The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, August 19, 1892, Image 1

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. - - sSSSBlS ... oan ■flHDBniHnHBko . .-. >«y • •. /••:.. : v.;, 4»»-V'-<teiaipt9s S1.00 PER ANNUM. TIFTON, BERRIEN COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 19, 1892. . T • ■:• - -.,7s VOL. 2-NO. SECOND BIST. CONVENTION. NOMINATES RUSSELL FOR CONGRESS ON THE FIRST BALLOT. Mr. Stcvrn, Aecopta HI. I>rfc»t Ornce- fully and 1’lndECl Fomltjr to the I>otn- . erratic l'erty and Nominee. , The demoorntic convention of the. second-congressional district of Geor gia assembled to liiiUihghftin’s Ilall, at Albany, on Wrilnesday, August . 17th, and was called to order by Q’apt, it Hobbs, chairman of tbo district executive .committee, at 11:30 a. m. A call was made for the creden tials of tbo ■ variouR ’ delegations in attendance,- whieiL were presented - upon a call of the roll of the couu ties. ' C'apt. Hobbs announced that there were contesting delegations from the cOuntios of Olay, Randolph, Thom- as and IVorti), find that the;e conn- ties could not participaie in the tem porary organisation of tho conven tion, Hon. A; h. Hawes, of, Decatur, was then 'chosen temporary chair man anil IJ.'dV A lien, of Berrien, ton* pornry secretary. The. following committee pn cre- 'ikHitlaisdviis'then appointed: IV. N. Spence of -Mitchell; chairman; I). A. Russell And IV. M. Harrell of Deca tur; Janies Keel of Callioufi; T. H. Williams of-Berrien; .T. i 1 ’. Monk; of ' 'Colquitt; B. F. Hudspeth of 'Baker; J. W. Waiters-of Dongherly; T. Al. Howard- of Early; A. M. Haines, of -Qiiitmun; J. A. Bush of Miller; and ■J. A. L-aing of Terrell county. The convention then took a ree.. . until 4 p. in. At -l p. m. the convention Wu- Kallcd to order, but upon the receipt of a message from the credential! nijttoe that it wotflu not lie ready to rcpdrttoflUI after supper, unothei recess was tateiviimtil 8 p. m. Af the hour of 8 p. m. the con \en I ion Again'assembled and waited I patiently until It p. m., dnntij. wiiich lime the convention was nice ty entertained hy a number of speak ers,. learning- that the comm it to would not be ready to report untii morning, the convention udjourned until Thursday morning 0 o’clock, The convention met at 9 o’clock Thursday morning. Mr. Griggs, of Terrell, naked, lit behalf of tho Stevens delegation, the indulgence Of the convention foi thirty minutes that they might lum -a cbnleronce, and it was unanimous ly granled. At. the expiration of the thirty - minutes Mr. Griggs appeared before the convention and asked an exten sion of tho convention’s indulgence- It was granted. -It was 11:30 o’doexwhcn the com mittee ou credentials returned to the hall and the business of the conven tion resumed. The committee made majority and minority reports—the first signed by eight members and the latter four. K \ "F sS ^ Ak 4? t Tlie majority report recommended the seating af the Russell delegates front riiomas and Worth counties, the Stevens delegafes froin Haiidolph > and both delegations from Clay ami a division of ilio vote between the two candidates.. Also the adoption majority rule- T’lie minority report recommended ' 3 seating of the Stevens .delegates rail four of the contesting conn urged .toil* s and j. A. i<aiug rt, arguing their i at length and with irity report was adopted, i then ponwmeutlv _ Hod. H. M. f; Dougbetiv, chairman; . 'Altai, of Berrien, secretary. . >1. Griggs, H. and A. L gressional candidate were iu order. Hon: fa. M. Hammond, of Thom as, nominated Hon. B- E. Russell, of Decatur, in the prettiest speeoh of his life, and that is saying muoh. Dr. T. M. Howard, of Early coun ty, nominated Hon. 0. B. Stevens, of Terrell, in a few well chosen words. The nomination of Stevens was seconded by Hon. J, M-. Griggs, of Terrell, and that of Russell by Hous. Dillard of Olay, 1. L. Ford of Worth and A. L. Hawes, of Decatur, in short but enthusiastic speeches for their respective favorites. The roll of the counties was then called' and the vote stood—21 for lion. Bon E. Russell and 13 for Hon. 0. B; Stevens. Air. RiiBsell was then declared the notniuee of