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Crawford County Young
Farmers Meeting will be the
2nd Tuesday of each month at
noon in "The Roost” of Hudson’s
BBQ on the square. For more
information contact Crawford
Young Farmer teacher, Harvey
Pool at 478-973-0124 or hpool@
Alcoholics Anonymous - Will
meet every Tuesday and
Thursday at 7:00 p.m. at the
Crawford Counseling Center, 80
Wright Ave. For information call
Larry at 478-538-3435 or Yvonne
at 478-836-2664.
Get Ready For Head Start:
2013-2014 School Year
applications are currently being
taken. Availability is limited, so
call to register your child today.
Children are eligible for the free
services of Head Start as soon
as they turn 3 years old. Call for
appointment: MGCAA/Crawford
Head Start: 478-922-4464 and
for more info.
Kindergarten and Pre-K
Registration: Registration at
the Eagle’s Nest is in progress.
These documents (for the
child) will be required at time of
registration: Certified copy of
birth certificate, social security
card, Form 3231 (certificate
of immunization) Form 3300
(certificate of ear, eye, and
dental exam), proof of residency
and guardianship papers (if the
person registering the child is not
the natural or adoptive parent of
the child). For more info and to
obtain a copy of this list please
contact Debbie Austin at 478-
Roberta Musicians Foundation
will be meeting every Saturday at
5 p.m. next to Duke’s Pawn Shop
in the Piggly Wiggly shopping
center. Everyone is invited! Bring
your musical instrument to play
with the group or just bring a
chair to sit and enjoy the music!
Roberta Zumba is here!!
Forget the workout and join the
party! Zumba classes will be held
Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:30
a.m. at The Korean Martial Arts
Academy 18 Wright Avenue
Roberta, Ga. $6 per class,
NO CONTRACTS. For further
information contact Zumba
Instructor Jennifer Mathews at
The Crawford County
Counseling Center will raffle
off a Savage 308 Caliber Rifle
with a camouflage scope.
Tickets are $5 or you can get 15
tickets for $50, 35 tickets for
$100. The rifle can be seen at
Wester Auto. Contact RCCCOC
at 478-836-3825 for tickets.
Kingdom Rock Vacation Bible
School - Kingdom Rock
Vacation Bible School for pre
schoolers -ages 3-4 years-old
will be held July 15 -19, 9 a.m.
- noon, at Byron United
Methodist Church Children’s
Minstry Center, Main and W.
Heritage Blvd., downtown
The American Legion, Post
230, monthly meeting for July
18,2013 has been cancelled.
The next meeting will be
Thursday, August 08, 2013,
Hudson’s BBQ, at 7 p.m.
Questions, call Mark Spillers at
District-wide Title I
Information Night will be
Monday, July 29, 2013, 7 -8
p.m. in Crawford County Board
of Education Room, Roberta,
GA. Everyone invited. 478-836-
The school calendar has
changed. In response to
extreme state funding cuts the
Crawford County Board of
Education approved a 160 day
student calendar. Teachers will
return on August 27th.
Students will return on Tuesday,
September 3rd. Open House
will be Thursday, August 29th
from 4:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.
Deadline for community
calendar listing is 5 p.m.
Former Brave Signs Baseballs At Flint River Communications Event
CHAMBER - From Front
“Youth Leadership Craw
ford”. The board passed the
motion for Laquita McCrary
to proceed in gathering more
information to present to the
Montene Carroll, FIC
(Financial Representative)
with Modern Woodmen ad
dressed the board with a pro
posal on doing things in the
community such as planting
flowers and beautifying
around the Depot/ Chamber,
which is scheduled for July
20, 2013. She said she had
the funding she just needed
to know what she needed
to purchase. There was also
talk of in-ground lighting.
She asked for volunteers
from the board to help as the
Modern Woodmen women
have to be involved with the
digging and planting. She
said be sure to bring your
shovels, your gloves, a dig
ger or anything that scoops,
and food because you’re on
your own for that.
There was a change on
the Committee Report of the
Back to School Breakfast /
Teacher of the year - dated
August 15, 2013. The new
date changed to August 30,
2013 to begin at 8 - 9:30
a.m. at the Crawford County
Middle School.
Patti Temple talked about,
“New Taste in Crawford
County”, that will be held
July 26, 2013 where local
restaurants get together and
for people to get a taste of
food from their restaurants.
All restaurants are invited to
participate. If you are not a
Chamber Member then you
will have to pay a $10.00
fee to participate. Country
Kitchen and Till’s Treats
inside Piggly Wiggly are
not members so they have
already paid the $10.00 Fee
to participate in this event.
Planning for the JugFest will
begin on October 10th Anni
versary. Then the Christmas
in Roberta and Crawford
County - Lighting of the
Great Tree has been dis
cussed and the date has been
set to December 7, 2013.
In spite of the rain, Brian Jordan, greeted fans and
signed baseballs for them at Crossroads Store Saturday.
Accepting Bids
The Development Authority \n\W be
accepting bids for installation of a Back Flow
Valve in the fire protection system located
@640 Industrial Park Dr.
The Back Flow Preventor will be 4" located
in the bottom section of the riser inside the
Your bid must include all labor, materials,
and equipment necessary in accordance
with NFPA13, as well as local fire codes.
All bids must be post marked on or before
July 31,2013, the bid will be awarded on
August 01,2013.
Carol Jackson
Development Authority of Crawford County
478 836-3497-office
478 951-9698-cell
County Board of Commissioners ~ 6 p.m. First Tuesday
and Third Tuesday, Courthouse Coverdell Room
Roberta Crawford County Chamber of Commerce ~ will
hold their meeting 12 p.m., First Thursday of each month at
the Depot/Chamber Conference Center.
Roberta City Council ~ 6 p.m. First Tuesday, City Hall
Planning and Zoning Board of Appeals ~ 7 p.m. , Fourth
Thursday, Courthouse Coverdell Room, (if there is
Board of Education ~ 7 p.m. Second Tuesday, Board of
Education, Board Room.
Board of Tax Assessors ~ 5 p.m. Second Thursday,
Conference Room, Business Development Center
Board of Elections and Registration ~ 10 a.m. Third
Monday, Grand Jury Room, Courthouse
Development Authority ~ 6 p.m., First Thursday of
each month, Crawford Business Development Center,
Conference Room.
Crawford County Family Connection ~ Second Tuesday,
every other month, CGTC, Conference Room
Crawford County Recreation Board ~ 6:30 p.m. First
Monday, every month, Courthouse Coverdell Room
Crawford County Health Department Board of Health ~
Every three months. Next meeting is TBA at the Crawford
County Health Dept.
- From Front
increase next year.
Randy Robinson (op
erations) also made a mo
tion to look into outsourcing
(transportation) which was
discussed in length about
the School Busses. Several
Board members discussed
how employees could lose 15
days of pay but if contracted
out they would continue to
get their pay and it also if it
is contracted out they would
like to keep it in Crawford
County. The Board then
decided to let Randy Robin
son get some contract figures
to be discussed at the next
B.O.E. meeting. Chairperson
Raymond Dickey stated, “We
have a plan but we have no
plan.” He also stated, “We are
taking the escalator instead
of the stairs, we have to do
something different. “
Tim Johnson suggested the
parents of students signing
a waiver when the student
leaves the campus for lunch.
It was also discussed to
increase the time for the
senior’s lunch break, where
the student will have to sign
out then in again when he/she
returns to the school.
Knoxville Store
Knoxville, Georgia
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All Credit Cards Accepted
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208 S DUGGER • HWY 341 • ROBERTA, GA 31078
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