The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, September 23, 1892, Image 2

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funtI*ho«l upon application, I Oua after Jlwfc lOAurttMi and to wn I* « o* mniOtricatiomToii thrift) .... ...j thnftly topit ;h UK! JJcOtno* Alwftyn v/flto on imo »ldo of hloo't forgot to onoloiw your muiio 9 of Romi faith. ‘AjiMtofllco, at Tlfton, (ioonjlat an Organ of Berrien County. ». T. ALLEN. Kill tor. Novvm unit Views. A CninpaUrn Lin. Two years ago when lion; II. II. Knight-wo* bcihg urged to become a candidate for the legislature ho was objected to by sonic ullianceinen who gave as tt readOii that ho had merged the, greater portion of iris property into Unitf-d Htutes bonds to avoid taxation. The Gazxttk, then pub lished at Sparks under the name of the Berrien County Pioneer, under-, took to slier/ the falsity as well m the niter absurdity of the charge. The editor lias rested easy in the present campaign so far ub this lie Is concerned, believing the people had accepted his former statement and discussion of ttie charge as f the state election occurs October I nolI11 ,| c .te and final vindication Oth, just twelve (lays off, and Berrien ()f M r , Knight. But third partyites county should roil up a handsome | ftr( , rt( , uin nm i { jj )( , political oapito) of majority for.the straight democratic L, e mttl/tcr an ,i m industriously cir- acket, ouifttlng it among the people, hoping Brother Weuver and Bister Lease thereby to injure Mr. Knight in liis declined to divide time with demo- race, onitic speakers while2 marching The ohargo lias been brought to through Georgia. Aren't they u Mr. Knight’s attention and the Ga- iiouutiful oouple? asms now siieuks “by the card" and Many of our good citizens do not | «*u«i the people that it Is a falsehood ctoiilre to indorse Wearer, ins military despotism and expressed haired of the south #nd southern people, but they can’t ovoid it if they vote the third party ticket. That is just wlmt a vote for-the-third party means. Tim colored republicans of Gcor gia arc paying no attention to the trade made by their leaders with those of the third party, They arekjT^ an d Mr. Knight is aware of forming a coalition tosuittliemsolve»^| J(1 ' fuclj Umt if hc i, ll(l „ny surplus [capital lie can invest it at home J.tluistato election, anting upon tholr ^hejc it will earn him a much great- own judgment of wlmt is proper fork, in te r( . Ht than it could in stocks or them to do. bonds, and where the investment will No doubt the third pilrlyites be as scoure. It would be poor Un recognized the liopelossness of fcjtelr I nanclal policy iudeed, under micli omi8n in the second congressional circumstances, to invest money in //striot when tlioy nominated Dr. 1.1 United States bonds, end Mr. Knight bo nmonfLUwJjMd-mon ill Bor- io'mity who would be guilty of I “manufactured out of Ilia whole cloth.” Besides it lias not the slight est foundation in fact Mr. Knight I has no money invested in bonds of any character whatever—State, United States or any othor—taxable or non-taxahle. It is also untrue that lie owns stock or has any interest | whatsoever in any nutioiml hank, Any thoughtful business man iihvii VIsay HVIIUIMII-IU S’ i uMill'll (J - SiII, Hand, of Baker county, for con- would bo '1’lie--(4 /.WfH-ttrinfmifaut jon,, VNlhul lie is a no"firmed dotard ami that it is a moral impossibility tor him to make a decent canvass of the distriul. * The Telescope is a recent newspa per venture ut Valdosta. H is r ' iiautly,‘printed seven column folio. suoh>» iudisuretion. Blip Uashtti vontureH the assertion that there is not up United Status bondholder. in Georgia, except those who Imvo pur chased bonds as a foumlatioii for national bank. Certainly the oxtep, lion to this rule is very slight. Clour is edited witli industry and gia just now oilers too muuy avenues good judgment by Miss h'lorerKio B. I for valuable investments for capital Williams, Into of tlm Bryan County isls to hide their money in'two, or News. Miss Williams is a bright, even four, per cent. United States brainy, Industrious woman, and do-1 bunds. lienee the .absurdity of the proposition. No, fullmv-uitizciiH, you can put Uhls charge down as a wicked and nudiotouH campaign lie, and you can place no orodunou to it whutetovor. Piles of people luiVti pilau, but DeWItt' I Witch lis/.al nn‘ nlvu will cure teem, Or, J. C. Gocdcma. The Httimtloii. “A farmer,” in the Valdosta Tele scope, sums up the Industrial oondi tlon of the prt sent age and in the ful |.ea'fizu 11°"'ii'K tersely written article marks ‘ out the road whioii will lead the »ervos to sucoeed with tier enlerpriso, - but we fear she has misjudged Val dosta as a iiuwspaper Held. Thu Tole- scopt’s advertising ooluinus show ^..flyu, flip, pierohaiits are taking no in torost in it. Thu new paper hits tliu best wishes of the Gab kith for nt| W« v. ©css. \ Georgia farmers who sympatlilzt : ' With the “Jtepublican Aid Society,” do ap simply on the quostlpp of more i piouoy. Only a few of them I m tlm fitot that if the per capita oirmi-, . , . ,, , , I S&Ujjyfti would tat of no working people of tho country back them to them unless tlioy tel *100 Ttho Vrw«>t day light of property or labor to ox- y voln n, mr houses, wear liner clothe said, foiuit. 'L’he governniont can’t rt tui farm on an easier and Iqrgc pot ho to hr any other amount of scale that did tho farmers of fifty jewel. apila and issue It to tho | ybars ago, nothing, it the Georgia Sluci flunks tho accession- of the town tody tq power will bring such tunny' frJoy iwe wopfu)\y deceived. °f n r. J, B, Hawthorn, of At Kg “ His subject was Urothc.r Weaver ami Lease. Would-be president Weaver and his jnasco-feminine satellite, .who speech iflfd at Waycross Tuesday af- tenioorii failed to create tiio slight est ripple of enthusiasm among their hearers. Be it said to the credit of tho people of Waycross, however the third party orator umt oratrix were not served with an injunction in the shape of decayed vegetation and unciont eggs, as was expected, but accorded thorn a quiet and most res pectful hearing. The rousing third party rally that had been so exten sively advertised did not materialize. The great majority of the audience were demoorals. The great American political ucra- at went up to. Albany on Wcdnes vy, and made a speech in the after noon, and -Mrs. Lease recited her piece. By his failure to speak 111 the morning there were left only three or four hundred of the