The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, January 29, 1892, Image 2

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TIIK GAZETTETIFTON, GA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 2!>, 1892. r m r r «E3* aY 5 < The Tifton Gazette. Tho n\XKTtx la publbhntl evory Fridayjnam ing nl Tlfwm. Jkirneii Duality, CI<?orjjln* it I* d«- vm<Ml U) Uib beet Inform of the growing city of Tifton anil the adjacent wmiUry, ami a* such asks the support and enconropiuuciit of the i««* t>to of Berrwn ami contiguous counties, The fnilNKirlttiimi prtaanr the (MgwrrK ir *W» per year, 00 cents for nix month*, ami W cents for three months, payable In advance, Tim advertising rates of the oakkttk are mu tunable and will (at fnrnfotind umm application. Advertising hllla are due after first Innertlonitwl vrtll Im) proeonted when the money In needed. (.kHTcsjwmtonna from neighboring towns to so licited and oommunleatlonn on timely topic* are always welcome. Always write on one shto of the patter, ami don't forgot to etieloM your name laanovlif—- -* Kntuniil mail »n a* an evidence of goml faith, it at the iNNttoHlee, ti- ... to second class. the |i... matter of the r , ui'Tfrton, Georgia, a* Official Organ of Berrien County, jjfT. Xm.on, Editor. in m trat E "X Hon. John W. Hagan, member of the legislature from Lowndes county, hits bid good-bye to the grand old democratic party. Won’t Homebody ring the bell on those editor* who have seized the Chilean affair for an opportunity to gag their readers with a lot. of stale chesniils, most of them on the ne- groplmlistic order. The national democratic conven tion meets in Chicago on Tuesday, June SI. The indications now are that the ticket will be Cleveland and dray and tariff reform the slogan of the next campaign. The chances for a tight with the Chileans, judging from present in dications, are about us slim as Evan Howell’s chances for occupying the gubernatorial chair. The people .don’t want a war with Chill, nor do Iho people of Uoorgiu, want iivun V. to lie governor. W. .1. Northen, one of the best governors Georgia over hail, will bo his own successor. Would it not he well for tho chairmen of the democratic executive committees in every comity and dis triot, to inaugurate a thorough and systematic plan of organization? ft is all-important, in this lime when political liorosies are stalking about tlic land and claiming a victim hero ami thorn, that the parly and its loaders know exactly where they at,uid. Col. Snead, of Berried] is quoted iw saying, In a recent speeoh deliver ed in Lowndes county, Unit lie “would to God that wo hud COO Tom WaUmi’B in congress!” Henry Snead's friends know him to ho an inimitable] jester, and roliiso to lake him seriously in extravagances of this kind. The a would rather see 000 Henry Snead’s there. — V/ddoslu Times. Mr. George H. Clarke, recently of tho !.co County News, at Hniithvllle, will assist Mr. II. T. Allen to oon- diiot tho Tifton Oazkttk in the future. Mr. Clarlui is a young man of lino ability, possessed of pleasing inunnort, and will he a great help to brother Allen in every department of the paper. * Tho (U/.um; will How lie as sprightly and vivacious us u girl of sweet sixteen. -Coffee County Gazelle. The Atlanta Constitution is a great "Hopper.” Until recently that paper advocated in strongest terms tho passage of a free coinage bill', bill as Hill, its pot. candidate for the ' jHysidmiev, has declared that no free coinage law should he mmolcd at tliis session of congress, tho Con stitution has flopped over, anil now says no such hill ought to bo passed. Verily, tho Constitution is a jour nalistic curiosity. Ilonj. 11. Jtiissoll’s reply to tho AVuyoross Herald’s prominent Alli- ttiico editor” Is one of the best arti- . cles in defense of tho demoorallo principles wo have read. It. will learn this republican in alliance rai ment that ho can poke republican doctrine to tlui people through an alliance keyhole; but ho must Imvo a Nmj'c who he tiuikles for an argument <)hiU)«mooruls, like Russell, ore quiet until spurred; but; spur ono if you want to hear from him.