The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, September 23, 1892, Image 3

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. m mm® safe THE '‘GAZETTE: ’METbk y XU., EMt>A\ v , THE GAZETTE LETTER-BOX. A RECEPTICLE FOR THE THOUGHTS OF CORRESPONDENTS. 1 News find Event* of Interest Trim !*pl ring ^.Chronicled Ly » Faithful ami Ktll- .cWilCorp* of Reporters. 'Bohemian’s Budget. Cecil, September 20.—This seems <to be an “off year” in politics. Eve rybody is off tbo track and running ■ like blazes. We don’t read tbe pa pers a' week to find out that the American people arc immensely rot- ion. The political mud-slingcr is now, at his best. To own tlint your political ■opponent is a gentleman is “fresh,’ We Berrien yelpers are about the only people who daro to advance an opinion. The supercilious nowspa pers who so deftly call for fair play, while playing foul, deserve to lose the patronage of every'man whom they insult. Jj for one have uo use for a newspapor which descends to low abuse instead of argument. - A government by one political party is islwajp a corrupt tyranny. Democracy is a government by the people and for tho people, securing ibe greatest good to the greatest major ity. Free speech is necessary to its maintenance. I am buoIi a democrat. Air. II, H. ICnight, the embryo representative from Berried county, is airing himself in Cecil today. Ilchry does not seem tired and I pre sume, therefore, ho is just walking ahead of his competitor. Thus it «vor is with the people’s choice. And still it rains, an if tho stare wero trying to wash the mud off onr Would-be statesmen which thoy are just now industriously daubing on each others “honorable bodies.” Sue- jcoss to the stars, as we aro in deed of clean lawmakers. As an acrobat the graat Atlanta Constitution would succeed success itself, and a number of lesser lights could run tho machine if the 61d man wpre sick, It is a fact worthy of .jioto that badges wore extensively worn in 1800, The fad, was first in troduced into England by York and Lancaster with the while and red roses. England washed with blood and wiped up with tax bills—so was Unwlo Sammy’s threshing floor in - the sixties. No badge for me. I and like the old man Alifey; lie said he would “go to tho war when it came near chough that ha could go and fight all day and go hack and Btay with Sarah and tho children at night, Sarah was skerry and ho'wouldn’t go back on her for no mail.” My old lady says she can manage the place for awhilo very Veil, but then, a man always knows best, and I also want to train my boys in the way they will go whether it is best or not. Bohemian, It’s not vory pleasant to cough and back,' To surfer pain in oliest and bank Hinny people could stop it. for sure By simply using One Minute Cough Cure. Dr. J. a. Goodman. ———-—•» Sparks Sparkltngs. Spauks, September 21.—Possibly somo reader of the gallant .Gazette would like a line or two from this part of the moral, vinoyurib A great many improvements have been mads in Sparks since my last communication, so many that 1 can' not moulion all of them, but of the more recent is the establishment of ginnery by Martin S. MoCranic, who is well equipped and prepared to gin » both long and short staple notion on short uotico. Another is the purchase and com pletion of the Gan McKinney resi dence, near the Afethodisl church by r. C. W. 0. Sutton, Again, Rev. B. W. Huckabee has; qiureliasod the store room formerly owned by Dr. I. .1. Goodman, on the corner of Goodman and Colquitt streets, ffnd added considerable to its ppearanco by increasing the length rid painting the interior. The targe two-story building on the comer of Goodman and Colquitt Streets, being erected hy Air. 8. Whitehurst, will add no little to the appearance of the