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Monday - Friday see Lindsey at
the Probate Court 9 am- 5 p.m.
Saturday At the High School
Fieldhouse 12 noon-2 p.m.
Age 7-12 $75
Flag $25
Contact James -478-258-0110
or Lindsey at 478-836-3313 with
AUGUST 9, 2013
Georgia Family Connection of
Crawford County is planning a
”Back-to-School Bash” for the
2013-2014 school year, Friday,
August 9,2013,4 p.m.-7 p.m.
at Central Georgia Technical
Get Ready, Tread For
Ed 2K Walk- will take
place September 21,
2013, 5 p.m.
A team honoring Ed
Issue 31 Thursday, August 8, 2013 The Voice of Crawford County Since 1921
also serving Byron and Peach County
Musicians play at Knoxville Store for Customer Appreciation
Music has gained popularity in Roberta-Crawford County and the Roberta Musicians’ Foundation meets every
Saturday at 5 p.m. next to Duke’s Pawn Shop in the Piggly Wiggly shopping center. You can play with the group if
you bring your musical instrument or just sit and enjoy the music. This past Saturday members of the group played
during Customer Appreciation Days at Knoxville Store.
Chamber asked about scholarship funding
By Susan Garnto
The Georgia Post
Rick Sharon of Central Georgia Tech
nical College addressed the Chamber
of Commerce board this month about
the possibility of the board setting aside
some funds for a grant or something
similar, every year. If the chamber was
interested, the funds would help pay for
Education Scholarships for the students
who need extra help with financial needs
or in need of extra money such as $50.00
or $100.00, to help pay for cost of col
lege books or out-of-pocket scholarship
Laquita McCrary (Flint EMC) suggest
ed to Rick Sharon to check with Flint.
Flint has $5,000.00 Scholarships for
helping students going to college. After
a discussion among the board members,
Charles Cook (President) said the matter
would be referred to the Budget Com
mittee which will take a look at it and see
where the Chamber stands for next year.
Someone had asked about advertise
ments being placed on the quarterly
newsletter Charles Cook was not for
it but Amy Moncreif suggested that
she would like to look into this further.
Celia Martin (board member and fonner
director) suggested that it could make
production costs higher than the benefits
received. Cook referred the issue to the
Newsletter Committee to look into and
discuss further.
The meeting on the auction was
Back to School
Breakfast/Teacher of the Tear
changed to
August 30, 2013.
postponed until farther notice. The Back
to School Breakfast /Teacher of the
Year has been changed to August 30,
2013 from 8- 9:30 a.m. at the Crawford
County Middle School.
Executive Director Patti Temple said
she believed the “New Taste in Crawford
County” held July 26, 2013 was a suc
cess in spite of the weather.
Temple noted that planning for the
JugFest begins October 10, 2013. This
year is the 10th Anniversary. Sandi
Ragsdale (Historical Society Member)
was not present so Temple reported
that she and Sandi have already started
working on the Jugfest 10th Anniversary.
Charles Cook said he had two recom
mendations, (l)”Don't have this event
on a Friday because it is the busiest time
for the restaurants in the community”.
(2) “Advertisements need to be placed in
businesses on the windows or boards for
the people who do not get The Georgia
Post newspaper.
The first Saturday of December the
7th, 2013 will be the “Fighting of the
Great Tree” for Christmas in Roberta and
Crawford County.
The board went into an closed Ex
ecutive Session which lasted about 15
minutes. They will meet next month on
September 5, 2013.
Dev. Auth. waiting on signed lease for spec bldg.
By Susan Garnto
The Georgia Post
Everything is in place and
on hack for the spec build
ing, Vice Chairman Charles
Westberry reported to the
Development Authority board
last week. The underground
piping is done and they are
waiting on the rain to subside
and for the City to help install
the sprinkler system. West-
berry noted the back overflow
problem had been corrected.
“We are just waiting on a
signed lease,” he said.
