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Thursday, May 30,
A Special Breed
As another Memorial
Day comes into focus, it is
strongly recommended that
each citizen of our great
country take the time to
reconsider the years, talent,
and sacrifice that our Armed
Forces have extended, in
defense of our precious
liberties. From Flanders
Field, to the coastal areas of
Asia/Pacific; and to the far-
flung islands of the sea; the
lands are punctuated with
white crosses; indicating the
ultimate gift for the safety
and survival of families and
friends! We cannot overem
phasize the price that has
been paid!
As a twenty year veteran
of the U.S. Navy, it has been
my distinct privilege to
have served with men and
women of unimpeachable
loyalty; of patriotism beyond
the call —driven to peril by
unswerving character! I have
witnessed the swirling waters
of a thousand seas play host
to ships of battle; extend
ing themselves far beyond
the channels of safety; that
targets of necessity be neu
tralized! I have witnessed the
members of assault forces
assemble on land, sea, and
in the air; year after year; in
the most remote regions of
the globe; preparing for a
task that is often more dif
ficult than life itself! I have
watched the units of aviation;
strong swift, and efficient;
take to the skies for missions
that are eventually recorded
in history; yet often misun
derstood. They are extremely
capable, when dispatched by
superiors in a timely fashion!
It is because of such war
riors that we, in America, are
free to travel, work, and wor
ship according to our wishes.
Who are these daring
souls; who will sign on, suit
up, and launch out to un
known destinations — oblivi
ous to the dangers — tom
between family and duty
— yet determined in spirit to
eliminate terror and sacri
lege; from Korea to Vietnam,
to Somalia, to Croatia, to Iraq
Daniel W. Gatlyn,
USN Ret., Minister/
and Afghanistan; and on to
the ocean streams? I’11 tell
you who they are...
They are Bill and Barbara
from the school down the
street. They are Sam and
Sally from the church around
the comer. They are Alan and
Alice from the workplace
across the land. They are
ours! They are caring Ameri
cans! And they are the best!
This special breed; which
includes a multitude who are
weary, wounded; or conspic
uously absent from the home;
deserves our accolade, honor
and support on this 2013
Memorial Day!
Public Hearing Notice
The City of Byron will conduct a public hearing on Thurs
day, May 30, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. at City Hall located at 401
Main Street Byron GA 31008. The purpose of the hearing is
to receive citizen input and comments on the proposed des
ignation of an Urban Redevelopment Plan. The Urban Rede
velopment Plan focuses on utilizing all potential local, state,
and federal avenues for the redevelopment and revitalization
of blighted commercial, industrial and residential areas.
The proposed urban redevelopment area generally in
cludes areas in and around downtown Byron. Persons in
terested in learning more about the Urban Redevelopment
initiative in the City of Byron are invited to attend.
Persons with special needs should contact Tiffany Peavy,
Byron Better Hometown Executive Director at 478-956-2409
prior to May 30, 2013.
The Emergency Room at
Peach Regional Medical Center
601 Blue Bird Boulevard / Fort Valley
Will Close
Tuesday, July 16,2013 at 6:00 a.m.
The Medical Center of Peach County
and Emergency Room at
1960 Highway 247 Connector / Byron
Will Open
Tuesday, July 16,2013 at Noon
If you need emergency care from the hours of
6 a.m* - 12 p.m. on July 16, please call 911 or
report to the nearest Emergency Room.
The ICU Ministry provides hope
to others in need. Handmade
bags are delivered to area hos
pital waiting rooms with toiletry
items, magazines, etc. for the
family. Items for bags are always
needed. If you are interested in
volunteering or donating supplies
call Para at 214-5560. Icukits. or icukits@gmail.
com. ICU Survival Kits Ministry.
Come out and help assemble
bags, meets every second and
fourth Thursday at the Byron
Depot. Times are from 8 a.m. - 2
p.m.. Next meeting date will be
June 13th.
Toddler Tales at Byron Public
Library, Wednesdays 11 a.m.
18 months to 3 years. Wacky
Wednesday every first Wed. of
the the month for 4-7 years old.
‘All children 4 years and younger
must be accompanied by a care
giver, who must remain with the
child during their visit. Byron
Public Library 105 Church St.
Byron, GA 31008 478-956-
Free ABE and GED classes ev
ery Tuesday and Thursday, 8:30
a.m. -12:30 p.m. and 5:30-8:30
p.m., on Wednesday from 8:30-
11:30 a.m. at the Adult Educa
tion Center, 200 Moseley Road,
Byron. Orientation is on Monday
from 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. For
more information call 478-956-
The Comforting Quilters pro
vide quilts to those in hospice and
others in need. The CQ meets
the third Saturday of each month
at 200 E. Heritage St., downtown
Byron, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. For more
information contact Julie at 478-
978-0842 or comfortingquilters@
The Compassionate Friends
of Middle Georgia, Supporting
Family After a Child Dies, local
chapter meets the 4th Thursday
of each month at Byron United
Methodist Church at 7:00 p.m.
