The Georgia post. (Knoxville, Crawford County, Ga.) 19??-current, October 10, 2013, Image 1

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    Crawford County HS FFA will be hosting its
They will be selling Florida Indian River Groves fruit and will have a
selection of Navel Oranges, Ruby Red Grapefruit, Hamlin (juice)
Oranges and Tangelos. There will also be a mixed carton available with
Navel Oranges and Ruby Red Grapefruit. Fruit will be sold in 10 lb., 20
lb. and 40 lb. cartons. Prices will be $18 for 10 lbs.; $22 for 20 lbs. and
$30 for 40 lbs. Sale now until October 25th. Will be delivered to CCHS
week of November 18-22. Payment must be made prior to ordering the
fruit. For questions or to place an order see any CCFIS FFA member or
email daryl.baxley@crafordschool. org.
Friday, October 18.
8:30 a.m. -1:30 p.m. in the gym.
To register see Mrs. Hollingshed.
Crawford County Chamber of Commerce
Second Annual Scarecrow Contest!
All Scarecrows will be judged through
October 31. 2013!!!
Issue 37 Thursday, October 10, 2013 The Voice of Crawford County Since 1921
also serving Byron and Peach County
RCCOC Business of the Quarter
Roberta Crawford County Chamber of Commerce Business of the 3rd Quarter is McLeighton Funeral Service or David Mc-
Leighton, wife Donna and his staff for their professional and compassionate personalities both in business and as they
include the same for the community as tireless volunteers. David is currently serving as chair of the Crawford Counseling
Center and Hope Chest. He supports the community in many ways with his activity or by what he is able to contribute in oth
er ways. Not only is he active in Crawford County, but he works just as hard in Taylor County where he is lauded in that coun
ty as well for service to the community and recently elected as the President of the Taylor County Kiwanis Club. He recently
received an award from the Georgia Association of Funeral Directors which elected him to the executive board of the Georgia
Funeral Directors Association. The business once known as Goddards Funeral Home, now recognized as McLeighton Funeral
Services was established 11 years ago, however, they have been volunteering for many years as a couple and individually.
Pictured from left are Michelle Bogulski of BB&T, Charles Cook, chamber president, Donna and David McLeighton.
2 Sections, 18 Pages One Dollar
Suspended judge
resigns; signs
a consent order
The Georgia Post
Arrested in early March for
fiduciary theft and viola
tion of oath of office, then
Magistrate Judge Andrea
Petermen agreed to a volun
tary suspension. She would
continue to receive her salary
plus benefits until convicted
or acquitted. Robin Dunaway
served as Deputy Magistrate
Judge to temporarily take
care of the office until the
Governor appointed Richard
Spencer to the position while
the investigation was ongo
ing. Peterman has now re
signed and signed a consent
order stating she will never
seek judicial office.
The letter of resignation
was sent to Governor Nathan
Deal and is dated October t,
2013. She signed the consent
order the same day with the
Georgia Judicial Qualifica
tions Commission (GJQC).
According to her attor
ney Michael Chidester, the
consent order settles the case
with the CJQC. He has stat
ed that Peterman just wants
to get all of this behind her.
After the allegations
surfaced the Georgia Bureau
of Investigation began a
criminal investigation and a
forensic audit was conducted
to determine the amount of
the alleged theft. Money was
reportedly taken from the
funds collected by the mag
istrate office. An amount has
not been released.
Peterman had just taken
the office of magistrate in
October 2012 after running
unopposed to fill the position
vacated by previous Magis
trate Judge Donna Johnson,
who died just one day after
the qualifying period for the
2012 elections ended.
Until there was a resolu
tion to the case, Crawford
County has been paying
double duty for the position.
With Peterman’s resignation,
that will no longer be the
The District Attorney’s
office said prosecutors were
planning to present the case
to a Grand Jury this month.
Her attorney is also trying to
resolve the criminal case.
County Attorney David
Mincey has written a let
ter to the Macon Judicial
Circuit’s Superior Court
judges informing them of the
resignation and asking that
they make a permanent ap
pointment for the Magistrate
Court Judge.
Spencer has indicated
he would be interested in
serving in the permanent
position which would be up
for election in 2016.
Thompson wants to bring unity
Roberta awarded COPS grant;
approves portable radios for PD
After approving the agen
da for last week’s Roberta
City Council meeting, Mayor
Becky Smith called on the first
visitor Robert Smith from the
Regional Commission and
Kathleen Cook representing
the Hatcher Center.
