Rural cabinet. (Warrenton, Ga.) 1828-18??, December 20, 1828, Image 3

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A four days meeting is appointed to commence, at the Methodist Church, in this place, on Christmas day—l he Fie lding Elder, and several other preachers of eminence is expected. gy*la order that those em ployed in this office mav have an opportunity of enjoying the Christmas festivities, the Ca binet will not be issued next week. * HEAD QUARTER First Brigade, 2 d Div . Ga. Ala. 159 r December, 1823. In conformity from His Ex cellencv, the commander in chief, per sons holding public arms formerly of th “Siate Guards” are directed to turn ove> the same to me on the sth and Gth ot next month in W irrenton. AARON W. GRIER, Brig. Gen. Ist Brigade, 2d Division, Ga, Ma. December, 20tli 1828. 2w—3o. The Subscriber TAKES this method of informing the public that he will continue th* HU- k-mith's business, the enduing year, at the stand at present occupied by him, and will be ready to execute work, on short notice at reduced prices. By giv ing his personal attention to the business, he hopes to merit a share of public pat ronoge. ALLEN BRAINARD. Warrenton, Dec. 20. 30—ts. CAUTION. I have made two promissory notes pay aide, to Willis H iward, due the twenty fifth day of this month, for twenty five dol lar each, which I will not pay, as the con sideration for which they were given has faded. ISAAC HART, Jr. December 20th. 1828. It ’ M A CON WiIGUK. ON TUESDAY Hie Gth day of January next, at 11 o’clock A. M. will be exposed to sale in Macon, to the highest bidder, the BRIDGE across the Ocmulgee river at Macon, together wi ll one acre of land on the eastern side of the Octnulgee river, to be used as one of the hutments; and the privilege of using so much of Fifth, ot Bridge Street, on the western bank as may be necessary for the other ut n * it of the Bridge. - THe'purchaser will be required, on the day ot the sale to pay to the com rr issioners one fifth part of the pur chase money in Cash or current hills sv chartered banks of this State; and to give bond with two or more approv ed sureties for the payment of the residue in four equal annual instal ments \YM. HARM AN, T Coromis- C. B. STRONG, ‘IZI O. H. PRINCE, sioners. Ort. 25. 1828. 23-9 t. The Editors of the Charleston City Gazette, the Tuscaloosa Chronicle, and of the several public Gazettes in this State, will publish the foregoing \ve kiy nine weeks, in their respective papers, and forward their accounts to the Executive Department. A DMINTsTraToR r S ‘ SALE. Y, fc ILL be sold, at the Court ? f House in the town of Warren ton. on the first Tuesday in January, 1829, by virtue of an order from the honorable the Inferior Court, of War ren county when sitting for Ordinary purposes. Two bundled and forty a <r sos Und. lying in the county of Warren, on Hart‘s Creek, adjoining Gibson, Wright and Dozier; —the said laud will be sold subject to the widows dower. Also six negroes to wi '; —Dicey aged about 43—. ice, 25 Wilce, about 21—Cate, about 7—De ter about years old—and Shear man about 9 months old.—The above land and negroes to be sold for the benefit of the heirs anu creditors of Mo mi tain Hill. dec. AMBROSE lIEETIT, Admr. We are requested to say, that George VV. Shivers, E q.dr.h e* be ing a candidate for re-election ot Jm!;e ot the Inferior Court of Warren county. ***We are requested to an nounce Gen. Aaron W. Grier as a candidate for Judge of the Inferior Court, at the approach ing election (P* We are requested to an nounce Henrv Hiirht, I sq as a candid ite f r Judge of the In ferior Corn t, at the approaching t lection. (£7°We are ruques-ed to an nounce Vlaj Robert A Beall as a candidate for Justice of the Peace, of the 425th district. arc requested to announce Vlaj. Athelston Anohkws, a candidate ior Colon* lof th 12th Regiment Georgia Ylihtia, in place of Col. Aaron VV. Grier, promoted. December 6. 2C-tf fTj**We s*’*e requested to announce Capt. Nathan J nes, as a cendidat* for Sheriff, of Warren county. Dec. 13th, 1828. £9 ts are requested to announce, Hardy Pitts, Esq. as a candidal’ for Sheriff, us Warren county . October 18th 1828. 21—If. are requested to announce M.j. Atiiei.stan Andrews, as a candidate lot* Sheriff ol’ Warm, County. September 20th 1823. 