The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, October 07, 1892, Image 1

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Kl&Sl TIFTON, BERRIEN COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, OCTOBER. 7, 1802. VOL. 2-NO. 26, USINESS MEN AND LOAFERS FIND TO TALK ABODT. it rnruKrliplit* PlcU.ft. Up .ml Von- »ivi'ly .Fonhotl-All Pertaining to oraone and Tlilnga*. §§| South Georgia,seed Rye, for sale by N. F. Tirr & Co., Albany, Go. Ho sure to read all the new legal advertisement jn to-day’s paper. Berrien superior court will be in - session next week. Persons interest ed will be on hand. • Mrs. H. IT.Tift and children re turned from' their summer visit at Mystic, Conn., lust Friday, is Di: AY. Li. Bikes, of Sunnier, was in the city last Tuesday on business and called at the editor’s sanctum. Chattanooga two horse plows, three rpller oaue mills; kettles, &o., for sale by ST, F. Tire & Co., Albany,'Gn. Mr. Jack F._ Horkan, well known in this section ot Georgiu, was in Tif- ■ ton last week bnrouU: to his Texas home at Velasco. ' •-Mr. VV. A, Allen.of the Sumnor HU LocaV spent portions of Mondayuml Tuesday in the city while etiroute to and from Ashburn. The depot of the Georgia Southern ■' \ and Florida railroad received Borne sH needed repairs last week; the roof ; M. A. Sexton is now local agent Ba&fi the New York life insurance ’ PumpiiiTiyy^Ie pan present you Bome- thingj-.CT'nn life insnranoeT~~ •t . Dr, J.1I, Hammond, of Enigma, The Holiness disciples held a pro tracted meeting at Alapaha last week and quite a number of people professed sanctification, or perfect purity of life. The, meeting ud- ourned on Wednesday, the 28th. Go to Griffin & Staten, Valdosta, for youi clothing. Suits from $1 to $25. Rev. L. A. Snow returned home last Saturday in order to cast a straight democratic ballot in the state election. He was here looking after the interests of the Tift and Snow Fruit Farm Company. Griffin & Stated, Valdosta, are headquarters for dress goods and notions. Elder J. L. Underwood will occn py the pulpit at the Baptist ohnrcli next Sunday morning. He will not preach at night, owing to the fact that seculur business will require his presence in Camilla on Monday morning. Be*sure to call aud sec’ll. S. Shep herd, located in the Masonic building when you visit Tifton. If you want to trade he will treat you right. Rev. P. H. Crumpler preached at tlio Tifton Methodist, church last Sunday' morning, and Rev. Dr. Branch, of Muoon, held a meeting at -night iu the interest of the Metho dist orphanage which is located near that place. 1 , Griffin & Staten's handsome two- story building, Vuljostji, is the place to get your full goods. Wo call especial attention of the made u pleasant call at the Gazette sanctum Monday afternoon. He V was enroute to Sparks on business. .* • The election in Tifton 'district passed-off .very quietly. There mm lfiti votes polled—of whioh the dejn- ;r ' oerats received 152 und. tho third 1 party 14. Master Julian Cole has token , - position as fireman mg the Georgia jj£ ; Southern and Florida railroad, on the through freight between Tifton , ' iinil Lake City, Some of the materials uro oil the ground lor the erection of Mr. \V. N tJole’a hundsouio residence—to lie . -erected on Ridge avenue near the . Baptigt-ohurch. Judge AY. W. Rutherford and Hons. M. A.Sexton, AV. II. Love and J. W. Baker went to Nashville yes terday to witness the consolidation ol the county.’s vote. There was a newly married pair at the Owen House last Tuesday; came tip on the Brunswiok and Western train. It had the appearance of a Gretna Green affair. Have you subscribed to tho Bap tist pew fulfil? If not, oall at Messrs E. ,P. Boweu & Bro.’s store and place your name on the list gild opposite it a liberal contribution. Tho Withlacorolieo singing con vention wilt bold its next session in the Sparks Methodist clmrolu The • people of that thriving little town lovo to hear good vocal music. There was no eleotiou whisky Boating around in Tifton last Wed nesday. However, 6ne man sipped too long from a private jug and his | friouds had to