The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, March 11, 1892, Image 4

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m GAZETTE LETTER BOX. A RECfiPTICLE for the thoughts OF CORESPONDENTS. N«uv» iuh5 (event* «»/ Internst Triumphing fjhroitlcii'ii by » Faithful ml Bill. Hint Curpn of Itcjiovti'ri*. Bolicminii’tf Budget. 'Km., March 8.~V.onu>i-day was -mo day in Cecil, M team* pulled (lie odoriferous wppound from our town yesterday, There has been hipped to opr towp over two Iran- died I01.IH. J-'ijday night the young folks en joyed a uncial party and pound sup per combined at the Parrish Houso. Thinj'n went on decently and jn or* ,<lc*r. ‘‘1. P. B.,” of Pioneer fame, has jbeen very s|ek tinea (Saturday. Mr, ,<iilitm;is lias also been very sick The (Jed) Lumber Company arc making things hpm. •Wo hatye apparently a vnlnablo ,uu(|uisitlon to our oiti/onslilp in Mr. jhittori, of High Springa, I 1 ’I a. Ml', j. A, Chambers, who runs our piavkut, places us uin)er obligations iov it pice piece of fresh pork whieli jvns raised mid fattened by that Jjnmd old farmor, (1. W. (Stevens, Tlicro was no dry salt nor sugar ptired llavoi- aiiout It, May such yaisers and dealers increase and poo sess n)/r land. For what evil of ours does the At lanta Journal wlijeli boasts so inueli tljq porreetiipss of its statermnitH jump on South Georgia Inst week , .with both of its big mountain foot? jdtfie due m he raised hut melons gl>4 cotton I It Joe Mulhatton dead'! Bohemian A Lender. HlneS Its first IntrnilueUmi, Bloctrle /litters has guinml rapidly In popular favor, uniII now ll Is nloarly In the lend among pure medicinal ionics and altera- tlvdp—uoiitulnlng nothing which penults ■Mir— ......r.._. intoxicant, It is old purest nicill- utn of Stomach, l.lvur ftjl GAZ-KTTE : TIFTON, (hi* ¥ r, MAKCII 11,1802^ (Is use ns u povoragu ngwnls’ao as the fiosl and pineal inedl idiie tor all allli|OI)ta of Htmiuicli, l.lvm nr Kldnoya, It will euro Hlrlt Headache, Indignation, Constipation and drive Ma laria from the system, Hatlsl'antlou guar iiiileed with each liotlle or the money will lie refunded. J’rhie only #0«, pur polllo, Roll) py Puterson & Paulk. • w^Ure»«*s-* AoiiMa.„.« prom Good limn. (Ioupha.n, March 2.- I will dro] yoi) a few lines from our eoi'iier. Wo don't want Hill, nor Clove, (and, nor Norllien in our polities. Our fanners me busy pr< paring to plant. Goodumn ifc MoKliinon have their bijok yard looiited, have done some work mid will put In all iluilr force next week. They Intend to give the piny a thorough test mid if it proves its good ns they think, they will ge It brink mill mid eoumieiieo brink man jlfnoUirtng on a large scale, Two weeks ngo Mr. Jn/ob Hall hilled a lino wild turkeyt wiico thou Kb linker has killed t,'Vij( Johnnie Goodman one and MclO{nnon one, Ho you sou bttv people are faring p'oll. We expect nt some not distant flay, tq have a nice country village put hereon the Northeastern railroad. Wo wl)l plant some tobacco to jest our laud, etc. .1. Guntkii. Oqimmlood (Jure. We authorise our advertised druggist to se|i Hr. King's New Discovery for Coiisutiipilim, Cloughs and Colds upon this condition. If yell are allllotud with It cough, cold or any lung, throat or idlest trouble, mid will use this remedy as fllreotMl, giving R a fair trial, and expo- rloneo no henollt, you may return the liotlle am) have your money refunded. Wo eoilid mil niake Ihls offer did we uot know that l)r. King’s (few Discovery could lie relied on. It uevor' disappoints. Trial hollies free at Puterson * Paulk's flrug store. Large size fide, am) ft. Letter from 7<ion Hope. Zion Hook, March 8.