The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, September 09, 1892, Image 1

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$1.00 PER ANNUM. TIFTON, BERRIEN COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 9, 1892. YOL. 2-NO. 22. LOCAL HOTCH-POTCH. WHAT BUSINESS MEN AND LOAFERS FIND TO TALK ABOUT. Pavement Paragraphs Picked Up and Pcn- " tdvely Penned—All Pertaining to Persons and Thlugf* budding a t a green he city pris- Mrs. J. K. Carswell has returned home from her visit to relatives aud friends in Burke county. Mr. Dink Walker is storehouse, to be occqpii grocery, on. his lot nei on. .The contractors are pounding away at the artesian well and have been.for-a month. The progress is slow. Messrs.'S. C. Hoge and Harris, of ficials of the Georgia Southern and Florida railroad, were in the city last bight. Mrs. S. J. Harrell, of Eastman, arrived Sunday afternoon for a visit to relatives and friends in Tifton and vicinity. ’ Prof. Huggins arrived Sunday af ternoon and opened the- Tifton In stitute, on Monday morning with a Bmull attendance. Col. T. A. Parker, a prominent Jawyer of Baxley, Ga., was a visitor to Tifton one day lust Week, the ’.guest of his friend, Col. J. A. Alex under. Democrats, don’t forget the barbe cue und rally at Alapuha next Satur day! Let t.he-Tiftou district demo cratic club attend in A bqdy, if poB- sibie. Miss Florence Dunham, a charm ing and accomplished, young lady of St. Augustine, Fla., is visiting In the city, the guest/of her cousin, M is; Alma .Owens. There will be preaching at the Tifton Baptist church next Sunday . .by Rev. 0. Tom West, of Albany. Citizens generally are cordially in yited to attend the service. Masters Edwin Smith and Stanley lliiSBoy, two young gentlemen of Rycumorc, will attend the Tifton In stitute (lie present term. They will enter next Monday morning. Messrs. Golden & Sineatli are blit ting up a ginnery near tliewuterii limit of the city. When they gel ready to serve 'the public they wil! give notice through the Gazutti:. The third quarterly oonfe-renoe of the AVipabacircuit will be held with the church near Brookfield on the third Sunday lust, and Saturday be fore. Elder Wqrdlaw will preach Sunday night in Tifton. . Mr. W. N. Colo is contemplating the erection of a handsome d/cl'iug on the northwest corner ofyFourtli Btreet and Ridge avenue. If lie de cides to build the work will be com- ■. .nienced within'sixty days. Mr. J. E. Dean and family have moved to Ashburn. This family will prove quite an acquisition to Ashburn society, as it did at Tifton. Nearly everybody have expressed re grets at their moving away. A bouncing baby boy has arrived to cheer the hearts of i Mr^-vflTd Mrs. John C. Hind. He Mine Saturday; weight 101 pounds. The GAzkttb Welcomes the young stranger and pOHgratntytoa the fond parents. Master Julian Cole is at home JMi his parents now, having arrived >m Tennilie one day last week. He will prove a valuable acquisition to Tifton’* circle of young meu, because of his decided Christian character. Hey. J. 3. Willlami, of Ty Ty, and Mr*. French, of Wuyoross, passed through Tittoa last Friday in route to the holiness camp nieet- ingi 'at Indian Springs,. They said they anticipated a grand meeting. Mr. Jack Ptigc, who lived in the Riyer Bend district, died last Mqit- day from infiamation of tl# boivels, t buried tho next d*rat th*> .ground. He left a wtyim formed, will preaoh at the Tifton Baptist church on the third Sunday insbutlla. m. A cordial invita tion is extended to citizens generally to hear him. The Mell Baptist association meets with Brushy Creek chtiroh on the first Sunday in October and Friday und Saturday before. The churches belonging to the association should to prepare their letters and elect delegates. Tho Witiilacooohec Musical Con vention will meet at Brushy Creex church, five ir-iles eust of Sparks, be ginning on Friday before and con tinuing through the fourth Sunday in September. Let all interested re member the time and place. Tho Young Men’s Union prayer meeting continues to grow in interest and attendance. Mr. W. N. Cole will conduct the meeting next Suu- duy afternoon. All the youug men of Tifton, whether residents or visit ors, are cordially invited to attend. The yard of the Georgia Southern