take care of him. GARNERED BY THE PENCIL SCISSORS PROCESS. Rntoh of Now* from Neighboring Counties Deemed of SiwclRl litlereeUo Giir.etlo Jtoiulor*. readers of the Gazette to tho an- TEMS OF LOCAL IHTEREST. AND Coffee superior court convenes the second Monday in November. l’l of. AY. J. Royal has juBt. opened an interesting singing boIiooI at Syca more. There are 1,501 registered voters in Coffee county, and tho democrats have'a big majority. Mallary Association convenes with the Sumner Baptist, church on Tuos. day after the third Sunday inst. The dcmocraoy of Coffee county will hold n primary to nominate county officeis on Saturday, Decem ber 3d.' Echols superior court was in ses sion last week and lasted only two days. It speaks well for tho morals of that county. Threats of horse-whipping, whip ping, shooting pud fighting are to be heard on every hand in Douglas. Polities are warming up.—Breeze. The Willacooohoe High School has sixty-six students enrolled, and four departments—literary, business; mu sic and telegraphy—in successful op eration. The "Qivilixod” correspondent of the Valdosta Times says Hahira is on boom and her business men on*a The Worth comity agricultural so ciety is making preparations for the full fair at Poulau. October 18th and 19th. , Capt. John Q. McPhaul ably seconded by Mr. E. L. Girdner; are bestirring themselves in that be half. The have just issued a regu lar premium list, aggregating $350, notwithstanding not aceut is charged for admission or entry fees. The premiums are scoured from volun tary contributions and from the sale of the various privileges oil the ground. These people are hustlers, and they never get left at anything they undertake. The exhibits, when the county fair is over, will be ship ped to Macon and exhibited at the state fair. POLITICAL DISCUSSION. 70,000 MAJORITY. AROUSED DEMOCRACY CREATES A POLITICAL EARTHQUAKE. Cienrgln Rollil for tho Only True People’* l’nrty—Her People KxMi Intelligence, Virtue nml Temperance First. The Baptists of Sparks are con templating the completion of their / church building in the near fnture. ijrrecently purchased and placed lower a splendid new bell, votes were lost to the Of the Tifton district be* drunken judge declined to rn Irwin superior court and to come home and vote. J.,Sullivan .preached to Baptist church lust Sat - taud-EiaeV'J^i-Sear- undoy night. Both ser- ttvo been very favorably com- upom > W. F. Oox has aocepte^he of tint Naainilljj^uptist He i« « forceful preacher, a rigid disciplinarian and doubtless will do good work for the Master Nashville. 's&S&iSWS uomicenient'of Rev. S. J. Sauls, who aspires to the office of Tax -Receiver for Berrien comity, in another col umn. If elected ho would make faithful ami efficient officer, Go to L. S. Shepherd, under the Musonio IIall, Tifton, GtA., for fresh groceries, firs to lass dry goods nml latest styles of millinery. He will supply yon at Unprecedented low prices. The Gazette lias turned out large quantity of job work the past week, executed in tile best style of the “art preservative.’’ Its patrons are always pleased with their work. When you have job printing of any kiud to do give the Gazette a trial Padrick Bros, are hustlers of the right kiud and do not hesitate to )c their business lie kuowii. Hulf doz eii boys were employed last Wednes day und sent to every election pre cinct in reach of Tifton to distribute circulars telling of his special bar gains. Mv stock of coffins and burial robes is enrou to and will be received iu a few days. I will make a special ty of this stock. L. S. SheehukI). Mr. Otis Baker and Miss Emma Fuhvood, eldest daughter of 1). A. Fulwood, of Alapaha, were? united In marriage at tho rssiihnice of the bride’s parents lust: Wednesday eve ning, Rev. P, H. Grumpier officiating. The marriage was u very quiet affair, but we ore told that the midnight charivari was not only noisy but,im mense. The Gazette extends con gratulations to tile yotiug couple und wish them .many years of wedded bliss. I hnvo a nice line of furniture— bedsteads, olmirs, bureaus, tables, etc. —in stock and on the