The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, September 23, 1892, Image 1

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E^^K®t®aB^S3SSR80WSaifflifS»t?s j^egaMSHOM liO PER. ANNUM, TiETON, BERRIEN COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 23, 1892. LOCAL HOTCH-POTCH. What business meR and Loafers FIND TO TALK. ABOUT. ttavement Paragraph* Pickett Up an it Pen* •Ittoly Penhed-AU Pertaining to Person* umj. Thin"*. il m Mr, H. L Lovitt, candidate for Micriff, was in the city on Wednes day. An interesting protracted meeting Is in progress in the Methodist church at Aiupaho. Go to Griffin & Staten, Valdosta, for youi clothing. Suits from $1 to $25. The Gazkttu regrets to leurn of the death of the three year old * daughter of Prof, and Sirs. G. W. Goodman, at their home about hulf way between Nashville and Adel, Go *to I)r. ,T. C. Goodman’s for sporting goods. Mr. A. W. Patterson, chairman of the county democratic executive committee, writes us that ho will vis it Tifton next Tuesday, and add less ’the district democratic club at night. - 'Other speakers will be with him. Griffin & Stateu's handsome two- /story building, Valdosta, is the place to get your fall goods. Owing to the iucessant rain lust ’Sunday Hev. Norris could not fill bis appointment at the Til:ton Buptiat- ‘nhiiich. However, it may bj the .pleasure of the congregation to hear liim at soine other time in the near • future. The Gazktth extends a cordial invitation to all democratic candi- idates for county offices in Jit-men to visit Tifton district and sec the peo pie. Tlie peopleure nearly all dem- iocrats aud will he glad to see all the candidates. The third party contingent of the sixth senatorial district met iu con vention at Valdosta last Saturday aud nominated Hev. li. IV. Xluokabee, of Spat ks, for the senate. Tiie revrreud gentleman lias, the Gazette ‘learns, decliued to he sacrificed though lie has stated it publicly if the nomination had been made sixty ’days earlier he would have accepted and gone into the race to win. -However the people’s party wd) have to select rtnother “racer.” Messrs. E. L. Moore and H. H. Knight, democratic nominees for the senate aud house from the sixth dis trict and Berrien eonnty were in Tifton lost Wednesday 1 morning, They are making a thorougli aud . 'systematic canvass of the county. A big majority awaits tboin at the ’election. Mr. J. P. Fletcher, who is well and favorably known iu this section but now living at DeLeon Springs, Flo., was in the city the first of the week. He is anxious of renting bouse and moving his family here on account of the health fulness of Tifton. He and his family have been siok a good part of the time ever since they moved to Florida, the first af the year. There will be four candidates for admission to practice law at Berrien superior court, which conveucs on || the second Monday in October, to-wiU J. W. Edmondson. 1L M. Hitch and a young man by.tlie name of Harrell, all of Quitman, and Mr. J. J, Wal ker, of Oolquitt eonnty. They have been applying themselves very close ly to the study of law and no doubt will paw most civditable etamir.i tions. - A fobaoooexpcrt. name of Staples, from Pigb Point, N. C., In Tifton now foi the purpose of classifying and preparing for w, ket thg tobacco crop of this section. He «vys tobacco qnltare in this sec tion of Georgia,is beyond perad vent ure; (hat the experiment' made here this year, considering the sinfav orble weather mid lack of knowledge f, it is a grand success: proper attentW our im Mt. B. P. Stubbs lias estahlisiied pnieral repair and cabinet shop in the building occupied by Mr. Rhodes os a blacksmith and wheelwright shop. lie is a firstclnss workman aud will give satisfaction to those who may patronize him. See Ins advertisement elsewhere. The Gazkttu has received two communications from near Brook field which goes to the waste basket because the writers have not observed newspaper requirements, Also be cause the matter referred to is of little importance and might engender a wordy contest unnecessarily. The writers are mistaken in their premi ses that offense was intended by a fonner communication. It is best the matter stop where it is. The Gazette calls tlio especial