The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, January 22, 1892, Image 2

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. s^W^npuTiii'n, would BJPWWmr contempt by calling them “poor qontUry crackers.” 1 know ft swell-bonded school teacher in the forties who did not dare tritoo liin gunoology, that evor lutd “|)uor cracker” on. tlio fflul ol' bin tongue.' • ^ have over thought it aviin applied to (luorglaiiH from tho (not tlmt the colony whs nettled by jibor people, 1 Imve also thought that the up- pflllntiqti was given uh by one neigh* Mrs across tile Savannah in eon- twmpt, BHOglhtllorpo’a colonists were poor, Bit an honest and religious people. Bliougli poor they were not lieen- Hons, bh a reference to the early Iriminnl records will show, tlioruforo Bhe term “oriniker" was lined to ox- ■ireHn (lonteinpt for iv people whoso ■oily erline was their poverty and Hlitoraoy. My idea linn alwftyn been Alit applying it ill that nun HO wan jlffl'Ul. iih intelligent an tlie aforesaid ^■can ; and to nee intelligent tteor- Bn ime it an to a clans ol our fol- HKithunn produces n elnonic iiannen, [MW wuubl -fiko some one to tell me Whoivere David Crockett, Andrew Jackson, John Clark, and a host of brilliant mon, down to tho Immortal Abraham Mnoolij, but outcrops from thin very derided e|uan of ptioplo. 1 Andrew Jiiokson nerved his coun try to more purpose in the sottlo- Hiieiit of tlin Indian and Spanish the eombined prunl- their powder, stareli ovt,,, y cocaskin y mM ol " H ' k " r the staff of Represents tho following old, reliable and popular firo insurance companies and solicits tbo patronage of the insuring public: Insurance Ctnpany of North America, - - Founded In 1702. “Greenvrleh,” Total Assets, $1,656,095,13. - Founded In 1831. “Hartford." Total assets, $6,576,616.13. - Founded In 1810. “Central City," of Selma, Ala. Also, write for the “Liverpool and London and Globe," “^tua” and .“Orient.” Real Estate and Renting Agent. Hus on his list of Rcul Estate some very desirable farm lauds in the vioinity of the “Gate City to South Georgia and Florida.” Keep your eye on it, and don’t let it get too high priced before purchasing. These lunds are within one and seven miles of town. If you have any Real Estate—houses or land—for sals or rent you will receive prompt and courteous service by placing them with me. I am, very respectfully, l-tf. M. A.. SEXTON. CONSUMPTION CURED. •\n old tihVMluluii, retired from practice, having hud idiveed fit ItIh litvntlH by an Kent ImUik mission ary tno formula or n dimple vegetable remedy lor tho Hpuody uml pormnnont mini of ConHump- lion, lirmiohlllN, Ciil»i i’ll, Asthma and nil throat nml l.unir AlTuetlnns, iiIho a poplllvo ami radical imro for Nervous Debility uml all Nurvnus Com- idulids, after havinir tested It* wonderful mi ra il vo power* la thousands of oases, him foil It hid lUity to make It known to his Mutrerlng follow*. Actuated by thl* nmtlvu ami a desire lo rellove human suirorlng.l will iioml free of ulmrge,tn all who dosiro It, till* r»m|po, in Herman, French or Kngllsli, with full directions for preparing and using. Hunt hy mall by addressing with mump, The Singer Manufacturing Company, TBB 8BWIN6 XAOEINX KAKWA0TUMB3 07 THE WORLD. TIFTON INSTITUTE Union Meeting. Tho Simmer Local publlslioR tho following programme of tho union meeting to bo held with the Sumner Huptist clmrcb on January ‘Jit, 110 ami 01 : STUllAV, 11 a, in.--Sermon, by brother G, TOW Went. ‘2 p, m, Organisation. 2ie0 p m,—“ Protracted Mootings and (low to Conduct Them," by brother S. U. UurgOM. •1 p. m, Talks on the liiblo, by brother Comm. HATUUDAT't 6 a. tH.