The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, October 07, 1892, Image 2

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m ipmp THE OA^K'ITK: TII TON- GA„ FWPAT. OCTOBER 7. 1892. 989808 srasssf The Tirol Gazette. 'Hjo Oakkttk in nniiliuitffl ovary Friday m«rm Inc atTilton, Ikrrfen comity, GwrtfK. It l« do- Voted to the beat Interest or the growing city of Tifton and the adjacent country, and jw Kimh iwks the support and cncouragi.ment of the |*k>- irrion and contiguous eountlea. ,M* of JJim.-........ The subscription price of tine (iKvxrtv. in %\m I ter year, W cum* for nix montha, uml 20cents for hri!H months, payabk! In advance. TlioadvorMsJim rates of the Ga/.kttk urn rvit- fionable add will ho furnished upon application, Adverthlng bill* are due alter ttrut, insertion tMid I when tint money U iwedcd Correspondence froi Belted and eoioi/iunlc. always welcome. Aiw '(1 from n«t|{<tii>orliipc towns la no- ' atlonsoi) timely topics aro always welcome, Always write or, one side of tlic paper, and don’t forgst. to cneloho yotir name sattevldr— 1 - donee of good faith. Koto red at the postofflec, at Tlfi/m, Georgia* an null matter of the second class. Official Organ of Berrien Con ill y n, T, ai.IjCN', Editor. N«wm itnd View*. uml tlu-y Wo Imve met the onomy ura our«. The cofll evenings mid morning* of tin* past week bring* tin lujmoni tion of wintft’n approach. Tho jK>n|u| who are not right tlienuolVea always feel hotter hy find' lug something wrong in others. The Florida alale and county elec lion Was held lent Tuesday. The re- cult was in favor of democracy, of course. 'Clip CO]Ion crop is being rapidly harvested and, with ascending prices, the outlook for Hie farmers is more hopeful, That grand old l(oman, of Ohio, Hon. Allen (I, Tlnirman, character- the force bill as a damnubl men so re, 'Clio Cliatlanooga club has won the fioulliern I .cugue huso ball jumnant for I HUS, hut the Birmingham olub days It was awiomplished by fraud. Tlluy third party Waterloo in Georgia last Wednesday will Imve the offoiil of bringing many of ils de ceived followers back into the dem ocratic fold, Ko mole It he. drover Cleveland's hitler accepting the democratic presidential nom'ini- tion has tlm right ring to it, mid cannot bu excelled by any similar "yAhilYlfft'irnts a "vole winner. Ils •longlit prevents our publishing it this week. A real Fuglmli Lord, Usresford, In working ill, the (Iress Luinher (hnilpany's mills, dress (la. lie is it convlot and wears tftijBtripff*. He Is jn llmljp'on the ahurge of oheatlng ami Hwindllng. Tilled noblemen are Just like tlm common people in Geor gia, They aro all nohleipen if they do right and they are all serfs if they do wrong. Ash Us Hometlilng Hard. The editor is in receipt of the fol lowing communication. JL'he writer thereof is a young man who is not many years passed his majority; whose personal friendship ivo have had fm three or four years, mid which we have no desire or reason to discontinue and it will not be dis continued except at bis instance. Wo put him on notice now. He him strayed off from the politi cal faith of his fathers and joined the caravan thut is yelling for the third party throughout Georgia with out a shadow of reason for it that we can see, mid we say it with all the sincerity of our heart add with defer ence to his feelings. in his letter lie asks tis to do cer tain tilings and to answer certain ipieatioiiH and wo propose to comply without fear and without favor, be cause Hie spirit which seems to actu ate the writer carries with it the im pression that lie lias ns “in the hole” if we attempt to answer ft: Bl'AIlKH, Bent. 1st, IHfhJ. Dkau Bin:—I see that the demos put up Jack Oafter to speak after (ten, Weaver at Albany. Will you please write up and publish the bi ography of Carter. Hoii't forget too chorus of your "Id tunc of Post, Weaver, Branch & 06.