The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, November 25, 1892, Image 4

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l' . tnil/WaV l.'. i i,'f>III 1 t' vAVfc’ WMmmm y‘. v . V-.r - ■ t. TJlK GAZETTE: TI1T0X, GA.; SltlbAV, N6VEMM& fcoi L&62. w.*;) m THE GAZETTE LETTER-BOX, A RECEPTICLE FOR THE THOUGHTS OF CORRESPONDENTS. Hewn mm) KnnU of Interest Transpiring by o Fatthfol noil KOI- e«.»t Corps of Itoportera. sprimd, and I learn that it wan a fea»t long to jjij remembered. The 0*y,KriB, in iti last Iwtyj, publiHlicrl the beat oditorinl mi the duty of the democratic party that F have ever read. It contains sound doctrine and wholesome advice. JiollK.MIAN. TO POOL THE BANKS, GEORGIA SOUTHERN AND FLORIDA BONDHOLDERS MEET. - A Harmonious Merlins Tltroughont— Objections Jteleed to n Forced Hale— Hltnetlun Folly nieeuMed. RoIiciiiIuii’h Jtudgnt. Okoil, Novombor 20.—'The Val dosta Timos contains some nows that will cause much comment. THU I’ltOI'OHKD NltfillO KXOHUH. Certain negroes, to butter tlier condition, socially at loast, desire to return to their fatherland, after a slavery of over a century. They were, briefly, brought hero savages, wero civilized, and may now be con sidered enlightened in tlm better ele ment of the raeo, Those who are enlightened seek to remove the whole race to a land whom personal liberty and social equality will bo as- surod. Just how any enlightened Christian or political economist can Cast obstructions in their way, or . use any moans to prevent their return to Africa is, I confess, more than I can seo. This is morn especially true as np plied to the Soul,hern people. There are none who will deny that, social equality is an impossibility among the Southern pcoplo, A few English and Yankee crunks have pretended to desire such n thing, but Anglo Saxon blood revolts, and it is just ns impossible ns that tins Kthinpiifn can change his skin nnd become a wltlto ■nan, ns llmt a white mini worth liv ing should recognize them ns social equals. Their condition iri tlm United Stntos in too patent for rope, tition, They nro an inferior race mentally to 1J10 Anglo-Saxons, but thoio nro otiier people not more ltd. tlm iiila and suieniMis than is“'«f tlui South, who arc making progress. Hut m tlm science of government, as In many other paths wherein high mental culture exists, the negro is sadly behind, therefore as a suffragist in our dum ocratio government, ho is a curse, Ono fact alone, which was brought to light during tlm Into canvass, sultluiont. to cause the poor white man of Georgia to encourage them by all tndatii to gff. Governor Northon statod ns a ftot, tlint the white people were taxed to educate their children be yond u direct proportion, Or, to stato it more plainly, for educational purposes In, proportion to file tux they pay, than white children. Eor this,'what docs the white people ex pect ns an equivalent? Nothing. And now they nro demanding mixed schools and seats at hotel tables, on cars, ami in public places generally. They won’t get it. No, they will not. Hut what will lie tlm IssueV They will ho a political thorn in tlm llesli among our people. Already our prisons are loo small, and the convicts are becoming a curse to free labor. Lot them go. Hasten them with nil their speed that Israel left Egypt in, for they will yet, give us Itiorcased trouble. Valdosta’s fire pales before (,'coil’s mad deg, While the town was oil- joylng the lazy quiet of a Monday, In tho most beautiful of Indian sum- mors, niioiit '2 