the democratic party for the fifty- second congress from the secoud dis trict of Georgia. The committee'on resolutions end platform then presented the follow ing report which was unanimously adopted: Your committee bog leave to submit to the convention That the democratic party of tho sec ond congressional district of Georgia hall with pleasure unfeigned the brightening skies of the - democratic atmosphere. They Indorse the platforms of tho nation al and state conventions, and will sup port for all lime tho nopilnaes of tho par ty both national and state. WkhT'reettng of undying fealty to our friends everywhere, we will hencoforth work together, shoulder to shoulder until victory porches on the banners of democracy next November. Messrs. Hawes, Lang and Dillard wore appointed a committee to invite the attendance of lions, lteu E. Rus sell and 0.*B. 8tevens upon the con Van turn and escort them to the hall The following district executive committee was then elected for the ensuing two years: * linker—J. Al. Solium. Berrien—II. B. Peoples. Oalhouu—P. E. Boyd. Colquitt—J. F. Monk. I)ecaltir--J, E. Hurreil. Dotightcry—R, Hobbs. Early—Dr. T. M. Howard. Milchell--W. N. Spence. Turroll—J.-A. Lning., Quitman—Dr. A. M. Raines. Miller—Q C. Bush. Thomas—.). A. Harvin. Worth—C. A. Alford. Clny—W. A. Graham. -Randolph—Af. 0. Edwards. By a vote of the convention lion. II. Hobbs, of Dougherty oounty, wns chosen chairman of the committee. Pending the election of the new executive committee, the committee returned with Messrs. IluBSell and jtevens and they were presented to the convention amid storms of ap plause. . Mr. Stevens was introduced first by Mr. llawes of the committee, and he said: Mil. OnAIHMAK, OatiTI.KMIiN OP TIIK Coxvkktiok:—In the name of a happy and progressive people, aid in the name of a triumphant democracy, I accept my defeat gracefully and pledge my allegi ance to the democratic party, ana prom ise tho nominee my aupport. Tho deafening cheers that respond ed to this sjieech resounded through the hall for several minutes- Mr. Russell was then introduced by Col. Hawes, and said that if them ever was a timo when he felt like lie wanted to make a speech, and at the same time felt at such an utter loss to express his feelings it was then. He took occasion to express his high appreciation of the manly conduct of Mr. Stevens in his defeat, and then paid a high tribute to him in saying that hereafter no man could question bis party loyalty. He said he felt the great responsibility resting upon him, and he would do all Su his pow er for the welfare-if the party. Hon. J. W: Waiters and Go). .7, M. Griggs were called for and made short conciliatory speeches, ,.The convention then adjourned nine din, ending the most notable convention ever held in the second congressional district of Georgia. speotive counties for settlement Col. Walters characterized it as an effort to certiorari Sir. Stevens cose. Berrien oounty was honored by the selection of the Uaxkttk’s editor for secretary. Tim convention has spoken—let democrats yield loyal and ohmful obptlience. Every mentioh of Hon. Ben & Russell’s name was greeted by a very Storm of cheering. Many compliments were paid Hon. J. M. Griggs upon his manly man ivgoment of Mr. Stevens’ interests be- fore the convention. > The banner of pure democracy whb unfurled at tho close of the conveutfon by the candidates, Stevens and Rue- sell, and democrats must not let it trail in the dust. Tho united democracy of the sec ond congressional district semis greeting to her friends throughout the state, nnd bids her followers to march on to victory. It was beyond pc most sanguine expectation that the delegates rc turned to their homes bearing the olive brunch of pence, giving assur ance of an united democracy. No man rcjoiooB more over the nomination of Hon, B, E. Russell than lion. Win. M. Hammond, of Thomas, who contributed much of his time mid talent to secure it. Tho “real fight” of the convention yas in the room of the committee on credentials. The representatives of Mr. Stevens contested every foot of ground vigorously hut courteously LOCAL HOTCH-POTCH, WHAT BUSINESS MEN AND