—It link lipon homo lime sipoq this community has been |'epresented in Uio Gav.uttk, ho 1 have ooiieludod to send yon it short sereed. The budding of thu trues nniU thq humming of tho hoes enrmo mir, fur- piers jo grow nmrry oyer their,work qf preparing thu prop, We have had some lovely weather thq past few weeks. Kvoir /body seems to lie moving cheerfully about their respective burineeaes, hut hpritlg is not hero until elooji r May comes. ' Zion ilopo now boa u llvelvi Him- dity-aciuiol. It is hoped it, wB -grow jo bq ft grput power for good in this vicinity. Mr. It. II, ilutohiuson is snpcirJhtendqut and Air. A. A. Hutch inson, ftssistunt Hiijiei'intendent. It, is ills,i hoped Ilinf, (he tfffldt-'rtn will '/M. VAG-'-i' -A ... ‘ . HAtYAkw tratQJjs .ISb v. take a lively interest In the sdiool and allay* be prompt in their places, eager to loarn the words of Truth which will make them wise ,unto salvation. Elder J. A. Cox will fll] bjt rogu- Jnr apjwintments »t Calvary church, Sparks, next Sunday apt) Saturday nigh/,, before, unless proypbmce jrfo- vepjs, Mr*. N, A. Corey is ail ttnlloi, (bo ho* moved into a new, dwelling, which her husband has just com pleted on ids place in this neighbor- hood. Sirs. Gallic Hendrix ha* been spending the week with her parents and other relatives mid friends in tins community. We notice in Mrs. Lucy Cox’s gar den some line Irish potatoes, snap benns, garden pens, with otliur cnrly vegetables. Our community continues to grow, II. B. Messrs. Cugo A Sherman, of Alexan der, Texas, writes us regarding a re markable euro of rheumatism there as follows) “The wife of Mr. Wm. Pru III, tho postmaster here, had heon hcd-rlddon with rheumatism for several years. She could got nothing to do her any good. Wo sold her a hottlo of Clminlierluln’s Pain Palm and site was completely cured tiy Its use, Wo refer any one to her to verify this statement," AO cent bottles for safe by Tlftoli Drug Htoro and Polor* & llelote, Cecil. A MEETING CALLED. To till) Umnonriilfo (Jommlttcn of tlio K<l (.'oHjfniMHloiiiU IHMtrlift. Gu.vM.iaiUN'! The democratic ex ecutive committee of the state at its recent meeting suggested that a more complete organization of tlio party throughout the stale than what now exists to he desirable. With that in view, and for thu purpose of ce menting clip ranks in the soeond con gressional district mid closing any gaps tlml may appoint In them, I Wilte to request you to meet nt my ofllco in Albany on Thursday, the Itist of Mnrrli, 18!)“, when we hope with your united wisdom, to bn able to prompt to all hides the blue steel of the second congressional dlatrlet democracy that knows not what do feat is; IIov, (t. It, I’'ov, Lnwndos county. Hon. If. II, Piiiti'Mis, llomen county. JIon. K. P, S. Diiv.maiik, IJrooks county. J’upun W, 1), Kiimoo, Itandolph ooiinty, I Ion. W. A, IIaiiiiim, Worth county. IIov. W. N, Ki’knoU, Mitoiiu|J county. IIo.N. T. K, Jonhs, JCnrly eoiinty. Hon. A. W. Ha in ns, Quitman comity. I Ion. P. /£, lioYii, Calhoun county, Hon. John Tmw.ktt, 'J’fiSnas eimnly. Hon. John 11. littvi.v, Clay county. Hon. Wsi. Mahtin, Terrell county, Hon. K. J. Wai.khu, Gb|qiil(t comity. IIo.n. K. J). ilusii, Miller oouutyi The lieu. Mr. O’Neal, tho repre sentative from ))uoatur, having de parted this life, the chairman of the ooiinty executive committee is re quested to Uko Ids place. Very respectfully, lliciiAim lloiins, Ch’in 2d oangroaiiomti district. Albany, Gn., March 8th, 181)2. [The members of the oommittoo from llrooks mid Lowndes will not take part In the mooting as their counties wore cut off by the last legisla ture from tho original second and placed in tho eleventh congressional district,.- No.] the single state of GeorgiA, in »w year, for fertilizers, that may ,or may not iie a* represented, mid if ns good as possible, are not a whit better limn could be made on any farm in the .state, if the farmero would make a business of saving manure, of every description, vegetable or otherwise, at nil seasons throughout the 1 year. And ns Georgia is,, so are the major- ijy S the soiitlifiiri states, Again we say, just think of it and weep.