The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, December 12, 1919, Image 1

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Ws, the GrSTjury chosen end si to serve st the December, 1919, T Tift County * Superior Court, beg to . make the following presentments. The following committees were ap pointed and their report become a pSrt of these presentments. A. Bond and Bridge Committee. D. Varner, E. L. Vance, A. A. Hut chinson, W. H. Willis, Demsey VVbiddon, B. Convict Camp Committee. L. W, Wbiddon, Henry Sutton, W. T. Greer. O. Public Buildings Committee. H. H. Tift, Jr., J. W. Gauldiuf,,J. P. Cromer. . HB D. J. P. and Nr P.. Book Committee. C. I. Jones, J. M. W. Lyons, J P. Cromer. •E. VarBus County Book Committeee. J. W. Gaulding, It. H. Hutchinson, R. W. Goodman. * -JlH This committee is to hold over and report at the next session of the Grand Jury. This committee to be paid $5 jot day for thel r services. F. County School Commissioner’s Re port. ' G. Tax Collector’s Report. We, recommend that M. S. Patten nnd E. J. Cottle be elected to tlw Board of Education to fill the unexpired terms of Jacob Hall and J. J. Baker, who have resigned. • We recommend that the. pay of Grand and Petit Jury of 1920 be paid the sum of |3.00 pc r day and that the Clerk of the Grand Jury be paid $4.00 per day. Hiding bailiffs be paid. $5.00 per day and Lobby Bailiffs be paid $3.00 per day. -We further recommend the Sheriff br paid 75 cents each per 'day for feeding prisoners. . We recommend that thc& present ments be published in the Tifton Ga zette and" the sum of $15 be paid for Mae. ' f t . .. • • In co-operation with the. law and - order league, We, the Grand fJury recommend that any one offering for public office be required to make public through his County paper whether he is fop or against Prohibition. r We, the Grand Jury, elect Dr. L. A. Baker a member of the Board of Health to succeed himself. We recommend i.tbat the Health Com mission continue to make monthly re- ports to the Board of Health and that i th * Board of Health hold regular Quar terly meetings as required by law, oud that tie Health Commission make a quar terly report, and that same be publish - 1 *dl in the Tifton Gazette. It i8 the opinion of this body Uwthc County Warden needs another team of mules and we recommend that the . County Commissioners furnish one more . team of mules and that a shed or barn be built at the County Farm to house the mules and that a tent be secured to use the mules are away from the barn. WHEREAS, A statewide campaign is ing for teaching grown persons who have had no school opportunities, how to id and writo THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Grand Jury of Tift County, That tlmjjtaperlntcndent of Public Schools and {cacherajtor this county be requested to give their instance and the people of the county be requested to co-opevte in this most highly commendable enterprise, and further, \ BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of Educationtho Commissioner of Roads and HCTemfts of Tift County be 'requested to co-operate in this campaign in Tift County. We extend our thanks to the Honor able R. Eve for his able and ciea r charge WANTED CORD WOOD—To be hauled In by prqgons. $3,50 and $4.00 per cord. Tifton Ice A P< lldwtf V-tk). See ns quick. to us which has aided us greatly In the discharge of our duties as'Grand Jurors. We also extend, our thanks to the Honor able B. 8. Foy, Solicitor General, tit the valuable service he has'rendered us during our deliberation^ and whom we have ever found ready with clear and accurate information on. the various Id*- al questions that arrive before, us. ;We desire to say further in regard to these officials that during their term of office, they have rendered efficient, able and conscientious service, for which they deserve the commendation of those whom they have served. And we desire to tike this method of . expressing our Unquali fied approval of their official conduct. And hope they may he returned to ua another term without opposition. W. IL Spooner, Forcmau, R. H. Hutchinson. Clerk. ; ••*• • To the Honorable Grand Jury of Tift County: : Gentlemen: In compliance with your request I beg to . submit the following report of the rural schools and school conditions of Tift