LOAFERS FIND TO TALK ABOUT. Pavement Pftnwnph# lMckeil Up nnd Prto- itvoly Penned—All Pertaining to Perwous and Thing*. Go to Padriok Bros’, quick for fruit jars. Rev. P. IT. Grumpier will fill his appointments at the Methodist church next Sunday as usual. To-morrow is bargain day with Padvick Bros. Dr. J. It. Folsom ami little son, of Cecil, was in tho city last Satur day enroute to and from Brookfield. Berrien county court was in session Monday, but we learn that very little business of importance was transact ed. row Thirty pounds steel nails to-mor- w at i'auriok Bros’, for I sell more Plantation Chill Cure than any.other chill and fever medicine, and do you know why? Because it never fails to cure. I)r. J. 0. Goodman. Contractor J. C. Hind has for sale a large supply of firstrolass lime, shingles and laths. .Just ice ut Last. Through the persistant efforts of the lion. Charles L. Moses, congress man from the four th district of Geor gia, a law was enacted by the congress just adjourned and signed by Presi dent Harrison giving u pension of *8 per month to nil honorably dis charge.) marines, militia nnd volun teers who served for thirty days in the Black Hawk war, the Greek wttr. Die Cherokee disturbances or the Florida war with tbo Beunnole Indi ans between the years of 1832 and 1812, inclusive, and such others as rnay have been personally named in any resolution of congress for any special services in said wars, and tho surviving widows of such officers and enlisted men as have not remarried. There urn quite a number of per sons living in Berrien and adjoining counties who arc entitled to pensions under this aot.” The survivors of Brushy Greek in Berrien, aud Cow Greek in Clinch, are among the •ben eficiaries and the Gazbttk hopes they will have no trouble in estab lishing their claims, and they should lose no time in nvuiling themselves of this long-delayed justice. The authorities at Washington have furnished the clerks of the su perior courts with copies of the act with full instructions as to wlmt proof is necessary to lie made to se cure these pensions, and they have them on (ilo in tbeir offices for the insjwtion of all concerned. Among the beneficiaries in Berrien county we mention the names of Messrs. Wm. towtinger, D.G. Hutch ejumi, 8. G. Williams, John MoDer- rmd, Josiah Parritrh and B. A. Mnyei . . Do no*, let other merchants palm off other preparations ou yon because they have not Plantation Chill Cure in 'atook. Apply to agent- named below, who guarantee* it. Dr. J. C. Goodman.. xotrs ofe'tRf An ineffectual j effort was made, iitteeHuiit after the.moilott for tbeappoint- incbt.of a coKwuiStci. ou credvatialA j.j refer tbo credefUitiis of the. ceti- j pf. Go to Dr. J. 0. Goodman’s for summer drinks—coca-cola, milk shakes; lemomutes and the. best of Soda watei always on draught. ■ • V- 1 ' - ■ / Mr. J. II. Knight has sufficiently recovered from his illness to go to the Indian Springs, with‘the hope of being benefited. The judicial mill of Tifton dis trict, was in session yesterday. Judge IV. IV. Hiithurford holds the scales of justice with dignity. * Silk parasols, 7&c., at Pndrick Bros’, to-morrow. A democratic club with some thir ty odd members was organised at Brookfield last Saturday. Speeches were made hy Dr. J. U. Folsom and “ye editor.” Go to the polls nnd vote for your I choice for senator and representative. It will be a democratic primary and none but democrats will be permitted to pailieipato. ' Big reduction in everything at Padriok Bros’, to-morrow. A room- nmking sale. Elder D. B. Sheffield (Primitive Baptist) 1ms appointments to preach in Berrien county as follows: Salem, August 17; Pleasant, August 18; Emmatis, August 11); MU Paran, August 20 and 21. Master W. W. Ingram passed through Tifton .Monday morning on route for liiB home at Sparks, where lie will recreate for a week, or two. lie is a gentleman of leisure at pres ent but a young man of his industri ous habits will uot be without em ployment long. Rev. J. L. Underwood did not fill tho Baptist pulpit lust Sunday to the great disappointment of tho congre gation. lie writes that secular busi ness which he could