thousand people who had gone there to hear him—largely through curiosity, Weaver declined the request of the local democratic committee for a dr vision of time, so the speaking was from the verandah of Hotel Mayo and not in Willingham’s hull as was ex pcctod. But the democrats of Al bany were determined to show their resentment of Weaver’s abuse and oppression of the southern people when a Federal ufllecr, so when the third" party speeches wore over Itev Jack Carter, a typical negro, black as charcoal and a ready speaker, was ruslied upon the verandah. - lie made a reply that was as sharp as two-edged sword while Weaver and ..ease, silting on the verundnh just iihpve the speaker, winced and show cd many evidences that they did not appreciate his thrusts, Jack fre quently rut'ered to them as “Brotlie: Weaver and Sister Luas"e'.’ r TReMiE eomllture of these eminent, third parlyitcs was complete, but no vio. lenoo was offered. Here in a spectacle for our south cm people to look upon and seriously consider—a man and a woman spoil politics from the stump. Do you think it the proper tiling Do you propose to destroy the pall muui of your cherished southern social system by countenancing with yoiir vote the cause they represent V is female suffrage that Higher, nobler and more intelligent civilization you so much desire ? Weaver and Lease represents female suffrage, God help the people to veto against this innovation so strongly condemned by Holy Writ, Hon. Our grand parents toll us about, the “good old days” when farmers made their own supplies, ami when it was considered extravagant to use anything, except for oxtraotdlnuvv occasions, that was not “home made ’ — THIS SBAUI3 .BLI-ONGS TO E. P. BOWEN ''V'BRO.'" _ DEALERS IN — ■" ■ ' * Gre'neral Merchandise. FARMERS’ SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Vavt Ci.r-ni F.cvruion Count* Xotv luy. HHWy friend® Utf not licit bk> nuu:ti i huvi.y .iuuuum* inv*olf * can- ioi’tlA.-Ciffks -Dil'u-c pf liorrum county.* tfcare J.u<Uw»mo ixjiiirir.nw lu tho nflico ami cv/ioavur to uiako a faithful Will, If 8UCRC*«fGl, - - - - Biul prour. t wjwic tvrvAut, With this jmimlsa -• •* and thaiUtiKH.ruy ftMniig tor Ui®iraum*ort iu tho I tt <t, 11'crct-y O AtuciUy tsoifyit your Support iu tho ucmox’ffwio prlmao - Itesj»eetfully, 1 Silas Tygaut^ l*OH Or.UJNAUV. To the Voters uf Huiticti county: I announcer myself a cautUuat* for the ofiico of Ordinary of ; your ciHihty rubject to tho Uemocmtlc piUman axur«anioafly aol.oit your supi>ort. If elected _ •will utrlvu to Hire fprin»ntf ttatisfaction In my ml- -ountry Produce Bought and Sold. ininliftration of the orticn. Tiianking you for pOHt« ' Dfttowod oh mu, 1 an> ror ' ** ' A. W. V For-Tax CoLLKcrron. ■Vf : idl a<l- OHt -..fuljy, W. 1'ATI'ERfiON.- Highest cash price3 prices paid lor chickens and eggs, and farm products generally. Give us a call when ypu conic to Tilton with anything to sell. WE STRIVE I ill ILL OF d To the voters of Itcrrien county: I am a candi date for Tax Collector or I'crrien county subject to the action of the democratic primary. 