County: The school census of 1913 shown that Tift county bad, at that time, 3000 children within school agd, 2183 white and 91(1 colored. The census of IMS shows that we have 3081—2034 white and 1047 colored. This gives an -in crease of 582 or about JJJ& 1-2 per cent. Our school bouses, as a whole, are above the . average iu Georgia. The houses for white chlldrer are all paint ed inside and out, seated with single patent tujsxs, most ot them nave amau uoranes, many are supplied witn maps and globes, seven schools have pianos, four of which were put iu during the past year. The physical condition of the majority of our schools is Very good, but not what it ought to. be. The value of the school houses and property under the county, systenr is estimated . at $55,- 100.00. This is less than the value of our splendid court house of which we are so proud. And yet the schools ar the factory of future citizens. The boy and girls are thy State’s greatest nsspt And no expenditure is too great if .Quality them tq return the investment to' the State with profits. The times are htfpeful i the tendency is townrd better rural schools; many.of our patrons arc thinking along progres sive school lines. One community has voted bonds; to build an up-to-date mod ern buildipk and others are looking in that dirccljoii. 'A brighter day for schools is downing. In 1017 we had" twenty-eight schools taught by sixty teachers of whom four teen were mali^nd forty-six female Two schools ^re discontinued nnd iu 1018 there Were twenty-six’ schools taught by fifty-six teachers of whom sev male and forty-nine female. We now have sixteen negro schools taught by twenty teachers. Gcner&y these schools are not. very commendflole except the Tift County Training School, It is in good condition and is doing sonic good work. The enrollment for 1917 was 2012 whites and 1010 colored.* The average attendance of whites was 1352, of colored 083. In 1917 there were ninety-seven pupils in the High school grades. 1018 there were 02. The enrollment for 1917 were 1350 boys, 1227 girls, total 2583. The col ored were 444 boys and 555 girls, total 000. Average attendance was 1240 for the whites and 570 for the colored. During the year 1017 the following is a record of the receipts and disburse ments : Balance on band from 1010 .... $100.08 Total received from state in 1017 11,407.30 Total received from local tax ation 13,500.07 Total received from loans .... 10,000.00 Total received from tuition fees . and other devises 41.90 TotM i 41,200.04 Disbursements. To County Superintendent of 1 Schools 1,180.00 i Salaries to white teachers —.. 17,918.08 Salaries to colored teachers .... 2,711.25 Repairs ....—.............— Interest and discount Loans repaid —..— —~ Refund-to Tax Collector Miscellaneous *...— Total Balance on hand January 1, 1918 ........................ 1,818.45 During the year 1918 the following is a record of the receipts ‘and disburse ments. Balance on hand from 1917 .... $1,818.45 Total received from State in .1918 16,056.45 Total received from local tax ation - 12,J244.& Total received from tuition fees and stray hogs 474.8C Total received from sale of school property 43.80 Total received from loans 14,000.00 Total 45,218.10 Disbursements Salary to County Superinten dent of Schools ~~ Salary to members ’ofxCounty Board of Education Stationery, postage and Office Supplies Salary to white teachers ........ Salary to colored teachers ........ For building, repairs and equip ment ........ - Refund for stray cow .............. Interest and discount Loans repaid ...» Census enumerator . .............. GIVE • yciur WIFE a. « PRESENT. a nan marries he ought to *ave money; After k mint mvo money. way to mvo money U to give your wife a bank Bank,. She will help you to get ahead, be-' better manager, than men. Your money iN&URSANk. lional Bankof Tifton Cont. Interest Paid on ! 1,475.00 133.00 204.00 15,855.33 2,148.50 1,545.44 12.19 702.55 17,090.50 153.50 Miscellaneous ... 207.30 Total 40,488.00 Balance on hand January 1, 1910 4,730.13 During the year 1910 to December 1, the following is a record of the receipts and disbursements: Balance tin hund Jan. 1. 1019.. $4,730.2.* Total received from state 0,120.00 Total received from local taxa tion 4,800.00 Received from sale of stray cow 40.70 Total received from loans ........ 