The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, August 19, 1892, Image 2

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pi IssKiKi THIS GAZETTE: Til 1 TON. GA The Tifton Gazette. Tho (Htirrris U tmlilWwd«»«» WWEjK’jfi; - icout eoiintty, iu j> won tlfwi 4 to tlx N« IjMnM II »nd tlx *il)r—•* - »<X» tiio •ajipi'rt *nU oiiMuHjtiimHBt of ths |WO* bio ill Wrrfcn »mt sOnUkumls coiwlist. I'lhMrtpUoii price of for »o»r, M oont, for si* wimtlu, OAZurtK ar# no»> »n»We l «v4 l »fl| 1 ^w*furn(»lu! l . 1 r uiwnai'I'llclUnn, —ft Unit Inaortlon uvl Ailvartlilns Milt we rtiui oftur Will lx> |>r«XM'iiU!il wbnii , , nmrtlmii him tint oionojr It nooiloo. icatlon^jTUmwJy iIwava walconiCi Alwtyit wfltn on oim fliki of ■ tli0l*|W, anil don't OreMttffl encloiw ynr nniim m5» l?n«i/!d*"!ai Tifton, neural*, a» mill iiutltor of Hi* tcciniil elite. Official Organ of Berrien fount). n. T. AI.I.HK. Editor. Nows nnit View*. Peek's "slavery bill,” like "Han- /(no’# ghost," will not (town at bis bill ding, Tho (ureal road to financial re form ia by the way of domestic rntli or than political economy. President John L. Herring. of the Worth Comity Suinliiy-H'ohool Asso- Clution, hero ia our*if, Shake 1 The Waresboro Union la to be moved to Wuyoroaa und it* name ohitngo'l to the Warn County Union. Wi regress Ccorgia will have oorn to sell und oorn to keep neat year. The crop in thia aoetlon wa* never better. Hnvitnimh wan connected with Ku- ropoan olliea Inst Monday by a line of direct trade steamships, and elm in happy, Tim corner atone wiw laid lual week for a Mcthodlat college at McRiyj—- to bo known an the Mouth (leorgia ooI lege, lion. II. (I. Turner ia announced to make a thorough canvass of the eleventh diatrict, tunkiiig neveral upcecliea in cuoh comity. Thu newspapers of south Georgia arc talking up the lobmicu and fruit ituluatriea. Hither of them will boat pnlitica na a financial reform move ment. The exceeding‘clone vote in the Alabama gubernatorial election en- oouragea the thought among rcpub- licana that thodaynof the ho1 Id aimth la nuniliorod with the things of the past. Tho ntate fair will bo held in Ma con thia year, commencing October Sfith and cloning November 4th. Thu premium hat, juat out, la the lurgeit anil moat attractive ever offered by tho unsocial urn. Tho third parlyitoa are In the mid dle, hut they are riding at break neck upend in tho wrong direction. There ia no tluanolul reform in in- croiiAed penaiona, in the gnvermnunt ownership of railroads, telegraph und telephone linen, n protective tariff, etc. The nnuntmlly of tho Herriovi ominty dcmooriioy in amnething of which tho Oaurttr is proud—It in u mutter for general congratulation There in hut ono name before the pri maries next Saturday for represents- live in tho legislature and that name is-H. II. Knight. Tin: oonslBtcmiy of Would-be Gov ernor Peek la aliown when lie mlvo- oateB the sale of the atnto’a milroad (Wentcrn und Atlantic) to gel it out of polities, nnd then wants the Uni ted States government to buy all the railroads of tho country that .they may be dragged into politics. Two foots to call to mind now and then are, that tho democrats left a treasury overflowing with funds when the Cleveland administration wont out; and the democratic con gress camo in finding empty colters, Tlio Woatlicr, The unprecedented rainfall of the past three months has cast u pall of gloom over every section of southern und southwestern Georgia. Scarcely has a day pussed during that period that more or less ruin has not fallen. Tho farmers say their cotton has been drowned and much of it is dy ing. And they are