Newspaper Page Text
MAY 30, 2013
Crawford Comity Sheriff's Arrest
Name: Burt, Shannon
Mazelle, Age: 38, Charges:
DUI - Alcohol/Controlled
substance present in blood/
urine subject to O.C.G.A.
40-6-391; Name: Crook,
George Berry, Age: 48,
Charges: Fleeing or attempt
ing to elude police office,
theft by taking - felony,
knowingly driving motor
vehicle on suspended,
cancelled,or revoked registra
tion, projecting loud light/flag/
strobe requirment (reduced
with repair), failure to main
tain insurance, driving wrong
side of undivided street, fail
ure to signal/improper signal;
Name: Dyer, Matthew Devin,
Age: 28, Charges: theft by
taking -felony; Name: Dykes,
Thomas Devon, Age: 25;
Charges: fleeing or attempting
to elude police officer, ATV
on public road; Name: Glass,
Brandi Bryant; Age: 30,
Charges: simple battery- fami
ly violence; Name: Howard,
Alyssa Darlene, Age: 25,
Charges: rule absolute; Name:
Lord, Mathew Frank, Age:
24, Charges: fleeing or
attempting to elude police
officer, ATV on public road;
Name: Martin, Charles
Robert, Age: 51, Charges:
aggravated assault (FVA);
Name: Murchinson, Jamar,
Age 37, Charges: failure to
maintain lane, failure to main
tain insurance, suspended
license -drug suspension, fail
ure to obey signs or control
devices; Name: Roberts
Walter Lee, Age: 31, Charges:
driving while license suspend
ed or revoked (misdemeanor);
Name: Russaw, Albert Mario,
Age: 40, Charges: marijuana-
possess Less than 1 oz.;
Name: Sauls, Jason Alan,
Age: 32, Charges: serving
sentence; Name: Searcy,
Antonio Demeico, Age: 36,
Charges: probation violation
(when probation terms are
altered) - misdemeanor, seat
belts - adults, obstructing or
hindering law enforcement
officers, possession of open
alcohol container, DUI - driv
ing under the influence of
alcohol - concentration is
0.08G or more within 3 HRS
or more, fleeing or attempting
to elude police officer, endan
gering a child by driving
under the influence of alcohol
or drugs, driving while license
suspended or revoked (felony)
(fourth or subsequent
offense); Name: Talton,
Chalance Etheta, Age: 34,
Charges: suspended license,
failure to maintain lane;
Name: Thomas, Mary
Constance, Age: 66, Charges:
failure to appear - misde
meanor; Name: Wainwright,
Lonnie Brian, Age: 39,
Charges: parole violation,
receipt, possession or transfer
of firearm by convicted felon
or felony first offender;
Name: Warner, Nicholad
Shane, Age: 24, Charges:
marijuana - possession less
than 1 oz.
All parties are innocent until
proven guilty in a court of
Perch Courty Sheriff*! Arrest Reports
Name: Allen, Traci Ann
Age:41, Charges: Murder;
Name: Brown, Willard, Age:
56, Charges: theft by taking -
misdemeanor; Name: Clark,
Courtney Artez, Age: 32,
charges: driving while license
suspended or revoked (mis
demeanor); Name: Dewberry,
Roger Jamel, Age: 24;
Charges: illegal possession of
controlled substance; Name:
Fowler, Jeffery Bryant, Age
36, Charges : serving 24
hours; Name: Fuller, Dyrek
A, Age: 39, Charges: proba
tion violation (when proba
tion terms are altered) - mis
demeanor; Name: Gainous,
Kenneth Ray, Age: 44,
Charges: driving while
license suspended, failure to
maintain lane; Name: Glass,
Brandi Bryant, Age 30,
Charges: simple battery -
Family Violence; Name:
Hall, Linda Faye, Age: 57,
Charges - probation violation
(when probation terms are
altered) - Felony; Name:
Harris, Detrick Deshawn,
Age: 20, Charges - Failure to
appear - misdemeanor;
Name: Hooten, Shalandra
Dashay, Age: 33, Charges:
simple battery; Name:
Howard, Alyssa Darlene,
Age: 25, Charges, Rule
Absolute; Name: Howard
Henry, Age 43, Charges,
DUI - AlcohoFcontrolled
substance present in blood/
urine subject to O.G.C.A.