attention of its readers to the adver tisement of Mr, Alex. Pullen, propri etor of the Milford Nurseries, Mill- ford, Delaware, to be found iu to-day’s paper. He offers great bar gains in Juno budded peach trees, und also in a variety of other nursery stock. If you are interested in fruit growing write to him for his new catalogue and price list. Spc-oiul attention is culled to the ad vertisement of the “Tifton Gintfery” iu to-day’s paper. The proprietors, Messrs Golden & Sineulh, will give their personal attention to the gin ning of nil cotton sent to theii-giniie- ry. They will add a grist mill soon and a rice mill just as quick us their circumstances will permit, as they have ample power to drive all this machinery. This enterprise will fill a long felt want in this community. The Gazette presents to-day in the political announcement, column, the names of two well-known young gentlemen, both of whom are aspi rants for’the office of tax collector of Berrien county, subject to the democratic primary. Both are young gentlemen of high mora 1 character and fully competent to discharge the duties of the'office they seek credita bly and sutistorily. They are com mended to l he demouratio voters of the county. Prof. B, Irby, the Gazette re grets to learn, will soon resign the snperlnteiidenoy of Oycloucta exper imentfi! farm and move to North Carolina to assume a professorship in the State agricultural college. Prof Irby has won the esteem and confi dence of everybody in this section of oountry who also will regret to learn of his intention of moving away. The farm will be left in charge of Prof, Irby’s younger brother, who has been witli him for some time. Sparks !b to have a hotel. There is no doubt about it this time. Dr. J. Goodman, mid Messrs. C.‘ H HOMICIDE NEAR TIFTON. Mr, F. J. IVtiftibarkcr Kill* n Negro Mon In Rolf IKThiiM. Some time during the early part of last week a negro man went out to the fruit farm of the Tift and Snow Co., and prevailed on Mr. Frank Weltzbarker, tbo manager, to give him employment. He was hired by the mouth and set to work pulling corn mid hauling it to the barn. Everything moved along smoothly until Suturday after dinner, when he wont into the field where Mr. Weltz barker and his bauds were gathering corr and instead ot going to work insolently called for his time. As he was hired by the month Mr. Weltz barker casually replied,“What time?” The negro commenced to cnrBo liiin und at the same time brandish ing a tremendous blaok gum olub and attempted to strike. The blow was warded off by Mr. Weltzbarker throwing un ear of corn in his face and blinding him, then ran to get out of tlio way of the fiend. The infuriated negro commenced chasing the men and succeeded in frightening them ull out of the field as they did not want to hurt him. In the meantime one of the young men went to the house and brought Mr. Weltz’oarker's double-barrel gun to him. The negro made at Mr, Weltzbarker, who fired one.bwrel in the air thinking it would frighten him. The negro advanced up within ton feet, witli tlio bludgeon upraised iu striking attitude, when Mr. Weltz- baker fired the contents of the other barrel of tlio gun into bis body, killing him instantly. The load took cffcot just under the left arm pit, Mr. Weltlbarker first sent fora doc tor, but when he found the liegiowns dead he sent for Judge Butherford who, acting as coroner, ompannclled a jury ami held an inquest Several witnesses were sworn, and ull testified in substance as above. The jury re turned u-verdict that the deceased had come to his death from a wound indicted by a double-barrel gun ill the hands of Mr. Weltzbarker, and that the homicide was in self-defense. It has been learned since that the negro was subject to periodio oruzy spells, and he must have been crazy to attack Mr. Weltzbaker as lie did This fact was unknown to any of the parties ill the field. GARNERED BY THE PENCIL SCISSORS PROCESS. ] fetch of Now* from Neighboring Counties iiet'iui'il of Npt>clnl Interest to (Jiuctte Kcmler*. Beckwith, J. Z. Elliott and W. lingers are behind the project and have ample capital to build a hotel that will be an ornament to the thriving little town mid the pride of every one of her citizens. The gentle men mentioned have formed a com- pany and will bo equally interested in the building of the hr use. The petition of IteOcivor Sparks relative to the completion of the Tifton and Thotnasville railroad is stilt in abeyance. 