The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, November 11, 1892, Image 2

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gnmnn :jhbhsb 'lllli'OA'/A.TIK: TIFTON, GA., FRIDAY, NOV. ie Tifton Gazette. I, niihlMicil every Krlitay mum- ' -awl*. iVtltllO; 111, tlcrrkmuotmly, (Ire... ^ . ... 1 tu tlio N»t Inter* <t nr tile itrnwliiit dty ill 1 tlm »<ll»c«iit cnontry, mill on »ii*h t ommtry, nnil wi iiurnivniont »t t&e |wn- inn, iMimtlpe, B llllMtirl|>tl01l IMV1UJI)/ tlWtiBBKTTKll (1,00 ir, SO cunt, tor nix lmiMlw, mil muintn Inr MM, twyalile In ailYlwlMl. rifting r»tn, nl the ilsr.Knr.nni no, A "will tie fnmlnticil upon ttfplluntliiii. K 1.111, are line after (rat InMrtlnn anil I lie nrewnteil when the iininey la tu cileil. .'nrreannnilaiiiia fmm nrljrlilHirliiir town, la an- llnltml anil cnmniunlnatliinn on ilinely tn|ilna are (Iwayavrelnnine. AI way a writ* on imo alilc of tlie |ia|a,r, mil don't foriut to anelnac your name Kut* red at tlm pinto Kim, lit Tifton, fleorgl*. i II matter of tlio aeeond claim. w O/ilrlal Organ of Berrien Count)'. B. T. ALLEN. Editor. Editorial WcliIngH. fr- Wlmt will tbo hungry reporters ■feed upon whan tho elections tiro itli pint? The south Georgia conference will hold Its uliniml oouforanco ot Culiini- bni this year, sinlat the regular time In Daocmljcr. Chicago Charley I’ost Into struck toht at Daytona, Fin. This infor mation is given for the especial bcti- flt ot Dickie Grubb, ot tlio Darien (lunette, who makes inquiry for it. The Aslibum Advance is agitating tho nnestion of the formation of a now county with that embm/eity as the oounty seat, Surely rbr friends don't know what work it requires lo organise a new comity, if they did they would cense cackling on tlm! line at once. T)i* newspapers of (ho second <1is- ,trit)t,hitfnrjitt yeoman work for democratic sucoesi In tlio present campaign. Mow, that the iiattlo is over, and Don Ttusseil is victorious, tiio editors can rest on their armor with tlio conscious satisfaction of duty wolland fai .holly pelf rmul. The nuUoiml election is now a tiling of (ho past) Gcorgiu has utter third partyjginj now, Jut tho mis guided ones who stepped iisulo to in his death his relatives, bis friends and hie comity has suffered » great loss. Tin; fact that tlie comjwnfon of his bosom had been called to her reward only a few days before ren ders his sudden taking away doubly sad. He was kind, gentle and appre ciative. He leaves a three-year old daughter and a,host of relatives and friends to mourn his death. The editor tenders his sincerest sympa thy to tlio bereaved ones. DR, N, PETERSON J’hymleiun and Surgeon. TIFTOK, - 'flKonUIA. Omcr-WlUi sT, W. Faulk A Co, (’all* answered promptly clay or night. Office practice nlll rocciro attention betwee tlie* of 0:04 ami Ifl'-HJ a. in., and 3W nn< 4 p.iii. \ follow after this new politloal faimt- iulsin conic buck to I lie party of tlielr falliors. Tlm Gawk extends tlm hand of fellowship to all who will come hack in good faith. The Atlanta paporB tell us tlie present legislature Is tlm strongest for many terms. Tlmt may lie true but a careful perusal of tlm proceed ings convicts that body of tho faot that tlie 1'otlpliur 1‘eagrocns are there (ii goodly number or else are getting in their work very energetically. It will bo uotioml also that the I'oil- ])luirs do not ail cornu from soiilli Georgia, It, seems to ho in tlm mind of tlie present legislature