p, in., Luoifor lit his match. I heard timt a mud deg had bitten a li'tls boy, two other very valuable dogs; and had attempted to bitesevoral ladies, ami that his mail career had been stopped by Air. Chambers first shooting ami after ward killing him with a rail. I hastened to Ur. Pfitora for facta to send a telegram to the Journal, when I learned that, in nil all probability, t he small hoy had “snugged” ids heel in gutting over thp fence, I returned home to await further developments, Two hours later I learned that, from t.lm scent of .tho dead dog, and a Imm box of apirita of turpentine, tho dqg had abundant reason to get lighting mad. And now our people look rod in tlm face again. Not knowing tho Ga/iittk was so widely road, I failed to note olio of tho most enjoyable picnics of the year at Little Hlvcr. Tlm following lailies ami gentlemen, were present: Air. nnd Airs. Butler, Air. ami Mis, Thomas Nichols nnd Air. nnd Mrs Swain. Quite a number of young pcnplu wore also present.. At noon, after the party had killed all tlm game and cuuglit all the Halt they Wanted, a regular Shiloh dinner was Now Try Thla. It will cost you nothing and wi 1 surely do you good, if you have a Cough, Cold, or any trouble with Throat, Chest, or Lungs. Hr, King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, is gtiuruiiLccd to jivo relief or money will he paid iiaek. Sufferers from LaGrippe found it just the thing and under its use htfd a speedy and perfect recov ery. Try a sample bottle at our ex pciise nnd learn for yourself just no ow good a tiling it is. Trial hottlos free lit.I, |W. l'aulk A Co’a. Drug Store. ’|I)fll| Uuurnntco.l to euro i 1 l 111 itch In 110 minutes. Jljillll For sain by J. IF. l’aulk tc Oo., Tlflon, On, Letter From. '/Aon Hope. /.ION Horn, November 22,—It lias been some time since wo have read anything from this vicinity in your paper. Wo miss the little notes, shouldered by Amy, since hedoft our community. They hud become real interesting. Well, the sweet time—cairn grind ing- -is now tho older of tho day, The people of this community have a sociable now and then to break tho monotony of much sick ness they have bad to contend with lately. Airs, 9. A. Oiivor is improving slowly from her long mid serious ill- noss. Once In a while, when we pass, wo . , , can hear tlm lullaby song of Air. and "J-’ 1 " " 110 °P ln,on 10 Airs. Varnndco to their new boarder. It, is a girl. Tho members of '/.ion Ilopn church have cnltjjd EldtuyJolin A. Cox to serve them as paster. I don’t know whether ho will serve them or not. Diitp.—The infant daughter of Mr. and Airs. E. J, Oliver, aged ono month ami nine days. II.iw sad it mnkes ns feel when death steals in like the chilly wind at night and lakes the little form wo love so well far away from our sight. Hut still, fond parents, you must not weep, for Jesus knows best, and lias taken your darling babe with him to rest, Think of (lie poetry sang at the funeral: '('he II*tin linlto hut gone to rout. To reign with (loti, fori»v#i* Mont j Hit Hull’ longue will always prnlno, A Savior's lovo, rcdooinlng graou, Now, lot usstrlvo ■ l\o prism to pain, hot'* coino lo (lirlM, with him remain j Then wo thull Rhnro In Jonmt' love, Amt mo< 11 ho HtUo babo nhovn, [From the Macon Telegraph.] Considerable interest was mani fested in the 'meeting-of a number of the bondholders of tho Georgia Southorn and Florida railroad yes- terday at the Central Georgia bank. The meeting waa called to order •by Air. Thomas Gresham, formerly of Alacon, but