The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, March 11, 1892, Image 1

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ms r TIFTON, BERRIEN COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 11, 1892. VOL, \ LOCAL HOTCH-POTCH. ■ WHAT BUSINESS MEN AND LOAFERS FIND TO TALK ABOUT. .vriuent Paragraph* Picked Up mill Pen- nlifjy IVnuc.l-All Pi>rtahilug to Pr.raoiiH ami Tiling*. Read the “Shoe Shop” advertise ment in to-day’s paper. Read the advertisement of “Money to Loan” on the fourth page. Don’t forget Contractor Hind when you have building to do. Read the new legal advertisements Which appear in to-day’s paper. Mrs. M. 33. Dorman, of Ty. Ty, \vas a guest of the editor’s wife Tues- izday.'jaMffi linker’s llread, fresh every Satur day at Mrs. A. B. Graves’, Pitta building. Mr. H. L. Lovitt, of LoConte, was in the city on business the first of the week. Mr. j. D.' Patterson writes that he lias found his mule, which he adver tised as an estray. / "tor J. C. Hind lia/for sale apply of first-lass lime, nd laths. / youugt latfy arrived last v to bless thj/lives of Mr. and j , L. Vickers. I t r "■liir'V lovog ,i Monday CapL W. W. Timmons took a pleasure trip to Florida this week, visiting Jacksonville, St. Augustine, Palatka, Sanford and Tampa. No doubt it was u very pleasant trip. Contractor J. 0. Hind will build you a house at lowest figures. Editor J. Brown, late of the Wuresboro Union, has taken an in terest in the Adel News. The Ga zette trusts its cotemporary will have smooth sailing under his guid ance. A Normal and Commercial College is a prospective institution for the City of Tifton. Gentlemen of ex perience and ability have the matter under advisement, and are encourj aged at the prospects. The home of Mr. Waldrop has been gl arrival, on the 7th baby boy. The foi grown any taller on t T. by the a fine father hasu’t account but feels very much larger. There is at the drug store of Pe terson & Paulk the largest collection of old and curious coin wo huve ever seen. It contains one hundred and twenty-three pjeoes, uo two alike, and is the property of Mr. C. Biiow. “Boss Pse ’fraid to tell how cheap I got dcse galluses. Might ’rest me. dat’s de Lord’s trufe, ha, ho,” lie re marked as lie left Padnok Bros’. ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. GARNERED BY THE PENCIL SCISSORS PROCESS; AND IlAtcIi of Nmvs from NclRttborlng Counties Deemed of Bpeolttl Interest to OftMtU ItoiidflM. m mug and added the sum of $15 to the city treasury. Contractor Hind has a largequap- t-ity of first-cliiss lime for sale.- GiVe him a call when in need of lime. Mr. Willie Hunmiond, of Valdos ta, is to sojourner in Tifton audin the employ of Contractor S. G. Stack. y' ■4.$k ,v ; '■■■_;■ • - r Contractor J. C. Hind has the building of Mr. 51. W. Guskins little store, and the Work is progressing rapidly. . .. Mr. J. D. Pearsall is now repro editing the Savnim.ah'grocery firm ol (ieo. W. Tiedeinan & Co., witii head quarters at Tifton. Tho Ali^bk-Gniy, of Leliaton, vgere Visiting hi' Tifton' two . weeks ago the guests bf tlie Mjssis; /Timmons. They are bright liltlo gte.Is,' ' .- Quarterly iiieiiting. for the ' Ajiipa- tin circuit will lie bold ivilb.-Wie Tif- Ion V.'ethodiat ehiirch embracing the fourth .Sunday m.clits mouth. About forty cords of good dry pine wood, for sale cheap. Cut to four feet leugth. Apply to B. T. Allen, chairman street committee. Ripe, rosy, sweet breathed spring i coming. Padrick Bros’, spring goods are coining and they are selling ut wonderfully low prices for room. Berrien superieroourt convenes on the third Monday met, a little more . than a week from to-day, and will lost quite a week if the dockets are cleared. The wild flowers are blooming, an evidence that the glad spring time lias come. “Gentle Annie" and the “spring poets” are excused from at tendance. Some splendid showers fell the first of the week and gardeners are emiling over the thought of their spring turnips coming up and grow ing off nicely. Sir. John Pope is commence building I; the corner of Lc i street.. His tting ready to ‘caideucc on avenue and t. is one of Urn Yhen a thing looks like gold and cheap to be gold itls either brass or a in it. hike. Our offerings i not brassy but may be mi&aices; Paomok Bros. Mr. Komar Murray, spent several s in Tifton the first of the