town. The lower floor will contain two largo and l^jbandsome stow rqofljg. The build ing will bo renewed with brick. Another improvement, to which s, is ilie bow: what now, in part, but Is appreciated by patrons and pupils. He is a young man of high moral character and thoroughly capable of. teaching the young idea how to shoot. Among tho contemplated improve ments of the town I mention, first, that long looked for hotel, to he erected on tho hotel site which fronts Patterson avenue near the de pot. This, indoed, is an old song, but it conics this time witli a new chorus, Dr. I. ,T. Goodman and Messrs. C. II. Beckwith, W. .1. Rog ers and J. Z. Elliott have formed themselves into a stock company to build it. They are nil gentlemen of energy who have long since become imbued with tho 'sentiment' of'tlial most appropriate stanza, which says; “It Is neither rank, birth nor estate, But the glt-np-and-glt that makes men great.” There is no dependence on a build ing and loan association witli this company, the money is in hand and work will commence at once. And again, Mr. John A. Kountrco authorizes mo to say that ho will es tablish rice hulling machinery hero of the latest and most improved patent. This is a certainty, ns will bo attested by all who are acquainted witli Mr. Rountree; ho never does things hy halves, and his pocket- book is a sufficient vouchor for the assertion. Rice growers nlon^ the Georgia Southern mid Florida will soon hear from Air. Rountree. lie will solicit shipments of rough rico, and will clean it at reduced rates. Other improvements could be men turned. but I-wiU-not-newq-suffice -to say: tlint just so sure as taH oaks grow- from little acorns so sure will Sparks grow into a flourishing town. It lias never tiikoii a backward step since its founding.’ Notwithstanding tbo odds she has Imd to battle against saying nothing of tho hardness of the times, her schools, her churches and. her mercantile business aro all in a prosperous condition. Polities seems to have died out to somo extent until the people’s party senatorial convention met at Valdos ta last Saturday and shoved up the chunks and made the obi pot boil up ittle. But ns Bill Arp would say “I think all will soon be calm and serene.” <)u> ,Jcm Guaranteed to ciue licit In !)0 minutes For sale by J. It', t’aulk & Co., Tlfton, Oa. Enigma Echoes. Exkima, September 22.—Air. 0. I Jones, of Alapalm, was in town last Sunday. He visits Enigma occasion' ally of late arid I think they mean something. At any rate, there is a “wee hit” of a girl hero who says “Toen” is somebody's sweetheart Children are so innocent like and, usually, thoy tell a straight story. lions. John Alurrow, of Ty Ty, and W. II. Love, of Tilton, was in town to-day. Contractor lliud is progressing nicely with the new Motliodistcliurch building. When • will bo a thing of beauty. Alins Susie Crumjdcr, of Alapalm, went lip to Aiacon one day last week. From tbenec sho goes to Gnthbert to enter Andrew Female College.- Albs Alinnio Gunn will go to Cuth- bort the first of next week for tho purpose of attending the fall.term of Andrew Female College, Only two new candidates for in- surance since our last issue. Call early and avoid tho rush. , (Head waiter.)'Couk, you had ori- tircly too much wmpped beef at tached to that raw hide this vnorning, l declare the boarders ate it with a gusto such as one rarely secs at a boarding house. (Cook.) ’Zackly, dat was pore stake, sir, ah’ wo’ll lie blceged to cook solid beef ti|I do boss buys some more hMes~-deys out. Wo continue to have rain in this section. It now baffles tho mind of the oldest inhabitant to remcmlicr such a spell of weather. I learn this morning that some miscreant fired a pistol ball into Air. T, Austin’s residence last night. The ball