1 am a Young man, ami believe myself fully comjtttont to (1 i suin'rtn; tho dutiea of the office to tho satis faction of the penplb. I Roliott your sup|>ort ami II elected, will try to ihcrit your approval In tl» . - tKirfpriuanco of the trust reposed in me. Roueut tiuirm. Thanking the pulilic for a generous patronage in the past, wo earnestly Holieit a eontimmiice of tho same hi the future. E. t-tf. P. BOWEN Near tlio IS. & W BRO., Depot, TIFTOX, OA. For Clerk Sl’I'EUior Court, The undersigned offers himself as a candidate I cm* Clerk of the Superior Court of licrrlon conn- .tv, subject to too democratic primary, amtaol le ft the suptxsrtof uiy feliow-oitiams. Should I ■ticcccd in Leins: nominated and elocted I will enitoMffbr to dir-cliArae the duties of tho ofllco to myself and to tho general satis rao- tlirn of the public. IT V. Peeples. TIFTQM DRUG STORE For Sukuifp. To tho V r otcrs of Porrieu Count)' t At tho solic itation of friends I am a candidate for Hhorifl of liorrien county, subject t<t the democratic pri- man>. I thunk tuy frlmuis for tlio confldeuce bo- htowed rm mo In tlm past and ask their support in the primavv. If elected 1 will faithfully Uls- tho duties of the office to tho best of my ability. hknuy L. Loyrrr. Kkrph a Full Supply of- Du } ) For onm.vARY. I announce myself a candidate for the ofllco of Ordinary of lu-raen county subject to democrat ic nomination, ir held, and respectfully solicit .the suffrage of the people pledging myself if elected t?> rigidly guard the Intercuts of tlioso 1 whom laferve. iiospoctlnlly, ^ W. iiKMtv Uitxfm. TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES', Fino Porfum«x*y, School Books and Stationary. For Tax ColijV/.’TOr. At the Bollcttarionof friends 1 hereby announco myself as a cain’idare for Tax Collector of Ber- rion cyuniy. lublcot to the democratic primary, and earnestly «oilci : ; thfe RUpporfc of my follow- citzor-H. if 1 Rio cntniRtotl with the duties of tho I will diftCfcareo them ralthfully and effi- olcmly according to my bust ability, ALLBX llEHTRB. Larrps of Every Description. Holt'! PAiNTS, * OILS * AND ."VARNISHES. Tukascubr. . I hereby rtnmmucc mytelf a candidate fof olec- 1 tlon to thU ollioo of irowmrer of Uorrlen county, BObjfct to Gcmocratlv priiiiary. Ueinemliering pas?ItinddO:*8 I CHiiii’fafly Holiult your vote in 1«. -*-* ’ • *-**■-** wM' pho coiidn^oJeetion. I pledge uiiseff to falth- | full v di.volud’gc every dot.r i*» the nest of my abii- ;v it'olccli d. YoUVA respectfully, ,W, R.Firrou. The ,mo3t flcloct fitor.k of Tobaccos ami Clg&rdju the oity. My eiiBtoniw.'j cun be Horved with good Havana cigarB. Fen iliumjfk. I rail special attention to Prof, JJextur’M Catarrh Cure, MagSo Balm K hlnoy and Liver (jure, Lung Kentoror, Mosmorio Blood Cloim«oi and Uheinnatic Cura* They arc proprietary modiclnea that are reooojmeuiiou VnfnitgTily for the purposes claimed for them. Offi- FltESHEST AMD BUST GARDEN SEEDS, nil Uio yew round. Gall mid see me. Tifton, Ga, April 22, llitU. J. C. GOODMAN. “ V At tlio aollcUathm of many frlonds I oiler tny- ■ : of seif aw a candidatu for the office of Bheriff i, T.crrlen county, subject r<> democratic primary. If elecred 1 will diaclume tho duties of U|0 office to the very beat of uiy althl and ability, ' ■ itospecifuliy, Joux W. Maker. . BIGh BARGAINS Feu. CiKim Rti’Kition Court. I hereby mmb.umc myself a candidate for re- piect'.ou w tlio ofllco of Clerk, of the Biiliorlor Court ot llerrici county, subject to democratic | primary, Thanlfh.f," Luc peoplo for their past ; | itlndnciki and w u/blcm-e rej r.