'Judge M’iler has again postpoped the hearing because of the illness of Mr. Hoke. Smith, the attorney for the bondholders of the Georgia Southern and Florida railroad,' His presence in necessary to protect the in Wrest of Lhc bond holders, hut no objections will be offered to the petition as the Tifton and Thomamlls road will absolute ly insure to their benefit, Attention ComnilUoeinen. The Glmirman of tlie Democratic Executive Committee of the various districts of Benton county are hereby requested do meet here on Tliorsdsy October liili, 181)2, for the purpose of netting the day for holding a primary election to nominate candidates for countyoffice* tttiJ other purposes. " A, W. I’ArrcmwH, '■..Cl Awn Dem. Kxv,. Uodv Bcrvi , eonnty. . ;■ Clothing Made to Order. We have accepted tlio agency for Browning; King & Co., of New York, the largest Merchant • Tailoring House in the United States, and can supply the trade witli High Grade Clothing at a Moderate Price. The reputation ot this house is too well known to need comment. They employ only experienced workmen, und their goods are first-class in eveiy respect. If we cannot fit you out of ourstock we lake your measure here- the goods are made in Now York. A fit and perfect satisfaction is guaranteed Leave your measure early, You can get goods delivered later in the season, if desired. Punts It.75 and up; Suits $15-00 and up; OverCoats $12.00 and up. Padkick Buob. Best variety onion sets at Fadrlck Bros. Itetflutceed Voters, The following is a list of register ed voters in Berrien county by dfs tricls. as obtained from the registra tion hooks of the tax Receiver by the Voice: Nashville, White* Rowan, Mill Town, Hay’s MW Connell’s Mill, Alapaha, Brookfield, Tifton, Lenox, Sparks. Adel, Cecil, lllvvr Bend, New River, i Col, IS 1 64 “ 16 140 S SO “ 11 184 ’■ 87 88 '• 18 m “ 24 70 “ 2 104 “ 10 140 " SO 80 “ att Oil “ 4 _5_ " 0 „■ 1,711 218 1,711 Grand lolnl, 1,828 d* Hally of the Nashville district dab ■next Friday. Gur TEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. AND Irwin superior court will convene on Monday, October 3rd. Tins is surely correct. Valdosta is to be congratulated on the success of her democratic rally and barbecue last Friday. Dr. J. T. Hammond, of Bay, Col quitt comity, will return io Mercer University next week. He has done large practice during his vacation. There will be a democratic rally at Randall, in Colquitt county, next Tuesday. ' Hon. W. S. Humphreys will address the voters. lie is quite favorite iu that county, The commissioner of Colquitt county have contracted with the Pauly Co. for the erebtlhn of a first- class jail at, Moultrie. It will cost, when complete, about $5,000, Mr. Jack llorkan, of Velasco, Texas, is visiting relatives and friends in Colquitt comity. It seems that Texas air and victuals have agree with him, he looks to) be iu fine health. The democrats of Colquitt county met in convention nt Moulti io last Saturday and nominated Hon. J. B. Norman, Jr., for ^jieiegislutnre. Ilia friends are confident he will carry the county by a good majority. A protracted service is in progress jvitli the Presbyterian church ut l’oulun, Worth comity. The postal, Hev. Louis Way, is being assisted in these services by ltov. Robert S. Brown, of Brunswick. The. Savannah presbytery will meet iu the Presbyterian ohflroll at Valdosta on October Oth, and remain in session four days. Being u very Important meeting of the presbytery a large number of ministers and dele- gates me expected to be iu attend, once. There will bo a democratic rally in the fourth district of Worth coun ty to-morrow. Capt. W. E. Wooten and probably Col. J. M. Griggs, of Dawson, will be the sjieakers. The editor regrets that urgent office work wil! prevent his acceptance of chair man Warren’s kind invitation to bo present, There will he a grand democratic rally and barbecue at Poulan, Worth county, on Friday, September 30. Cbairmun Atkinson, of the State executive committee, lias designated the following speakers for the occa