They discussed the grant
application for upgrading
and paving Wright Ave which
turns off US 80 past the Dollar
General store. The road goes
to the end on the property of
the Hatcher Center and then
turns left to U S 341.
This new development
will provide for 40 to 50 jobs
here in the community and
is funded by a one hundred
percent grant; therefore, there
will be no expense to our local
Smith needed city’s ap
proval as this work would be
done on a public road. The
question was asked that since
this is a DCA grant with a
limit of $500,000.00 could
the necessary water and sewer
lines expense also be included.
Smith told council he will look
into this possibility.
Next on the list was Charles
Cook speaking as a citizen
of the city. Cook thanked
Councilman Billy Bassett on
the work that had been done
on having the curbs and side
walks trimmed. He also stated
that Dr. Bassett had made
arrangements for the county
to assist with the cutting of the
bushes that blocked the view
and safety of motorists. This
was put on temporary hold to
clarify the equipment needs
but has now started.
Council approved the City
mileage rate at six (6) mills
after the council was assured
that this was the same as last
year and no increase was
Halloween was discussed
and the city agreed to set the
same date (October 31) as the
county. The times will be 5 to
8 p.m.
Mayor Smith presented a
letter from the Board of Edu
cation agreeing to the annex
ing of the Middle School into
the city. The only stipulation
was that the land will remain
classified as agriculture in
order to have the controlled
burns. This was approved by
council. The Mayor stated
that Georgia Power advised to
notify them as soon as the land
was annexed in order to start
franchise fees on the power
The sidewalk project is be
ing handled by the GDOT and
bids hopefully will be taken in
Council discussed the roof
on fire house and approved for
the bidding process to begin.
This roof will be priced for a
metal roof where the City Hall
roof was shingled.
Councilman Erv Patton
announced that the City was
only one of two in the State to
receive a COPS grant starting
September 1st. This grant,
which totals $98,000 will pay
the salary and benefits for
three years after which the
City will be required to keep
this officer for a minimum
of one year. This can be a
part-time elevated to full time.
After getting all paperwork
completed and the new officer
on board there will be one
officer on during the day in
addition to the chief.
Captain Trent Anderson
approached council for the
purpose of purchasing four (4)
additional portable radios for
the police department which
was approved 5-0. He then
discussed the signs in the park
which they needed to enforce;
however, the signs did not in
clude the code number. Coun
cilman Robert Cody said he
would get with Joanne Hamlin
and have them corrected.
Council then approved
previous minutes and tried
to decide on a date to pass
the 2013-2014 budget but
adjourned without setting a
The Georgia Post
NOTE: Both Thompson and
Mayor Smith were given
questions on the same day
and asked to turn them in
for publication this week.
Mayor Smith did not turn
hers in.
Sherry Thompson says
she is seeking the position
of Roberta Mayor because
she sees a need for unity. “I
have been attending meet
ings, not only City Council,
but also County Commission
and Board of Education, and
unity seems to be missing. I
think I am the person to help
bring that unity about.”
Thompson said in a sense,
she’s already representing
the citizens of Roberta by at
tending those meetings and
learning about things which
can be improved.
When asked what she
could bring to the table,
Thompson replied, “Good
judgement, lack of fear and
an open mind.”
As for problems she again
mentions lack of unity be
tween all entities. She said
unity between city council
and the office of mayor is
critical in making access
available to the citizens.
“Cooperation between the
Relay committee looking
for energetic individuals
The staff and volunteers behind Relay for
Life of Crawford County are looking to add
energetic, talented, and dedicated individ
uals to the planning committee that builds
one of the largest community fundraisers in
Crawford County.
A meeting will be held at Hudson’s on
October 15, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. for all those
interested in learning more about how to get
involved in our life saving mission.
The planning committee is responsible for
planning and marketing the May 17, 2014
event, recruiting Relay teams and corporate
sponsors, training and motivation Relay
team captains and team members,engaging
cancer survivors, creating awareness about
the impact of ACS in the fight against cancer
through research and advocacy and how the
Society serves patients through programs
and services.
Committee members are needed with
skills and talents in the areas of communica
tion, marketing, sales, technology, training,
motivation, photography, creativity, and
organization. If you have ever been involved
in Relay for Life previously, the committee
would love for you to come to give input in
planning this event.
For more information on how to join the
Relay for Life of Crawford County, please
contact Marie Massie at massiefarm@aol.
com or Donna Spillers at donnaspillers@aol.
“We would love to have you join us to
learn more about the event and how you
could possibly help,” said Massie.