Rural cabinet. (Warrenton, Ga.) 1828-18??, December 06, 1828, Image 1

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VOL. I. THE CABINET Is published every Saturday , by P. L ItOUINSON\ War rent otiy Geo. at three dollars per annum , which may be discharged by two dollars and fifty cents if paid within sixty days of the tipie of * JVIACOiN BRIDGE. ON TUESDAY the 6th day of January next, at 11 o’clock A. M. will he exposed to sale in Macon, to the highest bidder, the B RID GE across the Ocmulgee river at Macon, together with one acre of land on the eastern side of the Ocmulgee river, to be used as one of the butments; and the privilege of using so much of Fifth, or Bridge Street, on the western bank as may be necessary for the other hutment of the Bridge. The purchaser will be required, on the day of the sale to pay to the com riiissioners one fifth part of the pur chase money in Cash or current bills or chartered banks of this States and to give bond with two or more approv ed sureties for the payment of the residue in four equal annual instal ments \VM. II NRMAN, A P . . C. B. STRONG, l C (). H. PRINCE, J &lonelS * .Oct. 25, 1828. 25—9 t. The Editors of the Charleston City Gazette, the Tuscaloosa Chronicle, and f the several public Gazettes in this State, will publish the foregoing weekly nine weeks, in their respective papers, and forward their accounts to the Executive Department, Warren Superior Court. October Term 1828. John Wright, Henry J."'] Wright, Henry flight, | in right of Ilia wife. &<•. j Bil| for d ; 3 . am Jesse Pop,. ... | co re . right of Ins wife, #c. J- livf a * € , dis vs* I r . Ti n , I tribution. Joseph Hill and Chap- | pII Heath Ex’rs. of j Richard Heath dec. J It appearing to the court by return of the Sheriff that Chappell Heath, one of the defendants in the above bill is not to be found in this county and by affidavits of Leonard Pratt. Sheriff that he resides without the lim its of the state, on motion, it is or dered that service be perfected on the said Chapp II Heath by publication of this order, in some public Gaz tte of this state once a month for three months before the next Terra of this court, and further ordered that the said Chappell Heath do appear and answer said hill on or befoVc the first day of the next term of this court. True extract from the minutes of the Superior Court Warren county, Georgia O tuber Term 1828. THOMAS GIBSON, elk. Georgia, Warren County. Superior Court, October Term , 1828. Joseph Grizzle”] vs, Matilda Griz Libel for Divorce, zle, formerly | Matilda WeeksJ It appearing to the court by the re turn of the Sheriff that the defendan in the above case is not to be found ii said county—lt is on motion ordered that service be perfected on said de fendant by publication, of this rule i one of the public gazettes, of tbL State, onre a month for three months True extract from the minutes Su perior court Warren county Georgia. OctobTr ‘ferm 1828. 22.---m3m. THOMAS GPIBSON, Cl’k, % ‘■ * War rent >n, December (>, 1828. A i OLti to ail oi'Uer ot lue Honorable Inferior Court of War ren county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, will bo sold, at the Court House, in Warren County, on the first Tuesday in January next, the following properly to witt Seventy nine acres of laud, more or less, whereon Sarah Pate now lives, sold subject to dower. Also one hundred and twenty four acres, more or less, whereon John Rate now lives, sold subject to dower. Also one hundred and fifty acres, more or less, adjoin ing the above land ann James Gra nade’s Irfnd and Benjamin Thomp son’s land, sold subject to dower of the widow Sarah Pate, and also to dower or claim of the widow Sarah Farr, in the last mentioned tract. Al so one negro girl about 19 years of age, by the name of Dinah—all the property of Drury Pate, dec. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and credit ors of said dec. Terms made known on the day of sale. JOSEPH LEONARD, Adm’r, October 25th, 1828. tds.—22. A D MINI ST RATO R T S SALE. WILL be sold, at the Court House in the town of Warren ton, on the first Tuesday in January, 1829, by virtue of an order from tin honorable the Inferior Court of War ren county when sitting fir Ordinal) purposes. Two bundled and forty a cres of land, lying in the county of Warren, on Hart's Creek, adjoining Gibson, Wright and Dozier; —the said land will be sold subject to ti:e widow J s dower.-*Also six negroes to wjt:—Dicey aged about 45—Joe, 25 Wilce, about 21—Cate, about 7—Pe ter about 4 years old—and Shear man about 9 months old.—The above land and negroes to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of Mountain Hill, dec. AMBROSE fIEEtH, Adm‘r. October Bth 1828. 60d— 20. EXECUTOR’S SALE. A GREEABLY to an order of the hon /b. orable the Court of Ordinary of Warren county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in January next, the following property, to wit: 106 Acres of land, lying in said county, adjoining lands of R.Heatn, J. B. Harrell, and others. To be sold as the estate of Elizabeth King, dec. for the uenefit of the heirs of Win King. dec. JAMES T. DICKEN, Executor. November 8. 24. Administrators Sale. WILL he sold, on the first Tues day, in February next, at the Court House, in Marion, Twiggs county, one tract of land, containing 202§ acres, more or less, known and distinguished*, as Lot No. 107, in the 28th Dist. formerly Wilkinson, now Twiggs county. Sold by an order f the Inferior Court for Warren County when sitting for ordinary pur poses, as the real estate of Moses Thompson, sen. dec. HANNAH THOMPSON, Adm‘x. MOSES THOMPSON, Adm'r. Nov. 15. 