week, sting up. II«f.ti<xp > |.Mm>/|mrMe- k his new role iisnuiii ak of Tifton is held in s by the monetary stringency, nt the subscribers to le ans not in a hurry “••■wNiSiiss Lawyer Fortner, of Irwu." was arrested by Marshal McCrea this city several days since, by virtue of several criminal warrants from Irwin county. Irwin officials came and carried him back to that county for trial. Con tractor Slack is making rapid progress with on his three cottages which he is having built on the site where the Sexton cottages were burned. They are to be 4-room cottages, substantially built and nice ly finished. The cigarette ordinance lias brought down a tirade of .anathemas upon the devoted (leads of the oity counoil from—tho purchasers, and not the dealers. The beardless youths don’t like to have their man liness out off. Week After week, As the work pro gresses, the architectural beauty of the Baptist church becomes more ipparcnt. The carpenters have about completed the outside of the body of the building and the inside walls are ready for the plasterers. Gupt S. R. Weston and Messrs. B. B. Gray and Oren Gutchell were in the city Wednesday,«» route to Ma con to be in attendance upon the yellow pine lumber manufacturer*’ convention which was to be hold yesterday at; the Brown House. The gentlemen interested in the proposed Tifton Cannihg Factory held an inforinkl meeting last Satur day. The nccokuy money has been subscribed, and ns’ soon a* a compe tent manager can be secured work on the buildings will be commenced. Winter is over for bf but not for U. Wei sel goods very lo to make room for the spring stock we wil re ceive about the 10th. Padbigk Bbos. Owing to the continued illness of bis wife Rev, P. II. Grumpier did not fill bis appointments at the Tif ton Methodist church last Sunday. Mre. Prompter's condition continues critical, and her family and friends have almost despaired of her reoov- ery. The new artesian well Will be Jo cated near the old one; the contract is fora depth of eight hundred ftoi, Hat it is the intention of | Capt Tift to have it go deeper if the flow is not satisfactory. The contractor* say they will complete the work within foor months unless prevented by un foreseen difficulties. A young white man by tlie name of Walter Simmons was arraigned before Justice W. W. Rutherford Elder Zaia Paulk, an aged Prlmi tive Baptist preacher, died on Mop- h] day, the Gth inst., nt his home jrfTr- win county. He had jjeeMfcitiseii of Irwin county all lnstWre. lie was esteemed by all who knew him as a good man and citizeu. Mtgrsllno la quick to give relief tn severe cases of headache or neuralgia, at Br.'J.C. Goodman's. Mr. H. is. Puletliorpe, the well- known detective of Macon, is push ing the sale of a remedy for the in stantaneous relief of headache, neu ralgia, catarrhal troubles, etc. He calls it “Paletliorpc’s Now Discovery.” It is a good remedy for the ills enumerated. Early Risers, Early Risers, Early Risers, the famous liitlu pills for consti pation, sick headache, dyspepsia and nervousness. J. C. Goodman. Rev. S. W. Brown, preacher in charge of the Adel oircnit, was in the oity last Friday and made a pleasant visit to this office. He was on his return from Douglas, Coffee county, where he had gono on some committee work imposed by Presid ing Elder Wardlaw. The editor is always pleased to see Mr. Brown. -Mia... L. H. Patton, Rockford, 111,, writes: 7 Trbm-p**ODal experience I can recommend De Witt’s BAMO^rllU. * varied this year from fourteen to eighteen cents a pound, and then ugain the seed is worth twice as much os the ordinary seed. Tlie J. & P. Contes company, man ufacturers of thread, will buy all of it the farmers can make, and silk manufacturers ure beginning to use it very largely in mixing it with heir silk goods. He also expressed the opinion that the farmers in these lower bounties of the state will make money by the cultivation of tobacco. cure for Impure blood and general dofiltr " J.O. Q, ' four. It is a truth in medicine that the small est dose that performs the cure Is the best. Do Witt's Little Early Risers are the smallest pills, will perform tlie cure and are tho best. J. 0. Goodman. Tuesday morning malicious mischief—*ln in the woods—bn* he m >rged with ting sheep sired a enm- ir. toe tioe at ty.” J. U. Goodman. Mr. James T. Miller, of Pearson, und