For information call Chapter
Leader Karla Chidester (478)
954-4592 or visit www.compas-
Visit Georgia Bob’s and sup
port our schools. Tell them you
represent the school PCHS
night is first Tuesday of each
month. BES night is the first
Thursday of every month. BMS
night is the second Thursday of
every month.
Central Georgia Autism Sup
port Group meets monthly
and is sponsored by the Right
On Track Pediatric Therapy
Program, a service of The
Children’s Hospital at the Medi
cal Center of Central Georgia.
Contact Melanie Peacock Shell,
SLP at 478-633-8088 or visit
Xtreme Monster Madness
May 31-June 1, Middle Georgia
Raceway, Byron. Tickets on sale
at The Byron Welcome Center
and Big Peach Antique Mall. For
more information call 478-956-
An Auxiliary of Volunteers to
support the new Medical Center
of Peach County is being creat
ed. If you are interested in joining
the Auxiliary please call 478-825-
8691, Ext. 318.
The second reunion of the 4th
Missile Battallion 61st Artillery
is being held at the Denny’s Res
taurant Banquet Room in Byron,
September 14, 1-4 p.m. Meals
are pay as you go. Contact one
of the following by September
1, 2013 if you plan to attend so
we can have an accurate head
count: Ernest Cooling 478-955-
8850 or Jack Shurling 478-552-
Fill’er up with food and fun at the
2013 Peach Festival Luncheon
presented by Byron Area His
torical Society, Friday, June 14,
noon, Byron United Methodist
Church, CFC Building. Tickets
are $15 and include lunch (fried
chicken with the fixings) and a
skit about ”Joe Sullivan’s Gas
Station”. Feel free to wear your
best 50’s attire! For tickets or
more information call 478-956-
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Fill in the blank squares in the grid, making sure that every
row, column and 3-by-3 box includes all digits 1 through 9.
Facebook 101 each Thursday at
the Welcome Center. Join us for
coffee and allow Joan Hayes to
help you promote your business.
For more info contact Tiffany at
2013 Peach Festival June 1 at
North Peach Park, Byron; June
8th in Fort Valley.
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony,
Thursday, June 13, 9 a.m.,
The Medical Center of Peach
County, Hwy. 247 Connector,
Byron, GA.
2013 Georgia Peach Festi
val taste challenge. Enter
your best peach treats - pies,
pastries - preserves - james
- cobblers, cakes - cookies
- spreads. Saturday, June 1,
North Peach Park. Entries
accepted 2-3 p.m.; 3-4 p.m.
Judging; Ribbons awarded to
winners at the covered pavil-
lion, 4:30 p.m.. Entry fee $15
on site. Call 478-825-4002 for
additional information.
Georgia Peach Festival Annu
al Car & Bike Show, Saturday,
June 8,10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Festi
val Park, Fort Valley.
Byron Farmers & Artisans
Market, June 1 - August 17, Jail-
house alley Park. Products and
crafts need to be Georgia Made
or Georgia Grown for sale in the
Byron Farmers Market. Market
hours are 9 a.m. - noon, every
Saturday beginning, June 1st to
August 17th. Vendors should be
ready to sell at 9 a.m. and not
break down the booth before
noon. Spaces are first come,
first serve and set up is in the
grassy areas of Jailhouse Park.
The cost of the Market is $25
per season for vendors. For
more information contact Tiffany
Peavy at 478-956-2409.
- Al-Anon meets Mondays, 11
a.m. at old Byron School. For
information call 956-5637.
-PC Board of Education meets
first Tuesday of each month
at 7 p.m.; Study session last
Tuesday of month, 6 p.m.
PC Tax Assessors meet first
Thursday of each month, 6 p.m.
-Byron Lions Club, first and
third Thursday, 7 p.m.
-Byron City Council, second
Monday, 6 p.m.
-PC Commission, second
Tuesday, 6 p.m.
-PC Development Authority,
third Thursday, 8 a.m.
-PC Water & Sewage Author
ity, third Monday, 6 p.m.
-Byron Rotary Club, every
Wednesday, 8 a.m., Masonic
Lodge Hall.
-Byron Tax Office, Tuesday &
Thursday, 8:30-4:30 p.m. Byron
Municipal Complex
News Deadline Friday at 5
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