not avoid was the cause of the failure, but that, ho will positively fill his appointment, on the fourth Sttmluy test. Miss Kula Tvitty,the accomplish ed young lady from Colquitt county, who hu* licet) visiting in Tifton for sever.'tl weeks tho guest of her aunt, Mrs. L. M. Williams, returned home Tuesday. She won many friends during her stay who will rcmemlier her visit with genuine pleasure. Brookfield has organized a demo cratic club with some thirty names enrolled. Messrs. L. K. Lastinger and If. 0. Baker arc in tho lead and will add many more names before tlie October elections. They are true- blue democrats, whose wisdom and conservatism will win overy time. Tho announcement of .Mr. Allen Hester, os a candidate for tax callec tor, found in to-day’s paper. Our acquaintance, with him is limit ed but what we know of him justi (lea tiz in saying that he is wall qnal iflod to fill the office oreditably to himself and the citizens of the conn iy * i Elder John A. Cox requests ns to announce the following appoint ments for him. He will preach ate Brushy Creek ou Saturday before, tho fourth Sunday in August, and at the Sineath school house, iu the River Bend, at 11 a. re, on tile fourth Sunday. The citizens of -these com munities arc respectfully invited to attend t.he services. » There was a quiet, wedding at the home of Dr. R. T. Kendrick, Alaj-a- hn, List Thursday,, iiffern.nn. The tie* were Mr, Alva Paulk and Miss Beulah Turner, a niece of Mrs. Kendrick and daugh ter of Andrew H. Turner who is well known throughout Berrien comity. The young couple have the best wishes of the Gazkttr for their future prosperity and happiness. Mr. IV. 1). Marrow’s illness lma developed into typho-nialavin! fever, and while he is delirious ut times there is no real cause for alarm. He will have to abide with patience the stow progress of the fern and, with careful nursiug, he will rcoovcr. [Af ter the above wns put in type Mr, Marrow grow rapidly worse and last night the end came. At the request of hie relatives his remains will be forwarded to-morrow to North Caro lina.] Millions In Tolmooo. President Herman Meyers of the Savannah Urocovy Compuny yester day received from IV. 0. A 11. II. Tift, of Tifton, two elegant speci mens of tobacco leaf which they have raised on their farm as an experi ment. The leaf is equal to auy of the products of tho tobacco raising countries, ami proves that Georgia’a soil is capable of producing an urti cte which, if cultivated, will make it one. of the richest agricultural stutos in America. The plug leaf is of the finest qual ity that cun be attained, ami tho ci gar leaf is of tire; Sumatra variety, Tim Sumatra leas is imported into this country to the amount of mil !lions, of dollars iimnmlly, and the duty on it is *2 per pound; causing it to sell at M per pound in New York. Georgia, as shown by Tift’s sam ples, can produce enough of tins va riety . to meet tho demand of the trude, and if the farmers would cul tivate it instead of cotton they would rapidly grow rich, mid soon place Georgia in tho lend of the wealthy agricultural states of the union. Messrs. Tift have 2) acres in oigur leaf, but ou account of being short of plants, and having so much dis tance between them, they are pro ducing only 1,000 pounds to the acre. With an improvement, how ever, from 1,200 to 1,600 can bo got from an acre. They hare seventy acres ie plug leaf which will average 1,600 to 1,800 pounds per acre. Mr. Myers examined the specimens sent him nnd he said that the plug leaf will bring from $30 to $40 per 100 jxmnds, which means Unit off an wore $400 can be realized while cotton docBn'd bring but $30 to $40 to tho acre. Figuring tlm price of theoigar (HO re...I tl*» „ *wl nl-n. re.... «... ITEMS OF LOCAL INTERES GARNERED BY TH! . SCISSORS PROCESS. Batch of Ne%?