-iod in mt I ear* uoiiUy Jollr.ii Uuiir support In the coming eleo- tion, i plet'go mj'scli. if elected, to a faithful l'erforijwucc of tiic dtUiw. of tlio office to th« beat (duly ability. O.W. Moona.. Fon FiiuiuFF. To-the Voters of llmion County -IN- 'SB I carry a full lino of Ery-Goods, and am soiling "Winter Goods away Below Cost to make room for a splendid Summer Stock. Ren, K. Russell bus com imuieoil an active and systematic can vuhs .J tlio second congressional district. That’s tight. Ituchlcn’M Arnica Salvo. Tim HbsT 8*1,vr in Uie world for Cuts, Umlstia, Hoios, Uloors, Hull Hlmum, Kovor;., Tenor, CUtv['110d Hands, ChlU)l»lna; Corns raid all Bkiu Eruptions, and pojttlvcly e.iires l’lies or no pay re- i|ulrud, li Is guarontood to give perfu satisfaction, or monoy refunded, t’rlec emits per box. Tor sale by Telerson it l’aulk. jumik KKR8lfA.M"a ItXl'KRIKXCK. rwiim, e.C., Manlhni, irw. “Klottr bread” was too greatultixur his aonfitte lost .Sunday I todie imlulgod m more than mica ..g, runalud ihp third party I week, and tt cut loo dress was good Tte^tlos alive. HiftajpBfrwaa t<tho|onougli for any farmer’s wife or But,” says one, “wo Ituvo gotten Biblo doctrine of (imnomility and |ts luilucnpo upup tlio jKirsuiml and 0 f the old nils and aro living iu ftoclttl Intcvesls of moil,” In Ihpjnooordnnoo with the present progress pourso of liis remarks lie put this] ive age.” pungent loterrogntion to liis tuidi- Yes, we Imvo gotton out of the ’ 6 .,rr 7 t i. .. ,1.,ii,i old ruts, but. in many respects, the {Onocs IIow in.ieli 'ioes that poll l~ () ^| l . u ( 8 l>n , u R , s .,t'ci,t «ml thereforo pal party lietiovo lit tho Biblo W the )w«L Wo have pvogtessed but jininoriallty, whiult employoes a I wo havoiiot prospered. Aud why? Ionian to atpmp the state and tussle \Vo |mvo wusotl to live at home and 1»k,\u Mmi — l ftlumhl do upurau'ful if l UolajT., lunimr to nay a L’uuil wunl for tlm Ktoi’tropt»iw«, 1 uomiiioncml itr» imp about two u. im auo, .tt n thnu wliv'ii my health w.m very HorfoiMly Impair- oil, uikI hlill coutlmio use. although iu much bolter ('tiii'llibut. It In au nxcollont rcmoiiy for iuaomla an*l otber nervouo tilHonbira. lui opera- tlon® H jpiniioanil almost ImbmM’pUMo xiseopl in redultd) which I boliovo are ttlwaja bOnuIWlAl li'lufttru«itloiut Rie f.tllmu'tl. It. inspire® oonfi- iltmca In tluvw who uac b., ami i;lvw elm invalid the name kindly comfort exuoilomMwl by tlio proauiive of a trusted mcdlc.U frlotul, aud l *httU never Ini without It In tho future. Sly ox\n*rl- otico haa boon NtUh both tlm pocket and aund* ard In®trumanta, and far as I have obmwv- cd tholv effect i* mnvh the H.nno. I idnooroly rootnnnum l IU U®0 to Invalids. Your* truly, J. It. Kuhhiiaw. For all Information, Ac,, addrowt Atlantic KloctMphhw i'o.j AM turn, (la. with moil in wordy contests liefomptevo livetlbeyondlour nici,us. pxcited, howling and drunken multi- mw ' ^ r o°tiH« l only Q 0 T^« of working tiwhlB pff 1 I 1..........1 It.,.:.. ........... tildes ?” ’ Ipsopte Who live hsygfid their means Gen. If. B; Weaver, military satrap Tlio same may be