17—ts. (£7* We arc authorized to inform the citizens ot Warren County, Geo. that Joseph E. Biggs, is a candidate for Receiver of Tax returns for the year 1829. A GREEABLE to ao order of t,.c Hororahle Inferior Court of War ren county, when sitting for ordin ry purposes, will be sold, at the Court House, in Warren County, on i e first Tuesday in January m x , the following property to wit: Seventy nine acres of land, more or less, whereon Surah Pate now lives, sold subject to dower. Also one hundred ami twenty four acres, in >re or Uss. whereon John Pate now lives, sold subject to dower. Also one hundred and fifty acres, more or less, ad join ing the above land anu James Gra nade’s i .ltd and Benjamin Thomp son’s land, sold subject to dower of the widow Sarah Pate, and also to dower or claim of the widow Sarah Fair, in the last mentioned tract. Al so one negro girl about 19 years of age, by the nunc of Dinah—all the property of Drury Pate, dec. Sold ior the benefit of the heirs and credit ors of said dec. Terms made known on the day of sale. JOSEPH LEONARD, Adm’r, October 25th, 1828. tds.—22. EXECUTOR’S SALE. A GREEABLY to an order of the hon /tk orable the Court of Ordinary tf V\ arr* n county, will be sold on the first i Tuesday in January next, the following property, to wit: 10(5 Acres of land, lying in said county, adjoining lands of R. Heath, J. B. Harrell, and others. To be sold as the estate of Elizabeth King. dec. for the i benefit of the heirs of VV m. King. dec. JAMES T. DK KEN, Executor. November 8. 24. Administrators Sale. WlLL|be sold, on the first Tues j day. in Eebrua y next, at tl.ej Court House, in Mari in, Twiggs county, one tract of land, containing] 202§ acres, more or less, known and j distinguished, as Lot No. ior, iu the 28fit Ilist. formerly Vilkii sun, now j Twiggs county'. Sold hy an order of tiie Inferior Court for Warren County when sitlii g for ordinary pur poses, as the real estate of Moses Thompson, sen. dec. HANNAH THOMPSON, Adm‘x. MOSES THOMPSON, Admr. Nov. 15. 1828. tds—2s. Sheriff’s sale. WILL BE SOLI), on the first Tues day in January next, at the Court House, in the town of YVarrenfon, Warren county, b tween the usual hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Three hundred and twenty acres of land, more or les9, adjoining Mary Thompson and others, with two ne groes. to wit: J ik, a man about 40 year 1 * of age; Harriet, a woman about twenty five year* of age, levied on as the proper ty of Henry bhelton to satisfy an execu tion in favor of Fontaine & Hargraves, against said Shelton. One hundred and seventy six acres of land, more or less, lying on (h<.-waters of Big Brier crack, adjoining lands of Mays, and others, levied on b\ a constable arid returned to me as the property of Harris Reese and William Mays, to -alisfy four executions issued >ui of a justices court in favor Gray, Adm’r. &.c against the said Harris R ese and Win. Mays. One negro woman named Lucinda, about twenty two years of age, levied on bv a constable and returned to •/ me as* the property of Evans M’Crary to satisfy two executions in favor of Fon taine & Hargraves, vs. said M’Crary. 140 acres of land, more or less, lying on Ogechee, adjoining lands f Anthony Jones and others, levied on j as (lie pjoperly of John B. Boyd to satis fy an execution in favor of Anthony l Jones against the sad Boyd. 123 acres of land, more or less, ying on Bg Brier ere. k, adjoining lands of Jesse Story and others; and one lilty saw cotton gin; one threshing ma chine, levied on as the property of Henry Hinton and William G. Edmondson, to a i-fy an execution in favor of William M Math, Ex‘r. &c. against said Hinton and Edmondson. 500 acres of pine land, more or l> ss, lying on Ko kycumfort. adjoining lands of Kh'tjy Harris and other*; 500 •icres, more or less, lying on Joes creek, a j >i iing lands of Richard Powell .and others, with 500 acres of pine land, more | or Isa, lying on the waters of Forts creek j adjoining lands of J din Killebrew and o hers, levied <*n is the property ofCraus sus Few to satisfy two executions in fa vor of William B Sneed and wife, pro perty pointed oui hy the plaintiff. 