The Georgia post. (Knoxville, Crawford County, Ga.) 19??-current, October 17, 2013, Image 1

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    Crawford County HS FFA will be hosting its
Florida Indian River Groves fruit and a selection of Navel Oranges,
Ruby Red Grapefruit, Hamlin (juice) Oranges and Tangelos will be on
sale. There will also be a mixed carton available with Navel Oranges
and Ruby Red Grapefruit. Fruit will be sold in 10 lb., 20 lb. and 40 lb.
cartons. Prices will be $18 for 10 lbs.; $22 for 20 lbs. and $30 for 40
lbs. Sale now until October 25th. Will be delivered to CCFIS week of
November 18-22. Payment must be made prior to ordering the fruit. For
questions or to place an order see any CCFIS FFA member or
email daryl.baxley@crafordschool. org.
The Crawford
County Chamber of
Commerce Second
Annual Scarecrow
All Scarecrows will
bejudged through
October 31, 2013
The Chamber of Commerce
Auction Party will be held
on Saturday, October 19,
2013, at 6:00 p.m. at
Camp Martha Johnston
Girl Scout Camp on Girl
Scout Road in Crawford
The cost for this Auction
Event will be §25 per per-
son for non-members and
§20 for Chamber members
Issue 39 Thursday, October 17, 2013 The Voice of Crawford County Since 1921
also serving Byron and Peach County
2 Sections, 16 Pages One Dollar
School employee
arrested for child
A school system employee, Carlteze
James Safford, has been arrested and
charged with child molestation.
According to the Crawford County
Sheriffs Office an Investigator met with
Crawford County High School officials
at the high school on October 9, 2013
about a child molestation case involving
a school employee. This investigation
later led to the arrest of Carlteze James
Saffold, 28, of Roberta, Georgia. The
Georgia Bureau of Investigation has
been requested to assist the Crawford
County Sheriffs Office in this ongoing
Saffold has been charged with four (4)
counts of Sexual exploitation of children,
four (4) counts of Enticing a child for
indecent purposes and four (4) counts
of Child molestation.
Saffold went before Superior Court
Judge Phillip Brown for his first ap
pearance hearing and bond was set at
$100,000.00. Community members
who know Saffold are shocked at this
development, who is also a youth pastor.
Anyone with information about this
case can contact the Georgia Bureau of
Investigation at 478-987-4545 or the
Crawford County Sheriffs Office at 478-
Gavel exchanged at Kiwanis
The gavel was handed over by Crawford County Kiwanis President Chuck White (back row second
from left) to new president Andrea Youngblood. Larry Carpenter (far right) assumes the president
elect position. All were sworn in on Wednesday Oct. 9,2013 by the Ltn. Governor. John Douglas (sec
ond from right in back) past president, Patricia Bassett treasurer (front row second from right) and
Sandra Williams, secretary will remain in their positions.
School system behind in
technology; working on
getting district up to speed
The Georgia Post
Carmen Wilson, Technol
ogy Director for Crawford
County schools, and Lynda
Vaughn Media Specialist,
presented the Board of Edu
cation (BOE) with an outline
of the needs of all the schools
to upgrade their technology.
Wilson and Yaughn both
know that the funds aren’t
there to move forward with
all the upgrades at one time so
their packet that they present
ed to the board was set up in
phases. Some of the upgrades
are needed right away. The
state is increasing the need for
all schools to use technology
to keep up with the times but
have cut back on their fund
ing leaving it up to the schools
to figure out.
There are currently about
800 computers in use
throughout the school system
now but approximately 500
more are needed, 249 of
which are for workstations for
the teachers. Grants will be
applied for to help fund the
new computers and others
have been acquired through
donations and appropriation
of other government entities
that have extras they aren’t
The BOE has decided that
they will need to attend joint
work sessions with the tech
nology team so they can work
together to get the school
district up to where they need
to be. SPLOST money could
be allotted to the technology
upgrades or to the renova
tions for the high school, and
further research will need to
be done to determine which
is more critical. More research
will need to be conducted into
the “Take your own tech to
school” programs that several
other schools in the Central
Georgia area are participating
in. Lee Sanders says the board
needs to “dream big” in the
progression of technology and
they need to support the ideas
of the technology team.
Marty Rodgers from The
Spyglass Group, a company
that audits communication
bills, presented his services to
the BOE. Rodgers thinks that
his company can find services
that the district is paying for
that they may not actually
use or need anymore, john
Douglas said that they would
review the proposed contract
and get back to them to see
if they really needed their
lohn Douglas, school super
intendent, wanted everyone
to know that due to a wording
error the millage rate public
meetings will have to be held
over again. The final meeting
will be held on October 17,
2013 at 7 p.m. Many other
school districts had to do the
same, he said.
A resolution was made to
annex the Crawford County
Middle School into the city of
Roberta so that Roberta Police
could also report to the school
should they be needed for any
reason along with the county
It was approved by all to
renew the lease on the old
gym with the county who
maintains the building and
uses it for basketball and other
Countdown begins for RCCCOC auction
If you have not already reserved your seat for
the annual Roberta-Crawford County Chamber of
Commerce auction set for this Saturday, October 19 at
Camp Martha Johnston, then you need to get on the
move. Call Patti at the chamber office at 478-836-3825.
This year’s auction features must have items and
there will be a silent auction beforehand. Whether
you want one of the delicious caramel cakes which are
always a hit, a gun or need to bid on a vacation, these
items will be available as well as many others which
are too numerous to name in this space.
Arrive at 6 p.m. and browse the silent auction but
be sure your bid is placed by 7 p.m. While waiting for
the live auction to begin at 7:30 p.m. you can feast on
heavy hors d’oeuvres.
All funds go the many projects the chamber is
involved in throughout the community. Support local
business support your chamber. See you there.
Homecoming at Crawford County Middle School
The CCMS Homecoming Court: Assyria Wilson - 8th grade; Miranda Scarbary - 6th grade; - 7th grade; Keith Colbert - 6th grade; and Matthew Barajas - 8th grade, not pictured. Home-
Jaden Childree - 7th grade; Madison Powell - Queen; Jared Chancellor - King; Bryce Vaughn coming for the school was last week.