40-6-391; Name: Jackson,
David Anderson, Age: 34,
Charges, failure to appear -
Felony; Name: Jackson,
Justin Lavar, Age : 34,
Charges: theft by receiving
stolen property - misdemean
or; Name: Jacobs, Calvin
Lee, Age: 49, Charges: fail-
Sin is never satisfied. The
homofascist thirst for abso
lute affirmation is unquench
What’s the next step?
Activists now demand that
adult men who desire sex
with other males (“gay” scout
masters) be allowed to take
your sons camping overnight.
Soon they’ll be insisting that
“transgender boys” (girls
who wish they were boys) be
allowed to join as well.
What a camping trip. Imag
ine the pup tent. Your son and
Jimmy - who’s got a crush
on him - along with Billy and
Billy’s boyfriend Bobby, all
snuggly warm in the middle
of nowhere. But make room
for Sammy (formerly Suzie)
and Sammy’s boyfriend Gary
(formerly Gertrude).
ure to appear - felony;
Name: Leslie, Christopher,
Age: 23, Charges: probation
violation (when probation
terms are altered) - felony;
Name: Lumpkin, Diocleutia
Quenell, Age: 28: Charges:
probation violation (when
probation terms are altered)
felony; Name: Malakins,
Tevin Dwight, Age: 20,
Charges: probation violation
(when probation terms are
altered) misdemeanor;
Name: Mann, Marques
Alfonso, Age: 30: Charges:
failure to appear - misde
meanor; Name: Maxwell,
Janella Jasmine, Age: 19,
Charges: simple battery;
Name: Maxwell, Marcus
Santini, Age: 31, Charges:
burglary, criminal damage to
property - 2 nd degree; Name:
Millines, Quenton Ellis, Age:
24, Charges: battery; Name:
Pigford, Dell, Age: 24,
Charges: probation violation
(when probation terms are
altered) - felony; Names:
Rhey, Christopher Melvin,
Age: 39, Charges: Safety belt
violation for 18 YOA and
older, window, windshield, or
wiper violation, improper sig
nal, illegal possession of con
trolled substance; Name:
Rossavivita, Emilio Niccolo,
Age: 71, Charges: possession
of firearm by convicted felon,
giving false name, address, or
birthdate to law enforcement
officer; Name: Solomon,
Carmesha Danielle, Age: 28,
Charges: contempt of state
court; Name: Stum, Dennis J,
Age: 37, Charges: rule abso
lute (child support); Name:
Tabor, Warren Ezar, Age: 61,
Charges: contempt of superi
or court; Name: Tennyson,
Freddie Maurice, Age: 35,
Don’t forget to hang the
disco ball.
And “always be prepared.”
You think there won’t be
new membership stagnation?
Who wants to sign their boy
up for the “Gay Scouts”?
What’s a kid gotta to do to
earn his “tolerance badge”?
Parents, you might want to
get out while the gettin’s
good. As one Eagle Scout
told me, “I’m not leaving the
Boy Scouts, the Boy Scouts
left me.”
It’s only a matter of time
until BSA caves on these
demands as well. They’ll
admit “gay” men and girls
soon. They have no choice.
Now that they’ve opened the
door, they’ve waived the only
legal defense they once had:
religious and moral convic-
Charges: failure to appear -
misdemeanor, probation vio
lation (when probation terms
are altered) - misdemeanor;
Name: Tester, Tester
Edwards, Age: 39, Charges:
failure to appear - misde
meanor, possession of a
schedule 1 controlled sub
stance; Name: Thomas,
Ronnie Jamall, Age: 26,
Charges: probation violation
(when probation terms are
altered) - felony; Name:
Thompson, Gary, Age: 47,
Charges: deposit account
fraud/bad check $499 or less,
comtempt of state court.;
Name: Thompson, Reginald,
Age; 54, Charges: Tampering
with evidence - felony, pos
session of drug related
objects, obstructing or hin
dering law enforcement offi
cers; Name: Vinson, Adrian
Jentes, Age: 18, Charges:
driving without a valid
license (misdemeanor), fail
ure to report accident, fail to
RPT striking fixed object,
theft by taking - felony;
Name: Wade, Amanda
Michelle, Age: 35, Charges:
Illegal possession of con
trolled substance, window
tint violation; Name
Wainwright, Felicia Marie,
Age 25, Charges: loitering,
operating w/out lights
required by law, driving
while license suspended;
Name: Washington, Shadrick
Antwan, Age: 24, Charges:
driving while license sus
pended; Name: Weitz, Justin
Blake, Age: 23, Charges:
Appreshension of a wanted
All parties are innocent until
proven guilty in a court of
But here’s the good news.
