Rural cabinet. (Warrenton, Ga.) 1828-18??, October 18, 1828, Image 3

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At Tiverton .Mass. Eld p r Joe! Borden, aged 64 to Miss Lois Tillson nged 34 Eider Borden is blind, Having lost his sight when about 16 years ot age, he his been a widower almost three months, At Benton, after a courtship o( thir ty minutes. Mr. Benjamin Dean, to Miss Thankful- Robbins. At New Mil If rd, Con. Mr. A nius Marsh, aged 14 to Miss Ann Sherwood, aged 55, after a courtship of nearly 24 hours. At Dixmont Maine, Mr. Samuel II ammo us a patriot of the Revolui ion, aged 66 to Mrs. Betsy Staple aged 60. At Southborongb, Mr. Barlow Russel!, aged 16 to Miss Carolim Castle, aged only 42, woo surrender ed after a siege of three days . Under the painted Rock, in Bun comb c*unty N. C by n Magistrate. Mr, Lewis Sawyers Sen. aged 81 years to Mrs. Hannah Boston sged 91 years both of Green county Term. The Lady who waited on the bride, was iOO )ears old* PAINTER TURNED PHYSICIAN. A painter who had turned physi cian, was asked why he quitted hia profession ‘Because/ replied he, my former business exhibited my mis takes in too glaring a manner, there fore I have now’ chosen one in which they will be buried/ In Boston there was formerly a sign, ‘Dr. Trott’—which was ulti mately succeeded by one with the name of *Dr. Gallup.* An Irishman observing the change, said he was plased with the Doctor’s success— that he had got from a trot into a gal lop. f£j"We arereqmst-d to announce John G. Winter, Esq. as a candi date for Justice of the Peace, for the 425t1i Dis riet of Warren county. October 18. are requested to announce, Hardy Pitts, Esq. as a candidate for Sheriff, of Warren county. October 18t! 1828. 21—ts. are requested to announce M tj. Athelstan Andrews, as a candidate for Sheriff of Warren County. September 20th 1828. 17—ts. |C7Wp are requested to announce Samuel Fleming a candidate for Tax Collector of this county at the ensuing election. October 11th 1823. 20 -ts, J**We are authorized to inform the citizens of Warren County, Geo. that Joseph E. Biggs, is a candidate for Receiver of Tax returns for the year 1829. Oct. 4111 1828. 19, —rf. The following gentlemen were nomin ated by the Troup party, as electors of President and Vice-President The elec tion takes place on the first Monday in November next, by the people. Col. JOHN M AXWELL, of Bryan. ROBERT H. KEID, Esq. of Richmond. Dr WILLIAM TERRELL, of Hancock AUGUSTIN 8. CLAYTON, of Clark. Gen. D. RL ACKSHEAR, of Laurens SOLOMON GRAVES, Esq. of Newton. Col. JOHN RUTHERFORD, of Baldwi-u JOHN MOORE, Eq. of Oglethorpe. Maj. OLIVER PORTER, of Greene. [by request."] ADAMS ELECTORAL TICKET, COL. THOM AS MURRAY, of Lincoln. JOHN BUKCH, Esq. of Columbia. “spile ND D VlewT OF American Scenery. On Fridav, the 10th of October, 1828. will he published by T. K. GREEN BANK, N<. 64 Sp-uce street, Phila delphia, a volume of splendid views of American Scenery, as follows: 1. A view of Beck’s Sho f Tower, on the Schuy‘.kill, near Philadelphia, and adjacent scenery. 2. A view of the Light-house in Long Island Sound, with to uiljacont scenery. 3. A view ofYotk, oii Lake Ontario, with the fortili tfiCMjs. 4 Characteristic Scenery on the Hud son river. 5. Views of N‘ j w London, Connecti cut With the adjace it scenery. 6. V'ew of L *iHn Hill. near Philadel phia, dr sat >f 11,*'* y Piatt, Ivtj 7 P;c Vombol Washing! u, ut Mount Ver 8. View a f the Great Bend f the Sus qtir anna. 9. V iew at the Upper F;dfs of Solo- ('leek L .7, ; e C'MUlty. Pa. 10. V iew ol the Lower K;-i * of Solo •note- ( r - k 11. Vi w of the Cattskill Mountains, from Hie Hud-oa. 12. View *f F >rt N. li oa. on Lake On. ta i>, t om tlu Light lieu e ‘on toe B it i-h >i<le. I iiese Views are executed in the best style of f'hdndrlphra F.ngraving, fom drawings m.