now of Baltimore, who represented the Baltimore bond holders and who Btatcd to tlinso present the objuct of the calling o' the meeting. Afr. Gresham said that alroddv bondholders represent ing 12,000,000 of tho bonds had agroud to pool, nnd that be repre sented tho committee whose head quarters wero at Baltimore-who rep- roserted the 12,000,000 . of bonds and that they wero anxious to induce tho MacOli and other bondholders to join in tho pool with them, so that in tlm event the road was sold they would be able to protect themselves by controlling a majority of tho stok. Tliero is about ♦200,000 of the stock owned in Maeoti and immedi ate vicinity, *1112,000 oj, which was represented at tho meeting. Those bondholders discussed freely the question of pooling anil the prevail ing sentiment was that tho best thing to do would bo to join in the pooi with the Baltimore bondholders, When Afr. Greslmm sonni of the Alacon .bondholder the com niiltce wero trying to forqo a sale he replied that there was no such dispo sition on tiioir part, and that they wero iiot in fuvnr of tho interests of any ono, be lie bondholder or stockholder, and that tliolr only' ob ject waa to control the use of the road. He also said that all parties wishing lo forward their bonds to' tho committee could for ward them to the Central Georgia Bank, which would forward them to tho committee at Baltimore and re turn certificates to tho holders of the bonds. To a reporter Mr. Greslmm said that tie tin,light the outlook for the road good, but that lie did not look for an early sale. Mr. Greslmm seemed very hopeful of realizing full value for the bonds, and thought that tlm indications wore brighter for the road than for some time past. Tifton Ginnery, TIFTOM, GEORGIA. GOLDEN & SINEATH, Proprietors. —“ I Hats, Etc. Tbs stiovs ginnery U uow prepared for ginning •bort tuple cotton at usual priest. Prompt at tention given and satisfaction guaranteed. Wo iiavo a flrstctass grist mill In operation and will grind twice s treek—Tuesdays and Fri days. gstlifsction guaranteed. We have aiopts power to ton all our maobtne- ry at tbs sains time. 24-tf. 1*-, OOLMCf * SINEATH. mines Heeling a tonic, m olUMtrn wlm want blind- Ins an. eliiiiildtiilir mum .v rf imm niri iciis. It Is nU'iwiiai; ciuoe Malaria. ledlsesllnn, Dlllinunt'H, Liver Complaints anil Neuralgia. •Pardon These Tears! Of our ontlro stock is enough to draw tears from the toughest gobler In the laud. As we said in our last we must close out our stock by Jnouary 1st. To do so prices will he knocked down; the goods must go. If l> want to gain by our lo«s come and C wiitit we are offer ing. ltimd a few quotations below ; HARDWARE. Bteol nulls, 8c per pound; Scovill hoes, 29u cachj hamuiors, 10c each; hatchets, 80c cnclt; braces, 80' each; hits, 10c ouch; , knob locks 20c ent lr, unit hemes, 28c each: was tool that riding bridle*, -tOc each; 24-pound spring boiulhuldersTbalances, lOoeach; coffee mills, Stt^cacli. Fish hooks, 10c a hundred. AND Tifton, Georgia. ted has op i Julian I board an The undersigned has opened a a atclaea Imam Ing houee In the. Julian Vglldlng jmd wUl ssjvi 1 hare opened a Millinery Sure, pylng one-lislf of Mrs. A. B store, and solicit tho pstronsg.. dies of Tifton nnd lurroundiag ot My stock Is tho lateit fuhlona and styles. Prices tango for all grades of hats, etc., from the commonest to the llneet. An Inspection of toy new stock will convince yon that my etyles are the latest end pattern! the dstntleet ever shown In Tifton. Call early, , BespectfuUy, ' MISS MILLER. the public with hoard and lodging at reasonable rates. Room an large and airy; Furniture new and thoroughly ren ovated; Table furnished ioith the beet pro visions the PHIL HARRIS, i m i markets afford, Public patronage solicited. 