Rural cabinet. (Warrenton, Ga.) 1828-18??, September 27, 1828, Image 1

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VOL. I. THE CABINET Is published evert/ Saturday , by V. L ROBINSON, IFarrentun. Geo. at three’ dollars per annum, which maybe discharged by two dollars atid fifty cents if paid within si.vty days of the time of subscribing g■ arc | Candidates, to lepcesent this County, in the State Legislature. For Senate. ARTHUR MU.NCHIEF, E.q Fur the House of Representatives. ELIAS WILSON, Esq. JAMES GUAY, Esq. Al) VM JONES. Esq. DENNIS L. 11 AT AN, Esq. Mr. Editor, Will you have the goodness to in serf in your pop-j* the full twing tick*’ et; It ill be rn by the Republicans of Columbia county. bnr Senate. FETE 11 CRAWFORD , Esq. House of Representatives. JOIIY ( ARTLEDGE, Esq. Hr. NA TIMJY (RA WFORD. JAMES HAMILTON, Esq. CANDIDATES FOR CONGRESS Major James Merriwether, of Clatk, Richard U. Wilde, of Richmond, George R. Gilmer, of Oglethorpe, Char’es K. Haynes, of Hancock, Gen. Wiley Thompson.of Elbert, Cos! Daniel If. Brailsford, of M lntosh Junes M. Vvavne, of Chatham, Thomas F. Foster, of Greene, Charles Williamson, of Baldwin, Wilson Lumpkin, of Morgan. T. U. P. Charlton, of Chatham, Major Wm. Triplett. of Wilkes John A. Cuthbert, of Monroe. The following gentlemen were nomin ated by the Troup party, as electors of President and Vice President. The elec tion t kes place on the first Monday in November next, hv (hr* people. Col JOHN MAXWELL, of Bryan. ROBERT R. REID. Esq. of Richmond. Dr WILLI AM TERRELL, of Hancock AUGUSTIN S CLVYTON, of Clark. Gen.d). RL ACKSHE\R, of Laurens SOLOMON GRAVES, Esq. of Newton. Col. JOHN RlH!'HEKVORI),ofBaldwi u JOHN MOORE, E q of Oglethorpe. Maj. OLIVER PORTER, of Greene. Sheriff’s sale. ILL l>e sold, on the first Tuesday in Oct her next, at the courthouse, in the town of Warrenton W.irr n coun ty, between tne usual hours of sale, the foilo ‘intr pr,pe<ty, to wit: One negro girl by the name of Mary, about ten years of age} levied on as the property of Beryman ! S- Harrison to four | tions in favor of Tims, Persons vs. H.j S Harrison and 13. T. Harrison and M u diea Johnson, ser urify on the ap peal, ami Rob’rt C. Parham, s * arity on the stay ol executions and other J executions against the said 13. S. 11 an ison, levy made and returned to j m* hv a c nsUble. Two negroes, Bab about 50 and Cat . about forty-five levied on to s.stisfiy an Execution in f.v>rof; the Ad minis'ratocs of John D’.Yani-i p rt. against Jtsse Bull and Adam Jones, Executors of Benjamin Reese dec. property pointed out liy Robert Walton, One 41 saw cotton gin, levi ed on by a former Sheriff, as the prop erty of Ganaway Martin to s-fisiy an exeruMon in favor of Neater Piits, against Ganavvny Martin, Q. L. C. Franklin and Frederick 13. Ueeth. Three hundred and eighty^ O J s ; x acres of laud, more or less, ad-! j doing Albert G. Bunk ley and others 1 on the waters of Ogcechee, levied ouj Rural Cabinet. Warrenton. September 27, 1828. .is the property of i Imiimh a. ,us, i satisfy an exci ution in favor of E. Quin end Cos. against Thomas Seals and Richmond Burn by security on the slay. Fifty acres of land more or less, lying on the waters of Hearts ('reek, adj doing lands of S:an,sm Wilder at. <1 *rs levied on as tie the property of Zachus Wagg.iKi and returned to me by a const aide, to satisfy an execution, in favor of Thus. Jones against ths s id Waggoner. Seven acres of land, more or less, adjoining laud of John Gibson and others, levied on by a eonstahl. and returned to me as the property <>l Mienjali Perry, to satisfy a tax exe cution— due 1827. LEONARD PRATT. Shff. Will he sold on the Ist Tuesday ji November next, at the Com t Mouse, in Warrenton* Warren county, t\v< negroes, lie* ny aged 44 and Wash ingtou aged 3 years, belonging tr the estate of Nanc y Cosby dee. MORDICAI JOHNSON, Adm*r. August 30th 1828. tds— l4. Four thousand pounds of BACON® The subscriber will sell four thou sand pounds of Bacon cured in the best manner, low for rash, or on a credit until the 25th day of December next, the purchaser giving small notes with good security. Apply at the Post Office. JOHN MOORE. Warrenton, June 21. 