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Crawford County HS FFA will be hosting its
They will be selling Florida Indian River Groves fruit and will have a
selection of Navel Oranges, Ruby Red Grapefruit, Hamlin (juice)
Oranges and Tangelos. There will also be a mixed carton available with
Navel Oranges and Ruby Red Grapefruit. Fruit will be sold in 10 lb., 20
lb. and 40 lb. cartons. Prices will be $18 for 10 lbs.; $22 for 20 lbs. and
$30 for 40 lbs. Sale now until October 25th. Will be delivered to CCHS
week of November 18-22. Payment must be made prior to ordering the
fruit. For questions or to place an order see any CCFIS FFA member or
email daryl.baxley@crafordschool. org.
Friday, October 18.
8:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m. in the gym.
To register see Mrs. Hollingshed.
Crawford County Chamber of Commerce
Second Annual Scarecrow Contest!
All Scarecrows will be judged through
October 31. 2013!!!
Issue 37 Thursday, October 3, 2013 The Voice of Crawford County Since 1921
also serving Byron and Peach County
2 Sections, 12 Pages One Dollar
School system to go
through public hearings
again due to wording
Wording was left off in the origi
nal announcement of the Crawford
County Board of Education’s tax
millage original announcement
which means the school system will
go through the process of public
hearings again. John Douglas,
School Superintendent, released the
following press release:
The Crawford County Board of
Education announces its intention
to increase the property taxes it will
levy this year by 18.52 percentage
over the rollback millage rate.
Due to the reduction of state
school funding, the Board of Educa
tion’s Budget requires an increase
in local funding.
The Board of Education complet
ed this process in September but
inadvertently left off the following
wording in the original announce
ment and is completing the process
again to comply with the newer
standards for advertising:
This tentative increase will result
in a millage rate of 16.00 mills, an
increase of 2.5 mills. Without this
tentative tax increase, the millage
rate will be no more than 13.50
mills. The proposed tax increase for
a home with a fair market value of
$100,000 is approximately $95.00
and the proposed tax increase for
non-homestead property with a
fair market value of $100,000 is
approximately $100.00.
When the total digest of taxable
property is prepared, Georgia law
requires that a rollback millage rate
must be computed that will pro
duce the same total revenue on the
current year’s digest that last year’s
millage rate would have produced
had no reassessments occurred.
The budget tentatively adopted by
the Crawford County Board of Ed
ucation requires that a millage rate
higher than the rollback millage
rate, therefore, before the Crawford
County Board of Education may
finalize the tentative budget and
set a final millage rate, Georgia law
requires three public hearings to be
held to allow the public an opportu
nity to express their opinions on the
All concerned citizens are invited
to the public hearings on this tax
increase to be held at the Board of
Education Board room, 190 East
Crusselle Street, Roberta, Georgia
on October 10, 2013 at 8:00 a.m.
and 7:00 p.m. and on October 17,
2013 at 7:00 p.m.
Price to seek Senate
Spencer Price has announced
his candidacy for the Georgia state
senate from the 18th senate district
which includes Crawford, Monroe,
Upson, and Peach counties and
of western
Bibb County
and north
“It brings
me great
pleasure to
my candi
dacy for
state senate
from the
18th senate
said Price.
“I look
forward to
with citi
zens from
out the
18th senate district in an effort to
understand your concerns and to
determine the most effective way to
represent you at the state capitol.”
Price has lived in the 18th sen
ate district for more than 39 years.
“I have a strong interest in the
18th senate district,” said Price.
“I’ve lived in the district most of
my life and I’ve spent many years
in service to the local community
and its citizens. My candidacy for
state senate is a further extension
of that life of service. I look forward
to a meaningful and productive
campaign and I welcome your com
ments and suggestions.”
Price, 49, is an emergency
physician and director of emergen
cy medicine at a central Georgia
18 seat
“As a physician serving in the
legislature, one of my top prior
ities will be to increase the voice
of healthcare at the state capitol,”
Price said. “Healthcare is a complex
issue that
affects all
there are
few phy
in Geor
gia’s state
senate to
assist in
out these
issues and
to en
sure that
are met
and their
A 19-year veteran of the Geor
gia Army National Guard, Price
is a 1999 recipient of the Georgia
Army National Guard’s William
Few Award and the U.S. Army’s
General Douglas MacArthur Lead
ership Award naming him among
the top company-grade officers in
the nation. He completed combat
deployments to Iraq in 2005 and
Afghanistan in 2009 and has partic
ipated in humanitarian relief mis
sions overseas and disaster relief
missions in Georgia. Price is also a
former member of the NASA Space
Operations Medical Support Team
for the Space Shuttle program.