--Doug lus Itreuiw. “Solomon,” In Die Worth Tobacco Growing. The Gazhttk has great. fHith that tho introduction of the new industry of tobucoo culture in this section means much to the advancement of its agricultural interests, and place our farmers on the high road to in dependence, provided they do not neglect theii supply orops. However, we hope that none of our farmers will become excited and grow-tobacco to the neglect of their other crops; snob a course would prove disastrous and, at tho same time, cause a spirit of dissatisfaction to pervade the people generally as a result of the present exjicrirnenfc. An enthusiastic writer offers the following timely suggestions to those of our farmers who will make the experiment in growing tobacco this year. He is a man thoroughly edu cated on the subject and knows what he is talking about, and his advice is worth careful study and practice: “ System is the scoret of success, and in no sense is this more true than in farming. Don’t bo either too visionary or skeptical while reas oning on the results of tobacco grow ing, and you will not be disappoint ed when you figure up your loss and profits. It is only by hard work that you can ever hope to accompiish any thing, and one of tho best things a farmer cun have in his general make up is perseverance, interspersed with common sense, and if yon will notice such an ono they are not ulwuys, but generally successful in life. " lliil.lhe farmer who hopes to come out ahead in the production of tobacco in lie who makes tho crop surplus—his money crop in other words. Ntmly the production of tobacco, for yon cannot got too much information on any one subject, cul tivate it intelligently, and the result will he both surprising and gratify ing to yourself. “ It is but rousonuble to expect that some one will make a failure, as the industry is entirely new to a majority of our farmers, but don’t lot this make yon sour on the lohao- do question, ns, probably, the failiiro wiw the fault of yourself, anil above all profit by your failure and the successful experience oT your neigh-’ hors. “ Wo have tho soil arid olimato for its successful production, and wilt have iv home market and a warehouse in time to handle the next crop, so should there be a failure, don’t put it on some one else’s shoulders, but realize that the fault is within your self,” Sole Tills, If ft few of tl»mm hei Low< i/t\n lull*: ami» half north of Tifton. Aj»- ply early, iih \iic lint to wine will lie served first, if. A.HKXroS, lien 1 K*t»f« Agent. For Kent, FJ7ft nice large room* up itlalw Jn the Julian brick l»ulI«lii»K< Alan two ulw* stores just fin- * lulled in name building. Nine location, J’rices reasonable. Apply to W, If, IX) VK, Of FtLIVOOW & Af.KXAXDF.K. Tifton, Ga„ Jan.», tm. Here’s a Bargain for Some Man. A splendid fcritt of lOOsmreti, three uilhw mitth of Brookfield, the nearest .station on the Urmia- wick and Western* rail road. There Arc thirty acres in cultivation •, IhO bearing pear trees; f ’ood water mid Improvement*. Thu farm can hi had at ft saerllleo If fold in nextHlxty day*. Apply to M. A. HKXTON, Heal Kstate Agent. NEW MAN, NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES. E. GIB BON, DEALER IN —- ■■■■r " i Farm for Sale, I Hnvo on my Hat it choice little fann of ono hundred acre*, within threo miles of Tifton. which I offer for the next fifteen day* ftt a great bargain. Thirty acre* cleared and in fine state of cultivation. (food water, fruit tree*, et<!, M. A. HKXTON f Ileal Kstate At’cnt. Everybody Must Have Food, And tho very hent place in Tifton to buy your groceries, both staple and fancy, In at the cheap cash store of * K. G111HON. Citation. .GKOUGIA— IlKRftlK.V (.'OUNTV. To all whom it may concern! Ixivi Hnjip, ad ministrator of H. N. Happ, hit« of Miiifl.couiity, dcceasofl, has applied to the undersigned, In due form, for totters of dismission from Bald admin istration, and 1 will pans upon tho taiiiu at my ofhee in Nashville on the first Monday in May next. Given under my hand and official /signa ture, till i January 4,1 mi. Y. M. 8M1TH, Ordinary. Citation. (iKOlKJIA—Til’ll hip,N County. To all whom it may concern: H. F. Guthrie and Moaes <1. Hutton, administrators of the es tate of H. if, Hutton, Info of aaid county, tla- pensod. have applied to the undersigned, Indue form, for lettera of dismission from said admin istration, and I will push upon their application at my oflleo in Niudivlllc on tiio first Monday in May next. Given under my hand and ofliuial ' ‘ •* " * till signature, this January I,J8M, M. HMlTIf, Ordinary. Citation. GKOnGTABKMIHKM COUNTY. To all whom It may concern s (Ico.'NV. Knight, administrator on the estafe of Aaron Knight, late of said county deceased, Iiuh applied to the onderNlgMed, In proper form, for letters of dis mission from Ida trust, and 1 will pass upon his said application at my oHIco in Niumvilto on tho M<r ‘- ‘ *" * ilrat Monday in Fchniury next. Witness my liuud ofliciul signature, this Octolier Jfith, 1HI»1 K. M, HMITlr, ordinary. and (i Citation. GKOUGIA—Hkukikm County. To all whom It may concern: MfttlliewTUa» lmj» fflpjdJed, in proper form, to tho umlerslgned for permanent letters of administration on the estate of .lames Murray, late of said county deceased, and 1 will pass upon said application at my ollico in Nnstivfllo mi the lirst Monday in Kchrmiry next. Given under my hand nml ofll- clal signature, this December 7, lK’.il. K, M. Smith, Ordinary. Administrator's Sale. GKOUGIA—limn lift County. Under and by virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary or wild state and county, f will sell at public outcry, at. the court house door in tanvir *■- Hlioulil TIioiii- Congrutiilnto solves. Tho Gazette mtilor was in con versation a few ilnyH since with an intelligent, gentleman of extensive travel and wide observation through out Georgia, and we naturally drift- oil into a discussion of onr agricul tural interests, and tho condition in which tho monetary depression has left, our farmers. “What do you think of Berrien, Ooffse, Colquitt, Irwin and Worth conntioo from an agricultural stand point?" was a direct question asked by the editor. “They are without, question tho best in the State. Thu lauds have to bo fertilized, hut that is true of evory portion of the Stale, and 1 know of no section whore fertiliza tion pays u handsomer dividend than in these counties. ” “ And tho condition of tho farm ers of llieso oountios as compared with those of other sections?’ 1 “ Their condition is 100 per cent, abavo any i know of in the State. It is true they are experiencing the hardest, dullest times they hnvo Known for many years; still, com paratively speaking, they Imvo no conception of wlmt Imrd times mean. They should congratulate themselves; the condition of the farmers in other portions of Georgia abundantly illustrates the fact that could bo muoh worse off than ‘There arc fewer outstand- ntnong the farmers of in any other por- individ- NiimTivIIIo, llorritm County Georgia, between tho logui hours of aalc, on t.lio flrat Tuesday in Kel>- iary next, tho follrwi ‘ ' Tint iamiH Iwtooging inary next, tho following nroimrty, to-wlt ' ' ' ' 'ng Ut tiio QBtato of K. J. Con-. noli, Into of said county dooousod, the «\mo being 1W1 acrim of lot f.f luiiil No. 274, in the 101 h dis- brief, of wtld county. Terms—made known on tliu d«) of mile. Thin December V?»