17 tf. J. M. OWENS. SALE STABLES. TIFTON, - GEORGIA, li A. WILLIAMS,-Proprietor, Citation. (lEOtinlA-i-Bsttai** cou»tv. To all whom It limy concern W. It. Snead I anuU.rt to tho undersigned, In proper form, for icier* of administration on the estate of ll, B_. Snead, Tate of nstlii county ‘deceased,’and I will pass upou hUeah id application -at my off:ca In Nathvl'do on the llrst Monday In December aa Tlm Electropolye. Hpcoluian Gust's, S, II. C-liffQtd, New CaMi‘1, Wis,, was trouble! with mmriilgiu mi,I rheumatism! hi* stumimli was Jisui' iliTi',1, In* liver wa* nlToutod to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, nml ho was terribly reduced in lli'dli and strength. . Three bottles of Eleotrio Hitters cured him. Edward Sheppard, Harrisburg, III., Imd a running soru on his leg of eight years’ standing. Used three bottles of Eleotrio Hitters and seven boxes pf Buckled’* Arnica Salve, uml ids lug is sound mid well, John Speaker, Oalawba, Ohio, Imd llvu large fever sores on Ilia icg, doctors said lie was inuurablo. One bottle ot Eleotrio Billers and ono box of Ar nica Salvo c,lined him entirely. Sold by by J. \V. Paulk & Co. Fur Instsuor, Mm. GhM> Bogota, of Bsv Uty, Mich,, anclihmtally spilled tiding water orur lisr llttln boy. scalding water over liar llttln boy. Hho prmnpilr applied DoWItl’s Wltolt Basel Halve, giving Instant relief It's a Won derfully good salve for burnt, bruises, seres, nnd a auru cure (or piles, l’aulk A Go. Maui' Parsons *r* hrnVcn down ftnm ovstwytk or bouteUoUl cs-;«, Iron Iklttefa RubuibHito Drown'a eyitsm, aldsdli nail euros OH ClcttSCf ibmo, isgcnhuie, bllo, Not lew Is lisicby glrnn tbit I am in, Ummr a dtlssn ot n»iriJ icu inly. My tatarc oltl»mshlp will bn llslma,t,»wuilBs county, flai Nov. W. lima. J. I). UiiTcaiMim, jmui, A PROHLAMATiON. 11a W. It. to VR, Manor if Tifton: .. - n will Belli In S B ttoo Irtiinp of uuUltnc May rut w UROtnuMf n« An o.'rctUvA w|U lx* M-.I In tho elty of Ttrtnvi ^yui*» wtirla, on (ho in *i, for thre« A’ono* u v.. _ io QURlirit'aUou «>f m» elector ti too maw m - - V s^. * tlootor* who ftioinUtwd to Vof for nwnWni ' [Oral AumnUlv, rKh oihnoii to jnjryfjwo ymwrf ilm’t of tl ¥iir« aHMHP TUo rutditration boeH U now ct?«n m \>r. J. c. aoctit»v»n> tlxur, •t‘irp, nml nM be clony^ on Did wwbor iBt. I^t tiu»p wVio ta tow Atwmulv, ^’lih tl * H UU'Son * vo wAbUnt* of top ctw of montoBiu’lor toaal t alvcUkUt unit on lor inontoB inlor to Mitt awcwm uni tw duly fycUurvort on um ttiy Tho KU’fltro|Hil*e iR a ROl«niiilo Inntruinent fot tin* euro of MliK’tise wl,limit tnrriuilan. Husod on now LhmjrlM us to the 0101m* and cure of disease, It deals with llm oleoirScnl aurl nmgmitlo ctnv.ll- tlons of the body and Ruses HurroundtnR it In tho Atmospuore.' Tfio principal and most com- . fgoxygen- mon neml of tho Blok is Ok>Ron- |*uro Oryycn and tills the Klmuropniiw nupidit’S, by puulng tho syatmn In such a condition that It absorb* Oawrn from tho atmofphom. 