The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, September 30, 1892, Image 3

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THE GAZETTE: TIPTON, GA„ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1892. ALL SORTS OP THINGS. gathered from the columns of OUR EXCHANGES. ff» I VunclM and Ksw* llama Salactad •or Um Special Uaa of tin Boad- ara of lb J : cent cotton makes the farmers turn their eyes toward other crops. The more cotton they raise, the more money they owe. Go into tho fruit business, liaise tobacco. Chickens nnd eggs arc good things to sell. The foot is, almost anything beats cotton. —Leader. Dyspepsia, distress after eating, sour Stomach, poor appetite, bad taste, coaled tongue and heartburn are cured hr De Witt’s Little Early llisers, the famous little pills. Dr. J. C. Goodman. Iforton, of the great Atlanta Journal, has re-Leased Georgia from the Kanias-Lease and driven the Weavers from the state. Thad is “a whole team and a yaller dog under the wagon.” Now let him tackle old Unele Thad I’ickoU’a war record and Piek-ett to pieces.—Home Hus tier. There Is no use talking, neither llarri- son or Cleveland will be elected unless they take De Witt’s Lfule Early Kisers. They have a “get there" quality possess ed by no other pin. Dr. J C. Goodman. Work on the South Georgia col lege building at McKae is still pro gressing very satisfactorily, Tbo brick walls are ready to receive the aleepcra for the. second floor, and the wood work gcrier&I^ is thing pushed forward as rapidly aa possible. Mc- Kao will have an elegant college structure when completed. DIED.—In this city of consumption. A familiar headline Isn’t ID It’s pretty risky to nogloct a colo or cough. One Minute Cough Cure is pleasant, sale and sure. Dr. J. C, Goodman. Who invited Mrs. Lease to oomo to Georgia, any way I General Wea ver says, in his letter: “Attho urgent requests of your committee 1 entered the state,” etc. But who induced tlie woman to neglect her husband and ber household affairs and come down here to tell grown-up men how to mind their own business. Have tried almost every known reme dy for Itching 1‘iles without success, fin ally bought a box of Ds *'itl’a Witch Basel Halve, ami It has cured mr. C. D. Haskins, A’eorla, 1U. Dr. J. C. Goodman Ont) of Mitchell county’s fanners r- ' ' anys that ho intends Ur try raising rice next year aa a money crop and to yet reduce his cotton acreage. lie nays that from fifteen to twenty bnshels per acre can be raised on or dinary land and that it has ready sale at per bushel, which would make about 160 per acre on three acres, wlidrdPlite.#3(t iMtew being made. Biicklcn’n Arnica Halve. Tub Bzst Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Soies, Ulcers, Salt Illicum Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains: Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively euros files or no pay re quired. It Is gusrantaed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price S3 cents per box. For sale by Peterson ds Paulk. Fire at Andej Andcrsonvillc, Septj dwelling house of He- of this place, and il destroyed by flro at a k r- night. It was undoubtedly the work of some fiend. Mr. Blitcb’s family was away from hdlhe. Ue had only returned in the evening. The house was evidently robbed and then set on fire. Mr. Blitcb’s clothes were foufid near by rifled of their contenta which waa about WOO in money, Nothing saved. Insurance vety light Mr. Blitch has the sympathy of this entire community. liev. S. G. Blitch and family are well and favorably known in Berrien and adjoining counties. They moved from 8umucr to Andcraonvillo about four years tgo. He is a highly esteemed Baptist minister, hut poor man nnd this loss will fall heavily upon him and bis dependents, A gaaUaman of this county who has oxcollsnt judgment remarked to n« Um otber day that h* know of no pill so good far consultation, dyspepsia and Uvercom* plaint as Dewitt's Lillie Early Riser*. Dr. 4. 