2(H) acres of land, more or less, lying on Rockycomfort, adjoining lauds of Nancy Murrey and others levied! on by a constable and returned to me as the property of Asa LJmphlet to satisfy an execution in f vor of Joseph Williams against the said Umphlet. Seven negroes, Cherry, a woman about 23 years of age and her four children, Elbert nine years old; A tny, live; AiLey, three; Jeff, 1 year ofag. , Sally, a woman about twenty two years of age; and Mourning, a girl about about eleven years of age, levied on as the pro* petty of James Pate to satisfy an execu tion in favor of Hardy Pitt# and sundry other executions against the said J. Pace. LEONARD PRATT, Shff. EXECUTOR’S SALE. WILL de sold, on the first Tuesday in January next, at the court house, in War renton, Warren county, the following properly, viz Five negro .slaves, consist mg of men and women, belonging to the estate of John M‘Cormick, dec. to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms made known on the dav of -ode. BARNETT CODY, Exr. SARAH M’CORMICK Kx‘rx. Nov. 22. 20-tds Notice. WILL be sold* to the highest bid der for rash, on Saturday the 1 3fli of Der’r. next, at the late resi dence of John Hamilton dec. the crop of seed cotton, together with some, cows, hogs and perhaps corn and fodder, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec. AARON ADKINS, Ex’r. November 8. 3* p—2o. WAN FED, One or two bojs between 14 and Ifi years of age, sis apprentices to the Printing business. Apply at this Os lice. Warrenton Academy. r FMiK subsetit-r wn < ontiouc the .M. Rectorship oi this A* .idem i t’ e en suing y* ar. He feels thankful for die h- Ueritl support he has received from fl o itizens of the plate, and bom othe s; nl h< pes hy engaging a eon.peterd rt*.si*taM, *o be better able to discharge tbe various duties devolving on hun. The r ies •( tuition will be tlie same a- at ’resent. Be sons sn he country whon*Hv be desir ous of placing their cbildi vii in this in siitution, may ob’ain Imaid in |rivte f uiuies on moderate trims I he school will be opened on Monday, th.? 12? h of January next. ROBERT FLEMING. December C. 28-tsc. ftj* Fair Warning !!!!UCB persons ioibfr and to uie es tate of Drury Pate, are Jierebv iolonnr and that unle*s the> settle the ;*rne will *ut delay, suits will be commenced innncdia* teiy. JOSEPH LEON A HD, Adm’r. December G. 28 3t FOUR month*, after rlate, application wdl be made ‘o the Honorable Inferior Court, of Warren county, wht u lining for ordinary purposes, for leave to s II the real estate ot Arthur Mathews, flee. EDWARD MATHEWS, Ad.n‘r. December C. 28 For Sale. A FAMILY of Negroes, consisting of a woman and five children—the children all females: They were brought upon a plantation.—Term cah. Afrdi cation to be made to the. subscriber, living -even miles from Warrenton, on the Washington road, nr to John Moore. Esq. residing in Warrenh n. MARCUS POSEY. Nov. 22. 20-3 t Administratrix Sale. be sold, o’ Lownrl4 t House, FT on the Tuesday in Fr m u-v next, 490 acres of land, l\<og iu * id county and situated in t'u* 120) *, No. 376, formerly Irwin a- ti<e property of Koofit I’a uui <!• c lor the benefit of his m.-i*h m *,f *r- * ! n r* Winfred Palmer, Ad ’tx. Nov. 22 2G-‘d* NOTICE. Tp)Y VIRTUE of h deed of Tru-l ex fl a or uted to me by Lark Battle of i Franklin County, North Carolina, on the | 10 h day of July 1827, which i► recorded in the Register’s office in the aforesaid County of Franklin, I shall sell to the highest bidder for ready money, before the Court House door in Warrenton, (Ga )on Monday the 29th of D-cember next all the negroes and their increase, (if any) which wag conveyed by the af* orsaid deed of conveyance, say Jenny, Phoebe, Valentine, V**nus and her two or three children, names no* known* I shall sell no other title, but such as the aid Lark Battle had and conveyed to me. JAMES HARRISON, Trustee. Nov. Ist. 1828. tds—23. Law Notice. The subscriber, will practice Law in the Counties of Coweta, Carroll, Troup, Muscogee, Merriwether, Har ris, Talbot, Drkalb and Fay cite. All business entrusted to his care will meet with prompt attention. IJ-j will examine lands, free of charge, in the County of Coweta. Direct to Newnan, Coweta County. WILLIAM M. BEALL. GEORGIA, Warren county. Whereas, Spivy Fuller (Administrator de bonis non and with the will annexed.) on the estate of Thomas Smith late of said county dec. applies for letters of Rissmis sion on said estate. These are therefore to cite and admon ish all and singular, the Kindred and Creditors, of said dec. to b** and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at Office this 28th day of May 1828. Z. FRANKI iN, clk.c. o. May 31st mGtn BLANK DEEDS; For sale at this Olhco^