In other business Roberta
Mayor Becky Smith ques
tioned the board about a fence
interferring with Gregory
Webb being able to receive
water to his property. The
question was posed as to
whether or not one of the two
fences would have to be taken
down and put back up or if the
water line could go in between
tlie two fences. Chairperson
Brenda Carroll asked Webb,
who was in attendance, if he
was going to do the work him
self. Webb indicated he could.
There was more discussion
and Carroll told Webb to get
back with Carole Jackson the
mext morning so she could get
with tlie Maintenance Com
mittee and report back to him.
2 Sections, 12 Pages One Dollai
School Board
Tax Increase
Public can speak Aug. 13th
By Renee Goggins &
Victoria Simmons
The Georgia Post
“We have tried every
thing we can possibly do to
cut costs,” Supertintendent
of Schools, John Douglas
stated. “The only thing to
consider next is raising the
millage rate.”
The board of education
is contemplating raising the
millage rate which is now
at 13.5 by 2.5 mills which
would put it at 16 mills. This
would mean an additional
$250 per taxpayer based on a
house value of $ 100,000. The
system had to borrow money
for the 2013 school year and
has held the 13.5 mils for
several years.
No decision has been made
on increasing the millage
and the board will discuss it
further at their regular meet
ing Tuesday, August 13,7
p.m. Douglas said the public
is encouraged to come early
and sign up to voice their
In other business at the
called meeting last week,
contracting out transpor
tion services was up for
discussion. John Zeigler of
Durham School Sendees
(a school bus contractor)
addressed the board and
attendees of the meeting.
Board members are consider
ing contracting out transpor
tation as another way to save
money. Zeigler stated that
he may be able to save the
county money on their fuel
account. He said he would
install Zonar GPS systems
on the buses, which would
detemrine where the bus
was enroute in case a parent
needed to locate their child,
speed tracking, check for
sleeping children and manage
bus idle times to be sure it is
not left idling unnecessarily.
Some of the county’s
school bus drivers were in
attendance and voiced deep
concern about then jobs. If
the school bus transportation
system, is contracted out the
drivers pay would remain the
same, but the drivers would
only be paid for time worked,
two hours in the morning
and two hours in the evening,
unless the route goes longer.
If the route is longer addi
tional hours would be added.
They will also be paid extra
for field trips. Drivers would
have to apply for unem
ployment during holidays
and summer months. The
employees were told that no
decisions have been made at
this time. Employees were
asked by board chairman
Raymond Dickey to write
down their concerns and
questions and submit them
to the board. If the county
decided to contract out with
Duram, they would have to
request a proposal. It would
take up to 90 days and
would most likely not take
place in this school year. The
board said they would inves
tigate the issue further.
A member of the nutrition
staff came forward to speak
on behalf of the nutrition
staff. The nutrition staff’s
pay would be cut about 8%
due to the 160 day school
year. Pay for about 50-55
employees from janitorial
service, lunchroom and bus
drivers have been affected.
This loss adds up to about
$13,000 per month. The
board stated that everyone
is being cut and they are
looking for ways to save the
county money. They have
looked at maybe having to
cut school sports, the ROTC
program and music due to the
budget cuts.
One lady not happy with
the cuts said they were not
fair and suggested that the
SCHOOL, Page 3
Parental involvement important
to schools 7 education goals
By Susan Garnto
The Georgia Post
A Title 1/Special Educa
tion meeting was held July
29th to bring awareness
and input for the parents of
Crawford County students
and community representa
tives and foster parental
Title 1 Director Rhonda
Harris, facilitated the
meeting. The discussion
concerned District Paren
tal Involvement where the
CCBOE (Crawford County
Board of Education) will
put into operation programs,
activities and procedures for
the involvement of parents
in all of its schools with
Title 1, PART A program.
Parental involvement is
the participation of parents
in regular, two-way, and
meaningful communication
involving student academic
learning and other school
GOALS, Page 3
Raising $$$for CCMS softball with car wash Saturday
Saturday was a perfect day for a car wash and that’s exactly what members of the Crawford County Middle School
softball team held. It was a team fundraiser to help raise funds for the team. The car wash was held in the parking
lot at Mincey and Mincey.