his pretty young wife, Bpent sev eral days in tlie city the first of the week. He filled the plitce of Mr. T. F. Toon, Jfr., during ins absence on his wedding trip. Mr, Miller is a benedict of only a few days, having been married to the charming Miss Minnie A. Duvidson, of Wuresboro, on Febrnury 24th. It dull, spiritless snd stupid; if your blood is thick and sluggish; if your appe tite is capricious and uncertain, you need a sarsaparilla. For host results take Do Witt’s. J. C. Goodman. Prof. Irby and wife, of the Cy- oloncta farm, were visiting in the oity Saturday afternoon und Sunday. We learn from the professor that matters on the farm are progressing very nicely—tobacco seeds ure coming up beautifully, a few of the peach trees are blooming and give promise of some nice fruit Tlie professor is experimenting this spring in Irish potato culture; has twelve ucrea in the vineyard seeded to these delicate tubers, planted between tho rows of vines. „hl people are the quickest to roc- agnize a flood thing and buy it. We sell lots of people tho Little Early Risers. If you are not bright these pills will make you so. J. 0. — A young white tutu who gave his name as W. E. Howe was arrested here Tuesday morning on the arrival of the Georgia Southern and Florida train from Valdosta. He hud left on unpaid board bill at tho Prescott housb and the cnergetio proprietor telegraphed Moishal McCrea to col lect the amount, $0, or bold the man until an officer could be sent for him. He skirmished around and borrowed niouey from various par ties, paid the amount and oast of do- tention and was discharged front custody.* We truly believe De Witt's Llttlo Ear ly Risers are the most natural, most ef fective, most prompt and noonoiuicei pill for bllloasncM, indigestion and Inactive fiver. J. C, Goodman. Sea taluurf Cut ton, Hon. Walter T, McArthur, of Montgomery county, has been sub jected to a newspaper interview rela tive to the production of se4 island cotton. - -, Re says this cotton is coming rap idly to the front os a staple produc tion in nearly sill the lower counties of Georgia, and among them he men tioned Berrien, Coffee sud Clinch. The fanners are beginning to reaj- tWj says be, that it will cost no more to grow it than common cotton, ai- thqngh. it cost# more to .pick it and The Georgia Clmutnuqtin. Tlie nearer the approach of tlie Georgia Chautauqua assembly week tlie more intense becomes the inter est manifested by people from abroad. Tho teachers, preachers and speukere engaged for the enter tainment of visitors are gentlemen of national oclebrity in their particular roles. The music, both vocal and instru- au( pcnde<l mental, will bo furnished by local talent led by teachers who have reached tho very acme of perfection. The program for each special day is complete iu itself—press day, children's day, national day, mid gov ernor’s and military day. Everybody who can should not fail to attend the Clmutuuquu during Assembly week; there will be much to be seen, I'v.'urd ami learned that will be of ad- ' vantoge’lfl'oWfylay life, TIFTON’S CITY COUNCIL. WHAT WAS DONE AT THE REGU LAR MONTHLY MEETING. Adoption of Ordinances Looking to flu BMt Intercut of City 1 mid CIUmm- Mr. INmcImI'm Tobacco Loiter. The oity council of Tifton met in the office of II. If. Tift Maroh 7, 1802, at 8 o’clock p. m. The meeting was called to order by Mayor W. II. Love. Present: Aldermen Tift, Bowen, Allen, Good man, Alexander und MoCrea. The minutes of lost meeting were read and approved. The ohairman of the street com mittee reported the progress of the work on streets and lanes, at which the eounoil expressed entire satisfac tion. Charges were preferred by Mayor Love against Marshal MoCrea, it having been reported to him that said Marshal MoCrea hud been guilty of disorderly and unbecoming con duct for an offioiul. Tlie witnesses in the cose beiug absent the trial was until tiieir attendance oould be secured, when the Mayor should call a special meeting of council to hear aud pass upon the suid charges. Ordered, That the Mayor purohaso a Code of Georgia amt a form book for the use of the counoil. Tho following ordinances were adopted: AN 01IDINAN0K Re it ordained by tba. City Connell of Tifton, That from and after the limt day of April, 181)2, a specific ins of |2i\0 lie vantage tit Imposed on ll.u