The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, February 05, 1892, Image 1

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ISSip? 1 a fK 81.00 PER ANffPMl TIFTON, BERRIEN COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 5, 1802. | GENERAL COUNTY NEWS. BRIEF ITEMS GATHERED BY THE GAZETTE REPORTERS. Pergonal and ImjM>r*onnt Para*rftphU—A Bird's Bye Vletr of tl»e City of Tifton i . and County of Berrien. BRIGHT SPARKS. Tflfeingoto Netr Ufe and Forging to the Front. Mrs. Jas. M. Devune, of Lois, has just returned from a visit to rela tives and friends in Dooly county. Contractor Hind bos a large quan tity of first-oiass lime for sale. Give him a call when in need of lime. At the residence of the bnde’e brother, \Y. J. MoKiuneyJatJBparks, February 3rd, Martin Gruyfmd Miss Sally McKinney were married, Rev. W. A. Huckabee officiating. Contractor J. C. Hind will build you a house at lowest figures. Padriok Bros, are bound to ac commodate the public. The business of R, G. Wjlby, a general mercliant at Adel, has been placed in the hands of a receiver. Mr. Wilby has been doing a large otedit business and his present em barrassment is said to be due to poor illeetious. An Alliance paper is authority foj it of gossip to the effeny tiiut Berrien County Allianqw has lopted third party resolutions. The zests has heard of two or three party advocates in the eouuty, oesn’t think there is yet any for alarm. ‘•valtl-clde cures Itch In SOmlnutes. SOcts. Bold by J. 0. Goodman, board of county commissioners inday selected jVV. Hemy Moi mporary county treasurer, D. Griffin, deceased, not only a high ctfmpHmeut onng friend, but one. * He at ’.once |pet about e required bond, which was piished, aiid on Tuesday a jtisfaqtory. settlement was ‘Be commissioners by the lives of. the lute treasurer. A morning, the first of the week, spent at the pretty little town of Sparks revealed the fadt that not withstanding the depression in finan cial circles she has taken on new life and is moving forward toward thi goal of success. Several new jiB 1 tasty dwelliugA . are being ■ s»!c by the rrloil count ‘ My liver ia cut of order, I feel dull and heavy—-no life In me. You nood a bottle of SlmijumaHtelicf, only «0c. For Bale by Dr. J V. Goodman, Tifton, Ga. The initiatory steps are being taken to carve out a new militia district for Berrien comity from the upper lower Ninth districts; with 8parks the distWot sito, Since the the Georgia Southern & Ft road the western portion of , ty has rapidly "increased i| tion and nuuie a division oi district a necessity. The justice courts of the lower Ninth, embrac ing the thriving towns of Ade) and Sparks, have heretofore been held at ' Adel and sometimes occupied more than two days at the regular sessions, The increase of business made the new district ilosirubl* if not a neces sity. We learn that the people of tho proposed new distnot ure very much elated at tho prospects for the ... change, , Cob Jas, M. Griggs, Solictor-General of Patau!. Circuit, says: “Mlgrstlnc has always afforded me prompt relief In 'Cases of headache." At Dr. J. C. Goodman's. Duncan lodge, No. 834, F. & A K., of Nashville, at the last regular meeting, presented Hon. Rcnben A. Flitch a handsome testimonial of their esteem in the shape of a gold- beuded cane, whiub was appropriate! inscribed. The presentation speech wits made by Col. H. li./copies, the master of the lodge, nn^evo assur ance that the gift was made by breth ren who felt it was justly deserved. Mr.Fntch has reached a ripe old age uml his long life bus been embel lished by the strictest integrity and inspired by just notions and pure actions; he is the very soul of honor. Air. Fntch has been a member of Duncan ledge tar many years-per haps a charter member—and has been her faithful treasurer for about thirty years. During that time t here have been but two discrepancies found in bis cash account and both times they were in favor of the lodge. His life ^ should be copied by all hie fellow- craftsmen. ' 1 1 more to vigor than Beckwith & completed and others in the near fnture; Nothing has oontribi this infusion of fresl the advent of Messrs. Rogers, and the location of their mammoth turpentine and lumbering interests there. They have their tram roud already graded from Sparks to Little river in