18,500.00 Total received from Vocational Board • 288.75 Total from all sources 37,428. Dlsbnrsements Salary to County Superintend ent of Schools $1,050.00 Salary to Bourd of Education .. 132.50 Stationery, postage and office supplies 180.75 Salary to white teachers 20,002.75 Salary to colored teachers 3.2SO.OT For building, repairs and equip ment nnd supplies ...7. ..... 854.40 Interest and discount 340.08 Insurance 28.5C Loans repaid .. 8,000.00 Miscellaneous — 214.32 Total 35,200.14 Balance hand Dec. 1, 1010 2,120.00 respectfully submitted, I. Ammons, Superintendent. To the Grand Jury of Till County De cember Term of Court, 1919: Gentlemen : I lieg to make the following report ol an special tuxes collected by me in Tift county for the last six months begin ning July 1st, 1010: July 14, Nathan Manning, auto transfer July 14, 1*. .1. Fowler, auto transfer ^.. July 12, A. M. Bradshaw, auto transfer July 15, W. M. Tyson, auto transfer July 15, A, E. Coburn, auto transfer ' July 15, Jesse Haynes, auto transfer ...... July 15, Willie Rowe, auto transfer July 21, J. H. Price, Insurance Agent July 21, J. B. Murrow, Insur ance Agent .v.:.... Aug. 22, W. E. Lightfoot, auto transfer - Aug. 11, T. f. Rutland, auto transfer — Sept. 0, E. W. Oliver, cigarette $5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 10.00 tax Sept. 0, E. W. Oliver, soda fount Sept. 10, Atlantic Land Co., auctioneers .;. Sept. 20, J. J. Clyntt, Agt., Gasoline truck .. ... Oct. 2, Sparks Famous Shows Oct. 10, Wheclcs Moving Pic ture shows Nov. 10, Rabbit Foot Show, * Small show [>v. 28, Carroll & Co., Horse traders 25.00 5.00 Total tax collected $202.00 All the above taxes have been properly receipted and amount of taxes forwarded to the Comptroller General. This Dec. 3, 1910. Respectfully submitted T. 8. Higdon, Tax Collector Tift Co. Ga. We, the Hoad and Bridge Committee recommend that the bridge across Little River known as the Overstreet bridge be repaired. Also .the bridge on the Brook field and Chula road between John Goff and L. L. Simmons be repaired. Also the Ty Ty and Whiddon Mill road be tween the river and the mill be worked; also a portion of Ty Ty and Nashville public road beginning at a point where It crosses the Tifton and Right Chapel public road. At Timmons still be worked south to Tifton and Omega road at T A. Ivester house. Also the road leading from J. H. Hutchinson to Whiddont Mill be worked. Also on investigation find practically all roads in bad repair and further re commend that- our county commissioners make more diligent effort to get more Herbert L. Moor, Graduate Optometrist. Seven years of continuous practice m Tifton and over L000-cases of Eye ■train satisfactorily relieved. Isn’t tins recommendation enough for our work? If you .need ,Glauses see me anv day in the week, except Friday P. M. at Moor's Docket of Seventy-Five Cases Before Court. No Unusually Important . Cases Expected to Come Up at * This Term The criminal week of the December term, 1910, of Tift Superior Court con vened Monday morning at 10 o'clock in Tift county court house, Judge ft. Eve presiding, with all the officers .of court present, to-wit: R. S. Foy, Solicitor- General; J. M. Shaw, Sheriff, and Hen ry I). Webb, Clerk. The following named persons were cho sen uud sworn to serve as traverse Ju rors: Panel No. l.—C. It. Choate, A. O. Na tions, A. P. Cox, C. J. Weimortz, B M. Hancock, Morris C. Sumner, Warren Tucker, W. E. Peele, W. E. Vickers, J. H. White, N. D. Pinkston, G. N. Blount. Pnm-l No. 2.—O. B. Clements, John 'C. Hargraves, J. E. Abbott, H.AO. Hardy, G. P. McCranie, P. H. Gib$s, J. M. Deuby, (Jus Adams, J. C. W#bb, D. J. Branch, W. B. Chandler, J. N. Benue- field. Panel No. 8.-J. L. O’Steen, J. H. Merchant, Jr., H. A. Shockley, William Rigdon, D. L. Swindall, R. SUaa Gibb*, W. M. Ponder, S. E. Terry, D. T. Veal, J. L. Padrick, .T W. Pendley, J. L. Pickard. Panel No. 4.