Newspaper Page Text
Crawford County HS FFA will be hosting its
They will be selling Florida Indian River Groves fruit and will have a
selection of Navel Oranges, Ruby Red Grapefruit, Hamlin (juice)
Oranges and Tangelos. There will also be a mixed carton available with
Navel Oranges and Ruby Red Grapefruit. Fruit will be sold in 10 lb., 20
lb. and 40 lb. cartons. Prices will be $18 for 10 lbs.; $22 for 20 lbs. and
$30 for 40 lbs. Sale now until October 25th. Will be delivered to CCHS
week of November 18-22. Payment must be made prior to ordering the
fruit. For questions or to place an order see any CCFIS FFA member or
email daryl.baxley@crafordschool. org.
The Crawford County
Chamber of Commerce
Second Annual
Scarecrow Contest!
All Scarecrows will be
judged through
October 31. 2013!!!
Georgia JugFest/Old Knoxville Days
KicK-oll get together Thursday, November
7th, Community Center. Beginning at 6:00
with reception; speaker at 6:30 p.m.
Issue 40 Thursday, October 24, 2013 The Voice of Crawford County Since 1921
also serving Byron and Peach County
Gilly, pictured with Wesley Gritfits and Chief Benny Thomas
at one of the schools during a DARE program. Gilly loved the
children and the children were glad to see Gilly. Gilly died
Monday from an autoimmune disease. He was buried under
a big tree for shade in back of city hall (at right). RPD is in
hopes of placing a plague or headstone at the burial site.
RIP Gilly: City's K-9 buried on grounds
The Georgia Post
Gilly, Roberta Police Depart
ment’s K-9 died Monday. Han
dler Wesley Griffits said he was
fine Sunday and then sluggish
Monday and taken to the vet.
Chief Benny Thomas said they
were told he had an autoimmune
Gilly, a Golden Retriever, was
ten years old and had been with
the department for about four
years. During that time with the
city he had three handlers, Paul
Noe, Chief Thomas and Griffits.
Griffts and the Chief, buried
Gilly in the shade of a tree at city
hall and are in hopes of getting
money for a marker or head stone
for the beloved animal.
Chief Thomas said that Gilly
was a good drug dog and was
loved by the kids at the schools.
Gilly was used in the DARE pro
gram in the school system.
Gilly will be one of those hon
ored in May during a Memorial
Bike Ride for Fallen Officers.
And if it is indeed true that all
dogs go to Heaven, that’s where
Gilly now resides.
Rain doesn't dampen ‘spirits’ at Trunk or Treat
Though rain threatened twice everyone enjoyed
Saturday’s Trunk or Treat at Southside Mini
Storage Saturday afternoon. There were games,
a jumpy house, face painting, of course, trunk or
treating and more.
2 Sections, 14 Pages One Dollar
Low turnout
for eariy voting
Usually, when there is only one thing to vote on at the ballot
box, voter turnout is low. This year is no exception.
As of press time Tuesday afternoon, only 34 citizens had
taken advantage of early voting, according to the Crawford
County Board of Elections office. Citizens in Crawford Coun
ty are being asked whether or not they want to extend the
SPLOST (Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax) for anoth
er six years. County officials wanted this on the ballot this
year though the current SPLOST does not end. If this should
fail in this year’s election, the county can get another chance
at getting it passed next year. This is not an additional tax,
only a continuation of the current SPLOST.
However, in that same question on the ballot voters are
being asked whether or not to allow the county to issue new
general obligation bonds in the principal amount of up to
$3,250,000 for the purpose of refinancing the county’s cur
rent outstanding Series 2009 Water Revenue Bonds. This is
being requested in an effort to save interest expense.
In the city of Roberta, incumbent Becky Smith is being
challenged for the position of mayor by Sherry Thompson.
As the only seat up for re-election that is challenged, voter
turnout is expected to be low for this race as well.
The last day to vote early is 5 p.m. Friday, November 1,
2013. The General Election will be held Tuesday, November
5, 2013 with polls open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. It’s your right
and a privilege so go cast your ballot.
Before the live auction, attendees could bid on items at a si
lent auction from a fishing rod to decorations and everything
Sold to the high bidder;
Chamber auction now history
Just a sampling of the many items available at Saturday’s
auction held by the Roberta-Crawford County Chamber of
Girl Scout Camp Martha
Johnston provided the perfect
backdrop for the Rober
ta-Crawford County Chamber
of Commerce auction Saturday
Nesded in a rustic setting
near Lizella, the center was
beautifully decorated with a fall
theme including candles and
fall flowers.
The buffet of food items
included, a pork loin, a shrimp
marinade, coleslaw, fresh fruit
and more including cheesecake
and other delicious choices for
Items to place a bid on for
the silent auction included
holiday decorations, an Avon
basket, baby quilt, other spe
cialty baskets and much more.
In the live auction, at times
the bidding was fast and
furious with auctioneer Ron
Crosby and had everyone won
dering who would make the
winning bid. Items included
shotguns, a beautiful quilt
by Dianne Dye, propane bug
zapper, gift certificates, trips
to exotic and beautiful places,
a firepit, Betty Harris cakes,
gift baskets, decorations and
much, much more.
The night featured food,
fellowship and fun and the
Chamber did not have any
final numbers when time for
newspaper to go to press. Exec
utive Director Patti Temple did
want to thank everyone who
contributed or participated in
any way for their support.