The Tifton gazette. (Tifton, Berrien County, Ga.) 1891-1974, December 19, 1919, Image 2

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'"'"-.--'-'.I ‘Alone Don't eni bread constituents FIRST HONcB Self-Rising FIm You Sa ve YlME, MON El WORRY, and are Assurfl Results that Eminently Sal FOUNTAIN PENS tiveOualil vorimsui 11 never know how oa oottee can be un coil try Luzianne. CLAUDE PAYTON • Lawyer Special attention, Criminal, Daman, Daninptey, Equity anS Insurance lav. No. S49 1*2 Broad Bt. Albany, G*. FARSI AND CITE DOANS DR.O.E. Lindsey Osteopathic Physician UOURS e 12 A. M. 1 to 4 P. M. Office Over 0. L. Parker’s Office ’Phone 340 W. B. BENNET B. C. WILLIFORD Attomcy-at-Law, Tift on. Us. OOee 80-32, McLeod Bids, (Damage Suite and Criminal Practice Everybody Loves Baby Auguzta. Go.:—"From the time my baby girl was thn-e months old I havo uniat '^Hn.M nrcd a; r vitt.v’tMfUWik^ and threat.” llPir.!, Wesson, M(i> ■Issippi: /W.I.3-KA makes m- feel vij'or-ona and' cble to wor! ■.vithOst thit tired, freak feeling vsnally lraft-o oUsrrlnsv’ Mra. p7V u .t„gsen, Austin, Mir -scsota: “If /pt rid bf my )iv< trouble an-4/eri'Oab-tmythJng sin* taking RE$fU-NA.” Jiu. L. Hearing, 283 East 109t St, New York Gltyt “For catnrr: of the bead and stomach. I hav ’ found EErRU-NA better than an; Mr. W. H. Edgar, .49 Cooper St. Atlanta, Georgia: “PE-RU-Nf cured mo after I had euffcrc- fifteen years with rheumatism.” Mrs. Leona Dodd, It. No. 8 Medon, Tennessee: “PE-RU-N/ ia a grand medicine for coughs an colda?* :: So many diseases are due to c: tarrh and catarrhal condition makes PB-BD-NA tho beat mod. cirte in the world to have on han for emergencies and general hoalt’ protection.. Thousands of fnmilic are never without a bottle of PE RU-NA or a box of PE-RUOfl. Tablet* in the medicine c:il''t? That ■ tho 'safe way. c ■TMoanr buy PE-llU-VA babies wheu th old to holp in: praises it as his) COX, 843 Ehlffi become verk Dr. Pierre s Golden’ tho asthma and the 1 to build me up and JUNIPER CAMP No. 144 WOODMEN Of THE WORLD Meets army' Brat and third Tars day idgkt la the Maaonte BaiL AH rnsmbsm are reqamtid in a'Haad and visiting CNsp- ym M wMr taiM ^ ’ i & R. HUTCHINSON, CM. The Fertilizer That Mat y l^ Fish Scrap Famous j F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMP Menfolk, Va. Richmond, Va. Lynchburg, Yl /Tail ChaMotte, N. C. Washington, N. C. rniumtofa, S. Cl So, Atlanta, Ga. Macon, Ga. Columbus, Gal Mteitgoa and inactive, bothered with feotPrfW Farm Light Plants and water works systems. Com, tn and see our light and water works systsau for the Isrto. W, * Farmer* <k. f *«**'*’•* coffee The Reily-Taylor Company New Orleans Nashville, Oa., l»ec. 17.—Mn. Mar- tha Ann Giddenn, aged 80 yearn, died Monday at the home of her son-in-law, Isaac Boyd, near Nashville. The funeral and interment \va* at l*opla r Hpriu^s churchyard. The next time you have , chills and Fever r TAKE A MECn "It Kills the GI)ills”U A edentifle preacription which kills tha malaria genus, breaks up the Chills and Ftvar and bnilda np the system. Amees CkIU and Ferer Me k «M In Tlfton and gnuutaad by BnoM MXS WEEK'S Mr. .1. \V. Powell, of Harlem, Ga., spoiuJiug a few daya with Mr. and Mrs. Km Phillips. Mr. T. K. Conger, of Route .3, wu in the city Saturday and advertises fo r a house or rooms. Christmas carols will be sung this year in many towns and cities on Christ mas Eve night. Why uot in Tiftdn? Sellars Parsons, on Route 2, has lost a mule and offer* a reward for informa tion* Wee the Wunt Ada, Parker Turner, at Ty Ty, has taken up three tattles nud wants the owners to come and them. See descriptions iu the Want Ads. The Box Supper at Myrtle was a suc cess beyond the ‘expectations of the friends of the school.' A total of $41.50 was raised and when the size of the school is considered, this ia good. ; D. B. HARRELL * Practicing Physician Office McLcod-O’Ncal Bid*. Office Phone 2M* Realdenco SOI TUtoa, Georgia. • R, G. ELLIS attornet-at-law Special attention