—W. W. Bryan, John Sizemore, J. R. Ellis, F. H. Short, Char lie Mathis, J. g. Taylor, E. L, Ireland, L. K. Bell, John P. Willis. The following were sworn to serve as Lobby Bailiffs: Bruce Bass and J. P. Everett. The following were sworn to serve as Riding Bailiffs: I. M. H. Fletcher, E. O. Oliver, E. M. Ford and I. Y. Conger. The court proceeded with the trial and disposition of the following cases: The State vs. Paul Turner, cow steal- work for the money spent und bridges. roads D. Varner W. II. WUlls A. A. Hutchinson E. L. Vance Dempsey Whiddon Tifton, Ga., Dec. 3, 1010. We, the Committee of the Grand Jury appointed to investigate the convict camp beg to submit the following report : Wo find 35 head of mules, 31 of which are in goo,| condition. 4 of them almost worth less. We find 8 wheelers good shape, 8 2-horsp wagons, 1 one-horse wagon in common condition, 3 road machines in good shape, one in bad condition, but had parts ordered to fix same with. We found 8 head of hogs at farm in good condition. We find one cutaway harrow 2 new chattanooga 2-horse plows, 3 liv ing cages in had condition, 2 dump wag ons in had shape, w<* found no shelter for mules no,- no barn for feed but plenty of lumber to build barn with. The res idence at farm floor uud top is rotten and needs netf one put on. Also the water tank at farm needs paint and a shelter over same. Stockade and contents found in very good shape. We also found 2 one-horse Oliver plows and 2 road plows all in good shape ,we found 27 convicts, all able to do good work hud on good clothes und said had plenty to eat. Found 5 guards and two hired L. W. Whiddon Henry Sutton W. T. Greer Committee. the Committee appointed by the Grand Jury, Dec. Term. 1010, to axam- ine the J. P. and N. P. Books, beg to submit the following report, viz: Only three Districts have handed in their books for examination, Ty Ty, Brookfield, aud Brighton. The records of the Ty Ty aud Brighton Districts we find fairly well kept. The records of Brookfield District we find deficient in that cases docketed does not show dat ing or coat bill in many cases. Respectfully submitted, C. I. Jones J. M. W. Lyon -— J. P. Cromer Repairs at Court House Toilet on ground floor—one top seat and scat covers to three toilets—from indow down stairs. Toilet need]) repairs down stairs. Leak over /window in Judge’s south side room, I Highway Department room on north aide—window pane out on west side. Light switch [broken in south Jury room. - jir* 1 '" Marble off in lthre? places, one down stairs and two uu stairs. Glass out of tMfte doors down stairs. /At All We, find tfce jail house in very bad repair. The second floor is in very bad condition and) should be repaired. We t dooi4 and windows not screen ed and should*!be screened at once. The front porch to the jail is not suitable for the building and we recommend and nest that a porch large enough to be'of some protection and comfort be built Owing to the fact of the bad state Of repairs we found at the jail and the number of times Grand Jurys have re commended that these repairs have been called to ths attention of tbs Commis sioners, wc want to urgently request the Commissioners to have these repairs Judge Eve ia Putting Where They Can Do Some W« Worth While. If a few ynore straight sent) given law violators by Judge :Ev put v the fear of the law' ip <»f the wrong doer and at the i give tW coputy a sizable rdad l This term of court has been remai ble for several reasons; among;them the size of the docket, the high percen tage of convictions and the heavy ih;u alties imposed. • M It is likely that the court will go on through next week uuless Judge K< decides to adjourn after this . Week und call an adjourned term later,:; Jake aud Dan Purvis, wbltg victed of bog stealing and given sentences of 12 months each in the £hain gang, are iu jail pending an appeal for u trial. 7 Jim Walke r was found guilty with a recommendation as for misdemeanor pun ishment. Judge Eve sentenced him to serve 12 month# on the gang without letting him pay fine. ing; plea of guilty, sentence not li than 2 years nor more than 3 years In penitentiary. The State vs. Millie Crawford, perjury; verdict of guilty, sentence not less than three nor more than five years. The case of the State vs. W. R. Cook charged with murder in connection With the killing of tV. B. Carter*in Tifton last summer was continued for the term on account Mrs. Carter’s delicate condi tion.' Mistrial in Bowen vs. Baker Case The case of E. P. Bowen vs. Tom Ba ker for ejectmeut, which was the last case taken up during the civil week of Tift Superior Court, resulted in a mistrial. This suit involves about forty