0. Goodman A Joint Debate. ■ afternoon a certain belle mote from a young man | would bo glad to oall that a joint debate If then no third party present, responded that both had goon on a visit hot know “where you an * joint debate was held, with I tasted fear hours, —The Blitch, lens were hour last EE? *9;- The President’s Proclamation. Whereas, by a joint resolution ap proved Juno '29, 1892, it was resolved by the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the United States of Amerioa in Congress assembled, “That the President of the United States be authorised and directed to issuo a proclamation recommending to the people the observance in all their localities of the 400th anniver sary of tlie discovery of America, October the 21,1892, by public dem onstration and by suitable exereises in their schools and other places of assembly.” Now therefore, I, Benjamin Har rison, President of the United States of America, in pursuant of the afore said joint resolution, do hereby ap point Friday, October tho 21, 1892, the four hundreth anniversary of the discovery of America by Columbus, a general holiday for which let the people, so far as possibly, censo from toil and devote themsclvea to such exercises as may best express honor to tlie disoovery and their apprecia tion of the great achievements of the four completed centuries of Ameri can life. Columbus stood in his age as the pioneer of progress and enlighten ment The system of universal edu cation is in our age the most promi nent and salutary feature of tho spirit of enlightenment, and it is peculiarly appropriate that the schools be made by tlie people the oenter of the day’s demonstration. Let the national flag float over every school iiouso in the country, and the exercises be such as shall impress upon our youth the patriotic duties of American citixcn- ship. Iu the churches and in other places of assombly of the peoplo let there be expressions of gratitude to Divine Providenou for tlie devout faith of tlie discoverer and for the Divine care and guidance which has directed onr history and so abundantly blessed our people. In testimony whereof I have here unto set my hand and onusod tit seal of the Snited States to he af fixed. Done at tlie city of Washington this 21st day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety two, and of the indepon- donee of the United States the one hundred and seventeenth. Bk.vj. Habbisox. Jojix W. Fostbb, By the President: h'ccretaiy of State. hack. To sillier pain In chest nm plcaaant to cough and pain In cheat and back, could atop It. for aure By limply using One Minute Cough Cure. C Goodman. It's not vei ick. ' Many y ail Dr. J. CAN’T TEACH HISTORY. Aa Important Holing by Slate School CammlMlooor nradwolt. Stale School Commissioner Brad- well has ireaed a circular to the coun ty school commissioners which will create a stir among the teachers. The letter embodies a synopsis of the law in the form of instructions and tells the teachers some things which they must do nnd some which they must not do. One the tilings forbidden by law to teach is history. The law makers did not consider history nn cU-itcntnry branch aud did not in- ciudo it in the list of studies specifi cally named. Many teachers over tlie state, proliably most of them, have taught history. Under tlie strict letter of the law they arc not entitled to |iay for pupils who stud ied history. And tho same is true in tlie caso of other studies. Another effort will be made at tin? coming term of tho gcnoral assembly to secure a law which will make the school books uniform all over the state. Georgia's children buy #250,- 000 worth of school books every year, and tlie total amount represent ed by school books iu tliu state is es timated at *800,000. A Million Friends. A friend In need le a friend Indeed, and not lees than one million people have found just suck a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Cold*.