given to c< and u matter, relating to land tlUoa. wm practice k all the Courts. DtSCHMBEK IN DIXIE To sunshine and roses He’s lifting his bat; A mockingbird’s singing:— Wbat think you of that? Why, Old Man December Don’t know where he’s at! —Frank Stanton. Do Yon Enjoy Torn* Meals? If you do not enjoy your emesis your digestion is faulty. Bat moderately, es- Iiecially of meats, masticate wyour food thoroughly. Let five hours elapse be tween meals and take one of Chamber- Iain’s Tablets immediately afte r supper and you will soon find your meals to he a real pleasure. Mr. Emmett Holder and Mias Lolls Holder motored over to Oordele Sunday morning to meet their mother, who has boen on n two weeks’ visit to her (laugh ter, Mrs. R. L. Wade, in Lumpkin. Chamberlain’s Tablets. These tablets arc intended especially for indigestion and constipation. They tone up the stomach and enable it to perform its functions naturally. They act gently on the liver and bowels, there by restoring the stomach and bowels to a healthy condition. When wyou feel dull, stupid aud constipated, give them a trial. You are certain to be with their effect. plensi Mrs. K, L. Overby and two little daughters, Elizabeth and Margaret, aud Miss Murgarct Gary of Richmond, Va., who iinvc been the guests of Mr. aud Mrs. IV. K. Overby for several days, left Tuesday for tbeir home. Mr. .1. G. Wilbanks, of Brookfield, was husiuesN visitor to tho city Tuesday. Ouite a number of Wagon and truck ioads of furniture ure seen passing through Tifton every day now, which in dicates that the first of the year la al most here. Mr. CJeo. B. Owen', ,of Fender, was ia the -‘city Saturday making arrange* ments to leave for Vallejo, California, next week to visit bis', daughter and old friend*.^ < New* ha. been r*«'ved in Tilton that Ur. Jim Walker, who wu operated on in Albany a few weel/, ago for append!* elite end whose coalition at one time wye considered serious, b practically oot of dinger end win probably be borne 1» a fnv day*. Mr. end Mrs. H. A Williams went down to Valdosta Bagdad to take their “title U>ree*jear*»ld eon, Worley, for Uttla know wu over about .4 hrlij weeks ago by tn truck and fcu'noMfiMBM « vreU - aereral days. Mr. a W. Smith Thnredey to their m on Fifth street which completed. This U one o^fhe prettiest of the many new bungalows which have been built in Tifton recently and adds much to that section of the town Mr. E. A. Dow and family, who have lived In thia section for several years, have moved to Iron City. Their house hold goods were sent on last week and Mr and Mrs. Dow left Monday. They made many friends in this section during their stay here who regret to see them leuve, but wish them well. Mr. A. R. Chandler, of Rebecca, was among the visitors to Tifton Monday, reports everything dry in his community as they have not had rain enough to plant their fall crops. Mr. Ghandler says he has been taking the Gazette some where near 20 or 25 years and he don’t feel Mke ha can do without it Many physicians who has a bad cold should be completely isolated to prevent other members of the family and assoeiates from contracting the disease, ns i-olds are about as catch iiig as measles. One thing sure—the soon er one rids himself of a'cold the less the danger, and you will .look a good while before yon find a batter medicine than Chamberlain’s Cough Ranedy to aid you in curing a cold. Last year, several people in this sec tion sent to distant friends or relatives a copy of ‘ ‘Saturday Night Sketches' for a Christmas gift, and many letters of appreciation were received. The books are on aale at the'Oaxette Office and will be sent by *mai1« postpaid, ccipt of price. tf Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ruffian, of Tar boro, N. C., welcomed the arrival of n lovely little girl at their home in that city this week. Mra. Ruffian will be remembered here' as Miss Aline Shipp. The Eldorado school has grown to such an extent that an additional teach er