said of about two- of lf>04, is a lit ropresuntativo of tlior'drds of the working people tho party which declares in its platform that intelligence, sobriety and virtue pro secondary (|uostions to those of Ilnance, transportation ami money. Intelligence, sobriety mid vhtuo were esteemed by King Bolommi, the wiser”^^imfK man of tho Biblo, a» morn - valuable 1 jinn gold; yoa, muoli fino gold. Fel world over. ’j'ho desire to keep up “appoar- micvs" lias brougS| many a person to wont, to misery ami to ruin Wo too often mistake tlio nigr. for tlio thing itself; or, I should Bay, wo too often aim at the sign instead ftW« are hut fettered by chains of OMiptdor for a moment, I our own forging, and which our selves also can rood ussundor." Let ns mend our way of living. First wo must get rid of our false pride. T|«u wo must Spend less than wo earn, mid not run in debt for tilings that v.v con do without, ould pur country, our govern. free institutions, bo with- Cardinal principles ? Htc- 'iCStiotiite indeed l they are Citation. (IKOlUaX-HVUUIRN COVMV. H |l uhiun it im.y cmuctu: \V. Vtwwt}. lulmluhtratbr wf KHwiLutb Wnbon, h t* uppiloi io tlio umU’Mjg Knl. In pnu'cr fttrm, for b*avotc» Mil Mt® lojuUwtMkRJua l»> ur * ‘ * iu tu yto uvbttc cl mUH tlccc- ■UcUt, Aiut 1 Will v-V*® Rj't'n hl« R»hl appUcutlon At iny t'fllt'rt In Na»hvUl» on the flm MorUny in Oclolwr li«xt (ilveu under iu.v hunt! ami ollV» w " ,:V,uroi l,a ' Admiaistiator’s Sale, OtoluiH-nswaiiw* obmtTV. U>,ilar anil l» - vUtuo af wi mile/, tlm Court of Or.uimry of sam county, will Ns hoI m?.the court house. dp*>r In tho town of KAth vllle. hutwoon tho iejral hour* of wtlc im tho IU®tTttenth\y In October Uoxt, uno-hatf Interest In K. T. ncuuevt ® Intercut lul’U moiher’atlovroi s boluc t«trt of lot* of land uumbor* ami 270 tfcn intli LlsUlt'*. i “ of xaid county OTHRI ter Uff * county and known ok Ainu, 35 nerw lot of lantl number LW, in Mm Mh tllsirlcl ol Mb t j th® W W. Uftncvck vla»- Unlrt rr piviHiny bubmrfink to the cs'.ate of \V \V. Unaklns, late *'f s.du county dctwAsed, for tho boneiU «.t the heir* bml ownUtor* of e«U»t*3. Tovihb known ou day of mid. t\ w, iuhkin*, Administrator. Administrator^ Sale. (\ KOU* 11 llWIUi K.v Cot'S* rv: Under,Mid by vlrtuu of ou ord<u jt.iaut juby U»n Court of Ordinary »»f wuO county, ai Mm SiAptAm Ihu Tor’n, thereof, will be gold.licumi tho-,-nut* hbmwdoiif in the town of N ohvillo. wild tivunty, bownwit the toga) houi** of i f wile on thobiHt Tut* d.iv in October netr. iw follivvhvtf proiH«ny t “ tt tiortioa of *> DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES AND EATS. I will :u» a r.abiU’.Iiiio for ro-clcothm to the c j Sheriff cf i-utid county, juilNticc to the deuiocratio I primary. I thank von, oue »>nd nil, for your allo- idwico to my cdJ.tlftlncy tv.o yenr® ugo nnd onr- I ncdtlv Hollclt your Bupport at the eimuini; oloc- tion. I promJw, if eleuicd. t.