fearful should the rain stop suddenly the hot sun would do infinitely more damage by scalding the plunt to death. They say, further, that they are unable to gather the cotton which has com menced toopon. Altogether the pros pect ia gloomy for our farmer friends. The farmers urn not the only suf ferera. Mill men are compluining that it ia impossible for them to fur nish their mills with toga, owing to the wet and spongy condition of the woods. Turpentine men are injured by their inability to get the crude turpentine from the woods; also, by tho fact that the ruiny weather pre vents turpentine from running well. Mo it is with nearly every line of business—ovon tho printer’s patience ia severely taxed by the dnmpness, which renders him unable to do his printing os well us he would like. Hut good may come to ua from tliia dispensation of providence. God knows what is best for us and dooth ail tilings well. Let us, then, rejoice in our teeming adversity und take courage for the future. John Churchwell & Son, DEALERS IN General - Merchandise, BROOKFIELD, GEORGIA. Wa beft to Inform the public that we have on hand a complete and well aeleeted Mock of General Mercliaudiite, emulating in pan of Dry-Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Tobacco, Etc., We liave no wood to buy or rent to pay, and Which wa will Nil At ROCK BOTTOM PRICEH. banco can afford to ae1! our gooda at PRICES TO SUIT THE HARD TIMES, CaII to aeo ua when you coiuo to Brookfield and we will convlnoo you that we will politicly aavo you much money. Wo will bo prepared to buy cottou and-all other Jcinda of country produce and pay therefor tho 1IIQUK8T MAHRET PRICES. Ho aure and let un bid on your cotton, and Mil you your auppHeii. Trade at the Cheap Cash Store, where you con buy the greatest quantity and bear, quality of good* for the leant amount of money. Don’t forget to call on ui; wa will be found at the aarao old (Hand. Your* vary respectfully, BrooMWii.o*., JulySO.WM. Jolia Churchwell & Son. Dull Times Make Low Prices! JAMES Z. ELLIOTT, Owing to tho dullnosB of the trade and appreciating tho fact, that Low Prices is the remedy—the great incentive that gives to trado a rushing im petus, ban determined to inaugurate a cut in prices that will convince the trade that he is determined not to be undersold. He has a largo and com plute stock of genoral merchandise; he can and will save you money. Don’t fail to call on him before making your purchases. Very Respectfully, Sparks, Ga., Juno 17,1802. JAMES Z. ELLIOTT. E. P. BOWEN & — DEALERS IN Greneral Mercliaiidise. FARMERS’ SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Country Produee Bought and Sold. Highest cash prices prices paid for chickens and oggs, and farm prodnets generally. Give ns a call when you come to Tifton with anything to sell. WE Ml 10 PLEASE ELL OF OUR CUSTOMERS. Thanking the pnblic for a generous patronage in the past, wo earnestly solicit a continuance of the same in the future. E. P. BOWEN & BRO. l-K. Hoar the B. & W. Depot, TIFTON, GA. TIFTON DRUG STORE If aura a Foul Surri/r or—— Vurqtintod Bociirlty at the Min imum Cost, Thu Fidelity Mutual, of Philudet- [thia. is not the oldest, nor is it the urgent insurance company in the world, but it ia unquestionably the strongest. No company of which >ve have any knowledge, whether foreign or domestic, cuii compare with it in resources nnd enduring powers. Its pinna conform to well established in surance principles, ami cure all the weak polnUi of both co-operative nud old line systems of Insurance. I’hms obcorfully given by M. J. Kent, agent, Tifton, Un. Itov. John T. Dodgers. Tins