was required. The ' scfibnl building being inadequate fo r the addition, the Methodist church was secured and Miss Annnle Nelson, of Lenox, put la charge. Splendid Cough Medicine. “As I feel that every family should know what a splendid medicine Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy is,.I am only, too pleased to relate my exp'rience, and only wish that I had kno*> n of its merit yeara ago,” writes Mrs. Clay Fry, Per guson Station, Mo. ‘T give it to my children when they show tho slightest symptoms of being croupy, and whe n I have a cough or cold on the lungs a very few doaea will relieve me, and by taking it for a few dayR, I soon get rid of the cold.” i SMITH-WILKES Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Smith, of Val dosta, announce the engagement of their daughter, Alma Irene, to Mr. Otis Crou ch Wilkes, of Adel, the wedding to take place December 31. DON’T SHAKE YOUR LIFE AWAY You know the cause. Your system is full of malaria;, get it out; of your system. Get rid of those strength de stroying chills with Amcco. The minute you take a dose of Ameco, you can rest assured you will miss that dreaded chill day. "It kills the chills.” A fo\y doses breaks the fever and after taking one o r two bottles as n tonic, tho fever will not return. - Ameco will also cure any oriliimr.v cold in 24 hours. Try a bottle of Amcco. You will bo agreeably surprised bow qyickly and thoroughly it docs the work. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold and guaranteed by Brooks Pharmacy. PRICES 25 CENTS. OBITUARY. Whereas, it has pleased JJod, In his All Wise and overruling Providence, to remove from the actlvitiea and labors of this His church, Brother Alien Gibbs, and: : Whereas, we bow in obedient submis sion this dispensation of an omlnlcient and unerring Father, we feel called upon to bear testimony to the worth and Chris tian character of our departed Brother, and therefore, be it resolved, That in the removal by’death of Brother Allen Gibbs, this church and this entire com munity has suffered an irreparably loss, and the cause of Christ a valiant crusader and example. Joining tha church inAeirly Ufa Ms Christian "example, ht mk tirVii * v - In tha Holy Causa and^K constant de- Totlon to church work uTwothy human chariHca made him a notable example •qd inslpration to Jho membenhlp ot hie -hatch, and the entire community in htcb he lleudL Recognizing his many worthy attrl- Hna of character, and conscious of Hie fact that a just, though, forgiving God, trill overlook hie few mumen lmpertec- ttono, we commit him’to tha tender keep; log of a loving Father, for "The Lord Glvcth and tho Lord Tlketh Away, bleo- acd be the Name of the Lord.” Resolved farther that we extend our heartfelt sympathy to tha lond In their bereavement and commend them to the cere and guidance of Elm who doeth all thing! well. Resolved also that a copy ot then l lutione be furnished the family and a copy each be sent to Th* Banner Herald and Tifton Guetto for publication. Respectfully anhmltted. Hickory Springs Church, By J. R Gibbs, and J. W. Warren; ' Committee. High up in the estimation of gift girers is the fountain pen; it ie * a possession rare to many, bat favored J>y everybody. Give a fountain pen and yon will give a gift that will bo appreciated. Bee onr line of popular fountain pea*, America's best makes, plain and highly ornamented, and ill of which make each excellent gifts- Prices are eery fair. WILLIS DRUG COMPANY Phone 94 HENRY J. PARRISH TOBACCO DRIVE TO BE HADE SUCCESS Enthusiastic Seating Hdd Friday Night and Cammjtteea Named In Secam Pledge* for Law Acreage. A rousing meeting of Tifton’a live Wires was Held at the Board of Trade Friday nidlt for the diseusilon of mat-> ters pertaining to tobacco growing for next year, 8bort and pointed talks were rngifr by a number present, and they were all sn, the line ot M get busy, get results'* and if any one has in the pnat doubted tiat Tift county will reach her goal