aiid Florida and Brunswick and Western railroads at Tifton have been cotisffidatod, and now there is but one yardinnsteviud one car in- speotot for botli roadsrot this point. Botli roads are cutting expenses wherever they possibly can, Au official of the Georgia South ern and Florida railroad is quoted ns saying that no opposition bus, as yet, developed to Receiver Sparks’ scheme to complete the Tifton and Thotmis- ville railroad, lie thought there would be none, and he dcruld no good reason why work should not bo com menced at an early date. Mr. J. H. Goodman will call upon the citizens of Tifton for subscrip tions to the Tubernacle Association during the next few days. He fully understands the plans of the project tho benefits to the Community to be derived from its location here, and will fully explain it to the people. It is hoped lie wili receive a liberal in subscriptions. Go to Griffin & Staten, Valdosta, for yom clothing. Suits from $1 to m. , ‘lit is an ill wiud that blows no good,” und it is hinted that even the recent unprecedented rains will not prove an ill wind. The farmers can congratulate themselves that, al though the cotton crop has been cut down to half, the rains came in good season to produce tho finest potato and sugar cane crops, and just now they are more desirable than the best yield of cotton on the samo .acreage. Chistian Index: “Pastor J. L. Un derwood, of Camilla, preached at Tifton Sunday. His servico was a labor of love for good old Bro. Irwin the invalid pastor whom all this sec tion honors for ins good work. The church at Tifton, a growing town, is moving onward. The elegant new church building'is the finest in this section of -file state. Our Baptist people should extend every needed help to Tifton.” Mr. R. E. Turner and son, of Nashville, were in the city this week exhibiting a peep sj/>w of photo graphic scenes of th6 late war. The former is postmaster at Nashville and authorized to visit the various postofficcs of the county and report to the department their condition und the efficiency of those .in charge. He went through the Tifton office while here, and we may hear from his report later. There was a rousing meeting of the Tifton district democratic clob last Tuesday night, something over a hundred voters present to listen to an address from an honorary mem ber, Hen. W, W. Webb; of Lowndes county. The- speaker was at bis best and talked straight democracy for an hour'and a half, and the audience was fully enthnarei With tbe impor tance of concert of action and voting j as an unit at the election. Tire #W- itor regrets he was. unavoidably ab sent on miriness. ’ y\ two- ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. GARNERED BY THE PENCIL SCISSORS PROCESS. AND Batch of New* from NrlBhborlnir Counties Doomed of Hjiocial Intercut to Oacette Headers. The materials are on the ground for the new Methodist church ut Douglas. A protracted meeting 1ms been In progress at Kirkland, conduoted by Rev. Sliiruh. Dr. G. TV. Julian lias sold bis Pearson to a gen- stock oLdrugs at tleman from Lcliuton, The Breeze snys thirty-two peda gogues attended the Coffee comity teachers’ in astute last week. Hon. We S. Humphries, of Brooks county,..bus been nominated for sen ator by tho demooruoy of the sevonth district. Griffin & Staten, Valdosta, are head quarters for dress goods and notions. The . municipal authorities of Moultrie liave raised the liquor li cense from $75 to $30te/tthd the en tire tax must he paitFln advance. It iB reported that Dr. E. J. Dor- mjney is a candidate for representa tive of Irwin county, and that Hon. Thos. B. Young has withdrawn from tlie raoo. The commissioners of Colquitt comity have received three bids for the erection of the now jail building, mid it is probable the contract will bo awurdud ut tho next meeting of the board. The trustees of Sycnmore Acade my have elected Prof. lLIL/Sntton, of Oglethorpe, prinoijjar of their goltool for the ensuing year. He is highly recommended os a toaohor and gentleman. I guarantee every bottle of Plan tation Chill Cure, and will cheerful ly refund money in case of failure. Dr. J. 0. Goodman. The Moultrie Banner lias olutnged hands. Editor Tison has sold it to some young men, Messrs. Anlrey, ted by the officers of the