road. Will sell tliCm at rock bottom prices for cash- or on the installment plan. Como and see me when yon need goods in this line. L. 8. BHCMtEim. Receiver Sparks, Genera; Manager Lane, Superintendent Iloge, Road master Grady and Supervisor AVal- drep of the Georgia Southern and Florida, passed down the road on Wednesday in a special train. The Gazette learns that they left Macon eai‘iJ t 4R’nday morning and is giving the jowLa thorough ami critical in spection, with a view of putting on a fast through train from St. Louis ani Cincinnati to Florida, famishing sleeping car accommodations Iron Cincinnati and 8t. Lou la. It is probable this through train will be nut on next Monday or Tuesday, ’t sound lmsi8 with fair prospects of continuing so. The Doles IiiBtittiio, of Worth county, is to he incorporated at the next session of Wortli superior com!., which convenes on the fourth Mon day in this month. The next convention of the Coffee comity Sunday-school association will bo held at Williams’ Chapel on Saturday, October 22, and an excel lent meeting is anticipated. The Ladies Missionary Sooiety, of Sycamore, gave a successful festival last Wednesday evening. The at tendants Imd a pleasant- time mid plenty of something good to eat be sides ice cream. I’rofs. Boone and Overman, of Coffee comity, are shooting hot words at each other through the Douglas Breeze. It is a sorry exam ple for the “young ideas’’ whom they are teaching to “shoot.” The grand jury of Coiqmtt comity fixed the-salary of the judge of the county court to lie estobjhniud ai $100 lier annum, i'lie county lias no need of o comiiy court if she can’t pay its judge u bettor suiary than that Irwin county is peculiarly adapted to the production of a first-class ar ticle of tobacco, We trust our far mers will take advantage of this op portunity to better their condition Let' each one plant him a tobacco crop next year.—News, There is a Mr. Butler living at Ty Ty who' came from tho vicinity of Pulaski, Tenn., and knows from ex perienOe all about Woaver’s record of brutality arid’ injustice inflicted on helpless southern men, women and children. One doesn’t have to guess that be is a democrat. Parson Odum, tli» third parly can didate for senator in the seventh die triet, went over into Brooks comity to .canvass and apeak for his party. At Groovcrvillc ho bad an audience composed of himself ami another man. He felt decidedly too lonesome to s|ieak. That’s tbe'kind of demo or&ts you’ll Hut! in Brooks county; they let third party und republican politicians severely alone.. Col. W. H. Griffin, of Valdosta,— nnr Billy—ha* oast aside his widow- erhood. He was married on Wed nesday evening of last week to Miss Carrie Abbott, of . West Randolph, VermonR, in the first Congregational church of that city. -The Gazette joins everybody in Berrien county In wishing the manly groom and bis fair bride success and happiness with nany years of married life. Two Motlimllst I’ronclu-r* Mmii Iu Vocal t-omVnt at Nitslivillo. Some eight or ten days ago the uttermost parts of Berrien comity were flooded with dodgers announc ing that Rev. B. W. Iluokabee, of Sparks, was to speak at Nashville last Saturday in tho interest of the third party. The democrats began at once to search round for a champion to pit against him, mid found such tin one In the person of Rev. J. M. Hendry, of Brooks county. Promptly on Saturday morning at 10 o’clock the speakers and people— as many as could get into the court house comfortably- -were on hand. It was arranged for Rev. Ilendry to speak first. Rest Ruokubeo to fol low him, aud then Rev. Heudry to jfenclude in twenty minutes. Both orators distinguished themselves, but at the close of Rev. Iluokabee’s speech John Barleycorn displayed his presence hy warming some of the boys up to a lighting attitude. J. B. was very vociferous and belligerent, much so that Rev*. Ilendry could not mako his replication speecli and dis missed the audience with the declu- tlon that his opponent hud said nothing worthy of a reply. The Gazette does not approve of ministers of the iiospel of Jjsns Christ spouting politics