-d- upon die spot. Each P-.ite will l*e accomparii and by a full ami accurate descrip in liieretore, so as to make it perfectly intelligible to every person. Tne work will be printed and issued to subsetib. is in the iirst style, ou i-up.erior psper, and wi,lh a handsomely printed covet, and deliv ml to -übscrib rs at the very ion p ic: of One Dollar per co py. Fiexd) e covers will be u <*d for country subst fbers, so that they can b* safely sent by mail. |Q“Any gentleman, post-masters and others, who will interest them** Ives to procure ten subscriners and rerun §lO o the Editor, shall receive twelve, copies From the very fl ittering patiooage id ready received ( 1200 subscribers having already put down their names,) tins, vo lume wiil probably b * succeed ‘d by an other, as soon as other plates can he en graved. Ail osde s from the country will lie promtly aitemied to. Address, T. K GREEN BANK. No. 64 8 pruee-street. Poll uielphia. ; 03“ Any Editor who insert the a-| have a few limes, and forward a copy of his paper containing the a ivertisement, directed “Saturday Bull tin Philutel-i phia, shall receive a copy of the Views,! immediately on their publication. I Oct. 4 19 | ‘The Subscriber INFORMS those persons who have heretofore had their work done b\ his Black Smith, and the public in gem ral, that he lias lately erected anew shop in VVa rrenton, and is now ready to execute wotk at the shortest notice and b st man ner, as he intends superintending die bu siness in person. He ha- taken into con sideration the.hardness of the tunes and will therefore make moderate charg* s. Starling Jones. O'ober 18. 21 3. Sheriff’s sale. be sold, on tie first Tuesday in * N- veiriber next a the conri h use, in the town of Warrenton. Warren coun ty, between the usual h mrs of* sale, the following pm pc ty, to wit: One negro man, by the name of Hopewell, about sixty year* of age, levied on as the property < f Reuben H. Jones, to satisfy ai Execution, in fa vor of Sherrod Roberts itve 1 on by a constable and returned to n,e. The undivided interest of David Darden, in right, of Ins u if-, in three negroes, to wit; Allen, between 25 and 30 years of age; Edmond, twenty and Sarah, about forty; Win a hke interest in eighty three and a ’lord acres of land on Williams’ creek, whereon Micajah Dar-l den now lives, adjoining < ouksey and J others; levied on by a constable and re turned to me to satisfy two executions in j favor of Henry VV. Durden, against David Darden—Property pointed cut by said Henry \V. Darden. POSTPONED SALE, ’ Four hundred acres of land,; more or less adj ming Thom-)* Beiryacd others, on the waters .f Little riv**r, le vied on by Hirdv Pitts, D. Sheriif and rctumed to me as the property of John A. M’Ginty lo satisfy ah Execution in favor of A. J. & G- VV. Huntiogtoa a-• gainst the sad V*Ginty. LEONARD TRATTShff “blanks’ For sale at this Office. List of letters remaining in the Post Office, Warreuton tin. Ist October 1828 A. James Akins, Mrs. Wmiiifrert A kin, Asa Vnsdey, Kebecca Ad.uns, E. P. Andrews. U. Oil sun Berry, Abram Brinkley, iJeremiah Durkhulter, Bud, i I humus VV. Battle, Drewry Bynum, i Miss Malvina Broadnax, Henry B ewton oi tar said Biewtou s heirs, the heirs of his estate at law. C. Benjamin Crenshaw, Daniel t handler, Abealein Corsev’s orphans, or their Guardian, Sampson Culpepper, Mtss Margaret (.barrel, The Cinmli at W i liamD trek, Vincent K. Horsey* John P. I Uxton, Mrs. Elizabeth C*>dy\ J-n Champion, Benjamin Culpepper, I) Ja . cibah D; vi*, Jethro Dardeu, Gen. | iimnns Dawson, K. alts. JSaiah Elliott, James Eshom. F. Ignath i*v Few. G. B tijatnui Gcesliu, J. D. Green, John Gibbon H. Thei philus Bowel, 3, Isaac Ha*t Vlr. Hu I, Benjamin Henry, Ambias Hettli. V\ dliuni (J, Hill, Henry llau on Neat'Hurral, Fielding lidl, John ilum meu l Dinkins Ivey. J, W illiam B, Jones, Candiss Jack son j Adam Jones, Jun. Allen W. Jackson. K Boz. K tchens, Thomas VV, Kent. Li Orsbom f Lockett, James Lillie, Mist Rebecca A. Low, Thomas Latimer, Samuel M Latimer, Hjllory Langford. M. Ezra McCrary, John McNair, Jonlen VicCußars, Kend.di.Lee McTyre Daniel Murchison, James Martin, Reu tun May, James Mattock, Vicy lifter, David Mims, Htnry McCane, Henry J. Matthews. William VV. Martin, Mrs. Anh McCoy. Miss Cilia Martin. N. I human Neal. P. William Porter, Henry Peebles, J fin i*. P rktr, Richard Puwel, James Perryman. JL Vl r . Rymev, Renson Rahon, Thomas li mey, Abuer li ley, bed, Vt a I k; * Hey nold-, 2. 