—If you have never used tide Great Cough Medicine, one trial will convince you that it haa wonderful curative powers In all diaaaaei of Throat, Cheat and lunge. Each bottle le gusran toed to do all that la claimed or money will be refunded. Trial bottles free at /. W. Paulk & Co'e. drug etore. Large ltolllos 80c. and #1.00. Encouraging. Tam.aiiahhk, I-'i.a., Sept 17.— There was quite a stir among tobac co growers to-day, western manufoc turers paying good prices, higher than heretofore obtained. Miles Johnson sold a 7-acre crop for #1,800 and Walter Moore a 8-acre crop for #700. Others are selling at satisfac tory figures and growers are greatly cncouragod. Deserving Praise. We doslre to say to our citizens, that for years wo have been selling Dr. King’ New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King’s New Ufa Pills, Ruckhm’s Arnica Salvo and Electric Bitten, and liayo nev er handled remedies that self as well, or that have given such universal satlsfac lion. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every lime, and eland ready to re fund the purchase price, If satisfactory result* do not follow their u*e. These rcnledles won their great popularity purely In their merits J. tt. Paulk A Co. druggists. Plica of people have piles, hut lle'V Ill’s Witch llsxel Halve will core them. Dr. J. C. Goodman. John Churchwell & Son,. DEALERS IN General - Merchandise, BROOKFIELD, GEORGIA. We beg to Inform the public that wt hare oo hand a complete and well Detected stock of Osotrsl Merchandise, consisting In part of Dry-Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Staple and Fancy Groceries, Tobacco, Etc., Which are will sail at ROCK BOTTOM PRICSJ& Wa have no wood to buy or rant to pay, and hence can afford to sal! onr goods at PRICES TO SUIT THE HARD TIMES. Call to tee us whan yon coma to Brookfield and wa will emralnce yon that wa will pualiivaly sat# you much money. We will be prepared to buy cotton and all other klnda of reentry produce and pay therefor the HKlItKST MARKET PRICES. He sura and let us bid on your coSMm, and sell yon your supplies. Trade at the Cheap Cash Store, whara you ean buy tbe greatest quantity and best quality of goods for the least amount of money. Don’t forget to call oo ua i wa will be found at the same old stand. Younitery raspcctfclly, BnnkteM,(!«., July», tan. John Churchwell X Son, DR. N. PETERSON Physician and Surgeon. •VnftoS, ■> r.aoaciA. . n*r#t-Wiik J. w. P*alk « At. full, mmitl Iimwptl, day or nteat. nm*. ynirtlc* will reaifra attention btiwrcn tltekMinof atend ttm »• at-tuxi I* ul ra.- J- T- BOYD & BRO. HEADQUARTERS FOR REFRIGERATORS AND ALSO STOVES, From the cheapest to Hack's Brilliant, conceded tuba the beat la the world, they absolutely hare no equal In the world. Manufactures all klnda of -—■ Tinware, Slave Pipe, Gotten, Etc Cf-8|*ct*l |irt0M null* to »nd board- lug hnuiM. Writ, nr cult on u* wlwn In nnd nf unytlquf Inourlln*; wu gtunntn In uv. you tansy. 4. T. IUIVD * into., M IN (uum stmt, Valihota, Ua. t'rackery, China an# Glass Ware, Lamps of Every Description, Tinware, Hollowwnro, Woodware. ICE-CREAM1FREEZERS.J3S J. M. WILKES, Resident Dentist, mrrox, of.oruia. orrery—Kmup t ay *ulra, INsSc fcrfcfc ('an"E* tenure fit hi, ofltre frrnn tht lrt t» IMh of «Mfc n»»MP, the mtdu* at thus will 1m Iterated ta CWUUtel* yuteate-M Iks* hMUM U (k-titwh mu. OrT J. W. & 0. J. WILLIAMS,. DENTisnav omvi-innk ntUltllng, Jt»*BB >«■ LS9 DR. J. C. GOODMAN Physician and Surgeon, TtPTOX GKuROIA. Ornra—Room In the Tifton lung Store. «r Thanking the public for its past liberal patitmege and soHcit a ctmtinustion of (became. DR. G. C. LANEY, Physician and Surgeon MOL’i.