to Hint some way of accepting the Atlanta soldiers' home without burdening tho people of tlio stale with increased taxation. Tlio only feuitblo plan we’ve seen Niiggesteit is lo pinoli oil enough from tlie amount paid each pensioner un der the existing law to aggregate tlm muon lit, imeessiiry to maintain tho homo. It is the UAMcm’s opinion, however, tills progiuiu will prove a treacherous one to those member* who favor it) it will oortulnly cause a atom) of jndigiuiUpii among the pres out pensioners. Our legislators A should go slow in tlie mutter of no I' ccpttng tlio homo at all lion. M. A. Sexton has just re turned from a general tour of tlio good oounty of llorrien. lie said lm lmd alwuys folt—■from intuition or tradition—uml believed that Uorrlen wns a splendid ugrlmillural ooanty but, said lie, 1 realised on this trip that it was even better than my high ost conception, it is grandly nmgnlll cent! Since Ills tout' lie is inoro than over In love with llorrien county lie said tlmtliliobat was I hut tho farmers of old Demon county were in easy oirounistanoes compane tivoly speaking, and in this eood year 1808, when onr whole southern country Is struggling under tho most depressing iliuiiioial stringency for years have muoh tor which to thank Hod, Just nfter the (Jahkttk had gone to press hut Friday tho editor re ceived a note from Hon. lTi,ionms E. AVlllianu'fccnring the sagIntelligence tliuton tho night befo/V Thursday, l)r. Hubert Druoo ^gend, of Nesli- ville, was killed by Ills horse run- Ding away and throwing him out of tlie buggy. No sadder message fflgsp hardly Imvo boon soul us* Dr. Snead whs olio of lilt- most proniir.- - Amende Honorable. Mr. .John M. Norman, of Colquitt county, writes the editor that the 0 a- xkttk did him and tho Atlanta Jour nal an iinintontional injustice by say ing that pnjicr published a sensation al story connecting his numo mid that of Col. T. It. Perry, of 'J’y 'J’y, with one T. W. Kxxard In an effort to defraud tlm heirs of Lewis Hill out of a largo sum of money arising from tho sale of some lands in Cul- quitt county. Ho sends tm tlio dip ping from tho .Journal to show our statement to bo erroneous, and do- sires us to make a correction. Tilt- editor lias no desire to do un injustice to any one in any matter whatever, but in all candor it seems lo us our frloiul wlll bavo to go to T. W. Ex/uril and tho Atlanta Journal for the correction and justice he seeks. The Ga/.kttk made a plain statement of tlm fads, which is fully sustained by tlio clipping sunt us, and it would be gross inconsistency for us to tnako any oilier statement. Here Is tlm paragraph upon which the (Jasskttu’h statement was predi cated. Mr. K/.zard in making a statc- tiicnt to tlie reporter Unis alludes to Mr. Nortmui! ••Messrs, Olonii & Maddox turned ovor to me sonm laud papers they had received from some lawyers in South Carolina. 1 sent, a part of thorn to a real estate man in Moultrie, Mr. J. M, Norman, and asked him to look Into them ns Urn parties wanted to sell tho hind, Mr, Norman wrote mo ami here is Ins letter (taking it from his pooket) saying the land in question was in several comities and it was ohiimod by other parties who had settled upon it ami it was in Mitch u tangle that lie lmd referred it to Col, 'J', it. Puny, of Ty Ty, flu.” This paragraph is a part of a sen sulityjjnl article in tlio Atlanta doin'- mil and connects Mr. John M. Nor