--Bee? Plciiso read this? “Tlic negro iH better than tlifl poor white limn now, and ivc mean to he put equal with any white) man. Wo mean to go into the biggest hotels and llest cars with the white men and women, we mean to fix the law so Unit a black mini can take any white woman for a wife. When lie loves her and wants her; wo mean tlmt the law shall say that Ihcra must be no se.paralc schools for white and black men’s children, mid it won’t he long before they will not know there ever was any difference between white and liiuck. It will make you mighty sick at Hr,si, (refer- ing to the lew whites present) just as emancipation uiudeyou sick, buj you will come in mighty pretty wlien you find yon can’t help yourselves. — i,’«i i -i ,i -■— " who Ims lo us I lie A gohllumiin of llils count) (i\i'ulieu■ Judgment ronuirker other (h,y I lint lie knew of no i for constipation, dyspepsia anti liver coin- iiinlnt ns Oewlil's J.ittlu Kelly ltlsurs Ilr. .1. 0. Uoriilmim. II pill so good 11(1" Education hi HcitIoh. Berrien county will soon lake a aland Hi tin: front ranks in the mat. ter of education. At the lust session of Hie superior ormrt a recommendation woh mlopled looking In a graded system of public salicols, free to all children of school hge for leu in Hi year. It requires tlio reoomineii- datlff/1 of two successive grand juries and a majority vote of tlio people at a|i eleclinn held for tlmt purpose lo put the iiimiliinery in motion. Tim gram) jury tlmt will he cm panelled next week will pass npoll the matter for Hie second time and, if fuyorah)e, the voice of tlio people will bo taken at tlio election for county ollloers in January. Hop, TIimmiH K. Williams, the efficient county school commissioner, is cnthualijaiioully in favor ol tlm piojool. I/e says lie Is quite certain tlmt r with the public school fond sujiplomenled by a very small direct BObool lux, a pull)iff school can Ue admirably and Hiiocessfully conduct ed in every cmmminiiy in tlm comity for ten innntliB in tlm year, and tlmt such schools will glvp patrons tlm utmost satisfaction, He also believes tlmt t)m people, after one or more year's experience, would not consent to rehirp to tlm present nysteip. This is ipi age of advancement: in everything pertaining to materia) progress, F.dnoatlon is a imd successful prompter of material progress, and It ia to be eurnoatly imped the grand jury next week will liOt cripple Berrien po.uiity'a edited' t.liiuul progress by declining to con cur with tlm former grand jury ip this matter, What ahull It pruflt a man if hr gain ... y ( • ■■ .... . tho whole world and then lms Urn uyil pepsin so bail tlmt he can’t enjoy any of the good things It cnnlsiwsf He wont have dyaoepsla If he lakes He Witt’s Lit- j)u JUn/Kimm. Hr. .1. i’. Goodman. J^Fflin>t-JiW)A'"^iirfr'rt's|R : e(ni, Trout Dtlitlbridge Htaimoral, Ootober Sfllii, 187't. I’lease write him up to tlm world. Yours respectfully, ,). .1. I’attwwun. Yes, Jack Carter was pat up at Albany lo reply to den. Weaver and Mrs. I .ease, and he spoke from I Im same veranda. It was the result of a spirit of resentment of southern peo ple, tflie demooralH, who have stood together in solid phalanx for thirty years to prevent the consummation of tlm prophesy of Jack Carter, so graphically staled in Iff?,Land which don. Weaver and Mrs. Iamse arc la boring nssldiously to bring about— the former in Order to gratify an in ordinate passion for office and tlm latter for pay; Mrs, Ixaisc is working for the money slm hopes to get out of it. Jack Carter is a coal black negro, formerly a slave in Thomas county, deorgla, who emerged from bondage only lo join the republican party in tlm smith, Hie dolininunt distinctive principles of which were hatred for the Ho|jthorn people