The Carroll free press. (Carrollton, Ga.) 1883-1948, December 20, 1923, Image 4

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THE CARROLL FREE PRESS, CARR OLLTON, CARROLL COUNTY, OA. THURSDAY, DEC. 20, 192S IN CHURCH CIRCLES Merry Christmas FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Dr. Gilbert Dobbs, Pastor. We take this seasonable opportunity not only to thank you for your good will toward our business, but wish to send you as well a personal message of CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR GREETINGS The Rev. W. Harvey Clarke, mission ary from Tokyo, ^apan, spoke at both j -ervi, i s at the First Baptist church j Sunday. He has written that he great ly appreciated the cordial reception ac corded him, and the good rainy day au diences. with the sincere hope that you may enjoy the most happy Yuletide of your life, and that you may par take most bountifully of the riches of the New Year. Fishers 5 & 10c Store •Half Dozen Happy Kiddies FOR SALE By ELEANOR KING r.q tDoman gathers in riomeless Tots Christmas Festivities The only Christmas special we will have this year will tx> a short program | next Sunday morning at the Sunday I Schooi hour. The pastor. Dr. Dobbs. I will give an address on the ‘‘Christmas I Spirit” and an appropriate music pro gram will be heard. All members of the school are urged to bring to this ser vice the Christmas bags with your con tributions to the Empty Stocking fund. The pastor will till his pulpit at both hours. Let all of otir folks come out to' service next Sunday and hear the sermon on ‘‘The Soil: the Eastern I || Witlj Grateful Appreciation I S .ley School at 9:4U and B. V f. at I) o'clock P. M.. Von are eeo ,1; invited to worship with us. ' for all favors received by us from you, and for that priceless, though intangible asset, your good will, which we prize beyond measure, we ask to merit your continued confidence and aim to serve you help- ►» fully in the future. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. E. L. Barber, Pastor. Gainesboro Telephone & Telegraph Company 1923 - THANKS - 1924 Thanking you for your liberal patronage during the last year and assuring our many friends and patrons that our appreciation shall always be shown by ever increasing service, We wish you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A SUCCESSFUL NEW YEAR (Ini Christmas pageant, using the pro gram “The Day spring from on High” will be given Sunday evening at seven (.’clock. Mrs. Knox Walker is iu charge of the program, Mrs. Jov Ayeock of tli. 1 music, and Mrsr L. .J. Brock ot decora■ turns. Dr. L. J. Brock will act as Reader and Mr. Joe Avcock will attend to the lighting. Among the characters are Angels of Hope, Child Angels, Church, Spirit of Christian Home, Spirit of Christian Education, Spirit of the Gospel,- America. The pageant is presented by the Sunday School and the offering will be the Sunday School’s Christmas gift to the cause of Christian Education and Ministerial Relief. The 1924 Prayer Calendar is on sale by the Woman’s Auxiliary. Afeto “White Fields of Japan,” of which eight copies have been sold. Tins Study Class will be held in the Session room weekly in January and February fulminating on Foreign Mission Bdy. Apply to Mrs. .1. C. Brock for books. The Penny Bngs which were given out at Sunday School last New Year’s are to In- brought in next Sunday. This offering will go to make Cliristnfns brighter for the inmates of the epunty farm, the jail and the convict eaipp. For some .years this has been an annual offering in our Sunday School aird"fhe cause is a most worthy one. 1 FIRST METHODIST CHRCH ifi? Rev. .1. H. Logan, Pastor. The Army Store Merry, Merry Christmas The good will of our patrons and friends is one of our most valuable assets., The spirit of the season brings to us re newed appreciation of our old friends and the value of new friends. May your Christmas be a happy one and success attend your New Year. Let us not forgot Hie Golden Vrqi$ ( movement during the Christmas ylife- tide. Uur ,pooph- are already informed as to the work of the Golden Cross, it in unnecessary to go into detail. tjf all conferences in Southern Methodism none should make a better showing than ours, as we have the best hospital ill the whole