Rural cabinet. (Warrenton, Ga.) 1828-18??, November 22, 1828, Image 1

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VOL. I. THE CAM AT l Is published every Saturday , by I*. L i RUB US'S ON, Warrenton , Geo. at three dollars per annum , ichich may be discharged by two dollars and fifty cents if paid within sixty days of the time of subscribing. MACON BRIDGE. ON TUESDAY the 6th day <d January nexr, at 11 o'clock A. M. will be exposed to sale in Macon, to the highest bidder, the .B RID GE arross the Oemulgee river at Macon, together with one acre of land on the eastern side of the Oemulgee river, to be used as one of the hutments; and the privilege of using so much of Fifth, or Bridge Street, on the western bank as may be necessary for the other butment of the Bridge. The purchaser will he required, on the day of the sale to pay to the com missioners one fifth part of the pur chase money in Cash or current bills or chartered banks of this State; and to give bond with two or more approv ed sureties for the payment of the residue in four equal annual instal men's WM. II ARMAN, C. B. STRONG, 1 U . rami O. H. PRINCE, J slorius * Oct. 25, 1828. 23- 9L The Editors of the Charleston City Gazette, the Tuscaloosa Chronicle, ami of the several public Gazettes in this State, will publish tin* foregoing weekly nine weeks, in their respective papers, and forward their accounts to the Executive Department. Administrators Sale. HLL be sold, on the first Tues- V V day. in February next, at the Court House, in Marion, Twiggs cour fy, one tract of land, containing 2.02 b acres, more or less, known and distinguished, as Lot No. 107, in the 28 s h Dist. formerly Wilkinson, now Twiggs county. Sold by an order of the Inferior Court for Warren County when sitting for ordinary pur poses, as the real estate of Moses Thompson, sen. dec. H ANNAH THOMPSON, Adm‘x. MOSES THOMPSON, Adtnm. Nov. 15. 1828, tds—2s. SY VIRTUE of a deed of Trust ex ecuted to me by Lark Battle of Franklin County, North Carolina, on the 10th day of July 1827, which is recorded in the Registers office in the aforesaid County of Franklin, I shall sell to the highest bidder for ready money, before the Court House door in Warrenton, (Ga.) on Monday the 29th of December nrxt all the negroes and their increase, (if any) which was conveyed by the nf orsaid deed of conveyance, say Jenny, Phoebe, Valentine, Venus and her two or three children, names not known, 1 shall sell no other title, but such as the eaid Laik Battle had and conveyed to. me. JAMES HARRISON, Trustee. Nov. Ist. 1828. tds—23. • NOTICE. Will be sold, on the first Tuesday-in December next, at the Court House, in barren county, the real estate of John t urner, d<*c. of said county, consisting of 150 acres of land (subject to the widows dower ) liie legatees are hereby notifi ed* that the widow intends churning her dowre of said land, if any of the heirs to said estate, has any lawful objection, they are requested to come forward and let it he known. JAMES TURNER, Adm*r. July 7, 1828. 7-6 Cd \VNo*-cuihqj* 22L 1828. f -W 1 .)ub | intl i cS .LARD. The sunsenbtT, .vill sc., five hun dred p muds best L inl low lor cash. Apply at the Past Olfi e. JOHN MOORE. Warren toe G.O *• 2 5 22 ts. Law Notice. The subscriber, will practice Law in the Counties of Coweta, Carroll. Troup, Mus. ogee, Me.rriwether, liar ris, Talbot, Dekalb and Fayette. AH business entrusted to his car will meet with prompt attention. He will examine lands, free ol charge, in tin* Comity of Coweta. Direct to N wnau, Coweta Count) WILLIAM M. BEALL ADAI iN 1 b ITtA I UK’S 6A LE. & &/ r ILL be sold, at the Court T V House so the town of Warmi :ton. on the first Tuesday in January. 1829, by virtue of an older from the honorable the Inferior Court of War ren county when sitting fm* Ordinary purposes. Two hundred and forty a i (tch of land, lying in the county ol Warren, on Hurt's Creek, ndj doing Gibson, Wright and Dozier; —the said land will be sold subject, to tiie widovv‘B dower.