3. Joliu Strickiand, Joseph S. E. Spears, John So'iut 2 Daniel Shows, William Shiver* Sen. VV. He VV . Sliiver John VV Shurley, N ithau S mu ley, Sam u I Skoliey Junes G. Si wain 2, .tiisu Fa thu Snlias. f. it / Thompson, Septimus Tor rence, Miss Miriam Tu ki r. W . Sol imon Wild r, riiotnag Wynn, limes*VViUuord,'Drewry’ A. Weaver, Jo seph'Wright, Nicholas Williams, Li ut Jhn K Welch, Vi is. Nancy Watson, Mrs. Mry Wrtod 2 Y. Beunet Y* ats. V‘ ln li ** id b* j o?etit to the* General Po>t Office the first oi January next, if uoi taicen out. JOHN MOORE, P. M. Ort 4th 1828. i9_3t. A DMINi IS TK AIOR S SALE. ILL be sold, at the Court T V House in the town of Warren ton, on tilt* first Tuesday in January , 1829, by virtue of an o’ der from tin* honorauie the L Prior Court of War ren county when sittL g for Ordinary purposes. Two hundred and forty a ires of land, lying in the couuly of Warren, on Hurt's Creek, adjoining Gibson, Wright and Dozier; —the jsaid I ;nd will he soid subject to tne widow's dower.—Also six negroes to wit;—Hi. ey aged about 45—Joe, 25 W if e, about 21 —Cate, about 7—Te rr r about 4 years old—and Snear inan üboui 9 mouths old.—T he above land end negroes to he sold for the | benefit of the heirs and creditors of 1 Mountain llill, dec. AMBROSE HEETiI, Adm'r. October Bih 1828. tiOll— 20. - - m KOI UK. TMTILL hr sold, to the highest b tl- tier t*r rash, at the late resi de nee of John Hamilton der. the rop of seed cotton, together vvilh some rows, hogs and perhaps corn and fodder, for the benefit of ihe fit irs and treditors of said dec- AARON ADKINS, Ex’r. October B.h 1828. 3 p—2o. FOUR months after date, application will be made to the Honorable Inferior Court, of Waircn county, when bitting for ordinary purposes lor leave to sell the real estate of Drurv Pute, dec. JOSEPH LEONARD, Adm‘r. July 12tn, 1828. 7-4uj j COTTOX Hir. VCCO W aic-fiiubty Augusta,Ge>r go, JOHN liii.ES, ¥ N f 1 UK MS his f eic nos atm mi it* * lie, that It* fas taken the V* r-*- ll'Mtse formerly occupied by M L s sftul II i|t, which is rdhrited i’ hie rear of the City II tel, and H*’ j i g the E gle r J’ vein LI, lur tin* pr puse of transtv. ti >g •* WARE-MOUSE AN I) COMMISSION l! L ‘ ONESS Whenever nqmred. he u I >.• p e pared o make Libkual Advavci.s on produce in Store, nod Ins p ■.‘om ul uttenliun will at all times (*<• x clusivi'ly devoted to the inter*.si if his costumers. Amro o ’** oi. 13. _ |6. A S LAUGH i'tM Y C. LA li L A IN. /J.RATLKUL f c itic siior ul p\<.. ‘G* p gr, vviticii has been exo . ti ed to them, g •in tender iln ir sn vi eos to their friends and the public generally. tou THE TItANSACIi N • V TUB MORAL R AND Com m iss ion Bust m ss, At their old stai.U •ti tins puce, on tin’ us i S teiuns. Their WARE HOUSES are in go and order f r tne ren plion of Goods and Puoduce, and tluy pledge lhemsdv*>s tLa. very attention shall begiven to business confided to them, a and tin ir nest exertions used to give s.itisfaciiort to their employers. Augusta . Hear gin. j August 27th, 1828. J 16-RL Ware House AND C OMMISSIOX B ÜBLYES V. T'he subs* rib* rs return iheir gcato ful thanks f r the patronage bei-” and on them during the past se son, aid s li< it a continuance *f the s .me with the assurant of t eirbest cxeriioT.s to give general satisfaction. Their IVare J louse AN I) Close Stores Will be in complete order fr thp re c-p i -0 of PRODUCE ami MER CHANDISE another season. And they will he prepared , at all times to make advances on cotton stored with them. Musgrovb, Wbtm re. & Cos. Augusta, July 31. 113 n. The subscriber BEGS leave to ini -rm his I iemE and customers that ho conti mrs to trans act the Ware House commission” business. at his old stand on Broad Street, near the upper market. He has established a TOBACCO WAKE lf'>USR at the same place, where Tobacco will b* inspected by a coinpetant person. He is prepared tt> gran* his customers the usual facilities, and his personal exertions exclusively devoted to toe interest of his employers, lie hopes 1 will insure him a continuation of the very liberal patronage heretofore re* ceivcd. JOHN C. HOLCOMBE. Aoeusta, Aug 2. 1828. u 2m—lo w ANTED. Ore r two bo;s between 14 a?'d 16 yeats of age, as apprentices to the Printing business. Apply at this Of fice. October 4th. 1828. 19—ts. Blank Deeds, For saie at the Cabinet Officer