— I<’t. Gaines Weekly, Col. .Ins. M. Griggs, Hollclor-Gcneral of Palaula Circuit, says: “Jllgrallne baa always afforded mo prompt relief in canes of headache,” At Dr. ,1. 0. Goodman’s. 00H8UMPTI0N OUEED, An />!<! nliytiiciah. retiroil from practief, Imvfnj; •u\ iniMwil inhUlimitU.liynn Ka»t imllar ‘ ‘ JuuT |iTu<!«tl in lit.* lirnitU l»y un i! ury tin! forinnla of u Miitifile ,’ India niiiMtlim- veuctaMe nmuxly “ '* ‘Mumiv* for tiio piKttily ami iHiriimneiitiniro of ('onimmjl tion, HroucliitUi. Catarrh, Aatluna and all throat and lamg AiTectiona, aluo a j»o»ltivo and radical euro for Servnit* peNUtr and all Xcrvoiw Com- jdttlntu, after having touted itt wonderful oura- live (tower* la tlmuMandaiof oaaos, ha* felt it hi« duty to inuUe It known to Iif-* imiroriUK fellow*. Actuated l»y thif ifuidve anil a iloulre to relieve inartiijr,I will oond f hiunun Numirliiir.l who do id re it, th j. . free of charge,to all In Ucnrmui French or Kmrl!*h, with full lUnfothm* for preparing and uulnu. Hont by nmll hy wdtlri’^fng with atamp. naming thl* pajor. w. A< nOf vm, UW towen 1 Hlotk, Itochoator, N. Y. HIIOE SI IOT\ Having opOnod a filioo Hhop In Tifton I am prcimrod to do repair work neatly and cheaply. . Hoop In tho olef Masonto fmlldlug, near ortho Money! Money! —TT-r TO no AN On real entato. or for hnprovonionU, or building imrpoHC*, at tho low rate of SU. per cent, itor an num i from 11 vo to twonty year* time, ity The Mutual lAUid and Huilding HyndloatJ), of Jctucy City, N. J. Further particular* cheerfully and SPECIAL NOTICE. AH por*on* aro forbidden to tronpa**on any of my land* hv cutting or hauling wood of any character nit of hsuiio without 1 “ 1 ut permlMlon liolng Hr*t obtained. HKNltY H. TIFT. Tifton, (la., March 7, im, NOTICE. I will ho at XuHhvllle on Batnnlny. of each week until April 2nd, for the purpose of con tracting with teacher* for tho preeienfcyonr. T. K. NVlIXlAMB, County Hchool Commi«*loner. NnshvlHc, (la., Fehrimry 3rd, 1W«. Executor’s Sale. (llConoiA—Hkhuien CountV. Under and hy virtue of an order from tho Court of Ordinary of wnd county, granted ut the Kchruury term, 1H02, I will cxpoH for sale ut public outcry nt thu court bonne door In Nash ville. *ald county, between the legal hour* of sale on the llrst Tuesday In April noxt, .'WO acres, more or less, of lot of land tiumliur 177, iu the 10th district of said county. Hold as the.propor- ty of Danlul (Irlnerjateof said countydcceuHcd, Torm* made known on day of sale. Till* March 7, iw»2. M a HIT x J. <4 Hi s ku. Kxeeutor, Administrator’s Sale. (IKOIUlIA-llHIliltHX CnUstv. Under and by virtue of un order from tlm Court of Ordhniry In said county, granted ut the .March term. 1H03,1 will expose for sale at puhllc outery at the court house door In theTowu of Nashville, between the usurl hour*of sale on the 11r»t Tuesday In April noxt. one-half Interest in lots number 3 and!», In block pi, also one-balf In terest In lot number 0, In block 18, all Mix inn feet, also one-half littormt In a half acre of land south of Min railroad warehouse, all In the town of Iamiox, (la. Hold as the property of liCon l*. McKinney, Intoof said county deceased. Terms made known oh tho day of sale. This March 7, MM2. H. WmTHunwr, Administrator, . Citation. (iKOnnIA-Hr.iiHtKv Coi’NTY. To all whom It May concern: dames W, Walk er has uuule nppllcivIon to thq undersigned, In dun form, for letter* of udmlnlHtmthni on the cnln'.c of NiUiuy llukor, late «»f said bounty de ceased, and t will pass upon iliu same at my of* get; In NHShvlllo on tho first Monday in April next, (liven under my hand and ontcinl slgua- ture, this March 7,18W. F. M. Smith, Ordinary, (IKOHdlA Citation. -llKimiRN-COUHTV. To all whom It may concern i Application boon made to the undersigned, In due form, soi( |qr