sion: F. G. duDignon, J. T. Graves and II. 0. Turner—a trio of the best speakers of tlio state. A man by tho name of James Hurt was killed last Tuesday night about dark, one and a half miles southeast of Moultrie, by J. 1L and Will Iskam, of Adel. Thin are several versions of the affair but tho general impres sion is that it was an unprovoked murder. The Ishauis have fled to parts unknown. Mr. Geo. F. Clark, the efficient tax receiver of Colquitt county, was the victim of a very serious accident last Monday. He and a gentleman by the name of James l’owbll were rid ing together iu his bfyggy, when his horse became frightened and ran away; both men were thrown out of tho buggy. Powell escaped injury but Air. Clark fell on bis head, which caused a slight concussion of Qse brain, Iiis iujury, while serious is not dangerous. Messrs. Joel S. Nornutn & Bon, about six, miles east of .Moultrie, have purchased one of the Engle, berg rice hullers and will soon have it in position for operation, Then they wil! kg enabled to clean their ncighlwr’sKioo at a very small coat. X (I Colquitt Superior Court. This tribunal lost Tuesday after noon sit one o’clock for the fall term. Owing to the very heavy rainfall of Snnduy and Monday the streams were all swollen to swimming pro portions, and the roads wero washed until they were almost impassable. Some portions had been worked but a few days previous and wero per- foot bogs and tested fully tho strength of a buggy to go through them. Hcnoe Judge Ilansell did not arrive from Thomasville until about 12:30 p. m. Solicitor general H. B. Peoples readied Moultrie from Nashville the night before. In company with Mr. Maxoy Ashley, tlio stenographer of Valdosta, ho swam tlio rubicotiB and when they arrived at their destina tion they were wetter if not wiser men. Ye editor and his companion, Mr. M. C. Lively, of Noreioss Ga., shared a similar fate Tuesday morn ing. Neither couple could laugh ut tho other, and thus were developed four severe cases of the “dry grins.” The grand and petit jurors were empanelled, sworn and the machinery of tho court put iu operation. Be cause of the illness of Judge linnsell the court was in session but twenty- four hours. It adjourned Wednes day afternoon ul one o’ciook. Solicitor Peeples sustained him self well as the prosecuting officer of tho court uml a large majority of the peoplo are in favor of his retention office by the next legislature, which will be called upon to elect his successor. Capt. Triplett, of the Thomasville rimcs-Knterprisc, und ourself were tlio only newspaper men, und neither one of us will he hurt by the col lee tions made or new patronage received. Our friends over in Colquitt county complain that times arc too Imrd to pay for und read newspapers. It may seem so to them, though wo are sure tlioso who Vend tho Gaxkttk regularly do not begrudge the small pittance they pay for it. There wure quite a number of the legal fraternity present, butthobrev ity of the coyrt blasted their liojies of seen ring enough of the “ever need ful” to make a “plurge” oil after their return home. Among tlio uu fortiinates were Messrs. A. T, Mac Intyre, Sr., A. T. MacIntyre Jr, W. M. Hammond, 1L G. Mitchell, J. H. Merrill, W. 0. Snodgrass, of Thomasville; 8. S. Bennett, W. S. Humphries, C.' M. Hitch and J. Q McCall, of Quitman ; D. 0. Ashley, of VuldoBta; I. A. Bush and J. H, Scnife, of Camilla; J, R. Perry, of TyTy; J. A. Alexander, of Tifton J. A. Wilkes, of Adel; and Judgo D. II. Pope, of Albany. No business of importance was transacted. A white man and a negro were sentenced to the chuiugung for periods less limn a yeur. An official of the cun it told us that it would take two weeks Imrd work to clear the dockets as they now stand. The work of the grand jury was necessarily imperfect, but whut they did will be given our readers next week. BONDHOLDERE UNDECIDED. vii!e atejcoiii-. The capacity of the machine is about seven or eight bushels on hour. Their enterprise will prove a bene faction to tbo people of Colquitt • very flu I Is WhU Position Thor Will T»k. About Tlist *430,MM. > The (Savannah Nows says: Tho Georgia Southern and Florida bond holders in Savannah are undecided wbat,position thoy will take with re gard to receiver