sale of clanretlca or d- Albuny extends a iRttHJ-J’lfljRMWA, wielte.papcra in the city of Tifton, and to all visitore. dealers nrd')ilJftaiy*TWpltf ! A 1° procure s “Lale to lied and and early to rise will shorten the road to yonr home in tlie skies." Rut early lo lied and u "Little Early Riser," tlie pill Uml makes life longer and belter and wiser. J. 0. Good man. . Preaching Appointments. Elder J. A. Scarboro, evangelist of the South Goorgia Baptist Con vention, will preach within tlie bounds of Moll Association at the following places and dates: 51L Zion—Thursday, Maroh 10th. Zion Hope—Friday, llllt. Salem—Saturday and Sunday morning, 12th and 13th. New River—Monday morning, 14th. Sparks—Monday night, 14th. Brushy Creek—Tuesday, 16th, Nashville—Wednesday morning, 10th. Alapsha—Wednesday night, 10th. A preacher’s ami deacon's Insti tute will convene at Enigma on Thursday morning, 18th, and contin ue through Sunday, 21st. Elder Scarboro bear* the reputa tion of being an earnest, practical, eloquent preacher, and it is hoped he will have large congregations at each of these appointments. It is a fixed and immutable law that to hare good, sound'health one must have f iurc, rich and abundant blood. There a no shorter nor surer route tban by a course of Do Will's Barstparllla. J. C. Goodman. The Masonic fraternity baa,, or dered tho removal of tha liUte'build ing, now used os/a beef nfarket and restaurant, from the jHmhwest cor ner of their IqE There la a proposi tion pending fdr the bnilding of a three-story Jrfick structure on the lot, which proposition gave rise to tho order. CapL A. 1>. Tiugley, of Chicago, who canto South some time since on a prospecting tour looking for a suit able location for a colony of MiohS- gtm farmers, made a second visit to Tifton last Wednesday. His first visit was duly noted in these «! duns,. Since that time he has visited every section of lower Georgia and Florida, and ho frankly confessed that he had not seen in all bis trip any lands in every way superior to those in the yjeinity of Tl/ton. Such a confession, coming from the com petent mid-reliable source it does, is a great advertisement for this section of country. Tfie Gazsttk hopes'to soon see a prosperous colony of Michigan farmers wUh license for that purpuaebcfonropmienc- Ing Ibc aalo of said arilcloa AU vl-ilAW* of tbia ordinance, upon conviction, alial bo nunluhud as heretofore prescribed for violators of the specific tax ordinance. Adopted March Tilt, 1803. J, 11. Goodman, Clark of Council. AN OUIIINANCK. Re It ordalnod by tho City Council of Tifton, That from and after tlie first day of April, 18P2, It, slmll bo unlawful-for auy bull, hoar orl bitch to run nl-Targe upon the streets bf sold city, and the City Marshal la hereby authorized and in structed lo apprehend and-Tmpound all such animals found unfit log at largo upon tlie strct'tk of said City of Tifton, and should tlqly I lain to redeemed within a reasonable k-iiwtlt of time by the owner, said City Mgnflmt shall adverttse tho same for three days at three of tin moat public ptoses In said city of Tifton, and after such advertisement proceed tn sell tlie same at public outcry to the highest bidder, and if no bidder be found said City Marshal shall dispose of such ani mal or animate according to Ida treat dis cretion. Ho It further ordained by the authority aforesaid, Thai the fee for impounding loti animals shall be |1.SP each, togelh- with tlio expense of keeping the same. Adopted March 1th, 1603. ,1, II, Goodman, Clerk of Council. Ordered, That the Clerk of Conn ell be authorized to purchase a half dozen substantial oak ohaira for the use of City Council uml that lit- pay for the same from tlie general fund. Ordered, That thu Clerk of Couu oil open the city tax books on the first day of April for the reception of tax returns und closo the same on the first day of May, and all oity property not returned within suid time slmll be double-taxed. There beiug no further business the Council adjourned. J. H. Goodman, Clerk of Council quality—the former will; satisfying surplus. The sur a bad tobacco crop is not on dence of waste in itself, but waste of time, money and labor. If there was no encouragement in present prices to make fine tobacco little would be suid of improvements; but, as it is, there exists a ulruny, largo, inertaoing