1828. tds—2s. Law Notice. The subscriber, will practice Law in the Counties of Coweta, Carroll, Troup, Muscogee, Merriwetl er, liar • is, Talbot, Drkalb and Fayeite. All business entrusted to his care will meet with prompt attention. He will examine lands, free of charge, in the County of Coweta. Direct to Newnan, Coweta County- WILLIAM M. BEALL. Late -Foreign News. FROM THE THEATRE OF WAR From the .V. T Jler. Mv. J\"ov. 19. LATEST FROM EUROPE. ‘Flic Packet ship New-York, Capt. Rennet, arrived last even-! ing, sailed from Liverpool on Sunday morning the I9tli ult. and has hi ought regular advi ces to that date. It will be seen by the annex ed extracts that the price of i wheat had declined considera bly.—and that there had been extensive sale of Cotton at rather higher prices. ‘Fhe reports given below, of j the abandonment of the siege of Varna and Shumla, by t!ie Russians, is said to have been confirmed by the London mail which reached Liverpool the morning the packet sailed. London, oct. 17, 4 P. M. The Paris papers just receiv ed, give a letter from Berlin of the Ist, stating that the second army of Count Wittgenstein was dispersed. Whole regi ments of cavalry was dismount ed; the want of water was so great that three rubies were uiven for a bottle. It was re ported on the Frankford Ex change, that the siege ot Var na had been raised, and that the Russian army was in lull retreat to the Danube. Paris Oct. 11. We have letters from < ides sa of Sept. 26. It was known that the Russian Army was in a distressed condition, and that the Emperor desires peace. If we may believe the letters from Burcharest, the Turks have assumed the offensive. The corps of Gen. Rath has been almost the siege of Chum la raised, and the Russians abandoning 30 pieces of cannon have retreated to wards Bezyrdjik puisued by Hussein Bey at the head of 70,000 men, who flattered him selfthat he could destroy them, fall on the rear of the army besciging Varna, reliance that town, and terminate the cam paign by coo polling the whole Russian army to a general at tack. Berlin Oct. 5. On the 26th of September, a manifesto was issued at St. Petersburg, ordering a levy of four men out of every five hun dred of the population. Ihe number of recruits to be raised by this order, is estimated 240,400. From the New York Com. Advertiser. THE FOV.VO AMPOLEO.Y. An arti* le from Vienna mentions the arrival of 24 battallions and 23 troops of horse, amounting in all to 3() 000 men, wijm 80 pieces of artille ry, in camp near Drey Eirschen, whither the Emperor had proceeded from badeii, und adds— ‘As they di filed before his majesty, the young Duke of liei< hstadi (tho son of Napoleon.) who appeared, for the first time, in uniform, attracted great and universal attention, Joy beamed in his countenance. Her Ma jesty the Dutchess of Parma. and her 1* penal Highness the Arch Dutchess Harriet and hri family, followed the Emperor, in their carriages on his re turn to Baden.* This young Duke of Rel listadt ttiust now be about eighteen years of nge. How rapid the High', and how numerous the changes of time ! It seems betas reminiscence of re* cot labor, when we recorded the repudia tion by the great Napoleon fhi fa vorite Josephine—the gorgeous c I ■> bratiori of his marrb gewi h the \is trian Priruess, tiow'Duti he-s of I* ra** ma—the birth if the long wish'd lor —and his cradle coronation as K'-g of R<m.e? And what rev lotions hove happened situ e ? II w do events of deep and highest nioon nt i r vvd upon tue mind in awful and splendid arrnv, like the th'n k coming fancies of a dream, bringing the mol if*rious a< ts Ac. incidents of \ long series of years in to the narrow spare df an hours slum ber! The glorious scenes of- D esden, where Kings ami Emp rots were ri vals in doing the child of fortune ho mage—the splendid campaign of M s row—the rout and overthrows! ! the great contest at Lripsie against Eu rope in arms’ —the disastrous result; the turning of the weapon back up..n toe haughty foe; the Hcige arid fall of Paris—Elba—the return ami the triumphant march to (he famous seat of Ins glory—the Champ do Mars, where the Emperor once more found himself surround* and bv France iii arms—the field of Waterloo and the awful catastrophe which at a blow hurled him from the giddy height of fortune—and the inglorious flight— the Bourbon re-ascends—Jie mighty family of Napoleon is dispersed—St. Helena—and a thousand other scenes and incidents of subsequent occur rence—All are crowded upon the ima gination. like the rapidly changing vicissitudes of the drama. And where are Napoleon and Josephine—Alex ander and the B xirboii Murat and Ney—and many other of the princes and nobles who bore conspicuous and splendid parts iii the great twenty years* tragedies and grand melo dra mas of Europe; —Alas! Echo an swers, Where? But the blood of the conqueror flows in the veins of tho young Duke of Keichstadt; and tho* mingled with that of the house of Hampsburg, yet there is the flood of Maria Theresa also. Who can tell that the boy now ‘first in uniform*— sprung from such parentage—may not yet perform some splendid part in a world which less than fifteen years ago trembled beneath his father’s 1 treM’! WANTED, 1 One or two boys between 14 and 16 years of age, as apprentices to the Printing business. Apply at this Of yc. _ *• • No. 28.