The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, January 22, 1892, Image 3

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THK GAZETTE: TDl'ON, GA., FRIDAY, .UNITARY 22, i&fo, lUtO GRAMME and we turn with pride to their achievement. So it in over the whole union. The weak, squash-headed people who invent and apply ouch epithets have never achieved any thing—-no, nor they never will. Boiikmiav. Of Me*l Baptist.Ruud «y>So1im>l AMoeUtion ttt Convene With Brushy Creek Church <Four MUch Ktwl of Spark*) Saturday, January 30. SATURDAY. ' 9:00 a. m.—Invocation service by II. I). O’Quin. , 9:80 a. m.—-Address of welcome by J. K. McCranie. Response by Elder J. A. Cox. 10:00 a. “What is tbo wholo dntv of tbo cburclr to tbo Sunday- school?” by Elder W. F. Cox. 11:00 a. in.—“Is the Sundny-sobool a religious or a mornl institution?" by .Elder W. Fipkin. mu Tins THOUGHTS b'Sl'ONI)«NlS. muary 16.—I send hod lur comer, the river is too We press ottr suits on the public this year with ronewod vigor, be cause it is open for everyone to make a SHOES AND HATS. Charlie Daniel is a new comer j this neighborhood lie moved j ‘ from Willacoochee. I Tlie woathor is very cold yet. But 1 what a blessed country is ours! ! Plenty of lightwood knots scattered j over the woods and—no tariff on | them. ' Log rollings will-soon-be the order of the day again. Then, thank good ness, your humble servant will get ! fat again 1 • By idle way, ig it too cold for a matrimonial bee to buzz around in this section ? We don’t want to for get how the marriago ceremony pounds or wodding uako tastes. I went down to tho Vildo post- oflico this afternoon, accompanied by Mr. A. F. Simpson, anil, found the eyer wolcome Gazkttk. Thanks. While at Vildo I learned that Capt. J. E. Williams has about 1,000 bushels of fine swoot potatoes, which he. proposes shipping as soon as the market is right.- As the weather is so disagreeable, cold and rainy, I 'can’t got around to gather the neighborhood gossip, eon sequently I have nothing further of interest to write and will have to quit for tliis time. Bii.l Graiiy. The Tlfton Drug Store, Druggists, desire to Inform the public, that they are agentB for the most successful prepara tion that has yet been produced for coughs, colds and croup. It will loosen and relievo a severe cold In less time than any other treatment. Tho article rofered to la Chamberlain’s Cough Rem edy. It Is a medicine that lias won fame and popularity on It’s merits and one that can alwayB be depended upon. It 1b tho only known remedy that will prevent urqm. I.tmustbo tried to be appreci ated It la put up In 5Qc, and #1 bottles. Georgia Cracker. I confess the above appellation has Ho charm for mo. Ab far baok as 1810 I used to hoar it, and over used as an opprobrium. My fathor bought an .old African negro who had lived long in Char leston, S.C., who, when insult^lL. any of our wliii" I Carry a full line bf Dry-trdbils, lain, selling Winter floods aWay Dteiow Cbst td make room for a splendid Summer Stock; PROPOSAL, We make ours knowing it will not bo rejected, because we offer the best goods at low and more than reasonable prices, therefore wc have no fear of tho public re fusing snob a elianoe, hut are confident that both our goods and prices will he warmly HI FANCY GROCERY AND HARDWARE DERARfHENT Is fully stocked with the best goods. NOTICE. Tliore will bo an examination belt! at thin place on TIJK8DAY, tbo 20th Inst. for the purpose of examining applicant* for the office of County School Commissioner to till t.ho vacancy caused by tho resignation of tho lion. .1 ami's F. floml- man. All applicant* for tho position will ploaso II. H. TIFT TIPTON, OA., August 87, 1891. humble submission to the will of Him who doeth all things well, mid wo would offer to the family and friends of our (feceased. brother our sincere ACCEPTED in mourning for tho space of thirty days; that a page in onr record book bo inscribed to his memory. Resolved, That this preamble and resolutions bo spread upon our min utes ; that the family of tho deceased bo furnished with a copy of tho same. Resolved, That a copy be furnished the Tifton Gazkttk with a request that it be published. Resolved, That tho usual badge of mourning be worn by tho members of Tifton I.odgo tlnrt deceased brother. W. H. Lovk, J. G. Gii.'.dkx, M. A. Skxto.v, In ilemorltun. WiiisiiKAs, Dcalli has again in vaded our ranks and taken from among us our highly esteemed brother, Henry C. Overstreet. It saddens our heart to lose our brother while in the primo of life, hut Death is inexorable; Our stock is large, bought close and from first hands, thereby saving the middle man’s profit.* Not a t did wo lose on accts. Inst year. (Wlmt firm can say as much?) U don’t pay your hrollior’s aect, when U buy of us. Wo need room, and our entire stock must go—not bo- low cost, but at N. Y. cost, which will he so small U will be surprised. Masonic Building, Tim undersigned will open a wMo-awakc, ttve i- llttlo city of SPARKS on grown day* will constituto l>of loholfr In n<l- ........ w ..Jmol fund. No charges made for flays of noiHUUmdanop. pi .. . .. *|... 11.. II... Hnkrtall ...... ...Ill f - charged 8 coni* jicr day. I.. n,..n.l Tnlrtlll.ia n... Ilin.l tnU> lUlll'V school in the growing MONDAY, February 1, One hundred full g. tho Spring and Fubllo term. ”“ * *Tj>friiayi) Public hcli IS SELLING Ills ENTIRE STOCK OF Rato*: Four cent* dltlon to tho pro ruta No chr.rjrcr. ;;.r.Uc fa. v . ....... Student* over the Public School ago will be ebarged 8 cent* per day. Hoard in good families can bo liad low' down. For further particulars, auk Yours, anxious to please. January 10,18W. J. H. CHK8NUTT. Winter G-oods AT AND BZXOW COST. AND Comiuittco. Tlio XKWEHT and 1IHST for all claasca anil types mmlaliod at LOWliST I'UICUS. Vlantan. raise Tohacoo for the inonoy it brings, but only tho FINK VAIUKTIKB prtMhioo FIRST-CLASS Tobacco titat pays, Burt right. Order tho l»est for your locality, and thus For 00 days onr prices wilt lie en tirely beyond tho whisper of compe tition. I am selling every article of Kail and Winter Goods In my store at great ban to nrnko room for a largo itock of Spring aud Summer Goods. > You will luvo to call at my store and get prices before you can appreciate] 1 moan by “Great Rargalun!’’ Call narly or the bargains will be gone; my prices will not fsl] to nuke the . Yours for the Lowest Prices, \NIt\rionic Uuilding. O. M. TO, tho voting dto ns well as tho old. In the death of brother Overstreet the community has lost a good and up right citizen, his family a devoted husband and father, and this lodge a true and zealous member, And Whkrkah, We deeply deplore the death of our brother, llO'- lo possible from'phc crop. Cat&loguo sent FUKK on application. ft, L. RAGLAND SEED CO., HVCO, HALIFAX COtlXTlL VA PADRICK BROS., Originators and Coiitrollers of Low