man with tlm liiemird land trmisao Uou in which it is claimed the Hill heirs have been swindled out of a large sum of money, just whufj (lie (Iaxuttk laid. Mr. Norumn may not have been orimlnally commoted with tlie trunsiiotlou—our statement does not hour snob interpretation—‘ but Mr. Kzzurd liisininilvs os iinioli in liis sliiteineiit. Our motive in mentioning tho matter was to notify Oo). Perry and Mr. Norman Unit (heir names were uomieoted with the affair, both'being subscribers to tlie paper. Wo will state for tho lieneDt of Mr. Norumn, howevet,' that tho O.v xkttk loams from reliable sources that his anil Col. Perry’s connection with tlie matter was entirely lcgili- nii/te and honorable. J. M. WILKES. Reaident Dentist. TIFTON, OKOKOIA. OFt'icK-It/win 4, up stairs, l'aulk brick building. Can be found In hi* office front the 1st to mh of futon months the residue of time will l>e devoted to oomatry patlenu—at their home* If desired. Dr*. J. & D. J. WILLIAMS, DENTISTS, amiiKi.K, oiionoiA. Offiok—Dank nulldlnjrt lUwm No. I, up »talr»; DR” TC- GOODMAN Phyniciun wruf Surgeon, TirroSr ojcijioia, OKrKX—Room In the Tifton l»ru(f Store. VST" Thankliu; the p..Idle for Iw j»w»t lll^ pat runa^K and mdlrlt a oontlnuatlon of the Kamo, FULWOOD & ALEXANDER, LAW, REAL ESTATE AND COLLECTIONS, TIFTON, ■ OKOKOIA. ITom)it attention given to all 1eur«l huAfneaa. I fr 'OFFIEK— Iaive IfulldliiKi Itoom No. 1. DR.G. C. LANEY, Physician and Surgeon MOIJI.THIK, - IIKOnrllA. Olfom hi* wrViren to tho ]>eoplo of Cohiultt tid mijiU'eiit ••luntlif. IV’iimfik In mttv drill; HUiro. JOHN A, WILKES, Attorney - A OKI,, - OKOKOIA. Will practice In all thoeountlMoftheBontherh .ludlrla) Circuit of rieorifla- H|ivelul attention <11 rented tv» all hnuwhlM of the profmIon ami 4«iteral ImalneM nolldted. 8*Iy. Hats, Etc- Etc. I hitvo upeneil » Millinery fltoro, ocou* l»y!n|f miv-hulf of Mm, A* II, Orovoa’ Ntoru, and aollvlt the patronage of tho la- iIIoh of Tifton and HiirrmindliiK country, My HtonR U tho latoft fushloM and aiylea. Frlcoii rango for all gradoa «f liuIn, etc., from tho oonuuoneafc to the llneat. An liupectlnn of my new Block will omivlncu you Mint my atylca are tho latcHt und pnttcriiN tlio dulntlent ever uliowit In Tifton. fall early. ^ Iloapeotfully, MIKH Mlf.T.KH. THIS E. P. BOWEN & BRO, _ DEALERS IN _ Greneral Mercliandise. FARMERS’ SUPPLIES A SPECIALTY. Country Produce Bought and Sold. ot 1 ’rot. W. O. A vern reepectl'ulO’ mjjoiuim him M n tsndlilate tor Txx KfWlvvr of your county •object u> the Uvuiocniito jjrlrujLrj'. _ He^lj fully ctnusl arvotM USXH. and wo an tun •attitactlou to the reou'.e. in Ills behalf. Highest cask {/rices prices paid for chickens and eggs, and farm products generally. Give us a call when you come to Tifton with anything to selL Mil TO PLEASE ALL OF 01 Clflim Thanking tlio public for a generous patronage in tbe past, we earnestly solicit a continuance of the same, in the future. 