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Thursday, May 30, 2013
Fort Valley Middle School 7th Grade EL A teacher,
Mrs. Denise Small, was chosen as 13 WMAZ’s ”My
Teacher is Tops!” for the week of May 13th. Kamry
McGhee nominated her. Small and McGhee are
Byron Middle School held their first Annual Military Child Breakfast on May
24. Students enjoyed breakfast and a performance from the Peach County
High School ROTC students. The ROTC students that performed were Lieuten
ant Junior Grade Ronnie Cordova, Chief Petty Officer Robert Standridge and
Lieutenant Commander Jacob Durbin. The Byron Middle School students were
recognized for their continuous support of their parent’s dedication and sacrifice
to the US Armed Forces. Students also had the chance to ask questions about the
High School ROTC program and how it could help them when they attend the
High School.
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Who Is Our Present Help?
The Psalmist tells us in
Psalm 46:1 that “God is our
refuge and strength, A very
present help in trouble.” This
is a favorite expression with
the psalmist in his effort to
describe God as affording a
place of safety for His people
in time of trouble. (Psalm
14:6; 62:7, 8). We are told
that the word refuge is from a
verb which means to flee and
then comes to mean a place
to which people flee in times
of danger. So God is to us in
times of spiritual danger what
the walls of a fortress would
mean to a soldier in times of
attack. To say that Jehovah
is our strength is simply to
say that He is the source of
strength in time of temptation
or when we are unable by our
own wisdom and strength to
do His will.
We have the affirmation
that god is a help in trouble.
All men have their trouble at
one time or another during
life, so all men need God.
This suggests something
of the power of God; He is
able to help all people at the
same time. His resources are
not to be exhausted by the
multitude of requirements of
the people who call upon his
name. There is no limitation
to the kind of trouble He is
able to help in any and all
kinds of trouble known to
Furthermore, God is a pres
ent help. This means that He
is near, He can help you at
the time you need help. God
is not limited in time, space,
or distance. This is proof
of the omnipresence of God
(Psalml39:7). He is here
with us, but He is just as near
to the man in China, Africa
and India as He is near to us.
This Psalm was not written
for Americans alone, so God
is as much a present help to
the people of one nation as
He is to others. Psalm 45:18
says, “Jehovah is night unto
all them that call upon him.”
God is a very present help.
This word is used to qualify
and intensify the idea of God
being a present, accessible
help. The use of this word
encourages us to call on Him
for help! The fortress would
do the soldiers no good if it
is not accessible, but God
is not only accessible, He is
very accessible; not to a part
of humanity, but to all of
The need for a place of
refuge, notice Psalm 61:3
“For you have been a shelter
for me. A strong tower from
the enemy. ’’All men realize
the need of a refuge, from
What Does The
Bible Say About...
James Earnhardt
Evangelist Church of
their enemies. All of us need
refuge from worry. The aged
are especially in need of this
blessing, youth is inclined
to be hopeful when there is
no basis for hope but aged
people are prone to worry
where there is no basis for
anxiety. The Lord has told
us to cast our cares upon him
because He cares for His
own. We are to be anxious in
nothing - don’t worry about
anything but let your request
be known to God, and you
will have peace that” passeth
understanding”. (Phil. 4:6,
For questions or comments
please contact James Earn
hardt at 478-825-7517.
Becky Carroll Wilcox
General Trial Practice
(478) 257-6100
108 Main Street, Byron, GA 31008
By Appointment, for new customers only. One Coupon per household. Coupon
must be mentioned when making appointment and presented at time of service.
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478^56-7282 f
qjwxm €TC.
Antique Clock Repairs
Grandfather, Wall, Cuckoo, All Types
J.J. (Joe) Bales
113 S. Camellia Blvd.
Fort Valley, GA31030
(478) 827-1111
Kevin Barry, Agent SkStdtBFdffll
Legion of Honor
3520 U.S. Highway 41N,
Suite 1005, Byron, GA
Bus. 478-333-3377
Fax 478-333-6848
Providing Insurance & Financial Services
Crimestoppers is a program designed to solve crimes with the
help of concerned citizens. This effective program asks that
community members fight crime by supplying leads and in
formation which may assist in bringing criminals face to face
with justice. It is anonymously done.
Alonzo Martinez
B/M DOB 03-05-73
Age 40 508 145 lbs.
Wanted by the Houston
County Sheriff's Office
for Rape.
Charles Garfield
Youngblood III:
W/M DOB 04-19-62
Age 51 600 225 lbs.
Wanted by the Houston
County Sheriff’s Office
for Theft by Shoplifting.
James Randall Jones Jr.:
W/M DOB 09-04-60
Age 52 509 210 lbs.
Wanted by the Bibb
County Sheriff's Office for
Violation of Probation.
B/M DOB 10-08-62
Age 50 511 180 lbs.
Wanted by the Houston
County Sheriff’s Office
for Violation of Proba-
Reggie Terrell Jackson:
B/M DOB 04-03-
70 Age 43 511
180 lbs.
Wanted by the Jones
County Sheriff’s Office
for Child Support.
Todd Stanley Hamlin:
W/M DOB 03-01-71
Age 42 509 165 lbs.
Wanted by the Jones
County Sheriff’s Office for
Child Support.