connection. And of all counties in the State none should do better than Carroll according to wealth and popu lation. for Carroll county has the dis tinct ion of being the birthplace of the •presideict of the Golden Cross, Bishop Warren A. Candler. We hope our members will see Mrs. Upshaw- and give her their names for enrollment. Let our Sunday School teachers do what they can to enroll their classes. Sanitary Grocery Store S. C. Maxwell, Mgr. For a More Enjoyable Christinas Dinner In order to make your Christmas dinner a success and be sasured of the best provisions, get your sup plies here. Delicacies here of every sort as well as all of the b more substantial items you will need for a successful * Christmas dinner (and other meals during the Holi- WE WISH YOU' A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A NEW YEAR OF PEACE AND PROSPERITY PARKER & HARMON Services al the church next Sunday morning and evening. 11 A. M., .sub ject, ‘‘The Star of Bethlehem;” 7 P. M., “The Profitableness of Godliness.” Sunday School at 9:30. A Christmas program will be rendered and’ the school’s collection will he donated to the “Empty Stocking Fund.” * BOWDON JUNCTION HE dining, room of this j e x q u i s its ■ ^ > home was [or Christmas beautiful. spacious and fur-1 nished in the best i of taste. Its massive Jacobean high- j backed chairs, long tabic, draperies all harmonized. But that quality which puts one at ease was lacking. It looked austere and unfriendly. The j sen ants had decorated the table and j room profusely, trying to give a little of the Christmas atmosphere. The for bidding look still asserted itself, though. From the length of the table and amount of edibles piled upon It,: one might have judged there was to be j quite a party, but only four places! were set. The dinner gong sounded. A middle- j aged, well-dressed man and woman np- , pea red. ' And you say Thelma w ent out in ! the car? - ’ “She didn't say where she was go ing. Robert." replied Ills wife. "She probably thought Hubert was taking too long in getting over here, so she took it upon herself to go after him." "Undoubtedly,” assented Mrs. Fre mont. Thelma came soon bursting in upon her folks, coat and hat still on. To be sure, slie had Hubert with her. "Dad. mother,” she exclaimed, “come anil see what I have out here!" She led her folks into the front hall. To their astonishment, they found the Good 10-room house, water, lights and conveniences, close in—suitable for two families, or boarding house. Will sell or exeliauge for farni.—W. T. Stevens. ltMcctfne. ANNOUNCEMENT We are authorized to announce W. B. Richards as a candidate for Comma- sioner of Roads and Revenues of Car- ioll county, subject to primary election. Manhood’s Afterthought. When a man looks back and Uilnke: of what a fool he was, he is glad there were no monkey glands to prolong his youth. ;—t < STOPS CROUP Mothers xvant it, for it quickly clears away the choking phlegm, stops the hoarse cough, gives rest ful sleep. Safe and reliable. CHAMBERLAIN’S COUGH REMEDY No Narcotics Costs 1c a month to get 22 eggs frt >in each hen in stead of the dozen a month under your old system. Just use the same good feed with Pratts Poultry aidfc digestion, shortens molt, tones up system and increases eggs and profits. P r o v e n b y 511 vears of success. Regulator added and watch Money back if you’re not results. Keens hens healthy, satisfied. Poultry W Means more eggs from ANY mash—even Pratts Guaranteed by 1 JOHNSON DRUG CO., Carrollton, Ga. W. C. ABERCROMBIE & CO., - - - |>oug!|sville, Ga. WORTHY BROS., * - fcamdlton, Ga. Regulator W. D. POWELL, . ■Villa’ Rica, Ga butler and a maid occupied In remov ing coals and lints from six children. "Well, where did you get these?" sabl Mr. Fremont In his blustering way. "It's like this, Dad," begun Thelma with u rather apologetic air: vWhen 1 came downstairs this afternoon and saw that dlhlng room table heaped up with good tilings—well, I just went for Hubert; together we found the name of the nursery or home or whatever you cal! it, near and we weut over there. I had the matron give me half a doxen children, and here they are.” She pointed to the group In front of her, who were busy taking In their surroundings. ‘“Children, tills Is my father, and this my