went through a glass win dow into tin. room and struck the o* gun, Mr. Austin arid family wero not at home at the lime, but tho bouse was occupied by men cm- Ayers'wctit to Alapalm yesterday on business. Airs. D. S. Robinson is quite sick with rlKmm.Uic fever, but it is hoped she may recover speedily, - All. G. AI. Edgcrton, of Ty Ty, was hero yesterday. Berrien county stands in need of some bridges. There is several streams that aro almost impassable this rainy weather. Better road and more bridges should be. the slogan of tho people of Berrien county Until theso comforts arid conveniences are supplied. Fon nvspEpaiA, Inal friction, iuul Stonmrh dlnordcw, tako , HKOW.N’» UU>ll Wt^m ^ ' All jlsfdrr* RTSl por bottle. Genuine has Irailc-juari; umJ cr :<fy>vd n?U lines on wrapper. Zion Hope Items. Zion Hoi>k, September lit).—There will be preaching at the church Wednesday night, the 28th hist. Everybody cordially invited. Air. R. H. Hutchinson is very ill with neuralgia, but it is hoped . ho will soon be restored to his wanted health. Alisk Della P. AIcCranie, ofTifton, was visiting in this vicinity lost Sun day, the guests of Alisses Emma ami Sallio Hutqmtison. Rev. Norris preached tlivco ser mons here Friday and Saturday of last wock to small but aUcniivo con gregations. Cotton picking progressing slowly owing to continued wet weather. Zion liopu community boasts of the champion runner, John ■ Sumner having gained a good distance on a bail storm in a mile dash. He says if ho had run another mlio he. would have been entirely out of hoaring. . *** Guess who it was borrowed a road cart, stole Ids father’s shoes (his being locked up in the shop) and then suf fered disappointment last Sunday because' it rained all day. Guess also what three girls went visiting in a crippled buggy and was disappointed, too, because of the rain.; • ■ i Guess agnqjiiyhitt young lady was thrown from her pony a few Sun days ago. Amite. Cures scratches on burses arid mango on dogs with one or two For sale by J. W. Faulk it if you will go to work and cam it. You eau’t expect the government to create money and give it to you. it is true that when free coinage is es tablished you will be just as far from money as you aro now unless yo i work for it or produce something which yon can exchange for some of it, I will close by saying, hurrah for democracy and J. B. Norman, Jr., for the next representative from Col quitt county! SiniRCimiKit. Election Tickets. -Tho Gazette is prepared to print tickets for the ensuing elections at the "sTiortrist possible' Turftee and at reasonable prices. The patronage rif loenl candidates is respectfully solic ited. General Repairs And Cabinet Work. Tbo underrigiled bus CHUhll.dietl In Tiftnn a obop for repairing unit manufacturing of nil btmbfbf furniture. Cabinet Work a Specialty. I will continue to contract for nil elntuion of building* nml guarauibu tbo lx>«t work at tbo lowoat figure*. Give me a trial. 84-arn. it. r. ktumih. Tifton Ginnery, TIPTOS, GEORGIA. GOLDEN & SINEATH, Proprietors. Tbo nltovo ginnery (a now prepared far ginning abort ituj'li! cotton at muiul prioAa. lTmnpt at* tontlon given and aniuractltm guurnutecd. Wo will havb a flraurtnaa grl*t mill In oj»ora* tbm in the near future. Ample powor. GOlittKN ^ 8INKATH. Application?. & Co. Tifton, Oa. ployed tic paint it. rt Gridin, John Sefc., of Alapatia, - From Colquitt County. Owe, September 20—I w«rit to Moultrie last Saturday to attend ’tin- demoerntio eonvmition, called, to nominate a candidate to represent the-'county In the next legislature. After several ballots Hon. J. B, Nor man, Jr., was declared the nominee. His opponent is ohl inan James Mur phy, a life-long republican. His past political affiliations is well known to ovory man in the county. Hurrah