gentleman, who it will be remembered was nominated at Jes- up for congress by tho third party convention of the eleventh district, is out in a lengthy letter to liis local paper, the Kastman Times-journal: in which ho declines the proffered nomination and leaves that party without u candidate. In declining tho honor Rev. Mr, Rodgers says he “is a democrat and a preacher of the gospel, and while the ofllce in this instance has sought tile man, the latter has no desire fur it.” There is a whole sermon to the third party people in tho following excerpt from his letter: "While I believe the deinooralio party should legislate into law ecr tain measures for the relief of a cer tain class of our people, mill 1 fail to see the propriety of deserting il and joining a party which, should il nnd deficiencies to meet, the result -At- of two years of republican rule. Junta JouriuJ.. When you arc tired of having chills get a title, bottln of Plantation Chill Cure and stop them. If it fails we will’give you your money book. Dr. J. 0. Gondnmn. The «xo of tho postal service by third partyites to illustrate how cheaply the government would run the railroads if it owned thorn is a good one—for tho democrats. When the people learn that congress line to make,an appropriation annually to pay the current expenses of the pipt- .ofllce department they will rightly 7 A : jseoolfidc that _ ths* illustration .don’t nvvSKfo:. rtovihu knn>rthat Plnnfatloii'L'hlll tidor ji positive gmwrn- 50o. per bottle, bu.t if : V will*he gi vec back H— n « ie expectations of its most, sanguine supporters, ouiuiot afford greutor or speedier relief than the democratic party when it has tin administration nnd both houses of congress under its control. 1 boliavo the people of this great common wealth will delegate thia jimver of control to the democratic party at tho coming November deal ions, ami I further believe It will then give us the relief wc demand. Let us stick to (he old party until the test is made at least." Democratic Convention—Sixth Hcuntorlal District, The delegates elected to tho dem ocratic convention for tho Bixth sen atorial district are hereby notified to assemble at the court boos?, Valdos ta, Ga., at 11 o'clock, a. m. ou Wed nesday, the 31st.slayof August, 1802 to nominate a candidate for senator to represent the sixth senatorial dis- triet in the next general assembly. I', li. Wninur, Chr.t’n, Ex. Com. Oth Son. Din. August 4th, 1802. Attention Voters oftlio I'oonle'r- ktortj\ Hewlett County. Ydn are hereby respectfully re quested to meet in moss meeting in the Court* house in Nashville, by 10 o’clock on August 27lh next, for the purpose of electing delegates to the congressional and seimtorial txmvm- tions, to nominate a candidate for legislative, honors and to attend to other mutters of importance. This July 25th, 18(12, N,..&>A*riitt80N, Chairman. M. W. GASKINS, GENERAL : : MERCHANT, Extends a Most Cordial Invitation To tlic People of tho Town nud tho Surrounding Country to 1’ Him n Visit at Ills Now and Elegant Store, His Specialties will bo- CR0CKERY HHOEH, HATH, CAPS, diibss GOODS, &c., HARDWARE There is no House In Town having suoh a Complete Assortment and Carefully Selected Stock of Goods. I(f! eartlon nearly everythin)' which coiiMtituto a Kcnernl *tock o( Dry Gootla, Hotinns, Heavy arowrfart, ut<!. Hd ito«k is all frtnh ami a vdit to hid start will bo mutually benoilchU to pur- ctiftwir am* Mllor. Henil to him for any »n«l everything yon nwd. Mitchell Gra,skins, TIFTOJST, GEORGIA. ISAAC S. BOWEN, TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES, Fine Perfumery, School