Police Explorers
Program. If they are Explorers
aged 14-18, a signed, written
permission statement from
their parents must be provided
and their participation must
be approved by the Chief of
Participants will be under
the direct control of the police
officer and are not allowed to
enter private homes or other
areas. Nor can participants
photograph or videotape
without explicit consent of the
Participants cannot inter
fere with the police officers
Officers will not engage in
pursuits with a participant on
board. Division Command
ers have the option to deny a
request to participate in the
Officers may request that the
Ride-Along privileges of the
participant be terminated for
just cause.
By signing the hold harm
less agreement you are stating
you will hold RPD harmless
and the City of Roberta, their
agents and employees and
not file any claims, damages,
losses or expenses result
ing from participating in the
program. As a participant
there is a chance you could
suffer damage to your person
or property.
If you would like more
information on the Citizen
Ride-Along Program, contact
Police Chief Benny Thomas
at Roberta Police Department.
Nancy Jones, left, a local resident, was the artist who created the painting for the JugFest Hall of Fame
inductee Emmett Merritt which was unveiled at the Preview Party. Posters and postcards were available
for sale.