4 ts Law Notice. The g bscriber, will practice Law in the Counties of Coweta, Carroll, Troup, Muscogee, Merriwether, liar ris, Talbot, Dekalb and Fayette. All business entrusted to his care will meet with prompt attention. lie will examine lan !s, free of charge, in the County of Coweta. Direct to N**wnan, Coweta County- WILLIAM m. bkall. MaCON SALKS OF TilF BSEHV/S LANDS, the Town lots and the BIIIDGE. V T iLL commence on Wednesday ▼ ? first day of n xt October, and wili continue from day ’o day with the exception of the first Monday and Tues day of that month. We shall then ex pose to sale in Macon, to the high-st hid der, in conformity with a late act of the General Assembly : A)! the tow.l lots not heretofore dispos-1 ed of; being upwards of J n number ;on the western si le of the river; among them are twelve adjoining the l iver, and a few other choice lots In busine-R- ] lie residue are in more re tired situations, arid generally afford good building sites in a pleasant and growing part of the town. Forty two gardening lots cf 10 and 20 acres each ; laid out Imm one to one and a half miles distant from the town in two ranges around the Western Common* Also, twenty eight lots on the Ka-tern side ; that is to say, four of twenty, eight of ten acres, and sixteen of one act e each. These ?a-:t include the place suDattim-> known as Newtown ; and will be so’d, subject to certain lease* from the (Jotted States, to expire next J inu iry. ihe residue of the land* in the two eserves, are laid out in tracts of 100 acres, and fractional parts of such tracts. Os tliese toe uplands will be next alter ed; the lowest ,numbers fi st; beginning withthose on the western vdt*. On Wednesday the 22d of October next, at 11 o clo* k. A. M. will be uttered at the place of the other sales, the Bridge at Macon, together with one acre of land on the east ern side ot tile Ocmulgee river, as one of the hutments ; and the ppvilegeot using os much of Fifth or Bridge street on the western bunk as may tie necessary for the other butmentof the Bridge. On 1 hursday the 23d ul October, we shall proceed to sell the Swamp & Bottom binds within the Reserves, those on tin western hide lir^t: and continue from day to day until completed. The particular numbers that will b sold on each day cannot be specified; hut it is intended to put up the several kinds and descriptions in the order here men tioned. 1 lie Reserves are generally well wa tered, and contain several good mill seats. ‘J he area of the whole cannot he exactly known until the platting is com pleted; hut twenty one thousand acres is the estimated quantity contained in both Reserves and the adjoining fractions, exclusive of the town surveys. Perhaps no body of land of the same extent can he found, that embraces a greater vaijety in itu Bnrrice, sod uuU timoer. Situated just in that region where the pine of the lower country changes to the oak and | hickory of the upper; it includes both I hesK growths and soils in most of their varieties; in some portions entire, in oth ers interspersed or blended. Tracts of very hilly land, or that which is quite lev el, or gently undulating, may be bad of almost every quality; either of oak and hickory, or pine, or river lands; and sev eral of these kinds occasionally united in tracts of 100 acres, and fractions of va rious sizes, adapted to most of the pur poses for which land is wanted. From the pressure of the times, and mots especially from the quantity of land and town lots that have been lately in the market, these must unavoidably sel low. And, lying at the head of navigal tion, immediately around the third town of the state in population and trade, there* is <?ery reasonable prospect of their soon rising in value. Purchasers have now an opportunity, and apparently the* last that will soon of fer, of obtaining on cheap and ver y indul gent terms of payment, choice situations for residence, for trade or for farming. TERMS OF SALE. Vert Inset sos loads and lots are to pay the Commissioners on the day of the purchase, one fifth part of the purchase money in cash or current bills of char tered B,i ks of this State, and the residue in four equal annual instalments.