-ntu:, - iikuuma. Offers his Mtrtoea to the people of Colquitt and adjacent count Ira. ly-OrnrB In new drug store. FULWOOD & ALEXANDER, uvf, m mu m coLiicnoss, TtrruH, - tinuanu. I’nmipt attention given to all tegal I |jr‘l>rrit'»~Love Hnlldlng, Nonas Ki>» 1. JOHN A. WILKES, Attorney - nt-Law, AIIUI. • UIUIHUIA. Will practico In all thrcrmutledof tbeieolhem Judicial CtmiU of (leot-pla. Kpcclal attsutten directed to all branrhra of the profmsioaand general business solicited. My, New Firm, New Store, New Goods. J. W. PAULK & CO„ DRUGGISTS. u Complete Stock of Fresh Drugs, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. Toilet Articles, nuch »s Perfumery, Cologne*, Extract*, Pouiadei, Hair Oil*, Toilet Creams and l’owdere. Brushes, full lino of Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Hair Brushes, Shoo Hru.hoi and Clothes Brushes. Those goods are of tho very best quality and are to lie sold aa cheap as country dirt ‘Fine Stoek of Lamp Goods, Elegant Assortment of Combs, Fresh Garden Seeds in .Season. We have just received one of Tuft’s magnificent Arctic Soda Fountains, and are dispensing delicious Soda water. Ouly tho purest fruit syrups used. Dr. N. Peterson is in charge of our prescription department. J. W. PAULK & CO. Paulk’s now brick building TIFTON, GEORGIA. AND Tifton, Georgia. ralgnrd hM opened a A:etetese l**rd- i toe Julian building and will ran# Tbe iimlrrati Ing bonne In U. the public with board and lodging at raaweiabte rates, Room* art large anti airg; Furniture new anti thoroughly rttt- ovattd; Table furnithtd with the beet pro- viewnt the marte/s afford. rublle petnKMge eoildted. 17-tl. J. M, OWENS. TIFTOIST Blitzing the Way. The Georgia Southern railroad duing some good missionary work for the state, as well aa for itself, with its Bureau of Immigration. It is in ducing tlie farmers along its lino to put oat lino peach orchards, as well as pears and grapes, and has helped a great many to start in the ..tobacco business—providing tlie seed, show ing them how to plant and care for it, and is now having barns put up to cure it. Maj. Glcssner, tho road’s Commissioner of Immigration, is kept busy going over the line with Nor- then people who are interested in all tlieso things. As a consequence, the road is rapidly filling up’ the waste lands along its line, and while pro viding for its people, is also assuring for itself the carrying of crops in all seasons of tho year. - Between cot ton, tobacco, peaches, grapes and melon* its care will never be idle, to say nothing of the truck industry it Is fostering from one cud of the tine to tbe other. If sll the Geqjgis railroads would follow the example of the Georgia Southern System,’in a few years they, would so chsnge the oourse of things thst Georgia ferment would be coo- tinhal sellers in the market^ and never buyers, and naturally that ttonld bring independence, and mon ey, and ease and comfort to the farm ers, sod good business dividends to tho railroads. The people of the North, East and West mutt be shown how they can better their condition by moving South, aud who can do it so well as the railroads 7—Ft. Valley Leader. Ah Ordinance. Be II ordained by tbs City Council ol Tifton, That from and after thirty days succeeding the passage of this ordinance It (ball be unlawful for any person or persons to mII or offer for sale any dl- •hole- . decayed or otherwlso unwi some moats, fish or poultry, within the city of Tifton, and all persons found guilty of s vitiation of this ordinance shall be fined for each offense not more than #8, confined In the city prison 10 days or work on the public works 10 days, any or sll ot these penalties at the dl*. crcllon of tbe Mayor. Approved this September 0,1992. Ooodmax, Clerk, her 0,1992. Leva, Mayor. “ KILL GEitK araSSsJ: nppllctxlonr. For tide by J. W. Faulk *L>. Tifton, Oa. Ah Ordinance. Be It ordained by tbs City Council of Tifton, That a license tex of #10 be lm- pose upon dealers In fresh sail water fish, to be of force and effect after ten days from the passage of tbit ordinance, upon conviction, alusfl bn fined not more than 910, be confined not more than fifteen dpys in tbe guard