on the street corners or from the hustings, beoause it lessens their influence mul power for good in the master’s cause, and hence he never lends his presence to an occasion where such u departure from ministerial ethics is on the pro gram. What a spectacle these reverend gentlemen presented to the people present! Men whose calling it is to lend the people in the paths of sobri- t.y, pence and harmony, and who, in- stciKl of making inflammatory politi cal speeches to an excited crowd pf their fellow-men, should tm preach ing glad tidings of “l’eaoe on earth and good will to men.” The Gazette hopes the like will not oocur in Berrien county again. The political agony is over. And such a licking as republican ism and third partyism has received at the hands of an aroused democracy is without a parallel since the days following reconstruction. In no comity in the slate was dcm ocraoy more thoroughly organized limn in Berrien, mid on Wednesday her old time majority of 800 was placed in the ballot boxes. The fol- 1 swing table shows the vote of the county by districts for governor, state senator and representative: NASIIV11.I.E. Northen, 144 Peek, 7.1 N on re, Knight, 140 8ne«il, 83 1.40 Hubert*', At<.\ t’.MI.v. 81 Northern, 180 Peek. 0 Moore, 180 Snead, 0 Knight, 170 Kobe its, nwooKKiKi.n, 1 Northen, 40 Peek, 8 Moore, 40 Snead, 8 Knight, 40 Hohotttt, TIFTON. 8 Sorthen, m Peek, 14 Moore, 1A t Snead, 14 lvnlght, 140 Holier*, l.KNOW 18 Northen, * 111 Peek, n Moore. 51 Snead, 8 Knight, 51 Roberts, NKW ntVKU, r. Northen, 13 Peek, ii Moore, 13 Snead, 18 Knight, 18 Roberts, 81’AIWH. 1(1 Northen, 100 Peek, 4(1 Mftorc, 110 Snead, 89 K night, 110 Robot ts, A l»KI,. 42 Northen, 110 Peek. ' II Moore, 114 Snead, » Knight, 113 Roberts, ItlVXll 1IK.NII, 11 Northern, Peek. 7 .Moore. 01 Snead, 7 Knight, 03 Roberts, Citetis. U Northen, 03 Peek, 1(1 M oore, 50 Snead, 11 Knight, 01 Roberts, CONNItl/a « Northen, 85 Peek, 44 Moore, K night, 37 Snead, 4(1 35 Roberts, hay’s MTI.1i. 48 Northen, 50 Peek, 41 Moore, 58 Snead, 43 Knight, 00 Roberts. MII.I.TOAYN. 43 Northen, 70 Peek, 17 Moore, 74 Snead, 1( Knight, 70 Roberts, bTI’KIt TUN Til. 17 Northen, 01 Peek, 41 Moore, 01 Snead, 41 Knight, 00 Roberts, KKCAl’lTUr.ATlON. 44 Northen, 1,180 Peek. 820 Moote, J,117 Snead, 888 Knight, 1.113 Roberta, 81(1 rrocccdiiiga ol Council. Tho city countil of Tlf/on met, in the office of II. II. Tift, October 3rd, at 8:30 o’clock p. m., and was called to ordoi hy Mayor W. 11. Love. Present: Aldermen Tift, Bowen, McCreu,, Goodman und Alien, The minutes of the lust meeting were read and, with some correction, approved. Ordered, That U. T. Ellison be refunded $1.50 street tax, which the Marshal Imd collected from him ille gaily, lie not being a resident of Tifton. Ordered, That the Clerk open tho city tax books, for the collection of the ml valorem city tax, oh the lOtli of October and that be close the same, on tho 16th of November next. There being no further business the council adjourned. J. 1L OoortXAH, Clerk. (inrilcn Work l'or October. Red top turnips may he sown for winter use, but it is almost too'late to tiring the roots to ranch perfection except on the coast Those already planted' may Ikj cultivated and brought to a stand. Plant strawber ry- Wds, Let your manure heaps tie looked after, and your garden tools made rauly for spring work. M.uoamiiK. Northen, HOfl ; Moore, 78S ; Knight, 7159. Tlie democratic majority in the sixth senatorial district about 1,500; in the secqiid congressional dislrict is over 5,000; in the stale of Georgia fully 70,000. The Gazette is sat- isiled that when tho official count is made, Georgia will show up a ma jority of 80,000. The lentil congressional dislrict gave Northen a majority over Peck of uliout 1,000, and Black's election to congress is assured by' a majority of at least 900, M r. Watson's pop. ularity will not save him. Hon. J. B. Paulk is elected Irwin county’s representative iu the legisla ture; also Sumner in Worth, Norman in Colquitt, Sims in Brooks, West in Lowndes, Johnson iu Clinch, Wilcox iu Coffee and Stulvey in Echols—all democrats. While