1-tf. E. 3?. BOWEN & BRO., Near the B. & XV. Dcitot, TIFTON, OA. TIFTON DRUG STORE FOH CLERK St'PUniOR Co CUT At the solicitation of-many friends I hereby announce inyxelf a candidate for the oalco of Clerk of tlie Superior Court of Berrien oountyi subject to tho uemreratio primary* ftnt l eoliclt. the support of my democratfo feliow-cituomi itt the pnMiary, promisin' thum a faithful discharge, of the duties of the office In the event 1 am chos en to sene In that capacity. Obuors L. Smith For Tax reckiveh. To the voters of said county j I announce my self a candidate for Tax Receiver of your coun*. ty, subject to the democratic primary, and sulio : t your support. rev. a. J. Sauls. Fob Tax Collector. To the Voters of Berrien County: I hilreby auuounre myself os a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of your county, subject to th» democratic primary, and solicit your support* Should 1 be elected I will dlschcree the duties of althfiTlly aud efficiently Keeps a Full Supply of- a TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES, Fin© Perfumery, School Books and Stationary. Larrps of Every Description. PA1NTS 1 *0ILS*AND*VARNISHES. Tlio most seloct stook of Totmooos amt Cltiars In tlio city. My customws can be survctl wltlt gootl Havana cigars. I call special attention to Prof. Drafter's Cuturrh Cure, Magic Btilin Kidney und I,Ivor Ouro, f.uug Kostoror, Mesincrio Blood Cleunsei and It lie,limit It; Cure. They urc proprietary incdtclnos dial are recommended vtry lilglily for tlie purposes claimed for them. iar FRESHEST and BEST GARDEN SEEDS, nil the year round Call ami see >ne. Tifton, Ga, April 22,1891i ,T. C. GOODMAN. Houtli Groi'ulu Moiiilmra ou the n<Hise commute,u. Derrlcn i« bontuleil by tlio conn ties of Irwin, Coffee, Clinch, Lowndes, Drooks, Colquitt ami Worth. It may lie Intaroding to itiiiny of our trailers to know a|am what oammittues the rajiresuntutivos of those ootjtitles in tlio loglslaturu are serving, ilonee tlio Gaxkttk has oompiluil them, vie Paulk, of Irwin Speoial ugrtoul- turo, counties ami county matters, if)- ternal improveuionta, penitentiary. Wlloox of Coffee—General iigrluul- turo, liygieuo ami sanitation, Innntto asyimn, {lendons, Johnson, of Clineli-iGeneral ugri- oultuio, oountlui nml oounty inittUrt, tloaf ami ilniitb asylum, jienitentlafy, West, »f l.owmlcs—S|x'eUl jmli- clary, wild lanilx, ednaation. Simms, of Drooks—Extiuses of inomliurs, ruilroatls, Wmperanoo. Nnrniun, of Oolooitt—Speoitil ag- rionlttire, bliml iisyinlii, public prop erty, pnlilio printing. Sumner, of Worth—8{iooial ngri- mi He re, tloaf and dumb asyimn, hall and rooms. Knight, of Dcrrioti--Sjieoi'ii agri milturo, blind asylum, oumitios und comity muttcri. It will bo Holloed that not one of them Imvo lteen lioporcit with olmiuminsliip, • ....Ww-a Why pay suoli big jiriees for goods PHIL HARRIS, * i Have yr.ur cyca caumlncd und flttcd by a Hciontiflo : Optician. PHIL HARRIS, iWlal. AUU.XV, UKOROIA. YOU WANT Tho Boot Stock an! Lowost Ratos. For dl.%t11fit AhlpmontN tu mivo s cxpcusci un fn'tpftf (dmrjjtM <»trof j'ntt lO(MHN) ' BIG BARGAINS! -;1N; DRY-GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES AND HATS. am I carry a full lino of Dry-GoocTs, and. soiling "Winter Goods away Below Cost to make room for n. splendid Summer Stock Fob Tax IUcEtvr.n. ' To the Voter* of Berrien County: Tbe friend•» competent to (lbwharjce the dutle* of. the offletj We r ollcTt your votee. FRIXXl the office fai ... beat ol uty ability. aud effiGlentTy to the very W. fc. Cornell. Fon Tax Collector, Fellow cltlwn*: I am a candidate for the office of Tjtx Collector of Berrleu county, aub- Jcct to the deuioemtlc primary, and aollclt your vote*. Should y<m honor urn with the office I 111 endeavor to dliclmrgc tho dutlea thereof itb credit to uiyaelf and the outim satUfaotJoR r tbe people. 