—Also six n grnes b wit; —Dicey aged about 45—Joe, 25 Wilce, about 21—Cate, about 7—Pe ter about 4 years oM—and-Shear man about 9 months old.—Toe abovt laud and negroes to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and crediiurs of Mountain Hill, dec. AMBROSE HEETH, Adui*r. October Biii 1828. 6()d —2O. ~~K O 1 ICE. A GREEABLE to an order from ilie Honorable the Inferior court ot Colurii tia County sitting for Onii nary purposes, wiil be sold to the higuesi bidder on the first Tuesday in December next, at the Court House, in Warren Count) —one tract ol L m in said county containing Two nun drod acres granted to Peter Over v dec. adj fining Fuller and others fur the Benefit ot the lieirs and Creditor., of said Oveiby. Terms will be maU< known on that day by , ROBERT WALTON, ExV. October llth 1828. cod—2o. EXECU I UK. 6 SALE. A GKEEABLY to an oiUer of the hon ’ A oiaole tiic Court of Ordinary ol YV arren county, will ue sold, on the tir*i Tuesday in January neS*, the following property, to wit: 10(5 Acres of land, lying in saitl county, adjoining lands ot it. iieatn, J. B. Harrell, and others. To be told as t'ie estate of Elizabeth King, dec. for the benefit of the heirs of W m. King. dec. JAMES T. DiLKEN, Executor. November 8. 24. 1 he Subscriber INFORMS those persons who have heretoloie had their work done by hi- Black Smith, and the public in general, that he has lately erected anew shop, in W arrenton, and is now ready to execute work at the shortest notice and best man ner, as he intends superintending the bu siness in person. He hui taken into con sideration the hardness of the times and will therefore make moderate charges. Starling Jones. ALL persons having demands against ! tha estate of Elizabeth King, late of War ren county, deceased, are requested t< present them as the law directs; and thee-, indebted, to make immediate payment. James t. dicken, Kxt. July 12: 7-40d iA * nilor Missing!!! Absconded ftom the village ol h nghOborough, Columbia countv, on the morning of the inst. a man of the needle, who, while here, passed by die name of Hairier, alis Kayner, Inir whether or not it was his correct name, ! am not able to de ermine, yet any common observer may be able to recog nize the imposter by the pecu liar and striking marks on his physiognomy, it will he pereep tihie to every one, that li* is in capable ot seeing out of his right eye, having a considera ble blemish or rather the sight being entirely destroyed, and immediately above the same eye. on the upper edge'of the eye brow, there is a large mole mark or wait, so that no man can he mistaken in the runa way. lie has left his landlord a good and al in arrears, together with a merchant or two of t.nis place. Tavern Keepers, Mer chants, £)C, Will in ere lore take heed lest liiey he taken in like wise, In this blink-eyed I ailor; it is probable litis is nut the on ly place Helms lett in the same way. JEiii JViiAii REES. Angie L -ruug, Nuv. 1. go 3t AGREEABLE tu au order and lue ilururabic liifet iar UoOt t ol v\ ur ren county, when 3iiii„g i>r ordinary purposes, will be sold, at the House, in VVai reu Coumy, on tue first Tuesday in January next, me Billowing prop ny tu wn: Seventy cine acres ul laud, more or It as, whereon B;.rah Fuie now lives, solo subject to uown*. Also one huadreo ..lid twenty lour u< tvs, m re or Ess, whereon John Fate now lives, som subject to dower. Also one hundred and li Ity a* res, more or J. s , uojoin log the above land anu Janies urn oaue s land anu Benjamin i n.uni son's land, sold subject to dowel*’ o. Hie widow Sarah Fate, and also t, dower or ciaitn ot tnu widow Sana. Farr, in the last mentioned tract. Ai so one negro gid auoul 19 years of age, by the name of Dinah—ail tin l>roperty of Drury P<ne, dec. Sold for the b “iielit ot the heirs and credit ors of said dec. Terms made known on the day of sale. JOSEPH LEONARD, Adni’r, October 25th, 1828. ids.