it is propel for democrats to rejoice over this overwhelming vie tory, still to indulge in personal in sult and offensive guying will prove productive of more harm than good jyiid wo hope it will be eschewed. I^t deiuoFriita be manly in Gtor- gia. Melt Association. The fifth annnal session of Mell Baptist Association convened with Brushy Creek church, five miles east of Sparks last Friday iViorning. Tho introdnetory sermon was preached by Eider 11. T. Dowling. The association was organized by electing Elders W. F. Cox and II. T, Dowling moderator and olerk, re, spectively. The churches represented in tho association had full delegations preen cut, Ramali, Enigma and Salem churches were not represented by either letter or messengers. Mt, Zion church, Colquitt county, upon application was taken, under the watchcure of the hotly and into full fellowship ns soon ns her letter of dismicsion from Mercer is received by tho clerk of this association. The session was harmonious throughout and considerable good was accomplished. The reports of committees in be half of the various interests of tho churches composing tho association wore encouraging; some good mission work was accomplished during tho post, year, but there remains much more to lie done ami the delegates seemed to be awake to their duty m tho premises. A larger amount of mission funds were sent up by the,churches tlmn at any previous association, and tho prospects for tho future are eucour- aging. The new executive committee elected by (lie body is composed of some of the most sterling business men of the denomination in this sec tion, viz: Messrs. C. Ik Beckwith, J. K! McCranic, -5. S.-Lindspy, J. H, UidhoUn nml W. 11. Morris. The committee met immediately after its election unit ^elected Mr. y. II. Beck with chairman, and Mr. W. H. Mor, ris secretary and treasurer. Among the visitors present were Elders AY. E. Morris from llomer- ville, J. A. 8carboro from New Kbe- nezer, W. J. Sullivan from Mallary and J. F. Reeves from Mercer asso ciations. Elder J. F. Reeves represented tho Christian Index, but we did not learn with what success. Elder A. Scarboro represented Freddie Shipp Female College, now being built at Cordele, mid took sub scriptions to tho building fund iinldliiiting to more than n hundred dollars. Correspondents were sent to tlm Mercer, Mullury, Houston and Ho- nterville associations. Messrs. C. li. Beokwilh and B. T, Allen were sent as delegates to tho state convention. Several members volunteered to go as delegates to tho south Georgia convention. The hospitality of the people of Brushy Creek neighborhood is uni bounded, and received a vote of thunks for their generous care of tbo association. The association proper udjourned Saturday afternoon to held its next session with Mt. Zion church, Col-, quilt county. A mission mass meeting was held Sunday morning, at 10 o’clock, lead by Elders. AY. F. Cox and J. F, Reeves. The missionuty sermon wospreacbi ed by Elder J. A. Scarboro, to a largo and attentive congregation. Those who heard this sermon are unquali fied in the assertion that it was the most convincing defense of the Jew* trine of missions ever preached in tiiis section of country. A small coli‘ lection was taken for misstouary work within the bounds of the association. The T. ami T. Though the clouds of uncertainty whioh overshadows the Tifton und Thomasviile railroad arc omiousaud calculated to cause its friends to despair of its being completed soon, the..Gazette is inclined, to believe that its importance as a feeder to tbe Georgia Southern and Florida issitf (talent to cause its early completion whet her it remains in the hands of the Receiver or is said. The editor is free to confess Ira never attended an association that abounded more in pleasing recolleci lions than tbe one just closed with Brushy Creek church,. ggllggl A Mr. Meye, of Tifton, Gal, haa' *,/ feeling of personal, acquaintance rtittr - Weaver's brutal treatment of tbe-ait. ileus of Pulaski, Twin., and if j have any doubt about the uu write him and sec wligs he says a ' Weaver,—Sumner Local, ' . * •img 3*0 n am