and a llxed de termination to bmnlllato them as pm all ns possible. Jack has a higher order of intelligence than most of his race amt Im has lost no opporto oily for cultivating it. Yes, Jack is a republican and has been since cimtliolpatiou, ami Im knows wlmt the principles of tlmt party Is and Inis ever been, and we are not sur prised to hoar him talking social equality and miscegenation between the races in lffcl. It was in accord with Ids parly sentiment mid lie was consistent, den. Weaver is a republican of the strictest sect and has shown his in tense hatred of the south and the SOU thorn people ami has done more to humiliate them than any otlmi man on the face of the earth, lie is in accord with Jack Curler and his principles. The only dilteiviioe be tween them is—the one. boats a w hite skin mi the exterior and the other a black Dim, Ami Hull, is Hie sole cause of the offense which our young friend preseiitl to our attention in his letter. If Uen, Weaver hint not lost Ills temper, possessed of ordinary intelli- gonfle, Im wan’d hitvo onitglit the true spirit of the indignity indicted upon him and Ids female cohort by Hie people of Albany and southern Geor gia and it, might Imve hud a salutary effect. Uen. Weaver has no hopes of suoeoss ami he mbit know that Ids candidacy will only aid in tionsimi- mating the very eomllBnn Jack Car tel was talking about In 1874, ami we are only sorry that our young friend and the other third jwrty white people of the south tmvo per mitted themselves to Im so deceived ua not to discern tho final result of their action should their new party receive any considerable support in the south. We only wish that not only Weaver but third party sylilte men generally could catch the foree of the Jack Carter argument! at Al bany. They have ail object lesson of negrffpholism, its deformity and hu miliation which should bear good fruit for democracy. Weaver and lmose Imve been given a foretaste of negro equality and insolence which' they should hot forgot in u hurry. Republican success means a force bill (all republican authorities say so) and force bill means negro domi nation in tlm south as a logical se quence. The labor of Weaver and U’ltso in the south, if they Biicceed in dividing tlio southern people to any considerable extent, will Imve no other result than to ihoreuse the chances for such condition. The repuhlican party in Alabama, Geor gia and other southern stales recog nise this fact and Imnce the advice lo their constituents to vote the third party ticket. Lot our young friend consider the lesson which democrats sought to teach by putting Jack Carter tip to reply to Weaver at Albany, and limy be und all other third partyitea come back to the democratic fold and help to avert such a terrible disaster. The third party Ims no possible show of success as a party. Being opposed to democracy it can only assist in re taining republicanism in power and continuing the financial burdens which hare resulted from republican legislation. Jack Carter is a republican from principle, Weaver is a_ L)|jnl yuirtyAte for icveiuio only. THIS SPACE BEI.ONGfS TO — E. P. BOWEN & BRO. ' — DEALERS IN — Greneral Merchandise. Fob Tax Collector. To tlw Yours of Uorrien County: XWrebt aunouuuc uiygoU us u camtliUou tor the office of fur. Collector of }our county, subject to tnd djstuociavin primary, aucl solicit your support. ' i.ltt 1 Jx* c office i*it beat t>l my Ability, FARMERS’ SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Country Produce Bought and Sold. Highest cask prices prices paid for chickens and "eggs, and farm products generally; Give us a call when you come to Tifton with anything to sell. 1, III 10 PIM ALL OP OUR Thanking the public for a generous patronage in the past, we earnestly solicit a continuance of the sains in the future. IPj. 1-tf. 1‘. BOWKiST Near tlio B. & W. & BBO., Depot, TIFTON, GA. TIFTON DRUG STORE Knaps a Fuu. Sum.v op- n (l b UJ TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES, Fine Perfumery, School Books and Stationary. Larrps of Every Description. PAINTS, * OILS * AND * VARNISHES. Political Announcements. 