The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, December 20, 1923, Image 15

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1 THE OAHBOLL FREE PRESS, OAER OLLTON, CARROLL COUNTY, OA. Do you patronize Home Industries? Those of you wjno have been making your purchases away from Carrollton should think before doing so again. Think who sympathizes with you when you had sickness at home? Think who helped when you needed help badly? Most surely not the strangers far away? ' ■ OPEN NOSTRILS! END A COLD OR CATARRH « . How To Got Relief When Head - ; and Noae are Stuffed Up. ♦♦•♦••♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦MM* Count fifty! Your cold in head or -catarrh disappear*. Your clogged nos trils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you oan breathe freely. No more snuffling, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or headache; no struggling for breath at night. Qet a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist and apply a little of this fragrant antiseptic cream in your noBtrils. It penetrates through every air passage of the head, soothing and nealing the swollen or inflamed mu cous membrane, giving you instant re lief. Head colds and catarrh yield like magic. Don’t stay stuffed-up and miser able, Belief is sure. Ouch! Aching Joints, Rub Rheumatic Pain Rub Pain right out with small trial bottle of old “8t. Jacob* Oil." Rheumatism is “pain” only. Not one case in fifty requires inter nal treatment Stop drugging I Rub soothing, penetrating “St. Jacobs Oil" right into your sore, stiff, aching joints, and relief comes instantly. “St. Jacobs Oil” is a harmless rheumatism liniment which never disappoints and cannot burn the skin. Limber up I Quit complaining I Get a small trial bottle of old, honest “St. Jacobs Oil” at any drug store, and in just a moment you’ll be free from rheumatic pain, soreness and stiffness. Don’t suffer 1 Relief awaits you. “St. Jacobs Oil" is just as good for sci atica, neuralgia, lumbago, backache, •grainy. SHERIFF’S SALES Ease your tight, aching chest. Stop the pain. Break up the congestion. Feel a bad cold loosen up in just a short time. “Red Pepper Rub" is the cold rem edy that brings quickest relief. It can not hurt you and it certainly seems to end the tightness and drive the con gestion and soreness right out Nothing has such concentrated, pene trating heat as red peppers, and when heat penetrates right down into colds, congestion, aching muscles and sore, stiff joints relief comes at once. The moment you apply Red Pepper Rub you feel the tingling heat. In three minutes the congested spot is warmed through and through. When you are suffering from a colo, rheumatism, backache, stiff neck or sore nyiscles, just get a jar of Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made from red peppers, at any •drug store. You will have the quiete st relief known. Always say “Rowles.” GEORGIA—-Carroll County. Chi the first Tuesday in January, 1924, within the legal hours of sale, will be sold before the court house door of said county, in Carrollton, On., to the high est bidder, the following described property, to-wit: 40 acres of land of lot No. 124 in tho 4th district of said county and state, smno being tho land on which V. E. Cassells now resides. Levied on nnd to bo Bold under a fl fn issued from the city court of Cnrroll- ton in favor of Tho Peoples Bunk ngninst A. M. Bishop and L. J. Bishop, principals, nnd V. E. Cassell, security. Levied on ob tho property of tho de fendant. nnd notified him of levy. This December 5th, 1923. W. A. GARRUTT, Sheriff. Also, at the sumo time nnd place, tho following property, to-wit: 100 acres of lot of land No. 278; nlso 50 acres of lot of land No. 2(19. Said land lying and being in tho 6th district of Cnrroll county, Georgia. Levied on nad to bo sold under a fi fa issued from the Carroll Court of Ordi nary in favor of \V. K. Holmes’, trans feree, against W. O. Rutledge, guar dian. Levied on ns tho property of tho de fendant, W. O. Rutledge, and notified him of levy. This December 5th, 1923. ‘W. A. GARRETT, Sheriff. Also, at the same time and place, tho following property, to-wit: One lot of land No. 130, commencing at the southeast corner of sold lot No. 130, nnd running enst along the south line 122 yards (and corners); thence north parnllcl to west line 196 1-4 yards; thence west 122 yards to the west line of snid lot; tlionco south along snid lino to tho beginning place; containing five acres, more or less, on tho Handley Bridgo road. AIbo 1 1-2 acres, moro or Icsb, of lot No. 131 cast of Central of Georgia Railway, fronting the Handley Bridge road, running back to the point on railrond; east by lot 130 in the 10th district of Carroll county, Georgia. Also tho following land to-wit: Part of lot No. 130 and No. 159 in the 10th district of Carroll county, Ga,, nnd described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of the J. J. Gaston lot, running north on an angle line