The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, December 20, 1923, Image 14

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CARROLL FREE PRESS, CARROLLTON, CARROLL COUNTY, OA. THURSDAY, DEC. 20, 102? Grove's Chill Tonic A Body Builder for Pale, Delicate Children, soc Allcock PLASTERS A Standard Ealarmal Bamadf. Coughs sad Colds bata>MB (hockUr hlafea) fuli( OR AUJCOCK'S— tha Original. Severe Indigestion "I had very severe (Hacks of Indigestion,writes Mr. M. H. Wide, a larmer, of R. F. D. I, Weir, Miss. “I would suffer formonthsatatime. All I dared eat was a Httle bread and butter... consequently I suffer ed from weakness. I would try to eat, then the terrible suffer ing in my stomach I I took medicines, but did not get any better. The druggist recom mended Thedford’s BLACK-DRAU8HT averts ait! or more yean without aav IETffiBtSSj* EXECUTOR ’8 RALE OF RlEALTY GEORGIA—Carroll County. ' By virtuo of nn order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, passed at the November Term, 1921, of said court, will be sold at public outcry, to tho highest and best bidder for cash, within ^the le gal hours of sole, before the ycourt- house door of said county, on t ho - first Tuesday in January, 1924, the following described real estate, to-wit: “All that tract or parcel of lnnd ly ing and being in the county of Cnrroll and snid State, and situated in the town of Temple, Georgia, nnd more fully de scribed ns follows: Commencing at tho southeast corner of a mode lino be tween C. L. Mcl’herson nnd J. N. Hil- dorbrnnd’s property and running north parallel with railroad, two hundred foot to line between C. L. Mcl’herson nnd E. D. Dorsett; thence west five hundred feet; thence south one hundred feet; thence west to lino between C. L. Mc Pherson nnd W. K. Green, being five hundred foot, more or less; thence south one hundred feet; thence east along linn between >T. R. Michael, Mrs. E. C. Ring er, J. N*. Hilderbrand nnd C. L. McPher son hark to starting point, the same be ing four acres, more or less, nnd being part of land lot No. 180, and in tho R49th district, G. M., of said county and state.’’ Sold ns the property of E. H. Mc Pherson, decensed, for tho purpose ofl distribution among the heirs nt-lnw. This December 3rd, 1923. c. l. mcpherson, J. F. DURRETT, W. M. STRICKLAND, Executors. LETTERS OF DISMISSION GEORGIA—Cnrroll County. W. W. Stallings, guardian of Seba Stnllings-Russoll, anil Johnnie Ktnllings, has applied to me for u discharge from his said guardianship, this is to cite nil persons concerned, to fide their objec tions, if any they have, on or hefore the first Mondnv in January, 1924, else lie will he discharged from his guar dianship as applied for. This December 3rd, 1923. E. T. STEED, Ordinary. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION GEORGIA—Cnrroll County. J. M. Willoughby having, in proper form, applied to me for letters of ad ministration <>ii tho estate of Willinm J. Willoughby, deceased, this is to cito all porsons concerned, kindred nnd cred itors, to show cause, if any they can, before mo on or before the first Monday in Jnnunry, 1924, why snid application should not ho granted ns applied for. This Doccmher 3rd, 1924. E. T. STEED, Ordinary. YEAR'S SUPPORT GEOEGA—Carroll County. Dora Ray having, in proper form, ap plied to me for a year’s support out of tho OBtate of Henry Ray, here dccoased husband, ond the appraisers having mndo their report, this is to cite nil persons concerned, kindred nnd credit ors, to show eauee, if any they can, be fore me on or before the first Monday in Jnnunry, 1924, why said application should not be granted. This Docember 3rd, 1923. K. T. STEED, Ordinary. LETTERS OF DISMISSION GEORGIA—Carroll County. Mrs. E. B. Shinn having, in proper form, npplied to mo for letters of dis mission from her administration of the estate of C. J. Shinn, decensed, and rep resenting to tho court in her petition duly filed and entered on record, that she hns fuly administered said estate, this is to cito all porsons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if nny thoy can, why snid administratrix should not bo discharged from her ad ministration and receive letters of dis mission on the first Monday in January, 1924. This December 3rd, 1923. E. T. STEED, Ordinary. LETTERS OF DISMISSION GEORGIA—Carroll County. Mrs. A. Chandler, administra trix of Ira Chandler, represents to the court in her petition duly filed and en tered on record, thnt sho has fully ad ministered tho estate of Ira Chandler, deceased, this is to cito all persons con cerned, kindred nnd creditors, to show cause, if nny they can, why said ad ministratrix should not bo discharged from her administration nnd roeeivo let ters of dismission on the first Monday in January, 1924. This December 3rd, 1923. E. T. 8TEED, Ordinary. LETTERS OF DISMISSION GEORGIA—Carroll County. Mrs. Nancy A. Chandler, guardian of Evert nnd Enrnest Chandler, hns np plied to mo for a discharge from her said guardianship. This is, therefore, to notify all persons concernod, to file their objections, if nny they have, on or boforo the first Monday in January, 1924, else she will bo discharged from her snid guardianship ns npplied for. This December 3rd, 1923. E. T. RTEED, Ordinary. * GLENLOCH * ************ Several cases of measles reported tho past week. A new organ has been purchased by the church here. Mr. F. .T. Jackson mndo a trip to Rome Thursday Christmas shopping for his store. Tho cotton gin at this place wns burned down shortly before midnight Wednesday night. Messrs. F. J. Borough ond F. J. Jackson made a business trip to Coweta county Tuesday. Rov. Homer Roberts will preach nt Goshen church tho fifth Sunday at 11 A. M. Mrs. Moody Cowart nnd Mrs. Susie Books, of near Lowell, were tho guests of Mrs. Beatrice Dorough Wednesday. Next Saturday and Sunday nro reg ular preaching days at Goshen church. An hour for singing before preaching on Sunday. Everybody that wants to hear good preaching, come. We Tender to Our Good Friends and Patrons Greetings AND WISH YOU THE COMPLIMENTS ! OF THE SEASON May the Yuletide season be one of real joy and com fort to you and may the New. Year open your pathway to a pleasant and profitable experience each day. We come with thankful hearts to tender our greet ings and thanks to our friends and patrons wherever you may be. We hope we may serve you during 1924. Carrollton Hardware Company As Father Time Draws the Curtain of Time On 1923, We Pause to Think And as we look back over the days of the year gone by we see some things we might have done and some we might have left un done, but one thing we feel is as unchanged as it was the day we entered business and that is sincere appreciation of our patrons and our earnest desire each day to serve them better. The approach of a new year brings renewed interest in our regular pat rons and strengthens our desire to serve others. But in the midst of it all we stop to “take stock” so to speak and we find on hand a generous supply of good wishes so we pass this one along to you. May 1924 Be The Best You Have Known Bringing to you the joys that come from health, prosperity and contentment. We want to thank you for your patronage during the old year. We assure you that we have striven in word and action to merit your confidence and good will and with the coming of 1924 we anticipate the pleasure of continuing to number you among our friends and customer* This message, we hope, will find its way to those who have helped to make this business what it is today. MANDEVILLE MILLS