1 »121 'Ijftcliarge the dui ' eflUanitly the office laiibjujly und efilcirntT^ Ui th^ vcry of »nr CONNELL- Fob Tax Colll'chW. Fellow-citizen*: I am a candidate for tho “*■ n —•— iub r you our Vid endeavor to di&iurtfe the duties thereof with credit to inyeelf and the .. the entire latiif&ction ul the people, i am your fellow-citizen, T. O. IvNIOUT, Fob Clerk Superior Court. Notwithstanding my many friends do not so> licit me much 1 hereby announce myself a can ‘ - 0 t Berrfon county. didate for the Clerk's office o* pemvu county. I have had some experience in the office and will, It successful, endeavor to make a faithful and prompt imblic servant. With this promise and thanking roy fMenus for their support in the past. 1 hereby earnestly solicit your support ii^ the democratic primary. Bespectfully^ For Ordinary. To the Voters of Uerrien county; I anndilfacS mvaelf a candidate for the office of Ordinary ef your county subject to the democratic primsn’i a id eari'cstly solicit your support. If elected I will strive to give general satisfaction in my ad* ministration of the office. Tnanklng you for past me, I am respectfully, conttdeuce bestowed on me, A. W. PatiNrson. For Tax Collector To the voters of Berrien county: I am a candl* data for Tax Collector oi llerrien county subject to the action of the democratic primary. I am '"fully competent the satlsr VO OIIB lUiVHJM Ul HIS ... i.u-., a young man, and believe myuelf fully competent to discharge tho duties of the office to t * faction of the people. I solicit your support and if elected, will try to merit your approval in thd performance of the trust reposed In mo. reposed I Rsuekt Griffin. For Bureuioh Court. The undersigned offers himself as a candidate for Clerk of the Sui>erlov Court of Berrien coun* tv, subject to the democratic primary, and solic? it the suuport.of my fellow-citizens. Should t succeed lti being nominated and elected I will endeavor to discharge the duties of the office withe tion u ivbvu, iVI u»vii|iigu niv viitweo ui iu« vuivu h credit to myself and to the general sat|sfac* j of the public. B. 1*. 1'eepleb. Fou 8UKKIFF. To the Voters of Berrien County: At the solic itation of friends l am a candidate for Bherl/1 of Berrien county, subject to the democratic prU : jk my friends for tiic eonrtdonce be stowed on me in the past and ask their support In the primary. Ifejeetedl will faithfully diSv charge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. Henry L. LovITT. Fou Ordinary. I announce myself a candidate for the office of Ordinary oi Berrien county subject to democrat? V; nomination, if held, and respectfully solicit the anffrageof the people pledging myself If elected to rigidly guard the interests of those whom I serve. llespeut,fully, W. Henry Griffin. lliicklcii'H Arnica Salvo. Tiik Bkht Halve in tho world foi Cuis, iirulHCH, Ho;os, Ulcers, Halt HJjomn, Kotor riorus, Totlof, Clmppcd Hands, (Lhiildniiito Corns and all .Skin Kruptiomt, and posillvoly cures UiloH^r no pay ro tpiirod. ll in tfimmntood to givo perfect salisfuctlon, or money refunded. Price 25 centa per box. For sale by Peterson tV. Paulk. f l')ie fnofit select stock of Tobaccos and Clears in the city. My customers can bo served with good Havana cigars. ^ T call Hpeciul attontlon to Prof, Dext«r’n Catarrli Cure, MafJ^c Balm Kidney ami Liver Cure, Lung- Restorer, Mesmeric Blood Cleatisoi and Rlieuinutie Cure. They are proprietary medicineB diiU-ai^it<uui\5Rf\»i\w L veryhlghlyfor.tha^uyjnoRfJToiUdnvM'/or