for Norman 1 A third party man of this county went to a democrat to borrow some money. Tbe democrat repliod that he did not have the money to spare. The third partyile the democrat that if ho would turn and help his party into power they would bring in plen ty. of money. The democrat (Hen told tbe third parlyito to go back borne and count up tho days lie had lost advocating the third party and calculate if it was not trim if tie had worked these days ho would not have need-to Iwrrow any money; also that there was plenty of money to loan in tho bank at Camilla. Tho third par'tyitc wen> to Camilla to see if wimt bad been told him n aa true. He found plonty of money for (bat purpose, so he told tho banker lie wanted to borrow $12fi. The hanker told him lie could get it, but when he fixed up the note tins bmikor asked the third partyile who .was hi* «d- intcral? Tho third’ partyito then dropped his head, studied a litiic, arid, said ho bditvod he would not take any money just now. So he comes back home and tell* alt hw people that there was ptcnly of mon ey in the Camilla bank and ait they needed was a collateral dub, begging iris friend* to turn over from the third party to a collateral club of which ho wanted to be president. From what I can learn his collateral club is a failure up to date. i So your correspondent would cor- diftlk invito this third parlyito and ail, lit* friends to riome back to There is plenty get shine ol tADIRS Nccillng a tonic, or chtMrcn who wsnt build- Inc up, should In lie BROWN'S IKON It ITTKHS. It I) ploiuant; cures Mnlnrln, Lldlgmtlon, BUtolumesH, Liver UilupltlliU nml NcurwigIn to xamlne the goods Hint will bo displayed on SATURDAY, SEPTEtfK-ffw?. 4 , Are those who ltavo traded long With us! We Sre receiving goods dully ihd xpect to display tho nicest line of goods ever seen in Tifton. Wo are In better shape than over to give you BahuAinsI Bead our prices fur 20 pounds ttf hew rice, |t. 10 yai-rl* Itcavy cheeks, )l»o. 80 pounds best steel nails, $1. 20 pounds best starch, $1 10 yards best bleaching, 75c. 12 lioxes matches, 5e. Boys' pants, per pair, 85c. 50 liars best laundry soap, $2. 8 boxes snnir, 33c. , Cooking stores, with complete outfit, for only tftl.38. We are the recognized Leadei’s of LowPite for this seciion. Our stock is larger than ever. We can give special hatgalna In CLOTHING! We will not lie undersold by anyone. Uomembcr tbo tiny—Saturday, Septem ber 2-tilt. We ltavo plenty of lot room and dry stables In rent of store for tbo use of our customers. '14-tf. Political Announcements. For tax (’olu’jtou. 'To tli* Voter* of Harriott County: thdroby nuitnumio myHolf u* u oaii'lldAte for ilia otHou of 'ntv ColK>otor of Tour count), *nbject to the tlcinotmuta |*rlumry, anil nollcit your RUhtHtrt. WioulU I tie clocteil I will fllmiimrue the hythmof the tiflce iHlthfiUly utirt oflldentTv to tho very lH?ut ot ih) uUll'.y. W. li. CunMJ.l. For Tax*«tor. FpIIow-oHIwhr: I am a cnutlhlate for tho ofllCH of Tax Collector of lu-rrkii couuly, *ul*- Jfct to the RomoeiAtlo prliunry, anil nolh’lt vour votes, Hhould you honor me with the othou I will endeavor to dhohnrgo tho ihilleR thereof with credit to inyxell *ud,tlio lyitlre (thblafanlon of the 7*t*opJe, i am >hur T. 0. "Knight. ■At GSlcag’ irigEt,,, Returning Via Dotrntt, Cj Cincinnati, and Loh Chohw of Routes f (Steamer on tli^ Rail), rallrt THEN READl ; oiler] rallty Of the leading c tbe vote of the n&tf h give free of all oxp my time ytni may » .SOS, a trip to the S\ t " via St. IaiuIm. I*ou. ... .rfcg all by water if d R '^Tniir* M fr Krlo, tlieneowWrf 1 * the Foils if nrefl Cincinnati, i*or|| can this trip l Oosditioaa First. Always use _ und lYcouiiuenu it Hccond. On overs until the night of i 6 gucHHcH (2 Imttlai inslteil to ur as li