Books and Stationary. Larrps of Every Description. PAINTS, * OILS * AND * VARNISHES. The moat detect stock of Tobaccos and My customers can be served with good Havens Cigar* i« ivena ciga [■ the city, gtrs. I cell special attention to Prof. Dextcr’a Cntnrrli Cure, Magic Balm Kidney and Liver Cure, Lung Restorer, Mesmeric Blood Clennsex nnd Rheumatic Cure. They aro proprietary medicines that are recommended very highly for the purposes claimed for them. I®- KRK8HEST ahd BE8T GARDEN SEEDS, all the year round. • Call and boo me. Tifton, Ga., April 22,1891. J. C. GOODMAN. BIGr BARGAINS ! -IN:- DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES AND HATS. I'STAPLE GROCER mm i KBRP A FRBfeJ! AND WKI.L BBLRCTRD STOCK OF Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes and nvanYTitiNM usually found in a fhist-clars stork. 1 Pny t,he Highest Cash Price for Country Produce. AND WILL FLRAHE YOU WITH GOOD GOODS, LOW PRICES, FAIR DEALINGS. I Will Sell Cheaper Than You Can Buy^Elsewhere. ISAAC S.BOWEN, TILTON, GEORGIA. !-0 lit Of Waterbury, Ooimooticut. Guarantrrd System of Scientific Life .and Accident Insnranre At the illost Kexnosahle Rates. J. W. HANNON, 8tut« Agent, Pnrha* Building, TIFTON, GA. *®.Sriuoial and I/Ocal Agonis wanted in every County in the State. Good References Required. I ;*f,r by w tuilylim l.i llw Mlnwnic psUlfS who »r» Mimn* tho msnv who h»™ Iwen nsld for f.v ire (ViinOMlIcut o>lfmnVlv W II.Ollvw. A-.lTMoCn-s, W. M., J.-A8ml!a, mil, Tittoe i ,!*». Y, Ilriidx. Avbbura; W. R. Johustoc, yfr* n ~- fc — — uccl.lcute Hiiiocr Xurrsy, ■]. l>. rrwmll, For full jwrueulsrt, r*ll ro o, sililvo,!. WUUngham, (Is. J. W. HANNON, Tilton, lie. Guaranteed to- cute hch in to ttihwiss, , For sale hy J,’ Pnullt * Co..Tlhcn, tb THE GAZETTE Job Printing Office. New Types, New Press and Skilled Workman. I fwtn pleAM*) to announce to my friuedn and pRctmifs -in the ecu» of Bcrrion, Irwin* Worth nnd Colquitt thftt I have just received & complete COUNTRY JOB PRINTING OUTFIT m: And nm prepared to execute nt hhort notice and in workmanlike manner all eliwseaqf com mere: al and legal blank printing.' I > solioit-your mdew And guarantee to give entire satWaction in priets and quality of work. . Respectfully xovs m n. n o. T) rn A T T TJ'TVT Tim/; orogowu , JL . I cari’y a fall line of Dry-Woods, and arn selling "Winter Goods away Below Cost to make room for a splendid Summer Stook. Give He In Patronage jid 1 Will Save Yob M«j. MV FANCY GROCERY AND HARDWARE DERARTMSKT Is fully stocked with the best goods. TIFTON, OA., Augusi 27, 1801. H. H. TIFT. t 7 i -t M. A.. SEXTON, Fire Insurance Agent, ^4 TIFTON, GEORGIA, Reprcuontfl the following old, reliable and popular fire insurance oompanles and aolicite tho jiatronago of the insuring public: Insurance Company *f North America, • - Fonidtd In I7#2. “flreentrlcl,” Total Asset*, $ I, Ml,035,4S. . Fennded ia ISS(. ‘'Hartford.” Total assets, $6,676,CI6.IS. - Founded in 1810. “Central CUy,” ef Selma, Ala. Also, write for the “Liverpool and London and Globe,” ‘‘.Etna” and “Orteal.” Real Estate and Renting Agent. Haa on his list of Real Estate Home very desirable farm lands in ‘.he vicinity of tho "Gate City to South Georgia and Florida.” Keep your «y» on it, and don’t let it get too high priced before purchasing. |&|||| These lands are within one and seven miles of town. If yon have any Beal Estate—houses or land—for sals or rent yon will receive prompt and courteous service by placing, them with me. 1-tf. 1 am, very respectfully, M. A. SEXTOK. ‘ ' ' sat' JOHN C. HINDI Con tractor? wBui GT Hans and TIFTON, ALI. KINOS OF WOODWO , . SHORT NOTH’