demand for fine to- mccos. Speoifioally referring to the brighter types which, with every fine crop year, show higher values with increased consumption, it most be said quality and not quantity will maintain the staudard price. The planter cannot afford to waste his time, money and labor in the pro duction of poor tobacco. That thete has been a large sur plus of tobacco iu the world is evi dent aud well-known, but it cannot be deuied that this surplus is of the poorest, most worthless types. It is equally true, and logically so, that tho production of thu bettor grades alone pay a premium and that con tinued production of common stock will only lead to tho making of a crop almost valueless. These con clusions arc self-evident, hot need to be impressed upon the planter. Nearly every country ou this globe is producing more or leas to bacco, or rather stuff that is called tobacco. The superior product baa its votaries in vurions forms every where, and it only romuius for Geor gia furmers, as they can only ufford to do, to produce that superior tobac co iu order to succeed. The altitnde, olimate mid soil in the vicinity of Tifton are exceedingly favorable to the production of the souerior grades which are calculated to maintain the attmtord of prices; the one difficulty to encounter faTw^nropei ami ener getic cultivation, harvesting and cur ing of the orop. What is trtm of tobacco is eqtmily true of other prodnots. Ordinary iron is plentiful, inferior mines and ores inmtmcruble, but fine ores that mttko a high grade of Bessemer steel yield satisfactory results. Of oourso the greater facilities ut. lessened cost tho greater the profit to producers- Fortunutelv for the tobaoco plant er there are utso modern methods of tobacco culture and care. These must bo kept ttp with and failure most assuredly awaits the slovenly, 'tern Tolmceo—Quantity or Quality? The first thing the young tobacco planters of Georgia sliould know is that tlie crop is iwt a don’t care, put- off, holiday, go-a-fisliing business. It demands prompt and never- ceasing energy to grow tobacco suc cessfully, and tho first question the planter should ask himself is, How shall I obtain the best results ? Is Hi in the quantity or tho quality ? Common sense, substantiated by past experience, shows that there never has nor never will be tin over production of a oujvrior quality of tobacco; emphatically the demand for this kind of tobacoo will always exceed the production. Tobacco m not tho exception of farm products-, Lest year, as yon are aware, the cotton growers put in heavy crops and pushed thorn through and The result was not only over-production bat inferior produc tion; consequently the present price is lesa than the oust of Itrodnetion. rough {There must be a steady aim at super turnoff ami ..... • j|—“ >mt of Mmmi. 'Btt short-sighted fanner, who persistent ly will not avail himself of the many advantages now offered. List, nut not leust, bear in mind that it is quality which will yield yon a harvest of gold—“dollars/’ K. F. 1’aschal. Mr. T. F. Toon, Jr, the efficient night agont and operator of the Brunswiox and Western railroad at Tifton, and the pretty and ttcoom-/ plished Miss Fannie Bttggs, of Way-'' cross, were maraied in that oity lust Tuesday morning, Rev. W. II. Sornggs officiating. The happy oouple arrived on the 2.-05 p, in. train and have taken rooms with Mrs. Barnes. Lucind i Hays, a negro woman who was sent to the lunatic asylum from Lee couuty some two years ago, is iu Tifton bearing a minister’s li cense from a colored Baptist ohnroh in Lee comity. She came to this office yesterday aud, judging from her broken conversation, the editor is of the opinion she ought to be in the asylum uow, She i* not frantic, j her mind is unbalanced and her c vemtion is calculated to do mu harm among the ignorant c people. The Meesrs. Paschal, the experts, have established their I quarter* in the Lows building,: 2, up stairs. They are affable gen tlemen and always ready to answer auy question pertaining to the indus try. Attention is called to an« in to-day’s paper from the pen ut Mr. E. F. Paschal, to which he ar gues very logically that quality, oat quantity, is the proper test uf s in tobacco culture. This article will be followed by others, ghiugt instruction^ as the seasou } in ptanting, cultivating, || m