/, Wit. ,!. K. CONNKI.I., Admlnialmtor. Borrion County Bailiff’s Sales For February. GKOUGIA likhillkn County, Will l»o Hold lieforo the court Iioubo door hi the town of NaahvlUo, Buhl Htnto nml county, be tween tiio legal ItonrH of aalc on the flint Tueaday In Ktltrmtry next.tiio followingproporty, to-wlt: Twelve liuiidred and fifty potindMof long atnpie iton In tho Hcetl. levied on aa tho propert.; ' M. I», KiingKdnfe fi.v virtue of a mortgage ft, homed from U/wndna county court In favor of the Allintiy KertlllMtruntl Karin Improvement Co, agalimt Bald M. D. (jingHilule. Property pointed out in 'Mild f). f». Thin imeon/bor 17, iwi. A Iho, ut the Hnmo time>nnd place, one roan col ored horao named Dan, elglit yeaia old: 7b IiubIi- ela or corn more or lonti, 1,000 pmimla fodder more or Ichb and 50 IiuhIioIm of Hweet. potiitoer more or ton*, levied on an the property of 1), M. WIIIIh by virtue of a mortgage II. fa., Jhhuo(I from l»er- rien county court in favor of J. /,. KMiottagntnAb Hrtid D. M. WIIIIh. Properly pointed out In Haiti fi. fit. ’Mila December 4, l«»f. O. It. IsUKK, County Jhtliid. Borriori County Sheriff’s Sale For February, OF.GHGIA—llKitutKN County. Will la- Hold before the court hmtso door In tho town of NaHhvJiJe, »:iid Bt»t« and county, within the legal bourn of Hale, on tho tlrnt Tuesday in February next, the following property, tihwit: One 10x20 Watertown It. It. Knglue,ono4n 11,1*. lie turn Tubular Ihdler, ono KlngHlund & Doug ina's Haw Mill, Hawn, Itolta and FixturoH located at Mm 124 lullo-poai, on the Georgia Houtlieru and Florida railroad. levied on tut tiio property of II. J. ParrUh, .1. II. CheHiiutt, ct at., toantiHrya lion lb f/». fancied from ftorrlen Hu parlor Court In favor of the Watertown Hteam Kuginu Co. Hald property pointed In Hnld It. fa. December 7.1891. Alan, at tho name time and place, one lot of land, containing Blx aorcH, more or Iphh, known a* block C." and fronting four hundred atul twenty feet, more or lean, on Colquitt street and vanning hack nix hundred and thirty feet, more or Icmh, to Wildcat brwnch. AIho one lot or laud, containing three nere», more or less, being tiio tn.nh l>air of block mindior :t, fronting about six hundred and thirty feet on oald Colquitt Btroct ami extending nonrh about two hundred and ten feet to lamia of ll. !,. Parrish) said lot em.-loerd with plank fence. AIho one lot of land known ah number ll, of block “P.” fronting on Centro street about one hundrod nml twenty feet nml extending back two hundred and ten foot to tho Wildcat, branch, and the ImprovenumtH thereon. AIho one lot of land containing one aero, more or Ichh, fronting south on Main Htroet adopt two hundred and ten fret nml oxtending north about two hundred nod ten feet to the mudxof J.J. Klneath, hounded on the east bv bind of Dock Alderman and west b> land of II. !•• Parrish. AIho one lot of land oii the northwest corner of Cleveland and Main streets, fronting thirty feet on Main street and ninety feet on Cleveland street. Also lot uuudior one in block “tl. M on tho southwest corner of Main and Goodman streets, fronting sixty feet on Main street and thirty fort on Goodman street. All of said lots of laud sltunte, lying and lielug in the Miwn of Hparkft, said Htate and county. Ism led on as the nropertypf ,1. ll. llownn to satisfy a Mortgage 11 ih. Issued from llerrien Ru|Htriof Court In fftvoi of John Flannery Co, Devemher l, 1801. DAN1K1, W. T1BON, Hhorlit ll.f. >* pc; TIFTON - 1 § pu SALE STABLES. TIFTON. - GEORGIA €. A. WILLIAMS. Proprietor, gotoThk iMDps! J. T. BOYD & BR0., VulvloHtn, Georgia. I Dcndquarlers for |)YKH, TIN W A UK, CROCKERY, GflUi AND H1YCRKAM i KlCi, file. J.M.& s; L Resident 15 mrtoK,GKoiia Officjes-RooIiib 2 <uul 0j brick building. ", Can ho found In their offices 16th of each month, the residue « e voted to country patients—ftt desired. Drs. TOBACCOS, CIGARS, ETC. Clark Bros. Old Stand, - - - TIFtON, GEORGIA. J. W. & D. DENTIST, - OKOIlOtA. Offii'k—Dank DuUtUng, ltoohi Xo. t. u)> atalra. DR. J. A. MoCREaT Physieiafx and Surgeon, y.. UFTON, - aEqnorA, ITompt attention given to caltoi day or night. KiT’Orru/K at residence. 