aerps of land in the Vanceville commun ity, being a dispute over the land line. This case was taken up Friday noon and went to. the jury at 10 o’clock Sat urday morning. At 0:35 o’clock Sat urday afternoon. Judge Eve called in the jury and declared a mistrial, after which the civil week was adjourned. Tuesday, v Dec. 9. Court reconvened at 8:30 a. m., all the officers of Court present. The Court proceeded with the trial and disposition of the following cases: The State v». Ed Daniel, burglary verdict of guilty. Misdemeanor punish mont recommended; sentence ^2 months iu chain-gang. The State-vs. Jake and Dan Purvis bog stealing; verdict of guilty, with re- mmcndation for misdemeanor punish i*nt; sentence 12 months in chnin-gang mi each case. At 0:30 p. m. Court took a recess'uu- til 8.30 Wednesday morning. Local light Plant Makes Arrangements to Use Wood -Entirely During the Remainder of the Christmas Shop- , * - - 1 ping Season. All restrictions on the use of clectYic lights in' Tifton were removed Thurs day. morning. Tifton. stores may now stay open as long each eveniug as they find it neces sary in order to wait on their customers. This announcement was made this morning by Mayo r H. II. .Hargrett, who has been working on the matter for sev eral days. The unrestricted use of lights here is made possible by the local plant using wood exclusively for fuel. Stores which stay open, however, will not be able to use. coal for heatiug purposes, except be tween 0 a. m. and 4 p. m. Tbe unrestricted use of lights iu Ti& ton is contingent on the local light plant Morning,' __ $27,580 Being Raised on Last Day ot the Big Drive. The Fi^st Baptist Church* of Tifton went “over^the top” in the 'Baptist $75,- 000,000 campaign with $1,280 to spare, and this notwithstanding the fact that the church had a quota out of all propor tion to its /membership. The quota was $81,300 and the church subscribed $82,- .' 580. This amount is to be paid in fiver years, all cash or in weekly, monthly or , yearly installments, as best suits the subscriber’s financial condition. Saturday night the committtee having tbe drive in charge made a final checking, np. »Pledges received up to that hoar amouuted to $55,000, but the committee^ bad beeu assured two pledges amount! to $12,000. Careful checking up of J membership and pledges, showed that^ the membership had been thoroughly : worked and that the only chance to gh 7§ over the top depended on those who already subscribed doubling up. At the 11 o'clock service Sunday morn ing, the committee made its report andf stated to the church just exactly how securing enough wood to keep it running, and this wood must be hauled into Tif- matters stood. Nothing was kept from ton by wagons or trucks. It can not be' (he audience, but the matter pat before shipnpd in. term of all Therefore, it is to the in- all Tifton merchants to help tbe pliftit get all the wodd it needs. If you know of anyone who has cord wood for sale, send them to the light plant, which needs all the wood it The light plant is today advertising for wood and offers $3.50 to $4.00 a cord for wood, depending on quality. Bring in your wood now. Dolls, Dolls, all sorts of Dolls, at Bankston's. CcodOtw2t WANTED CORD WOOD—To be hauled in by wagons. $3.50 and $4.00 per cord. Tifton Ice & Power Co. See ns quick. 00 pou 1UIT CAKE just arrived at Choate’s. 0d5t * * ; BRING US YOUR EGGS—We pay 00 cents cash or trade. Choate's. lOdwtf FOR SALE—Kirstin One Man Stomp Puller, good as new. Mrs. W. ft.-Johns, Motor Routt A/' > SdltwSt enumerated at the court house arc small .vet xhoiild he attended to and thereby protect the building nnd the people in attendance on the Courts. * IL H. Tift J. W. Gaulding J. P. Cromer • • • • • ('onunittces on Roads and Bridges R Varner, Ty Ty; E. L. Vance, A A. Hutchinson, Dempsey Whiddon. Convict Camp L. W. Whiddon. Henry Hutton, W. T. Greer. Public Buildings H. H. Tift, Jr., J. W. Gaulding, W. II. Collier. •I. P. and N. P. Books C. I. Jones, J. M. W. Lyons, ,T. P. Croiper. County Books .1. W. Gaulding, II. R. Hutchinson, R. W. Goodman. It is ordered that these general pre sentments be spread upon the minutes of Tift Superior Court and that the recommendations he carried out as recom mended, and that appointment be made as therein ’ recommended. In open-Courts This December '5th, 1910. R. Eve, Judge Superior Court, Tifton Circuit. Georgia—Tift County. I, Henry D. Webb, Clerk of the Super ior Court of said county, do hereby ccr tify, that the above aud foregoing is the and correct copy of original present ments of the Grand Jury at the Decem ber Term, 1019, of Tift Superior Court, as the same appears of record in ray office in Minutes Book ‘'C”, pages 78, 70, 80 and 81, of 82 of Tift Superior Court. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hnnd and affixed the seal of said Court. This the 5th day of December, 1010. Henry D. Webb, Clerk Superior Court, Tift Co. Ga. Wednesday, Dec. 10. „ Court reconvened at 8:30 a. m.; all the officers of the court present. The court proceeded with the trial and disposition of the following cases: The State vs. Joe Webb,,having whis key. The State vs. Joe DeVaue, carrying pistol without; plea of guilty; sentence 5 months or $50 to include The State vs. Prince Mobley, violating automobile Jaw: verdict of guilty, sen tence (» months iu chain-gang and pay all oosFs. Chain-gang sentence to be serv ed uuder probation. The State vs. Homer, Florence, as sault and battery;, verdict of guilty, seuteucc 12 moutlp in chain-gang. them just as it stood. The two subscriptions amounting ,ti> $12,000 werq promptly turned in, send ing the total up to $67,000. Then tbe matter was left up to the chnrcb, wheth er the balance should be raised or not. The committee stated that it could be raised by urging, but tEis was not the purpose of tbe drive, as all subscrip tions should be voluntary. On motlbn - tbe church voted to raise the balance. L Lard Cans, Shotgun Shells and Ajax Tires for sale at Rickerson’s. lOdwlw English Walnuts, Brazil Nuts, shelled Pecans, and PECANS. Choate’s. 9d5t Nuts, Fruits, Grapes, Candy and Ev erything Good to Eat at Rickerson Gro cery Co. lOdwlw Mr.Farmer: We have some mighty good disc harrows, stalk cutters^ feed mills, corn shellers, wood saws, pumps, pump jdeks, and kerosene engines, and a few more grain drills, and many other things for the farm, that would help out on your farm. W. E. Fanner A Co, 24d2taw&wtf , Grapes and all other. Large fancy vases at half price at Cboate’a. 9d5t j Bankston’s Variety Store. 5eod4tw2t STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BANK OF OMEGA LOCATED AT OMEGA, GA., AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS DEC. 2, 1919 Demand Loans Time Loans — Overdrafts, Secured Overdrafts, Unsecured Banking House 4 Furniture and Fixtures Due from Banks and Bankers Due from Banks and Bankers Currency Gold Silver, Nickels, etc Cash Items $ 1,271.00 175.00 807.71 150.00 Advances on Cotton 5,373.56 Mutual Fire Funds $ 5,000.00 56,021.37 1,041.04 49.00 ’ 2,407.97 2,744.75 29,624.71 22,510.23 7,777.27 120.00 TOTAL ent expeusos, interest & taxes paid LIABILITIES Capital Stock Paid In ^Undivided profits, less cu Due Unpaid Dividends Individual Deposits Subject to Check .... Time Certificates Cashier’s Checks TOTAL 15,000.00 5,561.31 8.00 97,620.00 8,321.88 785.75- $127,296.94 STATE OF GEORGIA—TIFT COUNTY. Before me came W. H. Sorrow Cashier, of the Bank of Omega, who being dulyJ sworn, says that tbe above and foregoing statement is a true • condition of I Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank. W. H. I Sworn to and subscribed before mo, this Oth day of December, 1010. J. S. Rents, N. P., State at Large, « CONDENSED STATEMENT OF The BANK of TIFTON TIFTON, GEORGIA DECEMBER 2nd 1919 joe orrsn FIRST CLASS LAUNDRY PRONE W Work Called ter eal DcUreni Real Relate U. 8. Bonds and Treasury Certificate! Loans and Diicounb ........ Cotton advances ■—..■■■■ Cish and dua by banks *31,000.00 200,583.10 450,250.07 We want 25.000 pounds ot SCRAP IRON Between now nnd Christmas and will pay 35* PER 100 IBS. flat np a load at Scrap Iren, briny It to na and yet aome spcndlny money for Christmas. Alio Briny Tour HIDES, RUBBER, RAGS, Etc. to A. WEINBLATT. TIFTONj GA! ■ .. Total LIABILITIES: Capital 150,000.00 Surplus and undivided prof* ■ Its 270.00L11 Deposits 1,504,209.04 Certificates for U. S. Bonds 76,700.00 Bill* payable None Total . 0,900^1005 Account* of Individual*, Firm* and Corporal tolicited. Every accommodation conaiate with conaarvative banking, ia offered, tereat paid on Time Depoaita.