them' • "iesr FRESHEST and BEST GARDEN SEEDS, all tho yeur round. Call and see »ie. Tifton, Oft., April 1801. ,T. C, G C)OIT1SI AISI, For Tax Collector. At the solUdlfttiomif friends I hereby announce myself us a candidate for Tax Collector of Her ricn county, subject to the democratic primary and cnruwtlv solicit the support of my fellow-1 cltzeuH. if l'am imtrnsted with the duties of tho _ office 1 will dischj.rgo them faithfully j ciently ueeprdlng to my best ability. LLKN llKAThB. BIG BA.RGA-IjSTS ! Foil uml Wlutov AiiHomicciirent. Wo know it is curly to commends talking to tlio people alioot buying Full ami Winter goods, tint us tlio onrliost'viiiprossioiis uTn tlio most last ing wo desire to impress at once upon Hie people of lieri'lcn, Irwin, Wortli, Colquitt and Coffee conn ties tlmt onr store is headquarters for staple and fancy dry goods, notions, clothing, lints, boots and shoes, in foot a full line of general merolunidise. Onr Mr. J. N. Griffin, witli tin ex perience of many years in the mer onntilo business in Valdosta, and ful ly acquainted with tlio want* of the people of lhU particular section of country, lias just returned from the norlhcn ami eastern markets where lie imroliased Hie most complete stock of goods ever presented to tho trade by any mei'clmnt or linn in this section. Oar entire stock of goods was piirelmsed at unprecedented bar gains and we are giving our custom era the benefit of Mr. Griffin's deal We Imve jast oouupied onr new elegant ami capacious two-atory brick building, and we invito the"people to call amt ace ua whether they buy anything or not. Our clerks are po’ llto uml attentive, and nro always willing and anxious to show you onr superb stock of goods—confident tlmt our goods and prices cannot be duplicated in this country. When you come In Valdosta be sure to in quire for onr house and come to see us, We want your trade and, consequent ly will be sure lo treat you right. Keapeotfully, G Hi spin Staten, To Our Subscribers. It is not tho custom of the Ga xisttk to till ils columns with duns to ils subscribers, nor do wo do it. lint we need money. We Imve car ried hundreds of names on our books through tlm summer and the time Ims now come when we must he paid o^els" wo will have to take off the mimes of those who Imve not paid. Our ter,niff are cash t.x advance -not at tlic end of tlio year—nr loss otherwise arranged. We are endeavoring to give tlio people of Berrien county an noeept- r.ble newspaper, one of whin'd they can bo proud, but w« can’t succeed without prompt payment of subscrip tions. The editor trusts nil who are in arrears will settle at once: at le-iwt, meet him at Berrien superior court and pay tlic small amount* they are due. t \Vili you oblige ns by so doing? Foi} Treasurer. I hereby announce myself a candidate.for elec, tian tp the office of treasurer of BcrrDn county, ■*' ‘ * denr*— *— Uf subject to democratic primary. Homcmberlng your past kiudness I earnestly kollcltyour vote iu the cptnjng eleptkm, I pledge myself to faiths fully djiclmrge every duty to tho beat of my nbll. Icy ff jdpcujd, respectfully, W. It. Futck. -:1N:- FOR «HRpIFF. At tho yollcDatlon of many friends I oiler ffiy* sell ti candidate for the office of Sheriff of Uerrlon county, subject to democratic primavv, If elected 1 will disiiltarge the duties of the oftlco to the very best of my skill ami ability. ItespeetfuHy, Joun W. Uakkr. DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES AND HATS. election to the office of Clerk of the SuperL Court of ltorrlen county, subject to dCinocratli I cnvry a full line of Di’y-Goods, and am slemtiig/ WinteT G-Ooda n\vay Beloxv Cost to tritdce room for a. splendid Bvimriier Stock. Give He lour Pa|»af and 111 Save Im M MY FANCY GROCERY AND HARDWARE DERARTMENT Is fully, stocked witli