2-tf. All Must Have Raiment. a best drives In lailles’ summer dross goods (a new and handsome stock lust wwlved), white and yellow homcspttns, ginghams, prints, jeans, etc., is at the cheap chaah store of Ji. GUiSOX. Fresh stock of confections, the best floor In town, sjSondld line of trunks at figures unprecedented in Tifton. COUNTRY PRODUCE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Call and see me and examino my goods. 8-tf. E. GIBSON. DR. J. C. GOODMAN, Physician and Surgeon, TIFTON, -. QEomilA. OrncK—Jloom In tho Tifton Drug Btore. tST* Tliauklng tho pahllc for Its past liberal patronage ami solicit a continuation of tho same. — THIS SPACE BELONGS TO — E. P. BOWEN & BRO. DEALERS IN — Greiieral Merchandise. FARMERS’ SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Country Produce Bought and Sold. IlijflioHt cob]i prices prices paid for chickens and eggs, and fann products generally. Give us a call when you come to Tifton with anything to sell. 1 ill 10 111 ILL OF OUR coins, Thanking tho public for a generous patronage in tho past, we earnestly Bolieit a continuance of tho same in the future, 1-lf. E. I 3 . BOWEN & BRO, Near tile B. & W. Depot, TIFTON, GA. FURNITURE! egan .TUumiture for the iParlor, .■Furniture for the Bed Room, Furniture for tho Kitchen, Furniture of A.11 Kinds. I have the largest and beet stock of FURNITURE of every stylo and kind to ho found in Berrien county or in tliis section of Georgia, and will not bo ‘undersold by any house in the State. Before buying Furniture of any kind, give inc a call. It will pay you W. A.. HENDERSON, . Parks Building, TIFTON, GA. J-tf. JOHN C. HIND, Contractor and Builder, TIFTON, GEORGIA. ALL KINDS OF WOODWORK DONE ON SHORT NOTICE. 13?“ Blaus and specifications furnished on application. My. DR. N. PETERSON Physician 'and Stirgeon. TIFTON, CJSOltGIA. OmcK-ln Julian brick building. Ail calls promptly responded to Uayotjntght. DR. G. C. LANEY. Physieian and Surgeon jryUI.TIilE, - GKOUGIA. Offers liii Services to the people of Colquitt i and adjacent counties. m tayOFFic/K in new drug store. W G; A WHITAKER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND INSURANCE AGENT, VALDOSTA, - GKOUGIA. Legal btiftiness BoUcftecI and gfvim prompt *fc- Bntion. . . ,*OPFiur-Harrell Building, Room. JSfii v FULWOOD & ALEXANDER, LAW, REAL ESTATE AND COLLECTIONS, TIFTON, - GKplifilA. Prompt attention given to all legal business. gjr*()KFiOK—Love Building, Room No. 1. JOHN A, WILKES,, Attorney - at -Law, ADEI,, - GKOUGIA. ( k Will ptnctioo in all the counties of the Southern Judicial C'ireitit of Georgia, fipec/al attention directed to all branches of the profession and general businetts solicited. 8-ly. H. A. Y0UMANS, ' Tifton, Georgia, 104 , —- DEALER IN Watches, Chains, Jewelry, Etc., Etc, Special attention given to Electric Plating. I also moke a spocinlty of repairing tine and complicated watclieB Satisfaction guaranteed. Give mo s trial. ’ H. A, YOUMANS. li , IlaSOrf NEW u | qu-armJ' PALE ANNOtrNCEMENT. <*s T J '' n *“ O' — James Z. Elliott, SPARKS, GEORGIA, Hn* J'Wl opened n splendid lire of fall and winter goods, uonahling of D>y Gooda. Dreas OooiIb, N’ctiona, llomocti.s, Slioea and Hats, Vancp and Family Groceries, Tobaccos, Vicars, Hardware, Crockery, srsd, In fact, everything connected with a tlrs'.clasB slock of— . G e it e v ft l M e r c It a It dise. Thanking the people of Berrien and-Colquitt counties for their pu.1 liberal pet- ronage l oolicit a cotnimumc-i of the same, f will continue to gtre my customers the lie»l go-.iiU for the least possible money), and pay them the highest price, for their eottou and other produce, ... A ' ' Respcctfolly, . <»« O-JZ, EI.I.IOTT, *p,u-k», aa. THS ONLY PERFECT /Mmily USB. For«)• by W. A. !lt.NI«EHHO.\,Tltt™,G».. 1 We hav« imjrhaaedl t Vn Automntio .Rltfo vieparojl tocicon get W. Beftctt slje riil.ue Moi. - , m