—JVo se cuir/y will be required. i he h.idge w II be sold on the same terms • except that the purchaser wili be required to give bond with two or more approved sureties for the pavinent of the four sub-ncpient annual instalments. W. N. HARMON, ) C. f>. SI KONG, IComm’s OH. PRINCE, J Macon July 5, 1828 9—-9 t. he Editors of the Charleston City Gazette the I uscaloosa Mirror, and oj j the several public Gazettes, in this State | will j übli-h the foregoing weekly, nine weeks in their respective papers, and for waul their accounts to MARMADUKE J SLADE, Esq. Clerk of the Commis sioners, in such time as to reach him by the Ist of November. JOB PRINTING',’ Neatly Executed at this Office. FIN AL NOTICE. ALL persons indebted tn us are in formed that we will allow them the highest price lor cotton, this fill, n payment, and we h pe they wili a vttil themselves of this notice. ROBERTS <sc MADDUX. July 19Mi 1828. B— ts. The subscriber R turns Ins great ful thanks to the pub lic, for the liberal encouragement re ceived for the last ten yours—and so licits a continuance of the name. Re will give the highest cash price fr ■ieed cotton, this season, at his stand in Warrenton, where good bargains may be bail for cash. JOHN 11. ROBim. Aug. 23d 1828. 1 3 —t r * AF I’ER the expiration of the tune re q ired hy law, application will be made to ‘he Honorable Inferior Court, of the county of Warren, when sitting for ordi nary purposes, for leave to sell 106 icres iif land, lying on long creek, adjoini g Richard Heath and John Harrell A part of the real estate of Elizabeth King, dec. JAMES T. DICKEN. Ex‘r, luly 12th, 1828. 7 4m h OUR month alter date, application will be made, to the Honorable Inferior Court, of Warren county, when silting for oidinary pur poses, for leave to fell the real estate, and the negroes not disposed of by the will, >f John M*Cormirk,dec. SARAH M‘CQRMICK,Ex‘rx. BARNETT CODY, Ex‘r. July 12. 7-4 m FOUR months after date, application win De made to tb Honorable inferior Court, of Warren county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell Lot No in the 12th district of Irwin, it being part of the real estate of Robert Faluier, dec. WIN EE RED PALMER, Ex‘rx. July 12, 1828. 7-tm ALL persons having demands against thu estate of Elizabeth King, late of War ren county, deceased, are requested to present them as the law directs; and those indebted, to make immediate payment. JAMES T. DICKEN, Ex‘r. July 12: 7 40d ALL persons indebted to the estate of Robert Calmer, late of Warren county* deceased, are requested to make imme diate payment; and those having de mands against said estate, are desired to present them as the law directs. WINEFRED PALMER, Ex‘rx. July 12. 7-40d ALL persons indebted to tne estate of John ADCormick, late of Warren cou tty, deceased, are desired to make immediate payment; and those having demands a gai/ist said estate, are requested to pre sent them as the law directs. SARAH M-COKMU K, Ex‘rx. BARNETT CODY, Ex r. July 12. 7 4ftd FOUR months after date, application will be made to the Honorable Inferior Court, of Warren county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real **sfate of Drury Pate, dec. JOSEPH LEONARD, Adm‘r. JuH 1828. 7 4.^ Agreeable to an oilier Iruin the Honorable the Inferior Court, of Cos. Itimbia count), sitting for Ordinary purposes, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in November next, at the (.’oust House of Columbia County. One tract of Land* in said County* containing by estimation, Two Hun dred and Twenty-two acres, adjoining Wrightsboro* Commons, belonging to the estate of Peter Overby, for the benefit of the Heirs and Creditors.— Terms made known on that day, by ROBERT WALTON Ex’r. No. 18.