house or work not more than fifteen days on thsslreeta, any one or all of these penalties, In the dis cretion of the Mayor. J. H. Goodman, Clerk. Approved this September 9th 1892. W. II. Lovn, Mayor. Citation. (IIUmntA—Bsssts* dourer. Tu tU whms It imut rasremi Oeo. W. tdaistetiyac of MuteU W*Una,Ua • bMUwiosttaa; BSl. MM I will jaw SPOS hta asM smrijosiihMi as sty nOoe la Maskdlte os du am Mowtey la Olfss aa*M sty test astir Ate BMAMstisra, IIS. r. M. SMITH. Ordissry tolil* sill tht tons, rw test* saute or aat.1 Asos- •.Moors. amtlsJ r tesvaw Administrator's Sale. oaonOIA—eauiva Cbusrv. tlndw sad St tlitas ol Um CVwre sT Ordinary of aslrt enssty, will tw ■■ Ibofora Uts oosrt hows door In tha Sows of Naas- fittotfeReen Um iqal iHun of «aI« or Um Ant TnottUjtfli October mxU one-belf hitamt \lm K. T. WraMtt^ hiiewelUMeRwIM# , e4rH un*t belec mri ut late of ImmI namUr* 71$ mmI rt lo Utt 10th district of eeldenuRtf.«Ale^M *jrae«f tot of Uad imm)ter tie, tn the Mh dletriol ot raid eowity nod known ee tbe W. W. lluiMk pline. bMuPToMljr twbvnrlng to Mm nettle «* W. W. Oeefilne, Into orenidoutnty deenued. ler tbe benefit of ibe bef re ond creditor* of told eetoto. 'leemM nuule known on dnjr of eele. F. W. O Aeii.nt, A4»einl Administrator's Sals. UtrJinlA-nntaiU) Opusrvi Ossrto iaotnia-nsmusir oousm I'Siteraad by tiiyofst order ersatedbytes ISAAC S. BOWEN, TM1 I “Staple GROCER . • . I MUM* A r RES It AMD WXU. aSUtCTKD STOCK Of . Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes AND KVKaVTIimtl fSt'AM.V FOirKD IN A flUKUM STORK. I Pay the Highest Cash Price for Country Produce. . • . AND WILL FLRASK VOtt WITH . • . GOOD GOODS, LOW PRICES, FAIR DEALINGS. I Will Sell Cheaper Than You Can Buy Elsewhere. ISAAC S. BOWEN, TIPTON, GEORGIA. M. W. GASKINS, GENERAL MERCHANT, Extends a Most Cordial Invitation To the People of tbe Town and the Surrounding Country to Pay llliu a Visit at His New and Elegant Store. HU Specialties will bo - CROCKERY Mton. BATS. CATS, BUN 00090, •e**o, *, HARDW ARE '.r.'.r.r.'.'.lll!'.!!!!! There to oo Noose in Torn having aitch a Complete Assortment and Carefully Selected Stock ot Goods. Ra mrrte* sasrly ttvryaisc tebteb COSMIWM a esatrel Modi ot Pry Ossds. Kaunas. Utety 0(Mvrls,m. HI* stark U afi fmb asd a ttelt la bit stem win ha tecbully SusSihl as ysr- SALE STABLES. TIFTON. • GEORGIA. <!. A. WILLIAMS, Proprietor, I.ocal Time Table, Taking effrrt Jenwery M, IW2- Subject to change wlUiout notice. l'lwseiiser Trains—East. eTATione. Bo. 4. No. 2. It Altieny 1 3^ din » MdW '• Da* l« fl U* din 4 17 dnt •• Willingham... n Maw 4 ft am •• lMl«tU n 16 dm 4 45 mm •• ISmlen ft 2) am 4 1J dm •• Huiuncr ft ill lint 6 Wan. ft 41 urn b aeem 6 45 am 14 toem I.v Tifton •J to dm 44 llnaikflcltl • 24 dial 44 Kmgme 6 54 dm 44 Aleneha 44 WlllACVKlCbM. dJ ban o Mam IIUUI 7 Item 44 Uraff’d T Sam 7 27 em 7 Mem 44 Wcdtontd 44 Kirkland 7 41 em 44 l‘gdrs*>n ■Aft am 7 Man 44 MeDuneld . .. f4 Mem • 10 am 44 Millwood R 31 am 44 Werraboro.... fi Wdm « Mam Ar WeycruM 6 toem No. 10. • 19 em It WejreMee • J0|m 10 toem 44 ncbletunrillo. ft 4Bpm 10 1« an 44 IlnUikd* ftMpm 10 Men 44 Kdhuuua ft 14 pm 10 44 am •• ItelsUn. ft to pm 10 U u 44 Atklndon (. «usi 11 COltt 44 WeyneetUle... 11 to pm 44 Jemelce 44 Pylee' Marab. ft UM 11 ftp* n mfll »pm T to pm* 11 Mpm Ar llninewrlck • No. I. Paiweiiger Trains—W <»t. 1 to pm I 47 pat l topee t 45 pm 4 to pm 4 » pm 4 to pm .Jo“fi“ 4 them 4 4* em ft toem 6 4# am • toem • toem • toem T toeto 7 toem I toem • toem » Mem 10 toem (•toem ft to m » 45 pm 1 M pm I Mem t IS pm I to pm t Mem I to pm • to pm 4 to pm eretioM. Lv Rnnivkk. ’ FjWe* Merab. Jemelon. Weyraevll’o*. • Uleum Nek mate. Jlohokea BckkUenllle. Ar Wejreteee Ly Wepetoee 41 Weraeboro.... 44 MUlwocd 44 MeDoneU 44 reeraon 44 Kirk tend 44 Wes lot 0e •* MMUeroet.. *• Or ‘ Atepeoe . E£SS1«- At Title* Lr Tifton., - Tt*f 44 roe ten oa liiViMe 44 WtUln^bem 44 Uerin!?..... At AlUenj Tpamasr el Albeny with I