law and his arrest wus secured without difficulty by a Mr. Cahron but at the appear ance of sheriff Cox on the scene Ed wards snatched a handful of sand mid pebble, threw it in pahron’s fitot and then jumped to'run, Cahron called oil him to Atop, hilt not being heeded, lie shotf tho fleeing negro three or four times with a Winches ter riile, killing liim instantly, 'i'lic Affair seems to give general satisfac tion in Worth, as there wus enough evidence secured to leave no doubt as to Edwards guilt, and the outcome of it all will be a-suviug of expense mid trouble to the oounty. NEW CROP FOR FARMERS. RAMIE COULD BE PROFITABLY RAISED IN GEORGIA. Tlio Mont Valuable Fiber for Manufnctur* i«K rnr|H«f« Known—II In in Fine na Silk nml More Double. hack. To suffer jmin in chost and back. IRll at Many poopte could slop It. for suro tply using"' ”■ “ By simply using Ono Minute Cough (Jure. Dr. J. 0. Goodman. IN MEMORIAM. ltssoliithm* Adopts,! by Tifton IOMlgn. Wo. *“ ” * A. Me 47. XV & Resolved, That this lodgo tender to onr brother, John Pope, our deep sympathy and tender condolations upon the loss of his beloved wife who Ims left earth's sphere to puss onward to oternity leaving him in charge of several little darlings who will oftentimes think of mother’s loving smiles though yet young in life. May she act as tho guar dian spirit of their life’s tender cares and when they are called to that Homo of tho bloat, may in heaven all the family stand us on earth a happy reunited throng utter ing praises to God for his loving care and kindness. Mrs. Pope was a gen tle, kind mid loving wife and mother and shedding tho true, gentle Chris tian influence among all who had the pleasure of knowing tier (luring life mid ono who is missed from amongst lit. Sho has loft her hiisbaml with None to walcli near Idm; none to slake Tho lire Unit In Ids bosom lies, Willi even n sprinkle from llm lake, Which shines so cool before Ills eyes; No voice well known through ms/a day, To speak the last, the purling word Which whon ul! oilier sound decay Is still like distant music heard. Antrcy & Culpepper, who will en deavor to keep it abreast with the times and tho growing town in which it is published. Worth county democrats are or ganizing in every district; and tiie oltibs aro increasing their numbers. Sumner club has now 80 names on the roll, the II in ton olub-107, the Fourth district club 51 mid the Ash burn district claims to be solid for democracy. The democrats of WZrth county met in mass meeting khftsabellti lust Tuesday and nominates Hon. Joseph M. 8umucr for represontutivo in the legislature. He is one of the most in telligent and substantial citizens of Worth, und his nomination gives gen eral satisfaction. His election is u foregone conclusion. I sell more Plantation Chill Core than any other chill and fever medicine, und do vou know why? Because it never fuifs to cure. Dr. J. C. Goodman. John Orooni, the notorious negro who ninrdored constablp- Hamlin at Ty Ty some two yiprfisince, has been refused a new Irlitf by the supreme court, and ttow he mn*l pay the death penalty for his crime. It is said be is giving his jailer « great deal of throuble lately, he is sullen, stub born and at tidies impudent Go to Dr. J, 0. Goodman’s for summer drjnks—ooca-eoln, milk shakes, lemonades and thn best of soda yorufei always r;n draught Dr. L. C. Mattox, of Clinch coun ty, is now tho reputed third party congressional candidate in tbe elev enth district. Ilis chance for elec tion, however, is not probable much less possible. Capt 'Earner will carry all the democratic, votq*; and tho ne gro republican candidate, recently announced, wiU carry the negro re publican votes. Where will Mattox stand on election day? Tbe negro woman, Della Joel That lender farewell on tlio shore Of thU rude world when nil Is o'er, Which cheers Its spirit ere lis bark Puts olT Into ilia unknown dark. Iter soul, too soft Its Ills to bear, Mas left our mortnl hemisphere And sought, in a bettor world tlio .mcod, To blameless life by heaven decreed. F. G, Boatuioht, W. II. Lovtt, Committee. Piles of. Witch Hazel 8nlvo J. 0. Goodman. >plc have idles, but DoWltt'a will euro them, Dr, Proceed I ngx of Council, The city council of Tifton met in II, II. Tift’s office September 5th, 