tho best goods. TIFTON, OA„ August S7, 1801, II. II. TIFT. M. JY. SEXTON, Fire Insurance Agent, TIFTON, GEORG IA poprosonts tlie following old, reliable and popular fire insurance eompiuiias ami solicits the patronage of the insuring public: Insurance Company of North America) » “Greenwich,” Total Assets, $1,636,03.1,43. “Hartford.” Total assets,’ $0,570,016.13. “Central City,” of Selma, Ala. Also, write for the “Liverpool and London and Globe,” “.Etna” aud “Orient.” Founded in 1702, Founded In 1034. Founded In 1810. Real Estate and Renting Agent Has on his list of Real Estate some very desirable farm lands in the vioinlty of the “Gate City to South Georgia and Florida.” Keep your eye od it, and don’t let it get too high priced before purchasing. Tliese lauds are within one and seven miles of town. If yon have any Real Estate-houses or land--for sale or rent yon will receive prompt and courteous service by placing them with me. I am, very respectfully, i-tf. * M. A. SEXTON JOUN FouClkuh Riwuor County Thereby announce myself a cunUhl/Ltc for jrb i “* ~ -Jot n#: tlio people for their pwl ilblenee rcposctl in me I oar 1 At - irimary. Tlmnklu^ timlness ami continence reposed in mu I oar* aoMtly soUot their support in tlm comluc eleo* tion, 1 pltulpe myself, if elected, to a faithful perfnnnunce of the duties of tho office to th« oust of my ability. G. IV. Mookx. For BiiKUirr. To the Voters of Berrien County: ncstly solicit your support at the ensuing elcc* t pronilw, ~ don. . If elected, to faithfully perl ‘Tie bcf.t ofTuy ttbll..,. Daniel XN. Tuon, 'ft t*. M. A.M.' 10 fifl 10 uo Ar. Tulatka U i'J 8T2 800 0M or/) :>48 r.iK) 4 28 Hampton Ijtlce City .ItiHper Valiiosta 3 47 2 50 2 15, 1 18 A.M. P.M. 1100,10 35 7 20' 7 10 A.M. 1 156 12 51 \ M. 0 05 7 30 Tifton Cordele Macon Atlanui 1 30 f.M 400 000 10 15 A.M 12 10 146 C.R.R. Chattanooga. W. & A. NasliTllle N.C.«8t. I. Kvansvlllc i L & X. Lv. Chicago ArJc., R. ft I. jiao: 800 1130 100 430 745 P*N. 145 730 A.M. IDO 10 40 ..LuJ - . loffermy- self os n candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of said county, subject to the democratic primary. 1 thank you, one and all, for your all*-, teiancc to my cammlr.oy two years hro und oar- . . jrfprut tho duties of the office to the bcf.t ofTuy ability;— ll.urei \v a’lar - For TAX Collector. The uuderiigned present John G. Graydonto rsigned urosom John G. Grayd tlte oltlums or Berrien <;btmty tut a candidate for Tax Collactor, subject to the action of tho detnc* ‘lo party, aud solicit for him the undivided >ort or the people. \Ye Imlleve him to be competent, faithful and honest, and worthy the suffrage of our fellmvjoltlietw. Voters or Tit ton District. RAILROAD. Suwanee River Route to Florida. Sobedute in Effect August 21,1622. "Routes. H’dD’wk I r.M.'A. M ; <v• G.B.& P,l 4 451 4 45. 0 24 740 840 160 410 7 86 A.M, 1256 C 25 Short Line to World’s Fair. Slbki-ixo Car I-alatka to Macox. lTiUman SImoIhb Car AUanta to Bt. LuuU \\ Ubotit Cliiuipo, Connfott In Union OeiiatalMncnnwIUi Macon am KotUulm Italiroail, (icntia Kallroml. ('an tral Railruail and Bmitbweawrn ttaUnSol. nbrtk ■qv r: ,lh ; Iltlt tn Union IVj.„t ,t I’alaOia with UdWton. km ln.lnu in U'Mtea, caat, Treat and H/UtJBNB, Mason, On. x. fc. kkajt, •-■“HoMan'gr. Macon, da. JOHN C. HIND, CQiitraetor «na Builder, TIBTON, - GEORGIA. Al.I. KINDS OP WOODWORK DONE ON. SHORT NOTICE. liiilaliilH CONNECTIONS. August's ist. 1892. READ UP. 125 •• 1235 m 1510 *• ii lift >« ti m a.m, Hcnkae laitclUt Montpelier <*ulbm«n VatcsviJtc with A. y Tbomaabno \\ notlbutv M. at fe. A. & V. M. A B. uo iioo « M Vn. WnrHlTmfv ^ Ar,G. M, ' Oviffln ! .* .Man” '1W i M. J»K, At Oriumbu* . j*. II. R. I.v Greenville Ar ’* OdtMit j u U. n Mo'.mtvUlo j cfv- 111 HiWIllwifinyiffififrmBil Plans ami ■ipooiffoaiions furnislted on apjiUration. V ■