—22. ILL be sold, on the first Thursday ▼ 7 in December next, at the late re -idence of Arthur Mathews, dec. in War mi county, all the personal property ol said dec. Sold for the benefit of die hen and creditors. Three plantations laying in said county, will be rented at the same time. Edward Mathews, Adm’r. October 25. FOLK months alter dote, application w ill be made to the Honorable Inferior Court, of V\ arren county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sed Lot No. 57G, in the 12th district ol li win, It j being part of the real estate ol Robert Palme r. dec. WINEKRLD PALMER, Ex‘rx. July 12, 1828. 7.4ui Sheriff’s sale. WALL BE SOLD, on the first Tues day in December next, at the [Unuit House, iti the town of Warren-on, Warren oonntv, between the usual h-*urs of sale the following property, to wit* Two negroes, Edam a mao about 35 yenis of age; Peter, a mao ah .ut 22 years of age; 212 acres of pin* lard, more or les*. lying >n Ko.kv comfort and oining land of N:inr\ Mun v n and hard*- * Lngua and other 1 ’; 150 acres pine bn <l, more or less, lying on the waters of Ro<> kycondo’ t, adjoining I nals of (iu*m Dick son and William C, Bra ln*n and o !<■<; I* vied on as the property of Samu* I M*- Ur irv to-at sfy au execution in fav- iuf John Par ker. 420 acres of oak and hicko ry la it. mor eor less, Ivii.g <>> the w ers ol R> Avcoutfoif, a ljoining la.'fD t \ ni ce’ t Johnson and nthe.s; fifty b.r• o corn, more or U*-s In •-1 <* k .f frrdricr, levied or sat sf> two ,x c t s one in favor of Am f’ iso’ s, -mvivor, and one in favor <4 YN iliiarri Parish Hgai. st Wil .into Langh.iin. ‘be ah-ve property pointed out hv plait'wfl’- attorney. 540 acres of land, more or less, adjoiim.g lands if Ej lii uni l\e. a J others lying on the wati'rs of flock com fort, levied on as the property • t James Pa< e to satisfy an exe u ion rr; tavo of Hardy Ihtts, \dm'r. of WilPam I’iiciui ‘S, dec against Jain. * Pace, John P ( a- r, VN’illiam Hill anrl W illiam II llrinkh y security <n sfav es execution. Four negroes, to wit: James 50 years of age; Mary. 25 years of age; Sarah, three veais of ag • and Martin, one year old; levied on as the piOirerty t.f James Towns to satisfy ari exM iition in favor ol the Bark of tin* State of Georgia against t!ie sad James I owns, m rl other execut'ons against the said ‘Tom ns. 268 acres of pine land, more or Ic-s, lyii g on die wat rs ol Big B * r t rock, adjoining lands of Thomas Try | and etliers, levied on as the property us J bn tdatns to satisfy ari excettion in fi ver and John G. Winter; pro, eity point, and out by the defend nt. POSTPONED SU E. ‘ One 41 saw cotton gin, lo wed <*n by a former Sheriff ns he proper ty of Ganaway Martin; Q,. L. C. k lio and Frederick B. Heath to gat 'd y an execution iu favor of Nestor Pi its LEONARD PRATT , Siiff. -T-Twi ■ —i m-m ■ ■ ■ - -n < Tirll.L be sold, to the highest b;d tier Idr rasli. on Saturday the 13th of HerV. next, at the late resi • < nee of John liuiuiltun dec. flic crop f seetl cotton, together with soino ow's, hogs and perhaps corn and odder, for the benefit of the heirs and reditors of said dec. AARON ADKINS. Ex’r; November 8. 3tp—2o. NOTICE. \LL persons indebted to the estate of William Jones, late of Warren coun ty, dec. are requested to make payment, as soon as then notes become and >c: and tfiose having demands against said estate will render them in, properly attested, within the time prescribed by law. Nl HOB AS H JONES, Adm’r. SUSAN AH JON ES, Adm’x. September, I3tl 1828. 16—6 w. FOUR months after date, apfdication will be made to the Honorable Inferior Court, of Warren county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell the real estate of Drury P te, dec. JOSEPH LEONARD, Adm‘r. Julv 12tb, 1828. 7-4 m W aN'J ED, One or two boys between 14 and 16 years of age, as apprentices to the Printing business. Apply at this Of fice. No. 26.