-^!ilJa B> on prayer, by brotJieLjj^MndHP' Iniisaions, by The flprlng Term nf the ahovn school will I login on Monday, January 4th, UHW, and continue for Twenty weeks. Pupils attending this session will receive tho beuetit of the public school fund. TUITION PER MONTH : I’rlnmry, $2.00. inte.nnmllato, $2.00. High School, $3.00. Pupils should lw entered at the beginning of the Term to Insure their proper Classification. Com tiding, healthy location and competent toaohor*. K«r further |u»Umil*ri, »n>lj to Av • Os JL .1. Jp JL 9 Tlfton, Ocorgla, January 18051. Secretary Board of Directors. With a Record of 9,000,000 Machinee, Made and Sold. Now offer three entirely dlfforent New Family Sewing Machim Obch.lavor, Vibrator aho Autohatic (single thread). THE GAZETTE Job Printing; Office In elegant, convenient and artlstio^cabinet work, with new patented stand , and all the latost attainments and modem improvements. New TypAs, New Press and Skilled Workman, TIFTON, GEORGIA, Agent for Berrien, Colqititt, Worth and Irwin COUNTIES. ictatiomil I am pleased announce to my friends and patron'R in tho counties of J’.omtm, IrwinjEofth and Colquitt tlmt I have just received a complete ftY JOB PRINTING OUTFIT ahtift notice and in workmanlike manner all jUkdk printing. All ordo^ for hiachines, aUathraenta and needles licient attention. Address affi orders to iiimiMII fcrfiry FrMay murn- imnty, <leurKi» - 11 h m- ntofcsti of tho KU/WlhK city of (l/acmit comityy. iuui «»jeuch *!«ftoH uml the ftiimaeMt cotimj'y* wma asks the support ami or,WHir«g«fumit of thfi im 4,loof Jierrlon and con Unions oountiM* , •< Ww mihscrlptlon price of tlm (iMvxhi If ihOO "o cents fat six imnitlm, ami '/ilffouttifor * * In ad trance. i of tho (Ia^bttk arc rca* ,*otmlilo uml will ho jurnlshmi ilium, appllcalimi, AilvortlsIrtK hills arc dip; ujter first Insertion unit •will ho presented when tho monoy if ncmlml. •.will lw pret*.. w .. . , idenmi from m/lghhorlng tnwris Is so- (vmiiimmWtlSOMinm Mmply topics arc ulway* wclctimi. Always wrlt<» on .ono side of .II.OpafMT, uml ihm’t forgot to enclose ymir name ,rvs an evidence of gcyilf/ilth. ~ * * -*•- - 1 .Wik id the iiiw'W&A al Tlften. Oeerula, as matter ot the aewmil cln>», tOfUckal Organ of Berrien Connty. T. AUIjRN, Editor. • I-V BMMI THK yp|r:J#r«l <}A., FRIDAY, .TANl 1 - Nowft mid Vie.wt Jlro, J. It. Beverly, of the Ihiwk- fnsville Dinpfttcli mid News, has sold u third interest in bis paper to Mr. J. J. Harvard. The Gazette wel .comos Mr. the craft. The Wayoross Herald informs the flAZETTH editor it doesn't need his /"services in its conduct. Ifo’d run it • too intensely deniooratio to suit Hu ropnblicair-lhird party - independent proclivities. D'ye sec? Bisliop Nelson, of the Episcopal Diocese of Georgia, is to be inducted into the Bishopric at Atlouta, on February 25th, arid Episcopalians look forward lo the solemn combo /crution ceromony with interest. The* Southern Star, prohibition paper of Atlanta, Ims nominated Kx Governor St. John, of Kansas, and Hon. Waller B. Hill, of Macon, (la., for president and vice-president of lho United States, Tbo Alliancoman, of Atlanta, de clines lo yHYU- dlm point, it made, ■"■ '^Wmf Cftoi’e aro drubkards on tbo pnprenifl court bench Af, Georgia,” pad very ddlantly offers to furnisb the proof if it; is desired, Tho Macon Telegraph 1ms added to its make-up, a bright department entitled “In Georgia Hand turns,'' which is of special interest to tbo journalistic guild throughout tbo State, with whom a daily oliat is and 'their movements and non lb Heated, Gemge Vj. Clarke, iutc of tlio Hmitiiville News, has become the assistant of Editor Alfeu, of the Tirrow Gazette. Allen was a whole team in himself, and, with assistance, great things may bo ex pected of tho Gazette.—Macon Tel egraph. Governor Northen has furnished tills beautiful “sentiment,” declaring hip unqualified tuith in the doctrine of 'personal liberty, for the memorial atone at the World's Fair: “Abso lute protection against oppression in every home, the guardianship of bn nmnity in every law, tbo nnquestion ed equality of every citizen in the privileges of tho government, and the broadest individual freedom con slstent with the public good, are com alitutional guarantees wo caunot safely surrender,” Tlio Houston County Alliance has adopted a set of resolutions in which they declare for a democratic govern, moot based upon the Ocala demands, having alwuys for its watchword, “Kqiiul rights to all and special priv ileges to none;” while they declare for democracy, they