I and dozens more will be
convening for a coalition
meeting of pro-family leaders
next month in Louisville,
Ky., to discuss the creation
of a moral alternative to the
Boy Scouts. Nature abhors a
vacuum. We intend to fill it.
Still, until then, please join
me as we mourn the loss of
this once honorable organi
zation. The Boy Scouts of
America: Bom Feb. 8,1910
-Died May 23,2013.
May it rest in peace.
Matt Barber (@jmattbar-
ber on Twitter) is an attorney>
concentrating in constitutional
law. He selves as Vice President
of Liberty/ Counsel Action . (This
information is provided for iden
tification purposes only.)
Continued From Front Page
before they were paved. Kel
ly requested that the board
consider any other projects
by the next regularly sched
uled meeting since the list
is due to DOT by the end of
June. Fripp stated that he and
Frankie McAfee watched
a piece of equipment called
Tar Pot and they would look
at the feasibilities of either.
He said they might be able to
do this part in house.
Kelly presented the board
with proposed language for
the 2015 SPLOST referen-
dem and noted that there
needed to be a joint meet
ing with the City of Roberta
to approve division of the
proceeds of the pending
SPLOST. Since both entities
meet at 6 p.m. on the first
Tuesday, he set a time of 5
p.m. on the first Tuesday in
the Coverdell Room.
Mincey had been asked to
look into insuring non owned
vehicles. He stated that, after
researching and discussion
with companies like State
Farm and Farm Bureau, that
it could not be done. Several
different ideas were present
ed, however, each one could
not be applied. Mincey said
that those individuals who
might be affected needed
to be notified to insure they
acquire the necessary insur
ance to protect their personal
property in the event of an
at-fault accident.
Under new business, Kelly
stated he would send a notice
to all county employees of
the potential liability as
sociated with responding
to emergencies in personal
vehicle. This notice would
require employees to sign
and acknowledge they had
been informed of the po
tential liability. Kelly will
create an amendment to the
county’s personnel manual
that will address this issue
for board approval.
Kelly informed the board
that the suit filed by Sheriff
Department ofificers-Terry
Burger, Johnny Cleveland,
Jason Rhea and former
employee Tom Wallace con
cerning personal leave was
dismissed by the judge issu
ing a Summary Judgment for
the defendants.
The Development Au
thority - Tax Abatement
was on the agenda. Since
no member of the Develop
ment Authority was present,
Chapman was asked to brief
the commissioners on the
request. In question is tax
abatement for a new compa
ny they were trying to get to
locate in Crawford County.
The current location is under
conservation and taxes are
less that $1000 per year.
This is a parcel of 147 acres
of uninhabited land. The
proposed company asked for
tax abatement on a sliding
scale for a period of seven
years. The development
authority countered with an
offer of four years. Under
this offer the county would
receive $2,200,000 in taxes.
The company countered
with an offer of $1,400,000.
The commissioners were
informed that this will not
produce any jobs except dur
ing construction. If the deal
goes through the county and
school board would receive
$30,000 due to the penal
ties of taking the property
out of conservation. Being a
win-win situation the board
agreed to the development
authority’s proposal.
Kelly informed the board
that the girls’ softball team
had raised $15,000 this year
and wanted to build a locker
room/concession stand at the
high school ball field. They
asked that the county waive
the $1,000 in building fees.
The county agrees to this,
however, it would still have
to be inspected. Passed 5-0.
Two budget amendments
on the agenda - one for the
adminstration office in the
amount of $12,717 to pay
for the forensic audit of the
Magistrate Court records; the
other for the roads depart
ment for a total increase of
$46,944.54 to pay construc
tion expenses, were ap
'Hw -Mope/ Clmtr
at Community Center, Crawford County
1101 Hwy. 341 N. (old Community Center)
will stage a Yard Sale SC Rifle
Raffle Ticket Sale June 7, 2013,
8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Date of Rifle Drawing August 24th
11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
NOTE: The Hope Chest is to be fully operational
July 30th.
The Food Bank with client referral is now
operational Tuesday - Thursday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
For more information call 478-836-2713