1 aut your fellow*chlzeu, Fim Ct.EnK SL-i-ramm Count. Notvitliatuiullng my many friend, do not lo- licit mo much I hereby announce utyndf ft can didate for tin* Clerk’* office of llorrien county. I have had Home oxperlonce In tbo office anti will, If BucccNsful, endeavor to tnako a faithful and prompt public acnaut. With thJ* and thanking my friomte for their auppom in the pMt. 1 heteby vurneatly solicit your Support in 1 the ucui\>cmtio primary. Respectfully, m BilahTvqart FOU OUDINARY. To tho Voters of Berrleu couuty: I announoo myself a candidate for the office of Ordinary <*f your county subject to tho domnurntlc primary und earnestly solicit your support. If vloctedt will strive to give general eatHfuctlon In my ad** mluistrutlnu of t|ie ufllco. Tiianklng you for past confidence heptowod on me, I am r«s)>cotfnl| A. W. 1’Arm Give Ie lour Pilule and I fill to Yon Monej. NY FANCY GROCERY AND HARDWARE DERARTMENT Is fully stocked with the liest goods. For Tax Collector. To the votev* of Berrien county: I am a oamU* date for Tux Collector of Berrien county subject to the action of the democratic primary; 1 am ft young man, and bclUKavmeelfJtully oomr ‘ “ to diu’htvrgc tluHUTues of the <»mco tifthe- ruction of the jHiopIo I snlicit your support if elected, will try to merit your approval In performance of tlio trust reposed (n me. Ji*DEJ»TONIFWNg Fop, Clerk Burxiuutv Court. The undersigned olTcr* himself ns a candidate for Clerk of the jhipcrlor Court of Jleriicn coun ty, Hubjcot tu thedciuouruilr primary, and Hollo it tho aunpurtof my fellow-ultlsens. Should I succeed III bping iiommsitcd and elected 1 will eudeavor to alscharge the dutM of the ofileo with mvilffe to ntysull and to tffii aeucntl satlsfao* .Ion of the public. • IT. 1*. I’Xeplkh. For Hiiurikp. To the Voters of llerrlon County; At tho lotto* Hutton of friends I aiu a candidate fur Bherlti of Berrien county, subject to the demoovstlc pH* umry* l thank my friends for tho confidence be* itowca on me In the past and ask their support In the prlnmry. If elected l will faithfully dlit charge the duties of tho ollice to the Petit of my Ability. Ukniiv i*. Lovirr. For ordinary* » I announce tnyself n candidate for tho office of ordinary of Burrleii county subject to democrat. It* nomination, if held, anil iWfcclfuDv solicit Hie snirrage of Hit people pledging myself if , uloototl to rigidly guard the intcrcats of those whom I serve. BcHpcctfully, W. Henry Uiufvin. For Tax Collettoiu At tho sol loltatnm of friends \ hereby announce myselr suia caudfdato fur Tax Collector ot Bur Hen county, subject to the democratic primary and eariuutly wiif?lt fl.o support of my feilow-t*. ir l om entrusted with tho duties of the office 1 will discharge them faithfully and eftln silently m.cordlhff to my best ability. Allen Uichtp.r v For Treadi'RKu. I hereby aunouuce lu.vsclf a candidate for oleo I They tm» perfect llttlo trees, healthy, correct, and well rooted. ComdNtlr.g of six special varie ties, vis* 1C I her la, Foster, Cmu fords Karly, Al exander, Umlr, and Wonderful. Have you seen the Imndsoinn orchard nf Mr. .1. (I. Halo at Fort Valley, (la. Y These were .H’Nt; ItruDKi* Treks. In addition can supply von with trees of any desired sire In IVtir* Apple, Cherry, I'lum, I'm* ids, - also Hie liiissiaii and other apricots.