specially de cliiio to commit themselves to any of the party bosses or political trick' sters; Ibcy declared tiiemoeives not in favor of a third party, but sol crnnly promised to adhere strictly to reform principles; they also resolved to be exceedingly careful in the so. lection of delegates to represent them in the next &t#to Jlemooratio con vention. ply casi), iw tlift flf*l lo come will bo Served flrat. H. A. BUXTON, Ueal tfHtam ,A|rent. For Rent. Fivo irlfitj laFRo rtMiin* upiktaira In tho JtilUn brlfk WfldUM. AJjmi two nice Jtmt Am- Inliod jn «.imu Initliiin#. Nice location. Dricea ripply to* \VMl. I/lVK, or Fl JAYOOP & A l.KXANIHvfc* TJfton, (la., Jim. 8,3102, Note This, I have only a 1e,w of those liedtttlful ten-acre UA», one mn^anfl a Italf north of 'i'lfton. AJ'* NEW MAN, NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES. E. Here’s a Bargain for Some Ulan A unlEniU.l farm bt MO Keren, three mlleK smith at Urmkhelil. the neatent ntutlmi im the Itnjim- vrlck nn,l Western r»tlKi»<l. There »re thirty aeren tn ciilrlvntlen; I on l«)»rlnit near tree. ani*i water ami Itnj.i'evoinentn. Thl. farm cat A|i)'V 0-' >! A. SEXTON, Ileal EMate AtQint, Farm for 8ale, l have on my list a choice little farm ono . . „ ? ~*3,in - Iiundrcd wldiln tltrco mile* of Tlfton, ■ 1 ' * - - n tiny,, jp-oat, which I oifor for tlio next fifteen ,, ..... harxaln, Thirty ncran cleared and In lino aUDr nl ciiJUvation. (lofNI wator. fruit trees, etc. ” * Heal M. A. BUXTON,! I Efltatc A Kent. OKOROJA-JIKRIOKN C'OHSfTY. To all whom It may (Mtiicern: .. Ibevl Bapp^ ad- nilnfstratiir of II. N; Happ* fate of sahl county, <lot;n.m’<l, IiaH applied to the undersigned, Jn due form, for lottora of dlunilH&lon from ttnhl admin- fHtriition, and I will puss upon tbo wune at my .oltlco, Jn Nashville on the tirnt Montlay in May -“*ewl Blgna- uiixt. (liven under my hand anti pfllehl turu, this January 4, F. M.BMITH, Ordinary. Citation. jiKO»ojA~«nit»iK.v copx'n’. “ ‘OlttltJ all whop; It may contwrn: ft. F. Guthrie and Munch O. Hutton, udmlnlatratow of tlie cs- tRte of B. J. Button, lute of sahl county, de* coaHeiL have applied to the undersigned, in due form, for let,u rn,of (ItamhHlon froni said adnun- latratlon, uml I will pn$H upon their application olline fit NuHliville on tlio firnt Muntlny In bt my May . Mgnatyre, thin January 4, mVi. Kill. SMITH, Ordinary. May next, (liven under ihy hnml and ollidal - r 5 Citation, OnoHlirA -IlKUaiKN Col'STV. To all wlurni It umy Concern: Geo. \y. Knight, administrator on tho estate of Aaron Knight, Into of. said county deceased, has itpjilled to the umJeralKned, In proper form, fur letters of (llu- mlsslon from Ids trust, and l will pass upon his sahl application at my olilce iu Nush v IHe on the first Monday in February next. Witness my hand and ufliefal signature, this October lflth, 1K»1 F. M. BMITK, Ordinary. Citation. GIBS O N, : DEALER IN TOBACCOS, CIOARS, ETC. Clark Bros. Old Stand, - - • TIFTON, GEORGIA. Everybody Must Have Food, And th/i Tory lame place In Wtan to hoy your gminta*, both ataplo and fancy, la at the cheap cash swro of ' . uDioOxf. All Must Have Raiment. Tlio be*t drive* in ladies’ summer dress goods <a now and handsomo stock Just received), whlteRi yellow honutHjiuns, ginghams, prints, jeans, etc,, Is at tlie cheap abash storo of B. GIBSON. . o — " Fresh stock of confections, the best flour In town, splendid line of trunks at figures unprecedented In Tlfton. COUNTRY PRODUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Call and see roe and examine my goods. 8-tf. THIS SPACE BELONGS TO E. P. BOWEN & BRO, DEALERS IN M.4S.L lent, I Ii<3S lirilk*bundin^ OTn8 ** ' MA : * r irdjofeach'miihtli^tho’TcJ ,levi)U!d to country ,laU«IUa- ilcalred. :, , . la-at Ore. J. W. & D. j. coiroKu:, (mvot-itaak v * - - Phys Physioiai TUiTOIf Orrtcn-In Julian brick 1 All calls promptly respun DR. J. C. G00DMA1 Physician and Surgij TIPTON, - OPhllUlIA. Omou-Room In tho Tlfton Prug Store. I HP" ThankhiB the public fur its past lit liutrunago and solicit a contlnnatlim of they E. QIBSOST. DR.G. C. LANEY, Physician MOULTRIE, , r —(i Offers his services to tho pcnplo , • ntouiinvies. [ok 111 now drug store. junVsiijiicont countioe. etropw ‘ G. A. WHITAKER. 