“My father was a World War Two
veteran who served
in the South Pacif- PRICE, Page 8
Price with his wife and son.
1 ^
A few of the items to be auctioned at the Auction Party to be held on October 19 at Martha Johnston Girl Scout
Camp by the Roberta-Crawford Chamber of Commerce. Get your tickets today by calling the Chamber office.
Annual Chamber auction includes
guns, vacations, cakes and more
Roberta Crawford County Chamber “Unbe-LEAF-
able” Auction Party will be held in just 17 days from
today. There are so many items to auction that it is
impossible to mention all of them don’t miss out on
this fall evening everyone will talk about October 19,
2013 at the Martha Johnston Girl Scout Camp!
Items on the auction block will include delicious
Betty Harris and Thelma Sheppard cakes, fine wines,
hand crafted items, golf for party of four, dinner tick
ets, framed and matted prints, and so much more in
the way of riffles, tools, Charlie West Pottery, beauty
products, promised rifles to come and a Shot Gun of
the Year donated by Atlanta Sand and Supply (2010
Model 870, 887 Nitro Mag Shotgun) and package
to include amo and targets valued at over $500. Or
for the history buff over $500 in Crawford County
history books, and Christmas tree ornaments compli
mented by a year’s membership to the CCHS (Craw
ford Co. Historical Society) in beautiful baskets or
the framed and matted courthouse numbered print
by Clare Golson. How about a trips to wonderful
excursions like this ... from chamber member Amy
Buice Ooh La La Catering a seven night stay at The
Reef House Resort with the underwater magic of
reef diving and relaxation of beautiful beaches of toe
snuggling white sand. Diving package is included and
the resort can be researched at www.reefhouseresort.
com. This package does not include air fare or diving
equipment rental fee but is valued at $2500-2700.
Credit and Debit cards will be on option to pay for all
your purchases! This is a first for the auction extrav
aganza. Buy now and pay later how about that! That
is just a taste of what will be for you to choose in a
silent or live auction.
This very special evening will be held on Saturday
October 19, 2013 at the picturesque and very accom
modating Martha Johnston Girl Scout Camp on Girl
Scout Road in Crawford County. For all GPS users
the address is Martha Johnston Girl Scout Camp,
1500 Girl Scout Road, Lizella, GA 31052. The leaves
may be colorful but the most colorful will be the
decor and the fun going on inside with the serving
of heavy hors d’oeuvres, enjoying a night out while
supporting your chamber in this biennial event. A
variety of foods and drinks will be made available
suiting every taste pallet.
At this point the chamber reports there are so many
valuable items to let your bid go in the going, going
sold to the couple in the back... that night promises
fun and excitement for anyone. All members of the
chamber pay an admittance fee of $20 per person
and non- members $25. Come in at 6 p.m. and begin
to browse the silent auction but place your bid on
one of the fine items by 7 p.m. Feast on the heavy
hors d’oeuvres until the live auction begins at 7:30
All funds earned at the auction go to the many com
munity, city, county projects the chamber would like
to complete. Support local business, support your
Excessive rain losses gets Crawford
designated as a natural disaster area
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has
designated 79 counties as primary natural disaster
areas due to damages and losses caused by excessive
rain that began in April and continues through some
Crawford County is one of those counties.
“Our hearts go out to those Georgia farmers and
ranchers affected by recent natural disasters,” said
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. “We are commit
ted to ensuring agriculture remains a bright spot in
our nation’s economy by sustaining the successes
of America’s farmers, ranchers and rural communi
ties through these difficult times. We’re also telling
Georgia producers that USDA stands with you and
your communities when severe weather and natural
disasers threaten to disrupt your livelihood.”
The designation was made September 25, 2013
making all qualified farm operations in the desig
nated areas eligible for low interest emergency loans
from USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA), provided
eligibility requirements are met. Farmers in Craw
ford and other eligible counties have eight months
from the date of the declaration to apply for loans to
help cover part of their actual losses.
Additional programs available to assist farmers and
ranchers include the Emergency Conservation Pro
gram, Federal Crop Insurance and Noninsured Crop
Disaster Assistance Program. Interested farmers may
contact their local USDA Service Centers (provided
they are not affected by the shutdown) for further
information on eligibility requirements and applica
tion procedures for these and other programs. You
can find additionaol information online at http://