--Pal metto Asparagus, conceded the I Hist. Bend f«r ('atHlogue. UMtaldUbcd IM7»» Milford Nurseries. AV.KX. 1‘Ul.t.KN. Milford, Delaware, AND Tifton, Georgia. (1. Tlie tmdiMiduned 1)AS n)*ened a rt StehuAbotffl lug hoove In the *1 Milan building Xtal will servo tbr public with twftrd and lodging hi icasonnlds rates. ltamt mv huye it mi airy; flarirttun uric and Ihrovyhly ren- owdnt; Tabu I urn Mini Kith tlie best ]<ro- visions the markets ajfont. FttbHc patronage solicited. IMf. J* M. OWKMfits r riFTQ]sr i'E ymoii? mi'll of Deriion oounty, wlien eailrick tiros. «"1! w ctwij,? W SALE STABLES. TIFTON, - GEORGIA. WHJ.HMS. I'roprlotor, TIPTON, OA., August 37,.tR0t. II. II. TIFT, M. A.. SEXTON, . Fire Insurance Agent, TIFTOIST, GEORGIA, UtqircBpnts tin; following old, reliable am) popular fire insuranoe com{Kmic* nml solicits the patronage of tlie insuring public: Insurance Company of North America, - “(•reenfrirh,” Total Assets, $1,650,OS. 1 ),43. “Hartford.” Total assets, $6,576,016.13. “Central City,” of Selma, Ala. Also, write for tbo “Liverpool and London »nd Globe,” “.Ktnn” and “Orient.” Founded In 1702. Founded in 1834, Founded in 1810. Real Estate and Renting Agent. JIus on !ti;i list ot Heal Estate some very desirable farm hinds in the vioiuity of tlie “Gate City to South Georgia aud Florida.” Keep your eye on it, mid don’t let it get too high priced before purchasing. These lands are within one am) seven miles of town. If you Imre any lteal Estate—houses or land—-for sale or rent you will receive prompt aud courteous service by placing them with me.* I am, very respectfully, J* 4 £ M. A. .8EXTQN. JOHN a HIND, : Conteactor and HmlcLer, TIFTON, . mm . %8 '/'jy/vW tUn to tlio office of troiumrer ot BorrlVn eoimty, •ubjeot to democratic primary. Remembering *• tur paAt kiudncHA 1 etiruvstly lollcifc vour votuln :e (Yotuingeloctioii. 2 pledge myself to fa I cl*-, fully tllAcniirgo every «P**" *“ *•—- VM Ity If cleclod. Youra t y <!»lly to tho 6 I reaped fully. r. AY.U.FUTOH, For BiiKUtrp. UK —,-iRty, ■ primary. Than king the people for their past kindness und cunlldcnvs reposed In mo I car* neatly ootid their snpporl In the coining eleo* ' tlon. 1 pledge myself, if olocted. to * faithful pet furumnea of the duties of the, office to ilia nest of my ability. U. V. Mgouk, At the KtdlcltaUun of many frieitriv I oiler iny- *elf na n cundhlate for the oflloe «'f Sheriff of Bcrrlot. county, anbjeot tft democmiio primary, ^ he duties of the office aud ability. John w. Baker., ittoH Court. : I hereby announce myself a candidate for re*, election to the oflico of Clerk of tha Superior . -. .. - , —— % For Siixuirr. To tbe Voters of Berrien County: I offer my* self os a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of said county, subject to the democratic primary. I thank von, one anti all, fgr your alio? glance ti> my camlhUwy two real* ago and can*, ncstly solicit your supitort ui the ensuing cleot lion. 1 protiiiitc, If elected, to fslthfttllv perfoun tlie duties uf the office to tlie best of mV ability, Daniel w, Tjsox, F<t« Tax Collectiir. The undersljpteil present John O. Gi the cittsena of Berrien county as a cam Tax Collector, subject to the action of t crallc party, and solicit for him tlie supiMtrt ot the people. W* Iielleve competent, faithful and honest, amt suffrage of our fellow)citiacnB. Voters of Tiftok DirrulcT. LOOK FOR SALE it HALF PRICE. One threo-roller power cans nd and copper pnn evauorator. »■«. TV-XV.f GEORGIA. ALT. KINDIS OF WOODWORK PONE ON SHORT NOTICE. :K:-(ii -—.— llan* and spe.'it?i'«tion.* furnished on sppli 1