1 ATOM-LAW AS!) 1KS1 VALDOSTA, • GEORGIA. Legal business solicited knit given prompj (enlitm, . " , , CP^OKKItig—Harrell llnMIng, Room No. (upono I A—nr.iiiiina Cnnstv. To I d Vue«il About. There in no mistake in the foot tlmt Congressman Livingston bos discovered tlio unfitness of the “sub- treasury plan” ns a basis of ilnauaiul legislation and is vigorously casting about for “someth'ing better.” In his ptforis (we his resolutions culling font spuelnl oominittoe of invest]® tion in another colmnii) he is reooiv- ing tlii) earnest support of Georgia’s entire dulsgation except, per imps, pouting Tom Watson. In liis present attitude ho will re ceive the cordial Biipport not only of e all whom It may concern; MatthewUno ppliod, In proper form, to tho undersigned for iiurmammt lothnw of administration on the jitfl has npiillod, in proper'fonu.-to tho undersigned . - ‘-—Vlotw ‘ de'conwitf, and) will jiiinViipon wild implication at myonli’i) In NitahvlUo on the llrst Mm csiiiUi of James Murray, late of said county myofllfio Iti NaShvilloon the llrst Monday In February next, (liven under my hand and pJM- uial gluimturo. thin Doecmbor 7,lWli. F. M. Hmith, Ordinary. FARMERS’ SUPPLIES A. SPECIALTY. Prompt attenthn to nil bo nding .No ""01 FULWOOD & ALEX LAW, REAL ESTATE TI ETON,■ Administrator's Sale. GKOIIGIA—llrimn-.KCoujiTV. ; Dmb’r and l»y virtue of »n order of (no Court of Ordinary of Bald state and county, t will sell at piddle outery, at'the court house uoor in Nashville, J loir lun County (leorgla, between the legal hours of sale, on tho first Tuesday In FoIp runry next, the following proivcrty, tit-wit: The lands belonging to the estate of K. J. Con* j Country Produce Bought 'and Sold. JOHN A. WILKES, Attorney - * t - Lay ADEL, GEORGIA. Will pnetice Ip all the counties <»ftJ " fa).Circuit nf (loorgla. Bpjr -1 ncii,' liiio of said eotVntY deceased, the same being 100 aerus of lot of land No, ItW». In “ i the 10th dls- trlot of said county. Torois—iuiulo known on tho day of $alo, 'n*U j)cc( _. „)ciiGinhcrlK5,1«U1. J. K. UONNlfiUs, Administrator. Berrien County Bailiff's Sales For February. OKOIVJlA-ni'.ftiifKX t’or.NTV. • Will Imi sold be fore tlio court house door in the town of Nashville, sahl state and county, iBf- ■ , • v , , o f • - i ITighciit cash prices prices paid for chickens and eggs, and generally. Give uh a call when you come to Tlfton \vitli Hi 1 «*f Udlcl... ^ dlreetcd to all branches of v general business solicited. mom tho legal Uontu of (Wluon tho first 'i'lumday ‘ W - « VXKI.-, k . In Febrnury next, tlio following imipeity, to-witi 'I'wolvo Imudfed and fifty poiiinls of long Ntaplo ‘ IkOvUmVoh mt the Ropfm/yf virtue iif n'inorjga^c n.Jp, Cm Thanking,tho piihli/) fori a gonerous patronngo ill j solicit n contiRimncc of tho sumo in tlio fnttu-b. E. P. BOWEISr Near tlio JO. & W. DcpotJ rr onr heavenly Fn- T17ui', ivlio never inlliels ft wonml lie cannot heal, mu! wo would offer to lho family and friend* of onr de- coftaed brother our sincere KVinpatliy In this their Had hour of bereave ment. Therefore lie it Itmlml, That the lodge be draped in mourning for thirty clays and that a page iu our record bonk be In scribed to bis memory. Rfyolva/li That Cilia preamble and resolfflions be spread upon our min utes; thill a copy of the Bftliie be t'ur- nlulled tlm Tifton Gazette and Worth t 'mmly Loent each with a re quest that it lie published. /AwefVttf, That tlm usual' badge of mourning be worn by the members of Tlfton Lodge for thirty days for :mr deceased brothel W. li. Love, .1, ' At. mT ^ smMtinruN', Fire Insurance Agent, TIFTOISr, GEORGIA, This spaco belongs to ISAAC S. BOWEN, . IJRALIEU IN - General Merchandise, GEORGIA. V. li. Love, ) . t-J. Ojuuk.v, t Cimmittoo. t. A. HliXTON, ) Ho will occupy It next week In telling tho people about tho bargains ho luw In storo for thorn In dry-floods, notions, hats, shoes, groceries, tobacco, ulgai'd, hardware, crockery, etc., nto.