between lot No. 130 nnd No. 131 to the corner of lot No. 159; thence north along the line of said lot No. 159; thence north along tho lino of river; thence oaBterly to tho bank of tho river until it comes to tho right-of- way of the Central of Georgia Bailroad; thoncc southerly following the right-of- wav, thence to a stake; thcnco said stake south 4 1-2 degrees; east 23 chains to the northwest corner of J. J- Gaston’s (snid 5 acres lot); thence west along said five acres lot to tho beginning of said lot or parcel of land; contain ing 16 1-2 nrces, morn or less. Tho above described parcels amount to 23 acres, more or less. Levied on nnd to bo sold under a fi fa issued from City Court of Carrollton in favor of W. C. Morgan against Mrs. Emma Hondrix and Miss Lizzio Mc Lendon. Levied on ns the propetry of the de fendants nnd notified them of levy. This December 5tli. 1923. W. A. GARRETT, Sheriff. Also, nt the same time and place, the following property to-wit: 25 acres of land of lot No. 149 in tho 6th district of Cnrroll county. Georgia. Levied on nnd to be sold under n fi fa issued from the City Court of Carroll ton in favor of Tennessee Chemical Co. ngninst N. S. McDowell. LETTERS Or DISMISSION GEORGIA—Carroll County. W. P. Cumhio, administrator of tho estate of L. C. Cumbie, represents to the court in his petition duly filed nnd en tered on record, that he has fully ad ministered said estato. This is, there fore, to cite all persons concornod, kin- died and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not bo discharged from his ad ministration anil receive letters of dis mission on tho first Monday in January, 1924. This December 3rd, 1923. E. T. STEED, Ordinary. LETTTERS OF DISMISSION GEORGIA—Cnrroll County. L. S. Sims, administrator of John W. Richardson, Into of said county, de ceased, represents to tho court in his pe tition duly filed and entered on record, that he hns fully ndminitsorod tho es tate of John W. Richardson; this is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors to show cause, if any they can, why, said administrator should not be discharged from his ad ministration nnd reoeive letters of dis mission on tho first Monday in .Tniiu- ury, 1924. This December 5th, 1923. E. T. STEED, Ordinary. LETTERS OF DISMISSION GEORGIA—Carroll County. Mrs. W. B. C. Marlow, administratrix of W. B. C. Marlow, represents to tho court in her petition duly filed and en tered on record, that she has fully ad ministered said W. B. C. Marlow’s es tate. Tills is, therefore, to cite all per sons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can why sold administratrix should not be discharged from her administration, and receive letters of dismission on tho first Mondny in January, 1924. This December 3rd, 1923. E. T. STEED, Ordinary. Notice to Debtors and Creditors Notice is hereby given to all credit ors of tho estato of J. M. Taylors, late of snid county, deceased, to render In nil necount of their demands to mo within the time prescribed by lnw, properly made out, anil nil persons indebted to said deceased are hereby roquostod to make immediate payment to the under signed. This Decomber 5th, 1923. J. C. HICKS, Administrator of J. M. Taylor. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE GEORGIA—Cnrroll County. By virtue of mi order of tho Court of Ordinary of said enmity, passed nt tho December Term, 1923, of said court, will be sold at public outcry, to tho highest and best bidder for cash, within tho le gal hours of sale, boforo tho court house door of said county, on the first Tuesday de in January, 1924, the following scribed property, to-wit: “Ninety-fivo (95) acres of land off of lot No. 123, in the 5th district of said county, being all of tho west half of snid lot, except five (5) acres, moro or loss, off of liortheoast corner of said tract nnd a small fraction off of the southeast corner of said tract.” Bold ns the property of J. J. Craw ford, Into of said county, doconsed, for the purpose of paying the debts of snid estate and for distribution among tho heirs-at-law. This Deeombor 3rd, 1923. L. B. CRAWEORD, Admr. J. J. Crawford, Doc’d. PETITION,TO HAVE TITLES EXE CUTED GEORGIA—Carroll County. To tho Heirs-nt-lnw of J. E. Edmond son, Into of sniil county, deceased: W. A. Dupree having, in proper form, applied to mo for nil order requiring Miss A. E. Edmondson, admlnstrntrlx of J. E. Edmondson, Into of snid sounty, deceased, to execute titles to lands do scribed in said application, it Is ordered that Miss A. E. Edmondson, administra trix of said deceased, and Mrs. M. M. Edmondson, W. W. Edmondson, J. W. Edmondson, Mrs. L. Moseley, Mrs. M. H. Cochran, Mrs. E, M. Carmichnol, Mrs. M. E. Moseley, J. M. Edmondson, G. ('. Edmondson,-bo mid upponr before the ordinnry of snid comity on or be fore tho (list, Monday in January, 1924, then and thero to show enuso, if* any they can, why nn order should not bo passed directing the said Miss A. E. Edmondson, ndimnUtratrix, to execute to W. A. Dupree titles to lands de scribed in the copy of bond for titles annexed to said petition. This Decem ber 3rd, 1923. E. T. STEED, Ordinary. LETTERS OF DISMISSION GEORGIA—Carroll County. W. T. Lee, guardian of Lura E., Het- tie G., Leon F., and O. J. Loo, has ap plied to mo for a discharge from -his guardianship of his snid wards, this is to cite all persons concerned, kindred nnd creditors, to file their objections, if liny they have, on or before tho first Monday in January, 1924, else ho will bo discharged from his guardianship as applied for. This December, 3rd, 1923. E. T. STEED, Ordinary. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION GEORGIA—Cnrroll County. C. M. Hpruoll having, in propor form, applied to mo for permanent lettors of 'administration on tho estnto of Birdo Mabry, Into of said county, doconsed, this is to cite all persons concerned, kin dred and creditors, to show enuso, if any they can, hofore mo on or before the first, Monday in January, 1924, why snid application should not bo granted as applied for. This Deeombor 3rd, 1923. E. T. STEED, Ordinary. Bulck cars nnd parts for sale.- Johnson. -J. M. novStf If you have made your Christmas purchases you are indeed fortunate, but in the event that you have delayed it until now, the following list may be of help to make it easier for you to make some friend or loved one happy This Christmas. OUR STOCK OF GIFTS THAT LAST is most complete and we should apprec iate and suggest an early visit and we are sure it will prove of mutual benefit• GIFTS FOR LADIES Stop that pain! It's spoiling your en joyment and ruining -your health. When you’re suffer ing from headache, neuralgia, sciatica, ear ache, toothache, rheu matism or any other pain Dr. Miles* Anti-Pun Pills bring relief without un pleasant after effects. Your druggist sells them si pre-war prices—25 doses 25 cents. Economy pack age, 125 doses $1.00, Levied on ns the property of the de fendant nnd notified her of levy. This December 5th, 1923. , ._ W. A. GARRETT, Sheriff. Also, at the rme time and place, the following prope-’V, to-wit: One bale of li"t cotton, 25 bushels of cotton seed, *id about 200 pounds of soed cotton. . _ „ Levied on and to be Bold under a mortgnge fi fa iss ed from the Carroll Superior Court ir favor of Carrollton Bank against W. L Harper. Levied on ns the oroperty of the de fendant nnd found in his possession. This December 5th. ’923. W. A. GARRETT, Sheriff. Also, nt the same time nnd place, the following described property, to-wit: Two bales of lint cotton, about 50 bushels of corn, more or less. Levied on nnd to be sold under a fi fa issued from the City Court of Carroll ton in favor of Cowota Fertlizer Co. ngninst G, W. Chambers and A. B. Duf- Levied on ns the property of the de fendant, G. W. Chambers, nnd found in Ills possession. This December 5th, 1923. W. A. GARRETT, Sheriff. Also, at the same time and place, the following described propertv, to-wit: One-ninth interest in 250 acres of land, moro or less, beings pnrts of lots No. 153 and No. 154 in the 9th district of snid countv. Snid lnnd being fully described by metes nnd bounds in a certain map of the lands of E. M. Lovvom, recorded in Deed Book 26, pages 84 and 85, in the office of Clerk of Superior Court, which said map so recorded is hero referred to and made n part hereof. Levied on and to be sold under a fi fa issued from the City Court of Carroll ton in favor of Bank of Bowdon against Bowden Oil & Fertilizer Company and J. L. Lovvom. Levied on ns tho property of the de fendants and notified J. L. Lovvom and Boyd Lovvom of lew. This December 5th, 1923. W, A. GARRETT, Sheriff. Diamond Rings Rings Set with Stones Signet Rings Onyx Rings Ear Screws Bar Pins Brooches Iavallieres Neck Chains Lockets Silver Purses Cuff Pins Lingerie Clasps Wrist Watches Bracelets Dorine Boxes Vanity Cases Belt Pins Napkin Rings Cameo Rings Traveling Clocks Cut Glass Vases Sautoir Ribbons Sterling Silver Tableware Fruit Bowls Sugar and Cream Sets Thimbles Silver Vases Coin Purses Eversharp Pencils Fountain Pens Eye Glass Chains Tea Balls Cameo Brooches Diamond Bar Pins Perfume Bottles Card Cases Photo Lockets Pearl Necklaces Candle Sticks Syrup Pitchers Candy Jars Cheese and Cracker Plates Compotes Salt and Pepper Sets Cut Glass Water Sets GIFTS FOR GENTLEMEN Pocket Watches Wrist Watches Diamond Rings Diamond Scarf Pins Watch Fobs Watch Chains Ribbon Watch Chains Pocket Knives Lockets Odd Felolw Charms Odd Fellow Buttons Odd Fellow Rings Masonic Charms Masonic Pins Tie Clasps Collar Buttons Clocks Belt Buckles and Belts Masonic Rings Shriners’ Jewelry Knights of Pythias Jewelry Elk Jewelry Modern Woodman Jewelry W. O. W. Jewelry Cuff Links Fountain Pens Eversharp Pencils Gold and Silver Knives Match Safes Cigarette Cases Safety Watch Chains Signet Rings Collar Pins Pocket Combs Etc., Etc., Etc. Gifts for Boys, Girls and the Little Ones Rings Lockets Crosses Pearl B Bracele Spoons Cuff Buttons Stick Pins '111 i