qtjothqf Try Iqilian Cliolora Ouvtliol for all liowo, trouliloa. At Dr. if, C. Goodman’.. Aust Think or It. Vt-f., jiist. tiiluk ol it, qhi yo horny liatMh-iI tams ol toil. \’o duht i-hhioit til leva of tlto oarth, who work, ami giitai, go half s'Arvod, drink hranolt water, ami wear clothes that would tiidjjraoo a soarcorow, think, and wih'|>, and tbun think and weep again. And horn in the food for thought, in a very few Att exclia-igo uays: “Last year Georgia itsed !t!t7,0(H) tons of guano, which nt 820 a ton, would nmotmt to 80,740,000. “Six mjmon, seveti hundred and f-itlV lhoiiNi,nii dollars, gnim but of the appaiutinent of U. W. Moore, clerk of supermr court, or Homo other lit and proper par son, administrator on the cstpte of dosopli Wholess, late of said county deeeaaed, said estate being rntreprcueiited, and 1 will pass upon the same at my olllce on thollrst Monday In April next, (liven under toy hand and olltclnl sign turn, this March 7, tana. F. M. Bmit 11, Ordinary. OKOKOtA Citation. timmiK.v cm-NTV, To all whom It may concern 1 Apidleatbm mlurshmed, In uuo form, lied, m uno iuiihi iu Moore, elurk of th hecn made to the undersign tho appointment of O. \V. superior court, or somo other liter proper person administrator on tho estate of I). A. Archer, lato . J«, of said county deceased, said estate Mug un represented, and 1 will pass upon thu same at my oillco In Nashville on tho first Monday In April next, (liven under my hand and ofllclal signature, this March 7.180*2. K M. HMITII, OMInary. To Whom it May Concern. , The ways of the wicked arc past finding out, hut the wicked con- . lidonco men who have been Reccing victims hy the thou sands »U over the country, have bean detected at a new game. It) several stgpit the endowment assoc'ation has played out, so to speak, and it would seem that there would be little noed of “supremos’' taking to the rood again, hut such is not, tho fact. They, or their agents, are now repeated as soliciting customers for “supply associations” which claim to furnish their customers with a “cheap and safe means of obtaining, by our easy payment system, any article of clothing, or in fact almost any article car ried in stock by large wholesale houses.” T|te elfoappst and safest way is to turn your back upon this kind of gentry, should thoy visit Tifton and vicinity. The local dealers whom one can rind “at homo” every time, when wanted, are in business, it is true, to make money, but competition contpcls them to make haste slowly in getting rich; not so with the other cntch-mc-if-yotl- enrt soi-t of a chap. “Trade at home” is a good fnotto; if yon cannot do this, tl-ade with, somo roaponsiblo person. Wo hope our former friends and custom ers will oonsider this. Yours for what is right. Brick Manufacturing Company. MANVF,UTl.-|tKHS OB Common Pressed Brick, also Repressed Brick for Finishing. Citation. okowiia-iikuhikn County. To nil whom it may eonrernt B. F. (luthrlo ami Moses (I. Button, ailmlnliUrators of tho es tate of B. J. Button, Into of said county, do- ceased, have applied to the undersigned, iu duo form, for letter* of dismission from said admin istration. and I will pass upon their niipltcutlon at my oillco In NnshvtllQ on the Hist Monday In May next, (Uvea under my hand and ufitolai signature, this January 4. IHlia. V*. M. SMITH.Ordinary. Citation. uigOiMHA'rltKnutiLN County. To all whom It may concern: tovi Bnpp, ad ministrator of II. N. Bapp, late of said county, deceased, lias applied to the undersigned, in duo form, for totters of dismission from uatd admin istration, and I will pa** upon the same nt my ofiler In Nashville on the first Monday In May next, ilium under my hand and official signa ture, tills January 4,1*0*2. F. M. SMITH, OfUnary, Homestead Notice. OKOttmA-iiKUHiKN County. To all whom It may ooncorn 5 J. T. Btrawtler has applied for exemption of j*r*mnltv »nd M'tlltig apart and vuhmtfon of homestead, and 1 will pass on tho same at my nflhto in Nash- vllUvut 10 tdcUvek a. in., on the Ule day of March, \M* F. M SMITH, OMllrntry. TIFTON Love building, Tifton, Ga. A WORD To the Public! I have a well selected stock of n which 1 am solllnff low dolvih I can’t lie beaten on from the fact 1 buy all my goods North—In the cheapest markets—and l got from *2 to 7 percent. Discount for Cash. 1 have no Wood to Buy or Rent to Pay, All I ask is a fair trial and you will bo con vinced. 