The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, December 20, 1923, Image 10

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fHE CARROLL FREE PRESS, CARR OLLTON, CARROLL COUNTY, OA. THURSDAY, DEC. 20, 1923 MEAT When You Are In A Hurry— —telephone us, and we will tell you promptly what we have. Many times guests arrive unexpect edly and the family larder is not as com plete as it might be. That is the time when you should remember the place that handles fresh meat at reasonable prices. IW. No Mistakes, No delays, No regrets. FLETCHER’S MARKET Phone 85 Specials at Jake’s Place Oranges, per bushel $1.75 Will Make Special Price to Retail Mer chants on All Fruits and Candies Layer Raisins, pound 20c No. 1 English Walnuts, pound 30c Seeded and Seedless Raisins, pound..20c (2 lbs. for 35c) Stick Candy, pound 17 l-2c Fancy Candy, pound 20c and 25c Apples, dozen 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c, 40c Do Your Buying Early at JAKE’S PLACE FIRE LETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS Temple, Ga., R. 1, Dee. 11, 1828. Dear Santa Glaus: Please bring me some oranges, ap ples, nuts ,raisins, bananas, air riflo, and a eocoanut. Your friend, W. C. ADAMS. Temple, Ga., B. 1, Doc. 11, 1928. Dear Santa Claus: Please brinjf me a mamma doll and a carriage and some fruits and a stove. Your little friend, DOKOTHY ADAMS. Roopville, Ga., Doc. 11, 1923. Dear Santa Claus: As it will soon be Xmas, I will tell you wliat I want. I want you to bring mo a doll, .I set of vases and ft lot of other things. Your friend, TIM MA CLYDE LKVENS. Dec. 11, 1923. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little- girl three yenrs old, and T have been a good littlo girl this year. Please bring me a rocking chair, a doll and some candy. Your little friend, LUCILK LEVENS. Clem, Ga., Dec. 12, 1923. Dear Santa: I am a little girl eleven years old. I go to school at Clem and am in the sixth grade. My teacher’s name is Miss Karl Lftsscttor. Santa, for Christinas I want a Testa ment, a pair of bed room slippers, three audios, all kinds of fruits and all kinds of candies. I am, vours very truly, (MISS) EVELYN FULLER. Clem, Ga., Dec, 12, 1923. Dear Santa: I am a little boy nine yenrs old. I go to school and I am in the fifth grade. I want you to bring mo for Xmas a lit tle wagon and all kinds of fruit. I will ■lose. I am, Your friend, EUGENE FULLER. Carrollton, Ga., Dec. 13, 1923. Dear Santa Claus: X will write and tell you What I want you to bring me and my little brother. Please bring me a doll, nuts, candies and fruits. Please bring my little brother a wagon and nuts and candy and fruit. Your little friend, ANNIE LEE .TILES. If controlled—Man’s most useful ser vant. If uncontrolled—His most destructive foe. If your property is not absolutely fire proof it may be the next to go up in flames. If it goes, will your brightest hopes go with it? A Fire Insurance Policy kindles fresh hope, because it gives you the ability to “come back.” See us today. Tomorrow you may have nothing to insure. S. J. BOYKIN & SONS, GENERAL INSURANCE T. A. Herndon, Manager CARROLLTON, GA. Carrollton, Ga., Dec. 13, 1923. Dear Santa Claus: Plenso come to see me. I would like for you to bring mo a mamma doll; bring me a pair of gloves, too, candy and some routs, nnd some oranges and some apples and some rnisins nnd that’s all. Bring my little sister a mamma doll, too; candy and nuts nnd apples and oranges and raisins. That’s nil this Christmas. Your little friend. WILMA IIEMBREE. Roopville, Ga., Doc. 13, 1923. Dear Santa Clniis: It is nearly time for you to come and I want you Jo come and see me. am about 13 yenrs old and I am a smart girl. Please bring me n vase nnd two little dishes and a box of candy and one eoeoarout nnd three oranges. I have a little sister six yenrs old and she wants a sleepv doll nnd a new dress and a vase. I have got three little brothers. Carson wants' a cap burster and some fire crackers and some fruits. Herscliel wants a barn, a little Ted wagon and all kinds of fruits, and Wortliam, he is the baby, ho wants a rubber ball and a sack of oranges and some fruits. Yours trulv, KATIE WALLACE. LOOKING FORWARD]:fI « 1] INTO 1924 | | We think we see many good things in store for our patrons for we are always planning and thinking for you. We want to serve you better in 1924 than ever before in the history of this business. In the future, as in the past, we will appreciate your criticisms and co-opera tion to make our service more nearly what you would have it be. In our program for 1924 we are am bitious to surpass all past records and with your continued loyalty we can do so. , Accept our sincere.thanks for all pat ronage of the past. May 1924 Bring You Peace and Happiness MandeviUe Mills Laundry (In our new home on Alabama Street) $ m w ft I js ft % ft ft Electrical Gifts-— Time and again those you remember on Christmas day with a gift electrical will thank you for your thoughtfulness for their convenience and pleasure. An ample display of the newest inventions in electrical appliances awaits you here. SHOP COAL For best grade washed and sized Shop Coal at reas onable price, come to Maple Street Warehouse Roopvillp, Ga., Dec. 17, 1923. Dear Santa Claus: Wo are two little boys seven nnd five vears old. We have been right good little boys, picked lots of cotton and we want yoan to please bring us n big red wagon, a hoe and rake and a big rub ber ball. Please don’t forget us. Bring us lots of confectionaries for we sure do like to eat them. Yonr little bov friends, MERLIN & RAYMOND HIGHTOWER. Roopville, Ga., R. 2. Dear Santa Claus: I am a little boy four years old. Will you please bring me a rubber ball, a little train with a track to run on, nnd some oranges, apples, nuts and chocolate candy. Please don’t forget little Oliver, bring liim soino toys and nice candies, too. Your little friend. OTIIEL RABURN. Roopville, Ga., R. 1, Dec. 16, 1923. Dear Santa Claus: Christmas is almost here. I am a little girl 12 years old, and I have been going to school ever since November and studying hard. I want you to bring mo a big doll, a box of water colors and a doll carriage and confec tionaries of all kinds. I have some lit tle brothers and sisters that I want you to eomo to see, too. Your friend, CLESTELLE HIGHTOWER. An Electric Toaster brings pleas ure to the entire family, for it makes better toast and makes it more quickly. Coffee made with an Electric Per colator has a delightful flavor that cannot be produced in any other Carrollton, Gn. Dear Santa Claus: I want you to please bring me a big sleepy doll, doll carriage, stove and stove vessels, and lots of fruits, can dies and nuts. Please remember my j little sisters, Grneo and Florence. Your 1'ttlc girl, MAGGIE COALSON. An Electric Iron so lightens the work of ironing that every laundry day your gift gains added appreciation. These other electrical gifts save both tipie and work, and each task is performed in a satisfactory manner. Georgia Railway & Power Co.