the direction of Moultrie. Several carloads of rails have arrived and tracklaying has commenced in earnest; connection with the Georgia Southern and q railroad side-track at Spirpks was effected the first of the week, In company with Dr. I. J. Good man, behind bis fleet little sorrel mare, we had tho pleasure of a drive >ut the town, noting that many intprovfenients are being made by the town authorities and private citi zens in the way of oleariug streets and building ohijnooys, fepees, eto. A very appropriate site for a cem etery lias been purchased by tho town,.and Boon the work of fencing and otherwise iniproviug it will com mence. There is also a project on foot to coinpleto’thc Baptist ohurch, pur chase a bell for it, and also to reor ganize the Sunday-school. The lat ter work was placed on the Gazette editor by tho county Sunday-school association, which held its meeting at Nashville lost summer. LOCAL HOTCH-POTCH. WHAT BUSINESS MEN AND LOAFERS FIND TO TALK ABOUT. Patcmont Turagropli* lMckml Up and ren al vely Penned—All Pertaining to V$r*dna and Thing*. Jiidge W, L. Story, of Sumner, is spending a few days ill tho city. Mrs. W. H. Love and children ure visiting relatives and friends in Coffee county. Don’t forget that Contractor Min'd guarantees satisfaction. It is whispered tiiut marriage bells will tinkle in these gprts ere the ad vent of spring time.’ Postmaster Duff is tho proud fa- tlier of a bonnoing baby boy/whioh will be one year old FebruWy 8,1893, Our goods fit your purse. Pad- rick Bros. The Georgia Southern and Flori da railroad lias installed Mr. Babe, one of the pleasantest Freuch gen tlemen we have ever met, us agent at Tifton. The IJrs. Wilkes have moved from the Love building, on Railroad Their denial rooms are now Paulk building, on Muin •*- * * The local preachers, of the Val dosta district, M.E. Ohurch, South, conveued in their scooml meeting with the Sparks Methodist church last Thursday night und it was continued through Sunday. There wus a good attendance of preachers—local and itinerant—and the meeting proved Vth pleasant and profitable. ' The program arranged for the discussions during the meeting wus an excellent one and elicited, we learn, some very interesting speeches. The congregations on Sunday taxed tlie large church to its utmost ca pacity to accommodate them. It is probable an official report of tlie meeting will be furnished the Gazette next week for publication. DcntH of Hon. W. D. Griffin. Again .we are reminded that one by one the old landmarks of Berrien county ate passing away. On lust Friday afternoon, at his home in Nashville, the immortal spiyifc'of Hon. William Dewtbbv^Guippin winged its flight Jm God who gave it Mr. GnfflWhad been a citi zen of ■ Berrien comity tor muny years, and ever known by bis fellow- citizens us a friend to all humanity, never missing ail opportunity from his young manhood to old ago to “scatter seeds of kindness” among those who applied to him for aid in trjxri of distress. What higher -ribute can we pay to the dead? Tlie deceased has been the esteem ed treasurer of Berrien oounty, with tho exception of four years, since it was a county, and was filling that office at the time of biz death. Ho was afflicted with dropsy of the heart, but was confined to his house and bed hut a short time before his death. , : He'leaves* uoble.wife, a daughter and a son, with a host of other rel atives <uid friends to mount his de parture. Tbs death of no man to tho county could elicit greater or more lasting sorrow. The editor would thunk some friend, conversant with tho life, of Mr. Griffin, to prepare a more fitting tribute to bis. memory tor publica tion in these columns. street in tho street * • Mr. E. Gibson and family have moved to Waycross.’ They were ex cellent citizens and Tifton regrets losing them. Wuycross is tho gainer this time; At tho residence ot the bridejp- father, on tho 38th ultimo, Mr. drix. Webb and Miss Alioe Downing were united in marriage. Elder W. F. Cox officiated. The weather for the past few days has been: charming. The fanners are all busy as bees pushing tlicir farm work along, and tlie merry whistle of tho plowboy is heard in the land. Henry Yomnans and hie estima ble lady spent Inst Monday and Tuesday witli relatives and friends at Sparks. Alias Melvinu McClel land accompanied them home for u short viBit. Mias Eva .Storey, a charming young lady of Sumner, visited her sister, Mrs. S. 0. Itycroft, lost week. Miss Eva is one. of Worth’s fairest flowers, and her many admirers here arc always delighted will) iicr visits, Mrs. .Guldens, of Alapalia, and Mrs, Clark and children, of Savan nah, have been guests of Col. C. W. Fill wood for some lim<\ They returned to Alapalia Tuesday morn ing. .The latter lady is a sister of Sirs. Fu]wood. Sir. E. Ogden now occupies tlie combination storehouse and dwell ing vacated by Sir. E, Gibson. He bus rented his dwelling to Prof. Murphey and given up the Love store. Why don’t you try Blmmons Relief a cowboy a few fBnrs ago. This was quite an 'interesting, onriosity, und is said to be tho only one over found in this country. Tho propri etors were clever, and we cannot re frain from saying thoir little show was worth: tho admission price, 10 cents. Sir. IV. W. Timmons went gun- niug tlie other day, and succeeded in bagging several of tho feathery tribe; but ho did not bring them home with him. He laid his game down somewhere during his peram bulations, and, becoming deeply ab sorbed in a subjeot, bis thoughts cstrayod him from the birds. Tlie joke is on Mr. Timmons. Tifton’s growth is going steadily forward, and this fact is fully dem onstrated by the many improvements which are being made evory day. A ride around tho-city would 1m sur prising. Tlie enterprising and pro gressive spirit of our' people will continue to develop; tho possibilities of tho town and keep it at the head of (lie procession in tlie grand march of progress. \V'o ought to have a bank here. It would not only be a paying institu tion, but would be a great aid to bus iness ami in koepiugwith the growth am) progress of the city. It would also be a great incentive to our working people to save thoir turn ings. Our business men should not lose interest in the projected bank, for there is no telling how much tlie enterprise would contribute to the prosperity of the city. when your liver stops acting properly, being. Only it makes you feel like a new BOc. For sale by Dr. J. 0, Tlfloi), Ga. Goodman, Mr. 0. F. King, of the Atlanta Journal, spent Monday in Tifton, a guest of Hole! Sadie. He called at tho Gazette office, but the individ ual who bosses that establishment was ubsent. Call again, Bro. King, you will have bettor luck next time. If you liavono appotlte and feel out of sorts, just get a SOc bottle of Blmmons Belief and you will bo w ell and happy again. Now. try It. For sale by Dr. J. C. Goodman, Tifton, Ga. , ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. SUNDAY-SCHOOL COl GARNERED BY THE PENCIL SCISSORS PROCESS. AND A Mregro Attendance, Profitable Hatch of New* from Neighboring Counties \< Deemed of Speclul Interest to- Gaxette Render*. / Hon. J. W. ihjgay rif Lowndes comity, denies tlmt hit and his sub- ulliunco have joimw the'third party. 0. 0. Force, tho republican post master at Valdosta, is dead. And there are a half doz n applications for his offloiul shoes. Editor McCook, of tho Brunswick Times, seems inclined to shelve Con gressman Turner by nominating him for governor. It won’t work; too stale! Receiver Sparks, of tlie Georgia Southern & Florida railroiul, lias authorized Mr- AY. B. Dasher of Syc amore to have tlie town iota belong ing to tho road cleared agreeable to an ordinance of the town council. Charles Haddock ami James Mur phy, of Colquitt county, uro reported by tlvo Saynimah Press as having plead guilty in the United States court a few days since to tho charge of working an illicit still^imd wero eiuili sentenced to one month's im prisonment in tlie Uhnllmm coqnty jail and to pay $100. The first convention tho Mell Baptist Sunday sociation met with Brushy church lost Saturday u was contiuned until the dose df: Sunday morning service. , Owing to the inclemency of the weather the attendance . was not as large as was desired, but the dirous- sious of .the' several topics found on tho program proved both pleasant and profitable to those who were present. The churches represented in tho convention were Ziou Hope, New River, Mogul, Tifton, Nashville, Ev ergreen, Cherry Creek and Brushy Creek. Wedding Hells at Cycle itetu. It was on February 3d that Flor ida’a most brilliant son and