1110 Klictrr^— *— v ropolw? la not 11 patent niedlclna: not 0 niv<tcrloua or iidnu’ulou** ouv; not a battery or btdt, nor In any way ukin to the many "elec trical eurs-ollA" udvcrilwd. It I* a rctlcblc nnd truly wonderful treatment, endorsed by thu best peoplu of this and adjoin ing Mate*. The Company owning the Kleotro- die Is iv—| * — polio Is eotnpo*«d of Hoiithern gentlemen und sonic of the most prominent men of Georgia nnd Alabama and adjoining states are Interested In It, Write for aflfiv-pagn book, describing treat ment, giving testimonials from those who have used the Kloctropolso, and with terms, sent free to any address. Ati.aktio BbRcmorouK Co., Washington, I). ('. » • Dissolution Notice. Tho partnership horctufors oxlitlug at Lenox ecu John L. Matthews am! Urn* 11 g, Nclton, Onr wcukl bu couipotltors claim, ta be selling at cost. Wo do not doubt It, but lliuy cost too much. Why? They buy through drummers whose oxpem;cs »rc from *10 to |20 h day. *Vho pays those expenses? YOU. Plain (acts. Nice Line of Glassware at Factory Prices. Lamp chimneys, all size*, 8c each; tum blers, 20c. a set; 'pitchers, Sb each. GROCERIES. Big slock to go. Come early and gel vour supply : Du bars soap, $1; tobacco. 25o per pound; aitgar, rice and starch all 2c a pound: 9 boxca snuff, 10c; salmon. IBe; peas, 13c; plneapplo, 14c a can: can dy, 10c a pound; the coltpo market strong and advancing, but xvo give you Rio for 20u a pound; x.xx soda uruukursOc pur lb. Window Shades, 25c. Here’s a roeord breaker: Epsom salts, 8c; lemon and vanilla ex tracw, 10c slzo for Cc; carter oil, 10c size lor 8c; laudanum ami paregoric, 3c each; Bateman's drops, 8cj VV Izard oil. 80c size for 40c; writing paper 8c a quire, envoi- opes 8c a package, luk 4c a bottle. Wobalcl’s largo dictionaries, |t: Oxford’* Bibles, (1.25. Walnut frame alurm clocks, |2.28. * # * Wo can easily close out most of our stock to other dealers, but prefer to let our .mstoincrs who luAu stood by us have these big values; Laces, ribbons, etc., at Impovtor’a prlcoa Big line ladles trimmed hats. Come early, as this line will vanish quickly. Lace curtains, 08c a pair: pins, lc.a pa- half hose, 6c; nor; silk thread, 6c; gout's ladies' hose, So. Tho following lines wero bought so we can hand them down to you for lesa than Manufacturers’ prlcoa. Ilnta. Shoe*. Cloth I uif. What ovary one needs now. twtwcv il _ ... , under the lira, name and stylo of J. L. Mat- thews .t Co,, I* this day dlisolvcd by mutual souieni. John I.. Matthews ha* nnft-haaod the Interest of (Irsen S. Nelson In laid ho,loess, and la hilly authorised ta eotleot the debts due aald arm nnd has slwo a,amend all the liabilities of aald Hriu of J. L. MstUinws A Co, * This November 1A, nrjj. .Ions I,. Msmiswe, at-4t. . ' UKKf.N S. NKI.SON. Boy’s hats. 10c and up. Men's hate, 49o and up. Men's suspeuders, Sc and up. Men's black corkscroW auita for |6.08. Come and O thorn Prince Albert Suits, we guarantee less than Mncon or Savan nah priori. 84-lnoh waterproof, In btue or brown, at 80o a pard—cost 88c a yard elsewhere. -9 BUV TSIVK. Light Running Joans, 10c a yard. Table oil cloth, lEkr t parrl. Heavy checks, 4Jo a yard, ' iMiliaMri.' ■ Gingham*, 6Jc a yah! Cotton Is atlvanclng, but U can get IP yard* prints for 80c. * • Do you expect to buy anjtlitng In the furniture line aeon? If you do or do not t) what wo have. We are determined to close everything out. Bedsteads, $1.95 and up. Chairs, $9.62 a act a,.d up. Muttroaae*, spring*, etc., r,t lowest pos sible figures. . * *»Sl THESE PRICES GOOD DAY. ,l$| ^ndi, nexc. Otveu under ,ny hand ana oOlolal algna- ttire, thla Novo,uber »th, 1882. _ F. M. SMITH, Ordinary. Citation. GEOKG1B—BKRB1XN COUKTV. To all whom It may conoers: G. W. Moore. .. f — -“la. i*» it . ntiuioi administrator of Elizabeth Watson, late