1802, at 8:110 o’clock p. m. Present: Aldermen Tift, Allen, Goodman and McCrea. In tlio absence of the nrny- or und mayor pro tern alderman Tift was chosen to preside. The minutes of last nieoting were reud and approved. Tlio committee appointed at lost meeting to examine thn laws and se cure an inspection of all fresh meats sold in tlio city if they deemed it ud- visnble, reported that they thought some action should be taken by the council to prevent the sale of dis eased or impure meats but an inspec tor's services could not lie secured except one bo einployod by the coun cil. The report was received, after some discussion of the question, and committee discharged. The petition of II. J. Brinson for certain street privileges was present ed but, after some discussion, was laid on tho (able until there should be a full meeting of council. On motion council adjourned un til Friday night, 9th lost J. II. GoonitAW, Clerk. There is no use talking, nolthur Harri son or Cleveland will be elected unless they take Do- Witt's Little Early Kitcre. They have a "get there" quality posscss- '■ Dr. J. 0. Goodman. ed by no other ptlL Religious Notice. The Valdosta district holiness as soomtioo will hold their first meet ing at Aiapaha, Ga., September end continue to Septembei 27th. Ml persons in the experience of iCttflcaUon. and those seeking the blessing are invited. Send your names to ltav, P. - V that homos may be r. ssSmK The subject of the cultivation of ram'e in tho cotton states is again being agitated. Ramie is a plant noted for its fiber, which, it is be lieved, if proper appliances were brought to bear upon it, would revo lutionize the textile industry of this oou n try, It is a coarse, nettle-like weed that grows wild all over the southern country in moist, shady places. It is common in river bottoms. Scientists have declared the liber of the ramie to be superior to cither cotton, silk or flux. It is ns soft us silk and much stronger than any of tlio first named, It is grown largely in India and large quantities of it nre now shipped to Europe where it is used as u substi tute for silk. Ramie is a perennial, somewhat shrubby plant, generally growing to height of four feet, with long pointed serrate leaves, dark green in color witli a snowy sort of down mi dorneath. Tlio useful part of the plant is the inner bark, or rather the liber of it which cun be manufactured into fab rics having the finest silken texture. An effort was made to get southern planters to engage in its culture in 1807, but, owing to tho deranged condition of labor, little interest was taken in the matter, although it was proved at first to be a profitable ven ture, when the crop beoame consider able tlio hitherto linootisidored prob lem of tlie disposal of tlio crop came up. The fiber could not he prepared by hand, ns in eastern countries, and tlie crude material was too bulky for export; so tlio excitement subsided. Now it appears that tlie matter may bo brought forward again under fur more favorablo auspices. A Louisiana writer, in an urticiu in tlie' Now York Evening Post sees in ramie a plant which, if a machine to disoortioute it can be invented, will become the most valuable fiber for manufacturing in the world. “I do not say,” lie obsorves, “that it will, supersede cotton, fot tlie cheapness of tlio latter and tlie high prion of tlio former will, for quite a while prevent lids. But tlie vnurmoiis profits to be made in raising it, if the proper dlseorticator oun lie found, will induce everybody to plant it “This great increase of product will ultimately cheapen its price, and tlio withdrawal of many planters of cotton will tend to help tlie price of their article. Flux will be almost a thing of tlie past, for it Ims all the merits of that fiber, and utterly transcends its belt features. 