« from NelghliorliiB Countie* Dtomoft of HiKuinl Interest to tvfttnlt* Himdoro. Prof. J. J. Boone will conduct tho fall term of the Douglas High school. Baskets of overy style at cost, at Byrd’s, Gecii. A democratic rally and barbecue is being enjoyed at Ty Ty to-day. Messrs. Wooten m'tl Jones, of Al bany, are the speakers. SoapB, perfumes aud toilet goods nt Byrd's, Cecil. The democratic primary in Coffee county to choose candidates for rep- resenlfttive mid county officers will oo held on the first Saturday in Sep tember. A first-class line of csnfeoUonory at Byrd’s, Cecil. Thomas county has a new iiostof- flee which has been christened Wat son iu honor of Mr. A. M. Watson, a termor citizen of Berrien county. Deoatur connty has a new office with the suggestive title of “Eli.” Col quitt comity has a usw posvoftico called Silar. IV. IV. Byrd, Cecil, will make it pay yon to call on him. The people of Moultrie are rejoic ing over the splendid prospects for a railroad to their little town soon. fifM The Oazettk learns that a contract for its construction has been signed by the projectors of Boston and Al bany railroad company, ami the work is to be begun at once. Cooking expects, essences and linking powders at Byrd’s, Cecil. A most interesting quurtcrly meet ing of the Woith Comity Sunday- school Association Was hold in the Methodist church at Sycamore last Friday. Among the business trans acted was the election of office) s for the ensuing year with this result: President, ,T. 1* Herring; vice-presi dent, J- IV. Evans: secretary aud treasurer, J. F. Wilson.' leaf at $8 and $8 a pound one can sec that no other printout in the stuto can compete with it? "1 never thought such tobacco could be raised in Georgia,” said Mr. Myers, “mid the practical result to me is gratifying. iVuimyiviinik Ims been producing tobacco leaf for years, and many of tnu German farmers there have grown rich by its culture, but Pennsylvania can show nothing, to compare with wlmt Georgia condo in tile lime liiq*. “If farmers here would only take hold of tobacco culture instead af raising cotton they would soon find out that they have been sleeping on their interest for years. One hun dred sores in tobacco n equal to 1,000 acres of cotton. With projier atten tion devoted to tho culture of tobacco a spendtd class of immigrants would bo attracted here, which would de velop the Empire state of tho south to a degree never before known in its history. Georgia’s farmer* now have the opportunity within tbeir grasp and they will he blind if they do not grasp iu” Yon can think polities, talk poli tics and work for poiiiiiai ends, but. t llre of tobiico. -fyou can’t eat or wear politics. Mr. N. E. Patterson repimnR'd the Bertiefe. county allumoe in the state convention of timt organization at Gajnesville this week 1km. Tout touted tea "I.ste to bod and and early to rlso will sliorton tlm rout to your home In tlm Okies.” But early to bod and a “Mute Karly Riser," tlie pill tint makes llfo longor and bettor and wlzer. J. 0. Good man Know AVhut They lire Talking About. Mr, W. 0. Tift received several days ago the following loiter which speaks for itself, from a Philadel phia gcntlcmun to whom ho had sent samples of both varieties' of the to bacco grown and cured at Tifton. It emphasizes very strongly the adapta bility of this climate and soil for the culture of lino tobacco. This is only one among quite s mitnboi of letters received from experts speaking in the most favorable terms of the cxjieri- ments in tobacco culture in tliis vi cinity this year: Dz ar Sir:—About ten data ago I reoeived a sample of bright leaf to- baoco from Mr. Paschal and yester day your sample of cigar le’a£ I have shown the samples to iwmie'of tho largest and best manufacturers in this city and they are perfectly astonished. One of the largest uinti- ufaturers. if not the largest in this city, told me that it was simply wonderful and be could not believe that it was this year’s growth of, to; baoco. He said I nmst be miztakcu ami that it was last year’s grow He also said that if ho bad seen tobucoo without nny explanation, he would not have known that " this year's growth, He rep second t:m?, that was simpt; ful and that if they can rah tobacco in Georgia thi>t it is t ing state for tobacco of f A friend of mine who is i servative man, said, toll y in Georgia that if they oat tobacco they need hay© i the future but to go ah all tlie money the? bar * Te» j have to make are very consor ed. They are u before 1 wi)