The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, December 20, 1923, Image 12

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* / mun /tiVVAT.T. VBVV MMI MA«T> AT.T.fAV HiVVnT.T. rftTTIIfV HA «cww MAY YOUR Christmas BE A Merry One BANKRUPT NOTICES THE CARROLL TREE PRESS, CARROLLTON, CARROLL COUNTY, GA. THURSDAY, DEO. 20, W23. In the District Court of tho United States for tho Northern District of Georgia. Northern Division. — In Bankruptcy. No. 9701.00. In the Matter of .lames Clinnt|ler, Bankrupt. Bankrupt. \ To (lie Creditors of the said Bankrupt, of Carrollton, (la. jn tin- County (>f And the New Year filled with happiness, prosperity a n d peace- We just ask that you kindly remember us when you want GRpCERIES and SHOES dur ing 1924. J. F. Morris Carroll, said Dist Xotiec is hereby given that on the 17tli day of December 1929, the said •lames C. Chandler was duly adjudged a bankrupt and Hint the first meeting of the creditors Of the said bankrupt will I be belli at the office of tile Rcfnrce in I Carrollton (Jin, lit the hour of 0 A. M„ j oil the Mist (lay of Detjemher, 1923, at iwhich time tho creditors of the said bankrupt may attend, prove 1licir claims, examine the bankrupt, elect a trustee and transact such other lm-iness as may properly conic before suen meet ing. At Carrollton, Ou., tills the 18th day of December, 1023. KtJOENB SI’RADl.lN', Referee in Bankruptcy. Alabama Street WE Appreciate YOUR Good Will In the District Court of the United. States for tho Northern District of Georgia. Northern Division. — In Bankruptcy. No. 9710.00. In the Matter of Chprlps Vi> Spraggins, Bn ukrupt. To the Creditors of the said Bankrupt, of Carrollton,! II. V. D.', in the County of Carroll, said District: Notice is hereby given that on the 18th day of December • 1923, the said Charles S. Spraggins was duly adjudged a bankrupt and.that the first, meeting of the creditors of tin’ said bankrupt will be held at the office of the Referee in Carrollton, Cin., at the hour of 9 A. M,. on the 31st day of December, 1923, at which time the creditors of the said bankrupt may attend, prove their claims, examine the bankrupt, elect a trustee mid transact sueli other business as may properly runic before such meet- llipr. At Carrollton, Du., this tlie 20th day of December, 1923. EUGENE SPRADLIN'. Referee in Bankruptcy. We like to count among our asset^ the only one that money cannot buy—your good will. A lid so at this Yuletide Sea son We extend to you, not as a customer alone, but as a friend —thfct'Best of Wishes for the comiiig year. Chrrollton Mule Company In the District Court of tho Unitod States for the Northern District of Georgia. Northern Division. — In Bankruptcy. No. 9708. In the Matter of Thomas .1. Rooks, Bankrupt. To the Creditors of flic said Bankrupt, of Cnrrellton, On., in the County of Carroll, said District: Notice is hereby given that on the 18th day of December, 1923, the said Thomas .1. Rooks was duly adjudged a bankrupt and that the first meeting of the croilitors of the said bankrupt will bo held at the office'of the Referee in Carrollton, Go., at the hour of A. M., on the 31st day of December, 19_3, at which time the creditors of the said bankrupt may attend, prove their claims, examine the bankrupt, elect a trustee and transact sueli other business as may poroprly come before such meet- /[t. Carrollton, fla., this the 20tli day of December, 1923. EUGENE SPRADLIN. Referee in Batik rifiitcy.. „ mmieet Merry Christmas Let us assure you of our ap preciation of your patronage during the past year—and by the sanj^token we extend to you our wishes for a H^fY CHRISMAS and , t . SUCCESSFUL NEW YEAR J. J. Ivey v ; Grocer ALABAMA STREET May Christmas Cheer Be Yours In tho District Court of the United States for tho'Northern District of Georgia. Northern Division. — in Bankruptcy. No. 9676. ( T„ the Mattel of William Edgar Moore, Bankrupt. To Die Creditors of tho said