Spark’s reqiwst npou the court for permission to borrow $160,000 to build a branch of: the road from Tifton to Thomasville and also to borrow money to pay the in tercst upon the bonds now three months overdue. A meeting of the bondholders bus been culled at Macon Saturday to formulate opposition to the grouting of the receiver's request by the court, at which meeting the Savannah bondholders will be represented. Mr. William Rogers is chairman of the committc which is looking after the interest of the Savannah bond holders. ■ yJ 7' 'V ■ : holders bus been called for to-day at 12:30 o’clock at the office of the Savannah Construction Company to decide upon a plan of action.' A" • report will be submitted in the meet ing, prepared by Mr. John Nichol-* son, Jr., who recently made a trip to Macon for the purpose of investigat ing the affairs of the road by request of the committee. Mr. Nicholson’s report will show that the Georgia Southern and Florida is still a valua ble piece of property and amply able to pay alt its obligations. The rea- . Mr. Nicholson said yesterday, why the interests upon the bonds lias not been paid is that the receiver has devoted the net euruings of the rein! since he has been in charge of it to paying the xutside certificates of indebtedness for uiuterial sup plied the road previous to tlie receiv ership. The road lms always earned more than its fixed oharges, Mr. Nicholson said. Tlie Georgia Southern and-Florida, is in tlie imnds of the receiver as an asset of the Macon Construction Company, but the claim of the bond holders upon the road is prior to alt other claims. Qne of tlie bondholders said yes terday that tlie whoio trouble was that tlie earnings of the road were taken to build the Macon and Atlan tic railroad and thot there is where the money lost upon the latter road came from. The Georgia Southern and Florida is a guarantor of the Macon and Birmingham railroad bonds, but this is Bubjeot to the claim of bondholders. * * • WILL 1’UOTRST. Baltimore, September 22—Bond- hoidets of Georgia Southern and Florida railroad met in the office of tho Mercantile Trust and Deposit Company to-dny. General John Gilt president and William Cheokley Shaw, of Fisher & show, was secreta ry. Three hundred and forty-nine bonds held in Baltimore were repre sented and 170 New York bonds. Thu meeting was k Id io protest ugainst the issuing of receivers cer tificates to build a branch line to Thonmsvi'lu, Go., and for other pur poses. A resolution was adopte in structing the Mercantile Trust and Deposit Company, trustees of the bonds, to resist the issniug of receiver certificates and in case tho defaulted Inly, interest be uot paid to foreclose the mortgage. Notwithstanding tlie indications are that serious opposition to Receiv er Hjiurks’ petition is apparen] tho Uaxettk believes such a stror,, showing can be made in favor of issuing of the certificates bondholders will withdraw objections. Fall and Winter Announcenl We know it is early to comnl talking to the peoplo about bul Full and Winter goods, bntal earliest impressions are the most' ing we desire to impress at once i the people of Berrien, Irwin, Wo? Colquitt und Coffee counties that our' store is headquarters for staple and fanoy dry goods, notions, clothing, bats, hoots and shoes, ill foot a full lino if general merchandise. Our Mr. J. N. Griffin, with an ex perience of many years in the mer cantile business in Valdosta, and ful ly acquainted with the wants of the. people of this jwrlicnlar section of country, has just returned from the northsn and eastern markets where lie pureluised the roost complete stock of goods ever presented to the trade by any merchant or firm in this seotion. Our entire stock of goods was purchased at unprecedented bar gains and we aw giving oar custom ers the benefit of Mr. Griffin’s - deal. We have just occupied our new, elegant and capacious two-story brick building, and wo invite the people to call and see us whether they buy anything or uot. Our clerks are po lite and attentive, and are always willing aud anxious to show yon our superb slock’ of goods—couiide that our goods and prices enunot •duplicated in this country, you oouie to Valdosta be sure quire forour bouses 1 Wo imotyoort '