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Thursday, May 30, 2013
FilFEr Up
By Victoria Simmons
The Byron Buzz
Imagine if you will, a
simpler time, when gas was
cheaper and many a conver
sation was held at gas stations
like Joe Sullivan’s gas station
in Byron.
At this year’s Byron Area
Historical Society’s Peach
Festival Luncheon you will
be able to ’’Fill’er up” with
food and fun. The Luncheon
includes fried chicken and all
the fixings and a skit about
the Joe Sullivan Gas Station.
You are encouraged to wear
your best 50’s attire!
If you have been to one of
the BAHS’ luncheons and
enjoyed the skits, then you
know you do not want to miss
this year’s either. The skits
feature local folks who take
you back to a simpler time
and era. This year you will
learn about Joe Sullivan’s gas
This year’s luncheon will
be held Friday, June 14, noon
at Byron United Method
ist Church Fellowship Hall.
Tickets are $15 and includes
lunch and the show.
Proceeds from the luncheon
go back into community proj
ects. The Byron Area Histori
cal Society helped with the
Byron Pop Festival memorial
marker, contributes to the
BUMC building fund, Christ
mas decorations, repairs to the
old jail and depot and holds a
free community appreciation
cookout every year.
Stay tuned next week to see
how you can win free tickets
to the luncheon!
2013 Georgia Peach Festival Events Schedule
All day events in Fort Valley and Byron on Peach Festival Saturdays include a variety of food, arts and crafts, a Kids Zone with zip line,
music and more. Fresh Georgia Peaches from local growers Pearson Farms and Lane Southern Orchards will be sold.
Saturday, June 1
• 2 p.m.: Georgia Peach Festival Taste Challenge: Competition for
Pastries, Preserves, Jams, Cobblers, Cakes, Cookies or Spreads
• 7 p.m.: Pre-concert music
• 8 p.m.: The Has Beens in concert (Southern Rock)
Former members of Stillwater and the Doc Holliday Band,
• 9:45 p.m.: 3D Fireworks, free 3D glasses
Bring your lawn chairs for a night of good music and 3D fireworks
Tuesday, June 4
5:30 p.m.: Spaghetti and Jazz Dinner sponsored by the Fort Valley Arts Alliance, dinner will be served from 5:30-
each and can be purchased at the Troutman House, takeouts available.
Friday, June 7
• 6:30 p.m.: AJ the DJ takes center stage at the Peach County Courthouse parking lot for the Georgia Peach Festival’s inaugural “Block
Party.” This multi-talented artist is sure to please young and old with his large library of music. Bring your lawn chairs and be pre
pared to dance the night away. If you prefer to sing AJ will have plenty of tunes for those who like to do karaoke.
• 7 p.m.: “Little Red Riding Hood and the Peach Pies" at the Austin Theatre sponsored by the Fort Valley Arts Alliance. Admission is $5.
tickets can be purchased at the Troutman House.
Saturday, June 8
Best Peach Pies,
7:30#icketsare $10
La Sala de Emergencia en
Peach Regional Medical Center
601 Blue Bird Boulevard / Fort Valley
Estara Cerrada el dia
Martes, 16 de Julio del 2013
A LAS 6:00 A.M.
The Medical Center of Peach County
y la Sala De Emergencia en
1960 Highway 247 Connector / Byron
Estara Abierto el dia
Martes, 16 de Julio del 2013
Si necesita atencion de emergencia entre las
horas de 6am - 12 del medio dia el 16 de Julio,
favor llamar al 911 6 reportarse a la Sala de
Emergencia mas cercana*
President Geylene Geyman presents Jim Harden and
Minnie Gibson with certificates.
John Filler and his wife, Pat. Filler received a Spouse
Recognition Award.
Jim Harden receives a plaque from President Gey
lene Geyman for his many years of service to the
Byron Lions Club as Tail Twister.
Byron Lions Closes Year With
Officer Election And Awards
The Byron Lions Club,
nearing the end of the 2012-
2013 Lions year, elected
officers for the upcoming
year, attended the District
18E rally at McDonough,
enjoyed a joint dinner with
the Centerville Lions Club
and received awards from the
president at an appreciation
New officers for the
2013-2014 Lions year are:
President - Lee Brown; Vice
President - Steve Humphry;
Secretary - Marlene
Humphry; Treasurer - Fran
Washko; Tail Twister - Jim
Harden; Lion Tamer - An
thony W. (Tony) Keys. The
newly eelcted officers will be
installed at the dinner meet
ing on June 6, 2013 and will
officially take office July 1st.
April 15th, the Byron Lions
Club joined the Centerville
Lions Club for a very enjoy
able evening of food and
fellowship. At this meeting,
Gaylene Geyman, president
of the Club, presented a
check for the Georgia Lions
Lighthouse’s White Cane
program to J. C. Coefield, the
state White Cane Chairman
and Centerville Lions Club
member. Members of both
clubs are looking forward to
July 1, 2013 when the two
clubs will be in the same
district. At present, the Byron
Lions Club is in Georgia
Lions District 18E and the
Centerville Club is in 18F but
on July 1st, Centerville and
Byron will be members of
Georgia Lions District 180.
At the April 4th meeting
of the Byron Lions Club,
President Gaylene Geyman
presented a plaque to Jim
Harden for his many years of
service to the Byron Lions
Club as Tail Twister. The tail
twister promotes harmony,
good fellowship, life and
enthusiasm through appropri
ate stunts, games and jokes
and imposes fines on club
An Appreciation Break
fast was held at Denny’s
in Byron May 11, 2013.
President Geyman presented
John Filler with the Spouse
Recognition Award. This
award is given by the district
to spouses of Lions, who may
or may not be Lions, but who
have given of themselves
beyond the call of duty, such
as assisting in club or com
munity projects that entails
work through Lionism. John
is the spouse of Lion Pat
Filler. In addition to assisting
the Byron Lions Club in their
projects, John has partici
pated in Relay for Life in his
community and in activities
of his church. The president
also presented Certificates
of Appreciation to all ac
tive club members and some
non-Lions who have given
the club significant help dur
ing the past year. Non-Lions
receiving ’’Helping Hands”
awards for their help in club
actvities were: Dee Harden,
her daughter Kristi Bowden
and Kristi’s son, Jarrett
Johnson, for helping with
Christmas parade activities
and Corey Humphry for help
ing with club projects such as
the club’s turkey shoot and
pancake breakfast.
LeRoy L. Geyman,
Publicity Chair
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