8. IIABRELL, IVIogal, Georgia. X. l*KTKU*ON, M. D. SALE STABLES, TIFTON. - GFOllCHA. . | A, WILLIIMS, P.nnitraair^ J ft j, tv. nV.ALEHS IX DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils and Varnishes. Fresh Garden Seeds a Specialty, KMKUNT LINK m Stationery a, Writing Materials tntu. stock or Propi-iotavy Medicines. TOHI-1.K1K ASHOIITlUaT Of Pipes, Cl gars, Cigarettes, Tobacco. -T I ETB A LB A N T Daily Capacity of Yard 50,000 Brick. ty CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. BOARD OF DIRECTORS U, HOBBS, JNO. A. tV, S. BELL, It. HOBBS, PrettUlcnt. S- }i- WIGHT, BHOWN, DAVIS, K. L, Wm. LOCKETT, Secretary. Of Watex-bury, Connecticut. Guaranteed System of Scientific Life and Accident Insurance At the Most Reasonable Rates. J. W. HANNON, State Agent, Parks’ BiitMlng, TIFTON, OA. )j®»Speoiul and Locul Agents wanted in every Oonnty in the State. Good References Required. For full particulars, call on or address J. V. HANNON, Tifton, Cltt. A Closing Gut Sale! GREAT - BARGAINS ! AT THE 8TOEJ3 OF T I IP O. M. Masonie Building, T Tifton, Georgia, My Entire Stock, Coxnpiising Ladies’ Dress Goods, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Hats, Shoes, Etc., Etc. Is offered at and below cost to close out. Gome and convince yourself I am offering Genuine Bar gains. Yours Truly, Masonic Building. O. M. TIFT. ISAAC S. BOWEN, IS GROCER FANCY! . ■ . 1 KKEl- A FUKHIl AN1J WKM, SlJI.ECTEn STOCK OK . • . I . Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes AND EVEHYTH1NO USUALLY FOUND IN A FIRST-CLABS 8TOUE. I Ray the Highest Cash Price for Country Produce., •. • . AND WILL PLEASE YOU WITH . • . GOOD GOODS, LOW PRICES, FAIR DEALINGS. I Will Sell Cheaper Than You Can Buy Elsewhere. ISAAC S. BO WEN TIFTON, GEORGIA. TIFTON INSTITUTE. Tlio Si-rlriR Tiirai nf the olwve will bc(rfn on iiomlay, Jannaiy 4tli, 1SIJ, ami rontlm.c tor Twenty weeks. IMpIls attcmltng thb mm Ion will receive the bencllt ot the pnlillc uhoa) tnnd> TUITION PER MONTH : Primary, #2.00. Intermediate, $2.SO - ; High Sehaol, $3.00,^I • Pntille .lionld tw entered nt the beginning o, the Tcrtu to Insure Uidc pKipt-r clauUlcatien, Uointortahle buOrttriK, healthy locatl,.). anil utuiireUml teadien. ' For further iiartlcntaw, a W ,ly to .-n- -MBHR O, TI F T, Tifton, GeuruU, January t, Mu Bwwtarv Buonl of 1 fS^AVqhAYO tuo'iffl tv the Jake AV. I*uulk mttr iwiwKnrjA, brick bulbUnjft on M%ln st’aMit, aatl will b^wjilctuNBi td have mir frlcrtU «all oml ihm us. v l’KTFHaON & lWI’LK, 43-Au v Tifton, (Jeurgia. Here’s a Rarskfn for Same Man. A ; f.iriu i.r I.-S acres, three n.lle* south alntlon-m the ttruna- «!- k .111,1 \v.,«ren,■ ™i|nf.a. mw«e*«n thirty -m- ... ccunithm) SB bMXM-.Mu tm*; P'- 1 water dHi'lmteMtAenu. Thh ftutM dri Iw-l at a lewdlM'Jf *»xt, sttt,- titp, .-I* -' IT F >•> .lt ; KttAM Ak«Ui,' JOD Types, New Pre^« and Skilled Workman, I am pleased to wttumnee to my friends and putvoua in the com tica of lierrien, Irwin, Worth and Colquitt tliat l have just received a complete COUNTRY JOB PRINTING OUTFIT And am prepared to execute at abort notice and in workmanlike manner *1 elaaisciA of commercial and legal Wank printing. I solicit your order* and gtntranp-e to give entire » TflHlHBrM; apopetitfully. - anat ’ - A- “ T, J and quality of work. .Ijerr. «wu;ia«, OSOUOU,