Georgia’s most beautiful and loving (laughter mude tho fatal leap which Lyourgus culls the cardinal point in every one’s life. The groom arrived at 13 o’clock, nccoiupuuicd by an nbitwlunoe of friends ami found thu decorations und arrangements complete. At 3 o’clock Dr. J. P. Pei’uss, of Florida, united in the happy bonds of matri mony Mr. James K. Fitzgerald, hor ticulturist of the Florida Experi mental station, to Miss Grace Mo- Munn, formerly of Missouri. Prof, and Mrs. Irby acted in tho capacity of attendants. After a scries of congratulations from the lips of the multitude who witnessed the scene, they were seated to a most beautiful table, containing nil tho delicacies of life. The happy couple loft on the 3 o’clock train for their future home in Florida, The presents given wero number less. They were many and beauti ful. To seo sncii pleasant marriages ns tills ono is enough to arouse any of our anxieties to a matrimonial state. The con phi has the best wishes of all for tlieir success awF happiness ulo’.ig the battlefield of life. / J. I). P. It was decided that the whole duty of the church to the Sunday-school was to foster it in every jiossihle way, 03 a part of church work. It was also decided chat a Sunday- school wns a religious institution aud a moral educator. The discussion of the last question ■fi BgBifl on the program proved conclusively 0 Padriok Bros, goods and bei U buy. prices TIFTON AND TH0MASV1LLE R. R. Tliomiuvillo 8ub*<iril>cr« Moot nml Tnku Very OinliDiu* Action. Tho Thomasvillo Timos-Knter- prise brings intelligence of a meet ing hold in that city a few days since by tlie subscribers to tbo fund to purclmso terminal facilities for the Tifton and Thomasvillo railroad After discussing the matter the fol lowing resolution was adopted: Resolved, That a comiiiittc of five, of which tho chairman of this meet ing shall lie chairman, lie uiqiointed to ascertain tlie exact status" of tlie title to the pieces of property com pricing tlio terminal fncilitioH for tho Georgia Southern ami Florida rail? roud, [Tifton and Thonmavilie] und the connection of the subscri bers and tlie property with‘the legal proceedings against the Macon Con struction Company, and- to secure the consent of the various subscri bers to have the property held to gether to be disposed of by order of a majority vote of the subscribers at a meeting to be duly advertised be fore hand', and that thin committee report at it meeting to he held on February tl. or earlier. The Times-Ktiterpnso adds! ;, It was tin- universal opinion of the mooting—and fully four-fifths of tlie subscribers wero represented— tiiut- tho projicrty should be held together for the purpose for which it was originally subscribed, that ia, as terminal facilities or an inducement for this or other railroads to build to Thoirmsville.” that tho benefit a community derives from having a Sunday-school in its midst can only be measured by the faithfulness with which the citizens discharge tlieir duties toward it- Mr. J. I). Calhoun conducted tho mass-meeting Sunday morning in an admirable manner, after which Eider \V. F. Cox preached an appreciated sermon to a large and orderly con gregation. The citizens of the Brushy Creek community entertained the conven tion in a most hospitable manner, for which they received a vote of thanks. Under tho order of ‘miscellaneous business n resolution was adopted ap pointing a committee whoso duty it shall lie to arrange a list of cxchnngo of pulpits by the pustors of the asso ciation before the next meeting of tlie convention, at which time they are to preaoli upon the first aud sec ond topics of Die program of this convention, urging the importance of fostering Simday-sohool work. Tlie next session will ho held with Zion Hppe church, Irwin county, on tho fifth Sunday, and Friday and Sat urday before, in July next. m /■ , great trouble was eonatipation nn- _ , i 1 tried Slmoiba* Belief! It 1* a hlwts- j Mlgfadne is sjtilek"to give relief la ttomwsklBd and only Aft? a hotti*. | severe msm of headache or neuralgia,at ) )<yDr. J.