<> faithfully perform j the dmlod of tijc.offico to tin l*CHt of mv nbllltjr. DANIEL W.Tl®«K, . For Tax (Jollectob, The nnderMjtuoil ntirtcnt'John U. Oraydon to s of bori Jen oouiity a* a candidate for tiro citizen* n .... Tax Collector, subject to tho action of the dowc- crafle i-nrty, and wdlcit ‘for him the undivided support of the people. Wo bollevo him to be 1 competent, faithful and honeet, and Worthy tho ! tmilraae of our follow>,titizcn*. Voter* ok Tirrov Dutuiot. UUUtuul ltAIIiHOAD. Give In H Patronage il i Will Save !a faej, Suwanca River Route to Florida. Sobsiute in Effort August 21,1892. iTil\n (Tiv "l^lfoGTKa, Ifuivwjr HV FAHCV GROCERY AKD HARDWARE D8RARTMEHT la fully atdokccl with tlio boat goods. i M 55 10 00,Ar. Falatka Lv. 0 57* ilampum 8 0*1 Eikt City tm ol? r> 20. 4 VA H. IT. TIFT. .147 '2 no 2 m! i w A.M.’V.M. n flu lit .la 7 If* 7YH -I'W R. M. y uo UM 7 3' 825 TILTON, OA., August S7, Mi " IXsexton Fire Insurance Ageiit,|iSSffSw«vto; .fa*; Vahl iner uiua Tlfton Cordolo Macon Atlanta Chattanr>ogA JtUHhvillu Kvauet I He (J. S. & F, R. M.jA.M. 4 45* 4 45 C.K.U. W.&A. N.C.& Bt.L LAN. 800 900 10 15 A.K 12 10 140 1130 100 430 745 R.N. 145 7 SO A.M. 100 7 40 8 40 350 410 736 A.M. 1255 TIETOJSf, GEORGIA, Koprosonte the following old, relmbln and popular five insm anco coiapaniss and solicits thcfputionngo of the insuring public: Insurance Company of North America, "Greenwich,” Total Assets, $I,AE>,055,13. ‘Hartford.” Total assets, $8,51#,«I«.1S. “teutrai City,” of Selma, Ala. Also, write for tho “Liverpool and London and Globe,” “.Etna” and “Orient.” KLKHIUMI Cak rai.atka to Macox. PUlhian SleciiluB Car Atlanta to Bt. I/>ul» Wlthoi Founded In 1782. Founded in 1S34. Founded In 1810. iont ClianRS, Cannocw in Union P»i»t at Macon with Mawfu null Morthmu Kallmoil, OeorRla lullrood, C«n- Iral Kallroail anil Sn»tli«mt*rn Kallrood, north aa,l ataith; .tail in Union IMpnt at l’alatka with all train, from (a,lm» In Florida, emit, woat anO RU ii! u i>i;itN8, a.c. knafp, Tntv. Fa*®. xVgt., TraffloMwdgTj^ Macon, (in. H&n Real -Estate and Renting Agtmt. CONNECTIONS. AUGUST 21st, 1892. Ilaa on his list of Item! Eslute some very desivabio farm lnuds iu tba vicinity of the “Gate Oity to South Goorgia and. Florida.” Keep your eye ,.jig on it, and don’t let it get too high priced before purchasing. ", j ’l'heso lands aiv within one and seven tuilos of town. j u oo *•*, M ' j 9 45 If you have wiy Heal Estate—houses or land—for sale or rent yon will »« receive prompt and courteous service by placing them with uie. STATION*. Xr. Siitirou Ul 1 am, very rcfipcotfully, M. A, SliXTOlMT 8 19 800 9 17 , 7 15 J O *5 G50 830 flCO JOHN C. HIND, Corytractor ini BmldeT-Ju Lt, Linlla Monii*ltov CulitRlcn YWesvtUe with A. F. ThGIURitAU Th’tl’lnc Fp 1 * Woodbury Lt Colvunliua Ar Crifliu Horrid tlty 'at Cobimbu* LvOmnriho Ar fWc*«& MouatrlUo Lv IsaOrange Ar 1 LINK®. Trane* M. A B. A. St F. M. A il. 7 M A.J®. 818 •* 550 ** $ 10 '« 3608 UO u M. « U. a. M. et a, M. A tt* a r. il m. a n. 1800 124ft *• UBLl 015 *44.. 550 *»; m - S" Unnatnllawi wUli Atlanta and Weatl’nint R, It. H.ftrrxs, A.C.KNAW, Wav. IV.m. ASl.. rr.m<i sifenfegot Kfeaan, <l», Macnn,(Ca. T.L HfON, GEOEGIA. wit; Teu tvf lamh Mur Mul , tnimVcr Fvi, (utbc 5ll» 4»*uia bi haM rjunity bnloufcinii id the xvstfltff -iwnw Murvay, <ftw 3! j.’sbJ, cnirat?, t^ilA Jfot t-h# hc-ivcftt v f if I’tinl ctvti.; T4. Icrimc viMi. . feM.U’iiiLw Jiv'v'i; .uUaJuWMr.Vr ALL KINDS OF WQORWOHK DONE ON ■ shout notice. iMmm "\\U pplcnAirl iti*M I»i4 iw,Tmi«Uluu»iRkti» rank , ■with the be?i iuAumoSa lu the It wwf cam* Me 'if m’ f -'hOa "3b