1 take it timt the silk industry will have such u blow struck at it us will near- ly paralyze it. Every one who has ever seen ramie or worn it fulls in love with tlie fab- rios. It is its cool as linen, soft os silk, fur more durable, and has a lus ter, with un iridesceiiBe suggestive of tlie opal. For summer wear, cither external or for undeiolothing, it would certainly distance competitors at the south and in all wurrn eoun- trieo. It would pass into table linens, napkins,' towels, eto. Its uses in cor dage of all sorts would ensue just ns soon as prices should justify. Its power to resist strain and break age is almost incredible. ! have tried in vain to snap an untwisted piece, pulled two days ago, not over the sixth teen th of an inch in diameter. What cables it would make, A haw ser, with good anchorage, would hold a ship to her moorings in any storm. Cel. .Or A. Breaux of LaFayette, La., ii growing several acres of ramie. It is uow'feirfeet-high, and it said to be a beahtifol plant In that month there will be a trial of ramie decortjcators at'Nevv Orleans under the iiuspi gqvernffii. to furnish tlie ramie for the experi ments. Major 0. M. Ryals, who is,Chat ham county’s standard authority on agricultural subjects, was asked about the matter yesterday. Major Ryals said he hid heard of. the plant, but had never investigated or experimented with it He sees no. reason why it. should not be success fully grown in this locality, os all the requirements of a damp, moist soil and a warm clitnnte prevail here. If the experiments in preparing it for umnufiiottire are successful, ho thinks it would be well for the far mers of tiiis section to plant experi- nieutallv. Tobacco. There is not any question now about tobacco being a paying crop in Georgia. Samples have been sent on to tho factories in Nortli Carolina and Virginia, and the prioes range from six to forty cents per pound. North Carolina raises her fiuest to bacco on pine Inucls. This pine land tobacco is said to be far superior to tobacco raised on the oak and hick ory lauds of Kentucky: There are thousands of acres of tho fiuest kind of tobacco land all along the Georgia Southern and Florida railroad. This is tlie opinion of North Carolina to bacco men, mid the crop at Tifton mid tlie Georgia Southern experi mental farm nt Cycloncta has demon strated tlio faoL—-Fruit Grower. Garden Work for September. lettuce and radishes nuty be sown. Strawberry beds may also be prepared and tlie plants set out. Sow turnips —the flat dutch and the red top aro tlie best—also mustard and oabbago for winter use. Of tlio lutter, early york and other early sort may bo eoivn to set out tlio first of February. Tliroo years ago Dr. J. T. Reese, of Newniui, planted out seven uores of ordinary *LU-lund in grapes. This year, after lie had gotten 1,500 gal lons of wine from Ins grape crop, lie was offered $l,4<ffi ill cash for tlio seven acres. The offer was prompt ly and indignantly dectiqed. A gentleman of I lilt count- excufiunt judgment remarked y Vho. ba» d to us the oilier day thaibu know of no pill so good for constipation, dyspepsia and liver com plaint as Dewitt's Utile Early Kisers. Dr. J. Ut Goodman. From tlie tax digests of for tlie years 1891 and 1892, ZKTTK gleaus the following: ’J^te tax able resources of tlie oounty in 1891. were *2,295,720; in 1892, *2,371,057; increase, $75,937. The number of polls in 1891 were 2,339; in 1893, 2,485. Ill 1891 tile [toils were 1,581. whites and 708 colored; in 1893 the polls were 1,701 whites and 784 col ored. Wlitle the inoreose in taxable resources is not as great as wits ex pected it is exceedingly gratifying, when tlio depressed condition of'tho county is considered. Tlie record of polls do not show the number of vo ters who nre over age; this olaas of voters in the oounty is estimated at between 200 or 400, enough to umko the total vote of the county about 2,700. A large number, notably ne- groes, have not registered amt tbeir ballots will not show up to the coun ty’s numerical advantage in the com ing election*. (be What >ka!i it prcllt a man if he o whole world and! then fisn the t amt* pepsin so bad that he cau’t enjov i auy t the good things it contains?. __ have dyspepsia if he lakes Do Witt's Lit tle Early Hhers. Dr. J. C. Goodman, ...« added t Three names have been our political announcements .th week—Mr. A. W. Patterson for < nary, Mr. Silas Tygart for clerk perior court and Mr. Robert G for tax ot>\ lector, AU three young gentlemen of ummpeaeh character, and Messrs. Button Tygart bavy had considerable ( enee iu the conduct of which they aspireyuid sho be so fortuuate as to be - v give the people general Mr. Griffin is a young : who lives in the j*' near. KisV.mee ' good.)