must peach m of), low lug the ek . Tli ini, Tbe mJ (NipulHr plural itr excess aver next sent on trip onill and winner to !m| count is made kn- Fourth. To set: front part of thej bottle on which, mailed «*, on tb^ writtett In Ink. Clcvelend's (or Hi (Hero note yotr“ name and post and exact hut] made. The carl exact plurality h Out offer U va »impl] VAN V| Memphis, 1 rjTKur >Tmw following uihctf for tho |Mu«t teij wn Grant Ureely....... Garikld 1880 . tl Hanoeotif >V* Ckvclanl Man* Orlginatora of Low Prlcea in thin Hoctton, Furies' llultdlng, Thton, Mkougu. (If your jnrrebai THIN CHILL Oil will send yen one if note positive gnaty turned to you.) An Ordinance. Be It ordained by the Cllje-Cmincll of Tifton, That rrom and ufior thirty days succeeding the passage of tills ordinance It shall bo unlawful for any person or persona lo suit or olfei for sale uuy di seased, decayed or ollierwfso unwhole some meals, llsli or jjouHry, within the city of Tifton. nml*all persons found glibly of a vialatlon of this ordinance shall be fined for each offense riol nrnrr Ilian $5, Confined In the city prison 10 days or wore on tho public works 10 days, any or all of those penalties at the dis cretion of the Mayor. J. it. Goohman, Clerk, Approved this licciembor 0. 1803. W. H. Love, Mayor. An Ordinance, Be It ordained by the City Council of Tifton, That a license lax of |ll) bo Im pose upon dealers In fresh salt water risli, to lie of force and effect after ten days from the passage of this ordinance, upon conviction, shall lie lined not more than *10, briconfined not moru Ilian fifteen] days in the guard house or work not more than fifteen days on thesircels, any one or all of these penalties, in the dis cretion of tbe Mayor. J. II. Goodman, Clerk. Approved this September Oth 1808. r W, H. Love, Mayor. YOU WANT » 0 The Best Btoek end Lowest Bates. For fK'.rant AJilnine.nt* to **v« trptufa* on ftwlgpl cliai'cow oifur you ioo,ooti Dull Times Make Lo 1 JAMES Z. Owing to the (lullness of tlio trrnle and -appreeiatij Pritsea is tlisi roiiicriy—the great incentive that gives I petns, lias detemiiricd ‘to inaugurate a cut in, ferlcej trade tlint lie is determined not to lie undersold,i plete stock of general ineruharidise; lie can nnd ] Don’t fail to call on bint before making your i ■< Very RespccttnU] Sparks, Ga;, .Trine 17,1802. BWPJ1L Of Wutgi% T , v ( ,j I Guaranteed System of 8cientfiii|i2j| At the Most Reaso J. W. HANNON, State Agent] 44 Unf fir* B|w!*IuI nml local epejatn wnntctl In ov«r>‘ coniiw * I refer hv perm ration to the fat towing It* rtk* who lire t suThtenU hy the <‘t unmeet tout InilcmnitY: >V. II. Oliver,.1 Humor Murray, <1. U. l*enraall, Tifton; Jn«. T. Grady, A»*hi>ut J F«»r full parttoulara. call on ur addraaa Job THE ga: Printim The* nrc i-snsct Utils trees, A. unwu, Iwol thy. correct, . IJHtMICJ. IXinriVV, attd wo 11 raorad. FomdaHns of »lx «ik><UI vnrits lh% m: L Rllwrta, Footer. Crvifonltt K*r)y, Ah cxttmicr, Umir, atul Womkiful. Hnvit yml WN.M tho hondnome orcliarsl of Mr. *! Ga-1 The** wero tree* of *ny Flams Pro* iho IluMMn and other R)trltoU.—I*a!» motto A#p4mgti*, otmeeded tho i*s*l f*r iCaUloguo. •W I K1 * xn liA MUfurri XurAcrios ) Delswsm. I will pay the Mgltcat Market Ro- ware! for KING COTTON, Long ov Hliart. Always on tho Street. W. F. HARUKU. New Types, New Press and - —i .1. ..... ^Tilifc, . I am pleased to announce to my friends and j Berrien, Irwin, Worth and Colquitt that I hav COUNTRY JOB PRM And am projiared to execute at short notice and classes of commercial and legal blank printing^ I solicit your orders and guarantee to gto-iilwfflM and quality of work. Respectfit ■ Leva neiumo, "n f MMAd TtnOS, OKOROIA. B. BICUAWn HOBBS. HOBBS & T \ B A 1ST ALBANY, Depository ol' IVoughe Counties, and * Mi Vi-..'.”