«,Geodm*«. Ilfwn, l»r,J,G, Goodmwi’*. The petite Miszes Maude and Effie Goodman, daughters of Dr. I, J. Goodman, of Sparks, Were visitors last Monday, the guest of the editor nnu his wife. They are bright lit tle girls, and being shown around the city were much pleased with what they saw. Sebastian and Helm’s Royal nm- aee exhibited hero last Tuesday af ternoon and night, and, perhaps, about one' hundred people saw it. There was nothing extrordinary about this show unless it was the natural born “actor” who tried to be funny in the role of a clown, and the Indian mummy, which was As previously intiiqhtiri in the Ga zette Prof. Thomas'E. Williams was unanimously chosoh bv the county board of eiluoatiotf to succeed Judge James F. Oceanian as county school commissioner, j/iatst Tuesday he gave thu necessary Bond, look tlie oath and entered upon the discharge of his duties. Prof. Williams is pre-emi nently qualified to discharge the duties of school commissioner, and having tbo cause of education near to his heart, will be faithful to the trust reposed in him. llo is a nativo of A party of gentlemen connected with tho Brmmwioh and Western railroad, with a few of their inti mate) friends, have organized a social and pleasure club known as tbo “Pont J. Wsiob Club.” The “Club Grounds” are on the banks of tlie Satilla river, two miles from Atkin son, Gil, where they Imre purchased a plat of land and ..ill soon com menco the necessary improvements for the nse of tlie ciub. Tho regu lar meetings occur during the month of May and usually lust several weeks. llcv. L. A. Scow, of the Tift & Snow Fruit Furui Co., was in the city TEACHERS' INSTITUTES. Our I'ubilc School Truchcr* Will lt« Taught to Trncli. Berrien cocnty aud an ideal young yesterd / atid made a very pleasant gentleman; his generous impulses and beautiful character arc worthy of emulation by every school teacher in tlie county. Tlie board of education has done well in his selection, and wo are sure the people will not only ap prove their action, hut will be grati fied to know that- lie has accepted the truot, am] especially when they learn the acceptance was mode in tho face of more lucrative employment which was being urged upon him. Prof. Williams will have tho earnest co-op eration of the Gazette in his arduous visit to the Gazette sanctum. Air. Snow is a genial, entertaining gentle- man, and the editor is always glad to see him. Otir young friend II. CV Murray, growing tired of the inactive routine of a 'aw office, has turned “drum mer” and will fiffivijl, for the tebacoo house of A. S3. Clay tor J; Cut., of Bedford City, Va. II. A. Yonmane has moved his jewelry shop to tho “Sitwanee roa- .taurant” bnilaing. / Thcrejire seventy-fife pnpfis in State School Commissioner Brad- well, since lie went into office has been milking strenuous efforts to raiso the standard of touching in tlie pub lic schools of tlie state. He secured tlie passage of on act by tlie last leg islature which provides for the hold ing of monthly ‘‘teachers’ institutes” during the free school term, to lie governed by the following rules and regulations: 1. The county school commit* sionei is the conductor uml presiding officer of the meetings. 3. Tlie meetings ure to be held on one Saturday in each month during the public school term, said Saturday to be determined by the county school commissioners. 3. There* must be separate insti tutes for white und colored. 4. The meetiugs are to be held at the county site or such other place as may bo selected by the county school commissioners. 5. All teachers, white and colored, teaching in Georgia or having license to teach, unless they have perma nently retired from teaching, are re quired to attend all sessions and per form all duties required of them, unless providentially prevented. (J, AUendauoo is made compul sory tinder penalty of such fines aa tho commissioners and boards r deem just and reasonable, but cy absentee shall have the privileji having his or her excuse, state writing, duly considered. The mooejt derived from these fines is to be a~ plied to purchasing a teachers’ » rury. f. All persons desiring to a the sessions of the institute* are to h admitted, but they shall be subject to the rules and regulations while m at- tendance. claimed to have been found by one j labors, und he should receive the same {regular attendance ub'Gfc Tifton tu- of the proprietors> Wyoming while j from every citizen. / ‘ jwitufe. ■ Miss Allie Shealy, a bright lady of Sparks, passed tin city yesterday en route to a visit to friends. - HK