in tie way of planting tobacco, they will ham another guess •coining. Several farmers were present and the reports of those who had been able to get out among the farmers of the county showed that interest was growing day yy dsy. Tbo bankers of the city wore present and advined that they would be than willing to aid the planters in the tobuco interests in every manner they cos id. Committees were appointed by Presi d**nt Myers a,s follows; CHULA—J. D. Cook, W. »S. Cobb, Joe Young. BROOK FI ELD—Ethridge Gay, J. N. Brown. Jim Bowen. BRIGHTON—L. L. .Simmons, Geo. Baker, 8. L. Fleetwood. TIFTON 1. W. Myers, L. H. Bry an, J. J. Golden, W. L. Harman. OMEGA—W. a Sorrow, Russell Pat rick, W. C. Mobley. J. W. Lang, B. Y. Wallace, Arthur Cobb. ELDORADO—If. Segraves, S. A. Mar tin, Bob Dinsmore, W. J. Whitley. TY TY—Dr. Frank Pickett, J. N. Horne, B. H. McLeod, ltobt. Cornwall. Tliesp men are each held responsible r the signing up of the contracts in tlies** districts and will go to work early Monday morning. •' The Tobacco Flying Squadron will give assistance at any and all times, and the tobacco experts from North Carolina- will be with each of the committees to explain and give information to any desiring it ADAM5-POWXU* Mr. and Mra. Home r Adams, of Syca more, announce the engagement of their daughter, Eliza Lou, to Mr. Wright Lennon Powell, ot Plant City, Florida, the wedding to take place at an early date No cards. Adel, Dec. 10.—Ilenrv J. Parrish, one of the oldest cltixens of Cook county, died at a hospital in this city Saturday after noon, afte r an illness of about one week, He was nearly eighty-eight years old and had resided near here all hts life- He had lived at his home four miles east of Adel for more than half a century and was one of the best kqown men in this section. He was active until his last illness and was a substantial, pro gressive citizen. Hia home la one of the best in the county. ( Mr. Parrish jwaa twice married and is survived by his last wife and three child ren 1 by his former wife. His wife was Mis* Mary Auu^Ub^n^h^jgjjUtc^ of 3eV: T. D. Smith, president ofthe South Georgia Methodist College at Mc Rae. His children aro M. E. Parrish and Mrs. J. H. Chesnutt, of Adel, and Mrs. E. D. Walker, of Tifton. Besides these • he is survived by a number grandchildren and other relatives and wide circle of friends who mourn his death. Tho funeral services were conducted Sunday afternoon at the Adel Primitive Baptist Church, by his pastor, Elder A. V* Simms, assisted by Rev. Arthur Rob inson, of the Methodist Chqrch, and Rev. J. H. Hall, ot the Adel Baptist Church. ' As You Already Know HarrFfKulbersh Is Going Out ofthe Dry Goods Business and Will Open a Grocery Store. The House Must be Clear which softens the Ixbad, flat, abdom* tad muscles under the eidn of the •bdomcn. There ia an absence of At all Druggists. Special Booklet on Motherhood and B«bv fnc. .’ By the First of the Year. So there is lots Real Merchandise that will go Cheap. The goods must go at any pru Come now while they are here at the right Would like to give you prices, but as there so many and it would take so much room, it impossible.. . Can Qtiarantee to Save You From 50 : to 75 Per Cent. ; Satisfaction Guaranteed. Your Harry Ki fount* Ohm. City or Toieio, Luca* MS Sworn to befpra SV b ny]pre»noo, thta eth day or Daecmber. « Internally ana sett ttlrourh the Blood in theMucoiii Surface* or th* System. Druggists, 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, Ohio. BOX SUPPER A SUCCESS The box cupper at Old Ty Ty Friday night was a great success, 310025 being raised for school purposes. One box belonging to Miss Mary Emma Perry won the prize tor the most bean- tifnl box and brought the neat sum of 31025. *TpO FARMERS who know the value of fish and want it in A their Fertilizer, we announce that we have laid in,an ample supply- of fish scrap to meet all demands, if ybu want the genuine, original Fish Scrap Fertilizer, insist on I ■ , Mm /