Bankrupt, of Villa Rica, in the.County of Car- roll, said District: Notice is hereby given that on the 13th day of December, 1923, the said William Edgar Moore was dulv adjudg ed a bankrupt, and that the first meet ing of the creditors of the said lmnk- r pt will be held at the office of the Referee in Carrollton, On,, at tho hour nf 9 A. M., on the Mist day of Pooom- bor, 1923. at which timo tho croilitors of tho said bankrupt may attend, prove their claims; < examine the haul:'up!, elect a trustee and transact such other business (us may properly come before such mooting. At Carrollton, On., tills the 14th day of December, 1923. EUGENE SPRADLIN', Referee in Bankruptcy.- 1 - CARD OF THANKS Mules For Sale FURNITURE THE SENSIBLE GIFT Of all gifts, furniture is the most sensible. What else can render so continuous service and be so generally useful for so long a time, as a good piece of furniture? To those who are perplexed as to what they should give their friends, we extend a cordial invitation to come in our store and avail them selves of the many pleasing Christmas suggestions. We have many, useful, practical and ornamental articles for the home that will be long remembered and appreciated. Come in and see them at your earliest convenience. ft m m A Merry, Christmas To Ydu m & May Christmas Joys Attend You This Yuletide And This Year Be a Happy, Prosperous One - v - For Christmas Had you thought of giving her a new Oil Stove for Christmas? Why not give her the best? The stove that burns cheap kerosene with a fast, clean gas heat? There are models Detroit Vapor to fit every kitchen and every pocket book. The RED'STAR has two rings of clean blue flame, furmsHiSlgiafrcooking heat equal to city gas at Its best, A-ll are equipped with the patentee!, all- metal RED STAR burners that burn kerosene or gRsfelene without wicks or wick substitutes. We invite your inspection. V?; ’V. v v;v Bed Cross Mattress w. u • > ’ I.-J The quality of the RED CROSS Mattress is traditional. Mort* than thirty years of conscientious manufacture have invested it with a good name which no monetary standard can measure. RED CROSS sales wthich have mounted higher with each month,. have reached a-new high level and we believe that you will We wish to express our heartfelt thanks to our frionds and neighbors for the many kindnesses shown us during the sickness and ut tho death of our dear mother, sister and grandmother, Mrs. Fannie Jones. Wo also wish to thgnk Dr. J. B. Camp and tlie nurso, Mrs. Emma Knight, for their hplp. May God’s richest blessings rest upon oncli and every one of you is our prayer. Mi^ and Mrs. Joe Jones & Family. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jones & Family. Mr. and Mrs. IV, B. Lambert & Family. Mr. anil Mrs. W. O. Hall & Family. Mr. and Mrs.-W. J. Phillips & Family. Mr. and Mrs. J.'O, Shelnutt & Baby. Miss Gladys Jonos. want to join the many thousands of loyal friends by buying one of these mattresses which has been associated with the best Southern homes for nearly half a century. All the jfoys and happiness of the Christmas season to my m*ny friends and patrons. For ypur vefy liberal patronage during 1923, I wish to express njy appreciation with the as surance of ever increasing ser- yibe during 1924. I now have a plenty of fresh young mules in my barn on Romo street. If voH want to buy or trade, see mo at once.—.7. M. Johnson, novfftf Wiy L. NIX iei and Feed DR. L. J. BROCK DENTIST " ' Office Hour*—8 to 12; 1 to 6 ftbdtaa 32-34-36, Third Floor First N» ttonal Bank Bonding. For Rent TV, Kitchen Cabinet Keep your youth and your health. Don’t work so hard. Kitchen work need not be drudgery now that you can have the Sellers. Don’t let your kitchen work rob you of all these treasures. It has countless conveniences to save time and work.. y-:J Two Store Rooms, in old Merrill’ Buildings Apply D. F. NEW 'if "Sir 9f» fail flfirt’rt' . f jX* ' (■ ?'- v, p a, RNITUrE-UNDERT AKING f X*