mother. Now, Dad, here i- Tony, Rose, Frederick, Charles, Anna, and Marie,” as she gathered the children to her. “Now, children, we arc going in and have dinner. Lot's see. Hubert, you take Frederick and uhnrlex, I)ad take Tony; Mother, you tilke Anna, and I will have Rose and i Marie." / T lie children, ranging from six to eight, were rather shy until they set eyes on all the goodies on the table; then they were all excitement. Thelma winked at Hubert, and then looked at her dad. He was busy keeping meat enough cut tip for Tony, supplying his numerous other demands, and keeping up with Ids many questions. The chil dren were fairly stuffed when they climbed down from the table. "We arc going to play some games now," said Thelma. “Hubert, you get on that side of the circle; come on, Dad and Mother.” But no umount of coaxing could bring Dad and Mother. Dad thought he hud done his share. “What do you think?" said Thelma to the children a little while later; CITY DRUG STORE, - - Bowdon, Ga We Wish You The j M Merriest Christmas ' M Y-:-' You have our heartiest wishes for a < • most enjoyable Christmas, also twelve months of happiness in. 1924. On last Sunday light, December Kith, llic death angel visited the home of Rev. B. F. Earnest and claimed 1h; wife and mother of the home. Mrs. Earnest had been in declining health for some time. She leaves a husband and live children, two boys and tlirep girls, and a host of relatives and friends j to mourn her departure. Interment was j made in the cemetery at Mt. Zion. | Mr. and Airs. Leo Hutson announce j the birth of a daughter on the eleventh of this month. Mr. and. Mrs. A. D. Reid and fam-i ily, of Birmingham, Ala., spent several , days visiting in this community re- j eentlv. j Mr. and Airs. T. N, Pettigrew have j recently moved to the AV. II. fS. Howard | place. "Hubert tells me he was just In the library, and Santa left a Christmas tree and some gifts for you In there." They all made a dash for .the door. “Where do you suppose she got these tilings'.-” queried Mr. Fremont of his wife. "I can't imagine,” she replied; “this must have been the planning of more than today. It came time for Thelma to. give the dread announcement that they were to leave for the home. Before doing so she surveyed the scene before her: There was Dad, on his hands and knees, crawling about the iloor with Tony, playing train. Tony had suc ceeded in winning over Air. Fremont. There sat her mother reading a story to three of the youngsters, and Hu bert—she could hardly, believe iter eyes—sat cuddling a . little sleeping form in his arms. She went over and sat down on the uvrq of his chair. “You depr old thihg," she said, put ting her nnn around lihn ; then, “Hu bert, look at Dad. Won’t you say this day was been a success?”. (©, 1®2S, Western Newspaper Union,) Brock-Cobb Grocery Co. Merry Christmas It’s my desire to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to the many friends and customers for their splendid patronage and support during my management of “The Leader.” I am very sorry in deed that I cannot be with you next year as business of my own requires my presence in Athens, Ga., where Ishall make my future home. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Prosper ous New Year. Respectfully, A. YUDELSON. When in Athens your call will be appreciated. Xmas Used Car Sale ■iff UNDER THE MISTLETOE .—XZZTj “Oh, professor, see the big bunch of mistletoe I have hung on the WfW|^|W W chandelier," exclalmde the young lady; III II staudjng under It and smiling roguish- R M ^ Young and Learned Professor (look-. ing' near-sightedly through his glasses)—“Ah, yes. It is an excellent PAT? A CTTTPTnP 4 of the Viscum Album, of .rA.K-A-oII-. -v.I Urn j the^rder Loranthacaea. It Is a Jointed dlchotomas shrub." And that was all Killed in 30 minutes with >.'■ Buy no substitute, 50c. .at JONES DRUG CO. We have a large stock of used cars and for the remainder of this year we are go ing to offer our entire stock of used cars at very low prices. If you are in the mar- ’ ket for a used car, we have an assortment ,of all kinds, which have been gone over S# by expert mechanics, and it will be to 1 your, interest to see ours before buying,;^ Terms can be arrang^c^ - • ,- 1 •i.-.nH:', t , Wo- , ■ mm ~ ~ M ..«■ W. L.