of said “ittf ‘ ‘ county ilcccaacd, has applied to tho umlentigned —- ’-“ j “ of dismission from hi* In proper form for letter* o ■aid administration, nnd 1 will pass upon ills — — in Nashville on tho appl -xr-v'JHffVMuvT-T- —1 ttrst Monday in January next. L Qjv«n i underjny him J and othclal elgnutnre, t hi* Octohcr 3, l89il SHIS, III4B VUl’IIIVI 0, ion F. M. Smith, Ordinary. .Citation. (lEORGlA-BKitUIKN COUXTV. To all whom It may concern: li. B. Peeples, aduilnlfitrator of Hannon O Av era, late of said county dr ceased, lias applied to thp uudersigned in proper form for letter* of dlaml**lnn from his said administration, and 1 will pass upon his ♦aid application at my office In NAsbville on ths flrst Monday in January next. Given under my hand and official HlRnnture, this October 3, tsw. F. M. Burnt, Ordinary. Have your eyes examined and fitted by $ Scientific _2_ Optioio^ PHIL HARRIS, ALBANY, GEORGIA. 27-tlal. General Repairs And Cabinet Work. The undersigned bu established lu TJfl shop for repairing and maaufactnrlng kinds of furniture. Cabinet .Work a Specij ‘ xl-will continue to contract for all clastte* of l/ul)dln| .tidings and guarantee the best work at the lowest dgares. Give me a trial. 244m. B. P. STUBBS. Berrien County Sheriff** Sale For December. GEORGIA-BERltIBK COt’MTY. Will be sold before ths court house door In the town of Nashville, stld stats and county, h*- “ * ‘ tween the usual boms of sale on the first day in December next, the following property, to-wit: The west half of lot of land No. 67, north half of lot of land No. 63*»and east half cf lot of land No. 60. all lo ths 10th dlstriot of said coun ty. Levied on as ths propsrty of Willie, J. If. A Malcolm Luke by virtue of s county court fl. f». in favor of 0. w. Gaskins, administrator on ths estate of W. W. Gaskin*, deceased, apalnst said Willie, J. H. & Malcolm Luke. ThU November 9th, 1392. ■ S DANIEL W. TIBON, Sheriff B. C- Main Street Pharmacy. JAKE W. PAULK & CO., | TIFTON. GEORGIA. Complete Stock of Fresh Drugs, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. TOILET ARTICLES, such as Perfumery, Colognes, Extracts Pomadss, Hair Oils, Toilet Creams and Powders. BRUSHES, full line of Tooth Brushes, Nall Brushes, Hair Brushes, ftbee Brushes and Clothes Brushes. These good* am of tho very best quality and are to be sold cheap as country dirt. Fine Stock of Lamp Goods, Elegant Assortment pf Combs, Fresh Garden Seeds in Season. We make a specialty of Paints, Oils, Varnishes snd Painter's Mate- PAINTER'S SUPPLIES, rials generally. Dr. N. Peter Jon lias charge of our prescription department. tf. Job TIIIl gazette Printing Office. New Types, New Press and Skilled Workman. I am pleased to announce to my friend* and patrons in the com tics of ■rrion, Irtvin, Worth and Colquitt that I hav« just received a complete COUNTRY'JOB PRINTING OUTFIT ip EVERY And am prepared to expeatp at ahort notice and in workmanlike manner all olasaeu of commercial and legal blank printing. v jj I xo’tcit your order* and guarantee to give entiro aatiafcurtior: in prices and quality of work. Respectfully Levs Hotunxs, TIFTON. obgroia W. II. I.OVM,. M.vov, tl A V l 'l.,it U r at or.oe. . - ?»■ a. i,uvi I J II, LOOUMAN, ciet'k. ■mi* YBN oenta to rs Union 8q., N. V., R pen,.. "Blind Luok," ana om* Bnwlnp Wnoblnn. Stn°» n.iv'So am *’ Cut tbit ndr.rllumuont out, bting It with V and 0 that U got Just nbst we »1voitls* \V«> moan huilnm; wboc w, say to oar Mock GO, go it must and go it shall, Tody* for bu,tars,,